Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Myself Ten Years From Now ❯ Going To School ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Myself Ten Years From Now

Chapter 1: Going To School

"Faye, Faye wake up," a middle sized woman with dark purple hair and blue eyes said as she opened her daughter's window.

"Do I have to?" a girl that looked to be 13 asked as she peeked her head out of under the covers.

"Yes Faye you have to get ready for school, you have that big project today remember," her mother said.

"Please don't remind me," Faye replied, "Ahh it's to bright," she said as she saw the sunlight coming in through her window.

"Get up Faye you need to get going," her mother said and left her room.

"Alright," Faye replied sleepily and got out of her bed. "Good morning," she said as she looked out the window and saw some birds perched on a tree nearby. "Are you gonna have a good day? I'm not I have to give a report today in front of the whole class with Sally, it's not very good this is going to be so embarrassing," Faye said as she watched the birds. "You don't even care do you? Oh well I have to get ready see you later," she said and walked over to her mirror.

"Faye are you up?" she heard a deep male voice in the hallway.

"Yes daddy I'm getting dressed right now!" Faye replied.

"Ok but you'd better hurry or you won't have time for breakfast."

"Aright I'll hurry," Faye said and took off her light blue pajamas and put on her white shirt and yellow school sweater on. "Man this stinks," she said as she put on her dark green skirt.

"Faye hurry up!" her mom called from downstairs.

"I am!" Faye hollered back and ran down to the kitchen.

"Oh there you are," her mom said with a smile as Faye sat down at the table. "Are you ready for school today?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Faye replied as she ate her breakfast.

"We have a surprise for you when you get home Faye," her father said as he read the paper.

"Wow really?" Faye asked as she stared at her father, he was a tall man about middle aged he had brown hair and a mustache.

"Yes Faye we do," her mother replied.

"Wow what is it?" Faye asked with a smile.

"Will tell you later tonight during dinner," her father said.

"But…." Faye said.

"Oh Faye you need to get going your bus will be here any minute," her mother said as she looked at the clock.

"Oh…ok… " Faye said and grabbed her backpack and headed for the door.

"Faye you forgot your jacket," her father said and threw her her white jacket.

"Thanks dad I love you both see you later," Faye said and left for school. "I wonder what that surprise is?" Faye asked herself as she walked past the fountain that stood in her front yard. "I wish they would of told me," she said as she walked onto the sidewalk toward the corner where she waited for the bus.

"Faye, Faye! Hey wait up!"

"Huh oh hi!" Faye said as she saw her best friends Sally and Rachel running after her.

"Hey Faye what's up?" Sally a girl with short brown hair asked.

"Oh not much," Faye replied as they walked.

"Oh come on Faye there has to be something on your mind I can tell by that look on your face," Rachel a girl with long curly black hair and blue eyes said.

"Hey did something happen with you and Makoto?" Sally asked.

"Huh? What? No way," Faye said.

"Are you sure? I mean you two are going out aren't you?" Rachel asked.

"What no way I'd never go out with a jerk like him," Faye said as they stopped at the corner.

"Who cares if he's a jerk he's so cute," Rachel said.

"Yeah and he totally likes you," Sally replied.

"I would never go out with him," Faye said.

"But why?" they both asked.

"Because I just don't want to," Faye replied.

"Well ok but if I where you I would," Sally said.

"Oh hey are you staying after school we are supposed to make that movie remember?" Rachel said pulling out her video camera.

"Huh video?" Faye asked.

"Faye what's gotten into you? We've been talking about this video for a long time now the Myself Ten Years From Now video were we leave messages and then we all watch them ten years in the future," Rachel said.

"Oh yeah I remember it," Faye said.

"What's with you today?" Sally asked.

"Well my parents said they have a surprise for me tonight, I'm just trying to figure out what it is," Faye said as the bus came.

"Oh really that's cool you're so lucky you have like the perfect family, my family isn't anything like yours I never get surprises," Sally said as they got on the bus.

"Yeah I guess," Faye said as she looked out the bus window.

"Hey did you get your half of the report done?" Sally asked.

"Yeah here," Faye replied and pulled a paper out of her backpack.

"Wow this is really good Faye," Sally said as she read the information Faye had gotten on the new Stargate they had just made, it allowed people to go on a ship and go out into space.

"Thanks," Faye replied.

"Hi Faye," a boy said as he sat down in the seat in front of Faye and Sally.

"Oh hi Makoto," Faye replied.

"Hi Makoto," Sally and Rachel both said with what looked like big hearts in their eyes.

"Hi," he said again.

"Hey Faye you know that new Stargate they made well my parents just go me a ticket to go on it," Makoto said pulling out a ticket.

"Oh boy that's cool Makoto," Faye said trying to be as nice as possible but really wanting to punch him in the face and go sit somewhere else.

"Yeah I was wondering if I can get you a ticket would you go with me?" he asked.

"Oh that's so sweet asking her to go on this once in a life time trip with him," Sally said.

"Yeah it sounds so romantic," Rachel said as they stared at Makoto, he was a year older than Faye, he had brown hair and brown eyes all the girls loved him but Faye thought he was a brat.

"I'll have to think about it," Faye said as they pulled into the school's driveway.

"Ok tell me when you find out ok?" Makoto asked.

"Yeah sure," Faye replied as they got off the bus.

"Well I have to go I'll see you later," Makoto said and ran off.

"Faye how could you do that?" Sally and Rachel both asked.

"Do what?" Faye said as they entered the school.

"What do you mean what how could you say I'll think about it?" Sally asked.

"I dunno I just don't know if I want to go or not," Faye replied as they walked down the hallway.

"You are so imposable Faye anyone else would have said yes in a heartbeat he so sweet," Rachel said.

"I don't think he is I think he's just a spoiled brat," Faye replied as she stopped at her locker.

"But why? He's not a jerk or brat he's a really sweet guy," Rachel said as Faye pulled some books out of her locker.

"Well then how come he's only sweet to me?" Faye asked.

"He's nice to everyone but he's sweet to you because he loves you," Sally said.

"Yeah whatever," Faye said.

"Well we'd better go we'll be late for class if we don't hurry," Sally said as she looked at her watch.

"Don't forget after school we're meeting Kimie and Andi after school to make that movie," Rachel said as she and Sally left to go to their classes.

"Don't worry I won't, I'll see you in 3rd hour Sally be ready for the report," Faye said.

"I'll be ready don't worry," Sally yelled back and went up the stairs.