Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Cigarette ❯ Life On My Own ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Here's chapter two!

A/N:: In this woolongs are counted like ¥ (yen). If I'm not mistaken that's how it's done in the series also. I'm doing estimates so 10,000 is like $100 making 1,000 like $10. It's not the actual amount it would be, I rounded up.

DISCLAIMER: Bebop's not mine, but I'm sure you all knew that. The song belongs to 3 Doors Down. I used only a small potion of it. Thanks to for the lyrics.

One Last Cigarette

By: Setryochi

"Life On My Own"

Living risky,
never scared, wander
Closer to the edge
Nothing valued think no fear,
Always wondering why you're here
All your purposes are gone, nothing's
Right and nothing's wrong
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Feel no sorrow, feel no pain

* * *

So maybe that one last cigarette was of some harm.

Faye sighed, she needed another! She had finished the last one completely. All the way to the little orange filter and even then she tried to make it last. It had been so, so very long since she had had one. Another reason she desperately needed another was because that lunkhead had somehow managed to live. He always, no matter what would haunt her wouldn't he? He just showed up out of no where!

She smirked slightly, a bitter taste as she thought about him of all people showing up while she "worked". She found it amusing that he would need the services of a brothel. She shrugged, her situation seemed a little more embarrassing though. She found herself wanting to find him to explain why she had been working there. It's not like she enjoyed it, God knows she doesn't. Explaining it to Lunkhead would be a bit hard though. He wasn't interested in hearing about other's problems, she didn't blame him. If she had to sit and listen to every one of Cindy's problems she'd blow her brains out.

Anyways, she didn't really need to see him or anything. She just didn't want him thinking that it was a permanent job or something like that. Ha! Better yet, she didn't care! Who cared what that conceited jerk thought? His opinion wasn't worth a single woolong! She crossed her arms over her breasts, "Hmph! Not even worth half a woolong!"

The wind blew harshly, purple strands whipped around her face sometimes catching in her long, dark eyelashes. Swiping a lock or hair she tucked it behind her ear before pulling her coat tighter over her bosom. She had been standing outside of the cathouse for fifteen minutes now. Just kind of waiting, pondering, and wishing for a cigarette. Maybe if she saved up a little more money she could buy a pack and smoke one every day. Make that two a day.

"Ah," came a voice from behind her. It was the weasel-y kind of voice with a sort or Brooklyn accent. Faye knew just who it was. "You're still here, Faye-baby!" Quincy walked down the four steps to stand in front of her. He nicked her chin with his finger as if she were a little kid, "Faye-baby, you made a lota money taday," He handed her the small percentage of what she had made. "I was gunna give it to ya tomorra' but look! You're here!"

Faye grimaced at Captain Obvious taking the money.

"Don't look so down Faye-baby," he grinned. "You're almost paid up! I'm gunna miss ya, ya know!"

"Yeah, you too," Faye started to walk away.

Quincy grinned after her, but it was more secretive than his usually happy grin. Faye was oblivious to it as she headed home needing a long bath, hopefully it would be hot this time. If she had too she'd boil water and put it in the tub. She walked along the same road she always did, passed the same old houses, crossed the same streets, and seen the same bums guarding their stoops. She waved to Crazy Moe, he waved in return with a grin from ear to ear, he looked like a jack-o-lantern. His teeth were scarce, and one of his eyes was permanently closed. Faye smiled weakly in return, he was a bit on the awkward side, and smells even worse than some of the dumpsters below her window but he was a relatively nice man. The wind blew and the smell of the city surfed on it poignantly. She walked silently her boots knocking against the pavement occasionally making a "skreik" from stepping on broken glass.

"Hey babe," a gruff voice echoed from an alley way.

Faye didn't stop walking, instead she ignored the man.

"Where ya' goin'? Why don't you stay and talk to me," he rounded the corner and began to walk after her.

Faye ground her teeth, the nerve of some people! Here she was just getting off of work, tired, hungry, cold, humiliated, angry, and sore and this guy was going to bother her?

When a large hand was placed on Faye's bruised shoulder she snapped. This guy was the last thing she wanted to deal with, but when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Faye took that into consideration, whirled around and landed a swift, but extremely hard, kick to the groin. The man's hands were immediately cupping his abused crotch as he fell over. Faye felt no pity for him, and being in the mood she happened to be in, she kicked him in the side. "I HATE guys like you!" she kicked him again.

"You think women are just here to be PLAYED with!" She rubbed the heal of her scuffed, white boot into his face. Her foot still propped up on his head she leaned down and patted his face, "Now have a nice night." She smiled sweetly before continuing on her way home. The man left lying on the ground was in tears from the pain and shock of being nearly killed by a seemingly harmless woman. He would never do that again.

…The nerve of some men…

Faye made it home, her cheeks were flushed from her little run in with that wimp on the street and the cold. Her nose was so cold she couldn't tell if it was runny or not, she frowned wiping at it. It was just really cold. She took the money out of her coat pocket, there was no way she would have counted it on the street, if it was known you had even just one woolong, you'd be jumped and robbed in less than a second. So she had waited till now to count it, she could go grocery shopping tomorrow since she wouldn't have to work tomorrow.

Faye sighed, "10,000 woolongs." This was hardly enough. It would do though, if she was lucky she'd have enough to save maybe 1,000. Faye sighed walking over to the flower pot on the windowsill. She pulled up the wilted plant and the hard clump of soil in the pot came with it in the shape of the small pot. She placed the money in the pot and dropped the plant back in. She made her way to the bath room and turned the water on. It wasn't as hot as she wanted, so she went to the kitchen and put a pot of water on. She used the biggest pot she had which was a medium sized one for stews and such. She filled it with water and put it on the two burner stove, the other two burner was broken. She set the heat on high and left to go check the tub.

Faye poured the boiling hot water into the slightly cold water in the tub. She set the pot aside and dipped her hand in, "Ow!" She winced pulling her hand out quickly. The hot water hadn't mixed with the cold water to make warm water yet. She looked at her red hand, she had burned it slightly, the pain wasn't so bad. Ignoring it she tested the water and swirled her hand through it to make sure she wouldn't get burned again. Content, she stepped in and sat down happily. For once she had hot-ish water. She sighed relaxing into it, so warm…

She sunk into the water holding her breath as her head lowered below the surface. And although her knees scrunched up out of the water to make room for the rest of her body, it was still so good. Taking a shower was of course easier, faster, and cleaner. But the luxury of a shower that worked was too much for Faye to afford. The shower head had broke and now the water just fell from the pipe sticking out of the wall. So now she just filled the tube and got a clean as she could.

'Life just gets better all the time,' she let bubbles of air escape her mouth as she thought. 'Spike seems to be alive and well,' she let more bubbles out. 'I should think about happier things,' she rose from the water gasping for air. She had only been under for a few seconds, after letting all the air out of her lungs she needed to refill them. "I have tomorrow all to myself," she moved the wet strands of her out of her face and picked up the bar of soap that stuck to the brim of the tub with dried bubble outlines all over it. She limply scrubbed her arms and chest. 'What's the use? It's there no matter what.' she thought dully as her eyes were only slits. She worked the soap over her body into a healthy lather, cleanliness was something she loved. But since six months ago she hasn't ever felt clean.

As the water drained Faye stood and grabbed her towel from the rod hanging just above the toilet. She pressed it against her arms and legs to dry off a little before wrapping it around her thinning form. Her hair stuck to her face and slightly on her neck dripping down her shoulders and chest as she walked out to the room of her, well… Room. She made her way to the closet that had a few articles of clothing hanging from the makeshift bar. The rest was on the floor. Pulling the towel off she wrapped it in her soaked hair and picked up a loose shirt, she found a clean pair of underwear and pulled them both on.

She looked down at what she was wearing. It was one of Spike's old shirts. She must have taken it after he left, it was "finders keepers" on the ship after all. Faye took the towel out of her hair and brushed through all the knots, satisfied with it she climbed into the sheets of her bed and drifted off to sleep.

* *

Faye finished putting 2,000 woolongs into an envelope. She signed it and stuffed it in her small back pack. She slung it over one shoulder and grabbed a basket full of dirty laundry. Hefting it up she brought it to the door, put it down, opened the door, scooted it out the door with her foot and closed the door locking it securely. She hefted up the large basket again and began descending down the two flights of stairs. Reaching the first door into the building she stopped and knocked on the it.

"What'dya want?" came a mans voice. He was cocky and sloppily dressed. Skinny (with a beer belly), balding, almost reminded her of Quincy but with less… Well, maybe not Quincy. Faye rolled her eyes and handed him the money, "That's this month and next month." It was the money she put away every time Quincy paid her. She would put in 2,000 here and there, that was the last installment.

"Good," he snatched the envelope she had pulled from her bag. He smiled at her, "You know… I could always knock a few bucks off for you," he grinned suggestively.

"That's ok, I'm sure I can handle it." The door to the building closed and Faye was gone. Grumpily and landlord closed the door and went back to watching TV.

Faye walked to the nearest laundry mat. "Hey!" came a woman's cheerful voice. Kate, one of the few women who weren't completely corrupt in this forsaken city waved to one of her usuals, Faye. Faye smiled to her saying a simple "hey" as well. She set down the heavy load on a nearby table.

"How are you?" asked Kate fluttering over to help Faye with her laundry carrying detergent and softener. Kate kept Faye's cleaner behind her counter so the girl wouldn't have to carry it down along with the laundry. She was a really nice women.

"I'm ok, you?" she said taking out some change to ready for the washer.

"Oh I'm fine. Had to chase out some hooligan who thought he could tamper with the machine to get a free load in." She sighed pulling out a red bra.

"Sounds interesting," Faye continued to separate her clothes so she could wash the delicates on a more gentle cycle. She didn't really have to worry about darks and whites because she hardly wore white and usually wore dark colored clothing. Kate often got bored so helping Faye with her laundry with nothing unusual. The girl was slightly shorted than Faye with brown curly hair and green eyes. She wore a simple jean skirt with a red tank top and a white shirt under neither. The sleeves of the undershirt went to her elbows. Faye didn't understand how such a nice smart girl ended up working here, in this laundry mat, in this dump of a city. It was unusual for someone so pretty and so smart to be this way.

"Can you watch my laundry?" Faye asked putting some coins into the slots of the washing machines. "I want to go shopping real quick, it'll be a least an hour, hour and a half."

"Oh! Sure, no problem," Kate smiled pushing Faye out the door, "I'll watch everything, by the time you get back they'll be folded and ready to go." She pushed the money Faye offered her away, "Don't worry 'bout it, it's on me." She shoed her away and went to finish tending to the clothing.

Faye smiled, some things weren't so bad. She had small luxuries. After living like this for a while, she learned just how grateful she should have been. But being Faye she shrugged it off and still took the little things for granted.

Faye wandered around the isles of the convenient store. She looked at a few items she need, picking up a can of mixed vegetables she looked at the price, scowling she put it back unhappy with the price. "Ugh… prices just keep going up." Sighing she looked over to the cashier, it was an elderly man. She smirked and put a few things in the basket she was holding. Watching the man carefully she slipped a few needed items into her pant's pockets. She smirked happily when he continued to read his magazine oblivious to her actions. Walking casually to the counter she set the basket on it and leaned over allowing the loose tank top she was wearing to fall out to reveal nice, supple, cream colored mounds. She smiled at him leaning her head on one of her hands, "Hey."

He grinned having trouble ringing up the various items. "And how's a pretty lady like you doing?" Came his greeting.

She sighed, her voice low, "I'm ok, I can't wait to get home and have a nice long shower." She flexed her shoulders rolling them back and making her chest pop out a little. The old man's eyes never left her chest as he placed her groceries into the shopping bag without even ringing them up. When he was finished he totaled it all up absently and handed her the bag. She didn't' pay nearly what she would have had she not done that little act. With a fake yawn and stretch of her arms she stood up straight and walked out, "Bye bye." The old man waved after her grinning. When she was gone he resumed his position and picked up where he left off, "reading" the dirty little magazine he had been ogling at before.

* * *

Not much of a cliffhanger or anything, just kind of showing a bit of background on Faye's "new life" sort of. I can't promise I'll have a lot more chapters out for a lot of stories soon but I'll try really hard. School's starting tomorrow so that means I have to go back to struggling to keep everything going. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter Bebop High will be the next to be updated. ^^
