Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Myself Ten Years From Now ❯ The Evil Report ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Myself Ten Years From Now Chapter 2: The Evil Report

"Come on Sally where are you?" Faye asked herself impatiently as she looked at the clock, "You better be here," she said as she sat down in her seat.

"Ok class as you all know we have repots to do today," Faye's teacher said as she wrote on the chalkboard.

"Yeah and my partner's not here and she has all our stuff," Faye said to herself.

"Ok who will go first? Any volunteers?" the teacher asked. "Ok then the evil finger of fate will pick someone," she said as she took out her grade book. "Let's see," she said as she closed her eyes and put her finger down on a name.

"Please not me, please not me," Faye said to herself.

"Ok its Rick Thompson," she said.

"Oh thank you God," Faye said with a sign.

"I'm sorry I'm late Mrs. Bow I had to go get my poster from my locker," Sally said as she came in out of breath.

"Miss Sally Young I understand what you're saying but you need to get here on time."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bow it won't happen again," Sally said.

"I expect you not to, take your seat."

"Yes ma'ma," she said and sat down next to Faye.

"Oh thank God you're here I thought you wouldn't come," Faye said.

"Hey I told I was didn't I?" Sally replied.

"Yes but…" Faye began.

"Girls be quiet we have people presenting," Mrs. Bow said as she watched Rick and his partner John give their report.

"Sorry," they both said.

"Alright boys very good," Mrs. Bow said as she called up another group.

"This is so boring," Sally said after most of the groups where done.

"Tell me about it," Faye replied.

"Ok Sally, Faye you're our last group so get going," Mrs. Bow said.

"Oh no," Faye said to herself as they headed up to the front of the classroom.

"Hi Faye good luck."

"Makoto is in here?" Faye said as she stood at the front of the room, "As if my life couldn't get any worse."

"What Faye?" Mrs. Bow asked.

"Oh nothing," Faye replied and hung up their poster.

"Ok I'm Sally."

"And I'm Faye."

"And we did our report on the new Stargate that allows people to go into space," they both said at the same time.

"This is so embarrassing," Faye thought to herself as she stared at the class while Sally said her part of the speech.

"Faye, Faye say your stuff, Faye," Sally said as she stared at Faye who was frozen in place her face was a red as an apple with embarrassment. "Faye," Sally said again.

"What oh yeah," Faye said and started her part of the speech, "Well as you can see by the charts on our poster that the Stargate is really cool," Faye said and pointed at the poster.

"Faye what are you doing that's not what you're supposed to say.

"See it goes really high in the sky all the way into space and it's really cool and stuff," Faye said so embarrassed she couldn't think straight.

"Faye what are you doing?" Sally asked as the class began to laugh.

"I'm giving the report," Faye replied as everyone except for Makoto laughed harder.

"That's not what you're supposed to say, just do what we did at your house," Sally said.

"But that's what I am doing," Faye replied.

"No it's not your saying nonsense when you're supposed to be saying facts," Sally said beginning to get very embarrassed as well.

"These are facts," Faye said, "So as I was saying it goes ahhh!" Faye said as the poster fell on top of her then to he floor and the kids laughed harder and harder.

"Children, children settle down, well Sally, Faye it looks like your report is finished please take your seats."

"Yes Mrs. Bow," they said and went back to their seats.

"Faye what happened?" Sally asked.

"I'm sorry I was just… I dunno," Faye said looking like she was about ready to cry.

"Well children it looks like we've done enough for today, you have no homework."

"Yeah!" all the kids yelled.

"Quiet down," Mrs. Bow said as the bell rang for lunch.

"Oh its that time already, well have a good weekend."

"That was horrible," Faye said as they walked down the hall to the lunchroom.

"It wasn't so bad and we made everyone in class happy," Sally said as they walked.

"I hate that stupid thing, that evil report," Faye said as tears begin to slide down her face.

"Hey it's ok," Sally said.

"Hey Faye!" Makoto hollered from down the hall.

"Oh no not him not now," Faye said still crying.

"Hey he's nice just give him a chance," Sally said.

"Hey what's up?" Makoto asked as he ran up beside them. "What's wrong?" he asked as he saw Faye's tears.

"She upset about the report," Sally said.

"Oh I see, well don't worry about it Faye it wasn't bad and everyone loved it," Makoto said.

"See I told you," Sally replied.

"The only reason they liked it was because I looked like a fool," Faye replied as she stopped walking and sank down to the floor.

"Hey come on now," Makoto said getting down next to her, "It wasn't bad at all."

"Oh this could be the perfect chance for those to get together," Sally thought to herself, "I'd better leave them alone." "Well guys I've gotta go."

"Huh but why?" Faye asked.

"Uh… I was supposed to meet some people at lunch bye," she said and ran off with a smile, "He really does love her oh that's so sweet she's so lucky."

"Don't worry about it Faye," Makoto said and pulled her to her feet.

"But I looked like an idiot, everyone's going to make fun of me," Faye said.

"No they wont," Makoto replied, "I'll be sure they wont," he said and hugged her, letting her cry into his shirt.

"What am I doing? Why do I feel so strange? Why do I feel like I like him? I hate this boy at least I thought I did, so why, why am I hugging him and crying into his shirt?" Faye asked herself.

"Hey we need to go are you ok now?" Makoto asked.

"Yeah I think so," Faye replied and wiped away the last of her tears with her shirt.

"Ok good so lets go," Makoto said and took Faye's hand as they walked to the lunchroom.

"I guess Makoto isn't so bad, maybe he is nicer than I thought," Faye said to herself as they headed for the lunchroom, "But I still hate that evil report."