Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of the Syndicate ❯ Fortune's Fool ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ch 9 – Fortunes Fool

Jade awoke slowly greeted with a slight hangover. With a large groan she held her head while grabbing a small bottle of aspirin by her bed. Needing no water she swallowed the pill quickly, cringing while doing so.

Not wanting to start her day yet, Jade took her time in getting dressed and brushing her teeth. Wanting to confide in Annie, the woman she had grown accustomed to as her mother, Jade took her time walking to the infirmary.

Passing by Vicious' office, Jade saw the door was cracked open again. Jade put up her guard, knowing nothing ever happened twice unless Vicious wanted it to. Listening to the voices carefully, she realized he was talking to Julia.

"You betrayed me from the very beginning. At first it appealed me, not many people have the gull to do so. I let you have your fun and see him. Now you have to repay me for my gratitude. I won’t allow you to leave me just yet." The room went silent for a moment, creating a thick tension.

"What do I have to do?” Julia sounded sure of herself, even at his next comment.

"Kill him...the next time you see him." Jade held in a slight gasp, her body becoming stiff.

"And If I refuse?" Jade strained to hear and took a small step to the entrance. Her body now stood firmly against the door, making it creak slightly.

"Use your imagination on what I'll do to you... no need to eavesdrop Jade. Come in." Letting out a defeated sigh, Jade walked in the office and stood in the far corner.

With that said Julia left the room, not having the courage to look Jade in the face. The room fell into a deep and awkward silence.

"How long have you known?" Jade’s voice was barely above a whisper, not entirely wanting to hear an answer.

"When you gave me that pathetic lie about going to that club." She suddenly went into a defensive position; ready for any punishment he had in store.

"I want you to follow her. If she doesn't kill him, take care of them both. Let that be your punishment for lying to me all this time." Jade nodded and left the office quietly.

Guilt hit Jade hard as she left the building in search for Spike. Though she was quite rebellious, Jade knew better than to double cross Vicious twice in a row. However he never said not to warn Spike, which Jade chose to take full advantage of.

She drove to the market place where he was last seen, taking her time as she parked the car. It was raining fairly heavy, causing Jade's loose hair to stick to her face and jacket. She pulled the collar of her jacket close to her face, attempting to ease the harsh beat of the rain.

Searching for Spike was fairly easy since the market place was empty, probably due to the rain. Her eyes soon landed on him as he bought roses, no more than fifty feet away. He looked so happy, happier than Jade had seen him in a long time. It hurt Jade like hell knowing she would have to end his bliss.

All thought had stopped when Jade felt a slight gleam in her eye. As she turned she heard the familiar click of a gun. There someone sat appearing to be drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. The figure held a gun pointed at Spike under the table, contradicting the whole illusion.

Jade swiftly moved behind the hooded figure, preparing to defend her comrade with her life.

"Hand it over." Jade's voice was low and threatening. The hooded assassin briefly felt the barrel of Jade's gun pressed against their lower back. Hesitantly the person gave the gun to her.

Curiosity got the best of Jade as she pulled the hood off the attempted killer. Golden locks of hair escaped from the hood revealing Julia, who stared at the floor in shame but not guilt. Jade sighed heavily to release the anger welling up inside. Taking a seat beside Julia, Jade asked for answers.

"How? How could you do this to him? He loves you so much. It’s just...It doesn't make sense." Jade said as she placed the guns in her lap. She hoped to hear an answer that wouldn't hurt Spike's heart, but luck wasn't on her side.

"Do this to him? He put me in this situation...I never asked to leave with him, nor did I ever want to." Julia's tone was cold and caught Jade slightly off guard.

"Do you even love him?" Jade asked silently, praying that Spike didn't give his life to someone who wasn't willing to do the same.

"Honestly...I don't love him as much as he wants me to. It was fun while it lasted, but I won't to die for him." Jade had never felt more disgust toward Julia than at that moment.

Her heart went out for Spike and how heart broken he would be if he knew. Jade however, was more angry with herself, for not seeing Julia for the fraud she really was.

"You're a dirty, betraying whore and I should kill you where you sit... "Jade viciously spat at Julia, making her slightly frightened. Her next words calmed Julia's posture slightly. "...But I won't. You’re not worth the bullet."

Jade then tossed her car keys on the table and glanced over at Spike. He was now buying chocolate and had a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Take my car. There's some money in the glove compartment, enough to buy you a plane ticket. If I ever see you near him or me, I swear I'll kill you. Understood?"

Julia nodded dumbly, grabbed the keys and began her run to the car. Before letting her go, Jade snatched a silver necklace from Julia’s pale neck, a gift Vicious had given to her some time ago. Jade decided that would be sufficient proof to Vicious that she had killed Julia.

She peered over at Spike once more and found him leaving the market. Jade ran fast in order to catch up to Spike, the rain beating her in the face while doing so. She grabbed his shoulder and leaned on him to catch her breath. After a couple of seconds, his happy voice cut through her ragged breath.

"Jade, I really wasn't expecting to see you today." Jade stared into his miss-matched eyes in apology, as if trying to find the right words to tell him his fate. Spike needed no explanation and began to panic.

"They aren't going to let us go are they? Where's Julia? I have to go find her!"

Jade became nervous, unsure of how to stop him.

"It's too late Spike...She's dead." Her voice was soft, however Spike heard perfectly. His heart pained not wanting to believe a word.

"Julia's smart, she could have gotten away. She could still be alive!"

Spike sprinted to his car, making Jade shout out for him.

"I KILLED HER!" Her voice was strained and hitched lightly. Spike stopped in his tracks and turned his head partially as Jade walked to him.

She was no more than two feet away from him now. The rain continued its onslaught on them, making Jade shiver. Her hand went to his arm out of comfort, but Spike flinched at her touch.

"I don't believe you...I can't believe you." His voice was barely above a whisper, trying to disguise his pain.

Jade grabbed Spike's hand, placed the silver necklace in his palm and wrapped his hand around it. He didn't need to look at it, knowing exactly what it was. Spike felt disgusted that he was holding the last remains of the woman he loved. While throwing it on the floor, Spike pulled out a distorted cigarette. The harsh wind blew the sweet stick out of his hand, making him silently curse fate.

"Why? You of all people should support me!" His words dripped with venom that Jade had never seen from him. Jade hated doing this to Spike, but it had to be done.

He turned to Jade keeping his hand on his gun at all times. Spike needed closure or anything to put his heart at ease. The answer Jade gave did nothing to do so.

"Because Spike…It’s my job."

Jade's comment caught him off guard, as well as angered him to the point where thinking straight wasn't possible. He brought his gun to Jade's face, making her react the same way.

Both stood a foot from each other, with guns placed between their eyes. Jade's hand shook from the cold or her feelings, she wasn't sure which. The rain had stopped falling, leaving only cold wind in its wake.

Unable to end it like this, Jade lowered her gun in defeat. Her tone was pleading with the barrel she faced.

"Go. Please leave, I can't do this." Her pleads did nothing to falter his stoic face.

It didn't shock Jade that he still kept the gun to her face. For the first time since they met, Jade actually thought he would kill her. Realization finally came as Jade closed her eyes awaiting her demise. No longer able to hold it in any more, a lone tear fell down her face. She didn't cry for her death, but for hurting the only person who made her feel whole.

"I hope you forgive me one day..." A loud shot rang through the air, causing Jade's eyes to open wide in surprise. Her still teary eyes stared at Spike's blank expression.

Relief was all Jade felt, as the sound of a syndicate watchmen's body fell to the ground. She continued to stare with confusion at Spike. The time of silence didn't last long as enemy bullets surrounded them.

Both ducked behind some nearby wall while dodging the oncoming fire. Jade sat next to Spike as she discarded the empty clip for a full one.

"You mean to tell me your gun wasn't loaded the entire time!?" Said Spike, slightly baffled that Jade pointed an empty gun at him.

"Yeah, I pointed it out of reaction." Jade stated, making Spike sigh in response.

Jade turned the corner and fired her gun, killing two more watchmen. Spike went to follow but bumped into Jade's still form. Ready to tell her to move, he was cut off.

"No, you go! I couldn't give you the life you wanted, but at least you can live free." Jade handed him a slip of paper with writing on it.

"What's this?" He asked while Jade continued to fire her gun, killing another.

"That’s where a man named Jet Black will meet you. He's an old friend of the family and an ex cop. He'll let you stay on his ship if you pull your own weight. You don't have much time, now go!"

Spike went to leave when Jade grabbed his arm. As he turned, Jade planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Bye." She whispered lightly in his ear. Taking one last look, Spike fled in the opposite direction.

Jade turned back to her task of killing the rest of the man. "No witnesses." She said while the last of the men died. Jade turned to the vacant spot next to her, wishing Spike were still there. Instead there was a silver ring. As Jade walked through the vacant market, she put the ring and the necklace in her pocket.

Realization suddenly hit Jade full force as she looked at the empty parking space.

"How am I supposed to get to the headquarters? Maybe giving her my car was a bad idea." She stated to no one in particular.

With an annoyed groan, Jade searched some of the dead men for car keys. After a couple of minutes, Jade was in a car on her way to headquarters.


Jade walked through familiar hallways of the syndicate. Something had withered away inside her. Knowing she would never see Spike again made her feel that much alone.

She walked into Vicious' office, not bothering to knock. Her face was blank and emotionless, making others around her uncomfortable. Jade ignored the man in the room and went straight to Vicious.

"It’s done." She said while tossing the jewelry on his desk.

"So, did Spike put up a good fight?" Said Vicious, knowing Jade didn't want to talk about it. When Jade didn't answer Vicious continued to speak.

"Well, it might explain why all my subordinates are dead." Jade gripped the edge of his desk in order not to choke the life from him.

Jade spoke through her gritted teeth to keep her anger in check.

"If they weren't there, they wouldn't be dead. I'd appreciate if you didn't send babysitters to watch me. It insults me and my skill."

Satisfied with her response, Jade began to walk out until Vicious' voice stopped her.

"I didn't excuse you Jade...Did I?" Vicious enjoyed getting Jade angry, however the coldness of her exterior made him lose interest sexually. Jade only turned to see Vicious holding a new mission in his hands.

She once again walked to his desk and easily swiped the manila folder from his grasp.

"My Jade, aren't we cold today?"

Jade yelled out a quick "Fuck you!" and barely heard his last statement.

"Aaw Jade, I'd fuck you any time." The other man in the room began to laugh, until Jade's dagger hit the back of his chair.

Jade walked to her room while studying the contents of the manila folder. Jade hadn't noticed she was crying till the tears fell on the paper. She went to the bathroom sink and washed her face. Jade checked her reflection to see her eyes where red and puffy. Her skin was pale with bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep. Frankly her reflection made her slightly sick, not recognizing it in the least.

She choked back a sob that threatened to escape. Not strong enough to keep control, more tears found it's way down her face. Jade's breathing became erratic as her legs shook under her weight.

She would have fallen to the floor if Spike's voice didn't hit her ears.

"Are you okay?" Jade's heart skipped a beat as she turned to see her fuzzy haired friend.

There stood a miscellaneous man that she had seen through the hallways. While wiping her face Jade mumbled a quick "I'm fine." She grabbed the folder on the floor and fled from the bathroom to her quarters.

Right now, Jade needed anything to distract her misleading mind. She grabbed her black duffle bag and left the building on prey for her next kill.

A/N: Alright, another chapter done. Hope you enjoyed it. We’re not exactly sure when chapter 10 is going to come out. It’s a work in progress. Hopefully you won’t have to wait to long. Any questions or comments?? Leave them in a review!!! No flames, but constructive criticism is welcomed.