Crossover Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts ❯ A New Adventure into a New World ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello, again, everyone! I hope that you really like my other stories, so far, and yes, obviously, this is a brand new story that I couldn't get out of my head! Actually, I had several new story ideas with the second one being a Final Fantasy VII and X crossover with Digimon and Sailor Moon and the third story idea is one that I gained from a funny action/adventure/romance magna involving magical mermaids. However, I've decided to keep those in `cold storage' and work on this first one. This is Kingdom Hearts/Digimon/Sailor Moon multi-crossover! That's right, Kingdom Hearts! You see, I love the Kingdom Heart storyline and game and here is the funny thing, I couldn't even come close to beating the first Kingdom Hearts games and Chain of Memories, but after I brought Kingdom Hearts II, I managed to beat the game without too much trouble! But through the three Kingdom Hearts games and the Kingdom Hearts magna story, which I feel that you should buy if you are a Kingdom Hearts fan, basically, I know how the layout of the Kingdom Hearts storyline `works', so, I hope there won't be any errors on the Kingdom Hearts storyline in my fanfiction.
Plot: Okay, this is the plot: It has been around two years since the end of Kingdom Hearts II, Xemnas, Organization XIII, and Sora, Kairi, and Riku returning to the Destiny Islands with King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy returning to Disney Castle, but in the KH II storyline, Maleficent and Pete were last seen fighting a whole army of Heartless under the Nobodies' control in the `World That Never Was' or namely, the headquarters of Organization XIII, and based on how the story ended, it wasn't known that they survived or not. Well, in this story, they did survive and once again, they are starting up trouble to find a way into Kingdom Hearts, but this time, they are doing it in another universe or multi-verse where getting into Kingdom Hearts is a lot more difficult than in Sora's universe/multi-verse and namely, in the multi-verse where the Odaiba Digidestined and Sailor Scouts live. Sora, Kairi, and Riku get mysterious dreams of the rise of the Heartless, once more, and King Mickey summons the three friends to Disney Castle. Once there, King Mickey explains that he and his court was visited by a mysterious entity known as Destiny and Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom, spirit/astral form, and told them of Maleficent and Pete coming into their multi-verse/worlds, engulfing worlds in darkness, and trying to find the `keys' to open Kingdom Hearts in their multi-verse. What Destiny and Queen Serenity also explained that in their multi-verse, there are a new set of Keyblade and Keyblade welders, who along with Sora, Riku, King Mickey, and Kairi, are the only hope of stopping Maleficent and the Heartless. Before they leave for the `new multi-verse', Kairi gains her own Keyblade and the powers of a Sailor Senshi, Sailor Star, as well as her past life as part of the Sailor Scouts' universe! But there Sora and Riku also have a connection to Kairi's past life and deeper powers that are just waiting to come out to the surface. On the meanwhile, Maleficent and Pete made new allies in the Sailor Scouts' and Digidestined's multi-verse with Queen Beryl of the Negaverse, Daemon, and many other enemies of the Sailor Scouts' and Digidestined's pasts as part of this new `Dark Alliance' as they are called. In the first world that they are attacking, the Odaiba Digidestined's and Sailor Scouts' universe/world with Sailor Scout villainess leading a Heartless hoard against the Sailor Scouts and Digidestined. Sora, Kairi, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy rush in to help, but during the battle, Davis and Jun gained two of the new Keyblades! In the aftermath, the Sailor Scouts find out a shocking discovery about the two of them! With new powers, new friends, and new allies, Davis, Jun, and all of the other Keyblade masters/mistresses, past and present, must battle the Heartless, Maleficent, and the `Dark Alliance', going from world/universe to world/universe, and sealing and opening gateways in and between universes, but more trouble looms with the powers of darkness at every turn, friends becoming enemies, enemies becoming friends, confusion and chaos in the air, and finally, for a real shocker, the rebirth of Organization XIII and the Nobodies under a mysterious and powerful dark entity! If Xemnas and the original Organization XIII are gone, who are these mysterious `Neo-Organization XIII' and its leader? All our heroes and heroines can do is follow their hearts and find out that the greatest power of all is within themselves!
Before I start this story, I would like to give thanks and credit to shikarimon and this author's story, the rebel sisters and the `kage', for the use of the idea of the `power' crystals that this author uses in the story since my version of this idea will be mainly based on this author's idea. Next, I would like to give credit to joyfulsara and this author's story of `Sailor Universe!', for the ideas of Sailor Star, her heritage back in the Silver Millennium, and her `link' to Serena/Serenity/Sailor Moon and to Trista/Sailor Pluto. Then I would like to give credit to YallRCrazy and this author's story, To The Digital World We Go, for Sailor Star's ability to use the other Sailor Senshi's attacks and creating stronger version of their attacks. Finally, I would like to thank and give credit to Fanfiction author, SSJ4Takeru/Kanius the V, and this author's story of YuYuGiDigiMoon: The Invasion of the Rajita for the idea of the Moon Heart Crystal and the origin of the Moon Heart Crystal along with the idea for the Rajita, their connection to the Orichalcos and the Leviathan, and the idea for the Rajita leaders, but I also would like to give this same author credit for the idea of the `Ninja Sailor Senshi' from this author's story of YuYuGiDigiMoon: The Wrath of Pharaohmon. Plus, in this story, the romances thus far are Sora/Kairi, Riku/Minako (Mina), Serena/Darien, Daikari (Davis/Kari), Taiora (Tai/Sora (Digimon 02 version)), Junato (Matt/Jun), Ami/Izzy, Mimi/Joe, Kenyako (Ken/Yolei), and many others! Now, I don't own Digimon, Sailor Moon, Kingdom Hearts, any of the other stories, and anything/anyone else that come from these stories that end up in this fanfiction! Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit bad language, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including drugs, alcohol, and weapons use by minors and non-minors, and finally, X-rated nudity, lemons, and other adult themes/situations!
Age of characters:
Kingdom Hearts characters:
Sora (Kingdom Hearts version): Age 17
Kairi/Sailor Star: Age 17
Riku: Age 17
Digimon 02 characters: (Note: This story takes place around four years after the battle with MaloMyotismon and the battle with Armageddemon.)
Davis, Kari, and TK: Age 17
Ken and Yolei: Age 18
Cody: Age 15
Tai, Sora, Jun, Matt, and Mimi: Age 19
Izzy: Age 18
Joe: Age 21
Sailor Scout characters: (Note: This story takes place around two years after the battle with Galaxia and Chaos.)
Serena, Ami, Mina, Rei, and Lita: Age 17
Amara and Michelle: Age 19
Trista: Late 20s, but several millennia or more old
Hotaru: Age 16
Darien: Age 21
Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts
(Kingdom Hearts theme song `Simple and Clean' and Kingdom Hearts II theme song `Sanctuary')
(Digimon 02 and Sailor Moon complete theme songs)
Chapter 1: A New Adventure into a New World
(Somewhere on Destiny Islands; Two years after the end of KH II)
Somewhere on the play island near the main islands of the Destiny Islands, we find hero of the Keyblade, 17-year old Sora, lazily lying down on the beach wearing the same clothes during his second adventure with Donald, Goofy, and all of his friends where, with the help and support of Kairi, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and all of his other friends, solved the `riddle' of Organization XIII, the Nobodies, and the leader of Organization XIII and the Nobodies, Xemnas, the Nobody `part' of Xehanort, the former assistant of Ansem the Wise, the true Ansem and not the `Ansem' that infected Riku's body, which was really Xehanort's Heartless `part' of himself. After Xemnas was defeated by the team of Sora and Riku, the two of them were sent home to Destiny Islands where Kairi and the others, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, were waiting for them. Now, two years later, peace has reigned in all of the worlds and Sora, Riku, and Kairi, `infused' with the knowledge from their adventures, returned to their peaceful lives on Destiny Islands while King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy returned to Disney Castle, but that doesn't mean that the three of them don't return to Destiny Islands to visit their friends in Sora's and his friend's world. However, recently, our Keyblade master has been dealing with an `internal' problem, mainly his feelings for Kairi, one of the seven princesses of Heart needed to open Kingdom Hearts, the heart of all worlds, growing from caring as Kairi as a best friend from falling madly in love with her. And after all that's happened, why wouldn't Sora fall for Kairi? She did give him her lucky charm before he went off into the `End of the World' and his final battle with `Ansem'/Xehanort's Heartless and while he was worried for his best friend, Riku, a lot, when Kairi was kidnapped by Axel and then Saix, Kairi's safety was first on Sora's mind and he couldn't stop thinking about her until Sora, Donald, and Goofy with King Mickey's help got into the `World that Never Was', into the fortress headquarters of Organization XIII, and reunited with Kairi, thanks to the help of Riku, who was still stuck in the form of Xehanort's Heartless, and Namine, Kairi's `unusual' Nobody formed by Kairi's heart and Sora's body and soul.
Anyway, Sora, wearing his mystical clothing, which thanks to the magic of the three fairies that created his magical duds grows to fit him as he continue to grow through teenage to young adulthood, lazily looks up in the sky at the play island where he and his friends use to play at when they were younger, sighs and thinks to himself, “Oh man! I can defeat the Heartless, Ansem . . . I mean Xehanort's Heartless, the Nobodies, Organization XIII, and Xemnas, but I can't tell a girl that I . . . I `like' her! But then again, Kairi and I have been best friends for years! What do I do? Just go up to her and say `Hey, Kairi! Didn't you know that I love you?' Yeah, right! What if she likes Riku more than me? Oh, man! I wish that Donald and Goofy were here to help me, but then again, I'm not sure that they know about . . . romance. I wish . . . I wish that I knew what to do. Kairi is the most amazing person that I've ever had in my life and only Riku is just as amazing! Without her and her support, I could have never found Riku, defeated the Heartless, and Riku and I could have never defeated Xemnas without her and all of our friend's support! And I've got to admit, Kairi has become very beautiful . . . Cut it out, Sora! You can't think about that way! Geez! Who know being seventeen years old and going through life as a teenager would be just as hard as being one of the Keyblade masters?” Sora then takes a big yawn, stretches his arms, and goes into a deep slumber.
(Inside Disney Castle; Around the same time)
Inside the home of King Mickey, ruler of Disney Castle and welder of the `dark world's' Keyblade, his wife, Queen Minnie, Donald, the top royal magician, Donald's girlfriend, Daisy, Goofy, captain of the king's royal guards, and the royal engineers of the Gummi Ship, Chip and Dale, we find King Mickey, in his royal garb/clothing, with a king's crown for his size on his head, looking down at recent notes and reports from the library with a worried look on his face.
King Mickey says, “Oh, dear. This is not good. Not good at all. If what this information tells me is true, all of this craziness will start up again and a `new Xemnas and Organization XIII' might arise. I knew that we should have taken care of Maleficent and Pete when we had the chance, but we had more pressing matters at the time with Xemnas.” King Mickey then slowly walks over to his throne room, opens the door, and goes inside. As he walks down the long hallway to his throne, he says, with worry in his voice, “I should have seen this before. Sora and I might have sealed the gateway to Kingdom Hearts in our universe, but leave it to Maleficent and Pete to head off into another universe or multi-verse, in this case, to find another door to the heart of all worlds. Something tells me that we are going to need Sora and Riku, again.” King Mickey takes a deep breath and says, “However, it will take too much time to summon them. Maleficent and Pete could be causing chaos in other worlds as I speak. I had better go off ahead, try to slow them down, and find out what they are up as well as what damages that they already caused until Riku, Sora, and the others can find me.”
However, a bright appears behind King Mickey and a beautiful female voice calls out, gently and kindly, “I would advise against that, your majesty.” King Mickey turns around, summons his Keyblade, a bit to his surprise, and looks at two figures inside a sphere of light. One of the figures is a beautiful royal type female human figure, a queen, with silvery-white hair done in two mysterious buns that look like slightly flattened meatballs with one bun on the left side of her scalp and the other bun on the right side with the hair in the buns flowing down to touch the ground, the queen has a golden crescent moon sigil on her forehead, beautiful blue eyes, and wearing a pure white queen's gown. The second figure is another royal-type human female figure with her raspberry-like hair in the same style as her silvery-white haired counterpart, deep light blue eyes like Kairi's eyes, and wearing a pure silver version of the first figure's royal gown.
King Mickey asks, amazed by the figures before him, “My gosh. Who are you?”
The raspberry-haired figure replies, in a female voice that's smoothing and full of kindness, “My name is simply, Destiny, your majesty. My counterpart by my side is Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom and we are here to give you more information that you will need to make this journey.”
Queen Serenity asks King Mickey, in her beautiful female voice, “Do you trust us, your majesty?”
King Mickey lowers his Keyblade and replies, “Yes, I do. For some reason, I do trust you. What do you have to tell me?”
Destiny tells King Mickey, “That you and the other two Keyblade welders, Riku and Sora, will not be enough to defeat this evil. You will need the help of the warriors of the Keyblade of our home universe, the universe where your enemies of Maleficent and Pete are trying to open the door to the `heart of all worlds' from.”
King Mickey gasps in shock and exclaims, flabbergasted, “Oh my gosh! You mean that there are more Keyblade welders?!”
Queen Serenity tells King Mickey, “Indeed, there are, your majesty. More powerful Keyblade welders, but they will have to be since the dark powers that they will have to face are even more powerful, more cunning, and more treacherous than the ones that you and the other two welders of the Keyblade have to face, here. However, it doesn't mean that Sora and Riku don't stand a chance. They, along with the princess of the Heart, Kairi, have ancient and great powers within themselves that will be necessary to the survive of all worlds from darkness.”
King Mickey asks, curiously, “What do you mean? So, it isn't an accident that Kairi is one of the seven princesses, Sora got the Keyblade, and Riku gained his `dark Keyblade'?”
Queen Serenity shakes her head and replies, “Within them, they hold great powers and great heritages beyond your imagination, your majesty. However, in order to understand about these powers, you have to understand about the history of the universe that I come from. Do you wish to hear the story?”
King Mickey nods his head and says, “Yes, please tell me.”
Destiny and Queen Serenity nod their heads, Destiny then `transforms' the throne room into the courtyard of the Moon Kingdom, and Queen Serenity starts her story by saying to King Mickey, “Some millennia ago, in my home world, there was a beautiful kingdom known as the Moon Kingdom, `leader' of alliance of Kingdoms known as the Silver Alliance, my story . . . and the story of my children along the story of Kairi in this universe starts around a golden age, as you would call it, of peace and prosperity known as the Silver Millennium . . .” As Queen Serenity, with Destiny's help, continues her story of her kingdom and how it is `involved' in the current `situation', King Mickey has a feeling that this `situation' is a lot more serious than he originally thought . . .
(Back on Destiny Islands; On the meanwhile)
Returning to our Keyblade master, we find him along with Kairi, wearing similar clothes as she wore in KH II, and Riku, also wearing similar clothes he wore during KH II, in the middle of the Station of Serenity, where Sora received the power of the Keyblade, through not the actual Keyblade, for the first time.
Sora asks Kairi and Riku, “Kairi! Riku! What are you doing here?!”
Riku replies, in his usual tone, “You are asking me?!”
Kairi tells Sora, worriedly, “I don't know, Sora! I just feel asleep for a nap and now, I end up here with you and Riku!” Kairi goes over to Sora, causing him to slightly blush, and she says, fearfully, “Sora, I'm really scared! What's going on?!”
Sora tells Kairi, “I wish that I knew, Kairi! But don't worry, I promise that I won't let anything happen to you!”
Riku points ahead of him and calls out, “Sora, look!” When Sora and Kairi to where Riku is pointing, they gasp to see a group of one dozen Neo-Shadow Heartless coming out from the ground.
Sora shouts out, putting Kairi behind him, protectively, “Heartless! Kairi, get behind us!” The Neo-Shadow Heartless then rush at our two boys and they throw up their arms in defense, but instead of getting hit, the Neo-Shadow Heartless slam into Sora's and Riku's Keyblades. Sora exclaims, excitedly, “All right! Our Keyblades!”
Riku asks Sora, “Ready to fight, again, Sora?”
Sora smiles and replies, in a confident tone, “Are you kidding?! I was born ready!” The Neo-Shadow Heartless then rush at Sora and Riku, but with their two Keyblades and some teamwork, the Neo-Shadow Heartless were quickly decimated. However, when they were done, four Large Body Heartless appear behind them and they didn't see them.
Kairi calls out, worriedly, “Riku! Sora! Watch out!” Riku and Sora turned in time to only get knocked to the ground by the Large Body Heartless, but the two of them got up and tried to get behind the Large Body Heartless, where they were weak, however, they wouldn't let them.
Riku roars out, in anger, “Damn it! They won't let us get behind! These Heartless seem different than others!”
Sora tells Riku, in a determined tone, “Well, Kairi is counting on us to stop them!” Sora then charges head-long towards the Heartless.
Riku calls out, in a shocked tone, “Sora, don't!” However, it is too late when the Large Body Heartless knock Sora to the ground and the Keyblade is thrown out of his hands, while our Keyblade master is temporary stunned. Riku shouts out, horrified, “No!” He tries to get to his best friend's aid, but two of the Large Body Heartless blocks his way and Riku, even with his Keyblade, couldn't get through them.
Kairi shouts out, worriedly, “Sora, get up! Sora, come on, you lazy bum, please get up!” However, Sora took a good hit from the Large Body Heartless and only managed to come to his senses when the Large Body Heartless were about to finish him. Kairi yells out, fearing for Sora, “No, leave him alone!” Just then a bright light comes from Kairi's right hand and that light destroys all four Large Body Heartless from behind.
Sora summons his Keyblade to his hand and asks, confused, “What just happened?”
Riku points to Kairi and he tells Sora, amazed, “Sora, look!” When Sora looks at where Riku is pointing, he gasps in shock and amazement as he sees Kairi with a similar version to his own Kingdom Key Keyblade expect it has a golden handle with a rainbow colored `blade' along with a similar version of the crystal orb on the top of Sailor Pluto's garnet staff expect the crystal orb is a beautiful eight-point white star crystal orb with the rest of this `garnet orb' surrounding the crystal orb begin gold in color and the new Keyblade had a golden chain with a eight-pointed white star jewel at the end of the chain.
Sora exclaims, stunned, “Kairi, you have a Keyblade?!”
Kairi replies, just as stunned, “I . . . I guess so.” Soon after, a pathway leading to another platform appears in front of the three friends from Destiny Islands.
Riku says, in a serious tone, “Well, it looks like that we have only one way to go, but we don't know where it leads.”
Sora exclaims, in his usual confident tone, “Well, wherever it leads, as long as we are together, I know that we can take whatever this place dishes out.”
Kairi, strengthen by Sora's confidences, smiles and says, “Right.” The three friends then take the `pathway' to the next platform, but then the pathway vanishes, leaving them stranded on the platform, and then a Grim Reaper Heartless, similar to the one that Sora, Donald, and Goofy defeated at Port Royal, appears before them.
Sora tells Kairi, “Kairi, get behind Riku and me! We will handle this!”
Kairi tells Sora, in a determined tone, “No, Sora. I'm not just going to stay back and hide while you and Riku do all the fighting and wondering if you, two, will be safe. I'll going to fight to.”
Sora tells Kairi, worriedly, “But Kairi . . .”
Riku smiles and tells Sora, “Sora, forget it. When Kairi makes up her mind, she won't let anything stop her . . . even you.”
Sora sighs and tells Kairi, “Okay, Kairi, but please be careful.”
Kairi tells Sora, “You, too.”
Sora then faces the Grim Reaper with his Keyblade and exclaims, “All right! I'll attack it, first!” Sora then rushes towards the Grim Reaper and slashes his Keyblade at it, but with no effect.
Riku exclaims, shocked, “What?!” The Grim Reaper Heartless then bats Sora to the ground with it scythe and Kairi, worriedly, goes over to him.
Kairi asks Sora, worriedly, “Sora, are you okay?”
Sora gets to his feet and replies, “Don't worry, Kairi, it will take more than that to stop me.”
Riku states, seriously, “This isn't good. If the Keyblade can't affect it, then we are in trouble.”
Sora then says, in a strong tone, “Well, it doesn't mean that we should give up! I know that we can come up with something!”
Riku says, with a smile, “Something when I hear you talk like that, I can't help, but to think that you are right.” Kairi nods her head in agreement and then their three Keyblades start to glow in unison.
Kairi asks, perplexed, “What's going on? Our Keyblades are glowing?”
Riku, figuring out what to do, exclaim, in a serious tone, “Point your Keyblades at the Heartless and put them together!” The three of them did so and the Keyblades shoot off a beam of energy that strikes the Grim Reaper in the chest, causing to be gravely weakened, through not destroying it.
Sora exclaims, excitedly, “Way to go, Riku! Now, let's get him!” The three Keyblade welders then attack the weakened Grim Reaper Heartless in unison and in no time, they defeated it.
After they defeated the Heartless, a door appears before the three of them and a mysterious female voice calls out, “Well done, warriors of the Keyblade!”
Kairi asks, curiously, “Who are you?”
The female voice replies, from seemly everywhere around our three heroes/heroine, “My name is of no importance! I come to you with a warning! Through your past endeavors prevented a great infusion of Heartless into the great darkness and defeated the plans of Organization XIII as well as its leader and the Nobodies, the threat is still great! Maleficent had survived the final battle in the headquarters of the Nobodies and now, she, with a new Heartless, plans to once again gain access into the heart of all worlds: Kingdom Hearts!”
Sora asks, shocked, “Wait! I through that the King, Riku, and I sealed that doorway, forever!”
The female voice responds with, “Indeed, you, Riku, and King Mickey managed to seal the gateway to the dark world and Kingdom Hearts from your universe, but Maleficent has found another doorway that hasn't been sealed. One in another universe.”
Riku yells out, stunned, “There is another way into Kingdom Hearts?!”
The female voice replies, “Yes, indeed, warrior of the Keyblade! However, in that universe, gaining access to the heart of all worlds is a lot harder and requires a lot . . . `more' to open the door, but the door isn't sealed and thus, accessible! But even you, Keyblade Master Riku, Keyblade Master Sora, and Keyblade Master King Mickey will not be enough to stop this threat . . . alone, anyway.”
Sora asks, curiously, “What do you mean?”
The female voice responds by saying, “In order to stop this new threat, you must find the Keyblade welders of that universe!”
Sora, Riku, and Kairi are shocked and Kairi asks, “You mean that there are more Keyblade welders other than King Mickey, Sora, and Riku?”
The female voice replies, “Indeed. You, young Kairi, hold one of the new Keyblades in your two hands. However, it will not be enough. You must find the others, especially the one who is a son of the moon and a child of Miracles as well as one who is the daughter of the sun and a child of Destiny. Plus, there is more. Within the three of you lie great untapped powers . . . powers that are so great, they could be the greatest light in this time of darkness.”
Riku asks, perplexed, “What do you mean? What kind of powers?”
Sora's uniform starts to glow slightly and the female voice replies, “For that answer, you must discover that on your own! For now, I've `modified' the powers of Sora's mystical garments! Now, he can use his Valor, Wisdom, Master, and Final Forms with worrying about transforming into the Anti-Form anymore and plus, all it requires is a certain amount of energy from Donald, Goofy, and others to tap into his garments special powers, so, there is no need for Sora to `fuse' with them any longer! Now, we can have the power of his special garments and still have the support of his friends by his side in a `physical manner'! However, the power of Sora's `Drive Forms' are still only active for a limited time and with this new way of `transforming', it takes slightly longer to gain the necessary strength to `transform' again!” The female voice then states, “Once you go through that door, new worlds, new adventures, new friends, new allies, and so much more are waiting for all of you, but be warned, there will be many more enemies and many more dangers on this journey! However, the choice of going on this journey is yours! Do you accept?”
The three friends look at each other and Riku says, in his usual tone, “Well, I'm not turning back. If we are needed again, then we have to fight.”
Sora sighs and says, “Well, it was good while it lasted.” Sora then smiles and says, “However, yeah, I'm ready for another adventure!”
Kairi tells the two boys, “Same here. This time, I'm not going to be left behind and worry while you, boys, are off on another adventure. Besides, you, boys, are hopeless without me.”
Sora smiles and says, sarcastically, “Thanks a lot, Kairi!” The three friends have a good laugh at this, probably thinking that this will be the last time that they will have a peaceful laugh. Sora calls out to the voice, “Okay, we are ready to go!”
The female voice replies, “I knew that you would go! Remember . . . Do not be afraid . . . never stop walking . . . never stop going forward . . . and remember, the greatest power . . . is the power within yourself . . .!!” Soon after, the female voice vanishes seemly into thin air and the three Keyblade welders can't hear her anymore. The door slowly opens and a bright light is coming from it causing the three friends to slowly head towards the door and into the light.
Sora then wakes up with a start at the beach of the play island that his friends use to play at and says, wondering, “Was that a dream?” When Sora looks at his right hand, he finds his Keyblade gripped in his right hand. Sora exclaims, “Oh my gosh! It wasn't a dream! I've got to see Riku and Kairi!” Sora then dashes off with Keyblade in his right hand to his boat to head back to the main island to find Riku and Kairi.
(A short time later; on the main island in the Destiny Island chain)
In the center of the main island of the Destiny Island chain, we find Riku, Kairi, and Sora, all three of them showing their Keyblades to each other, and realizing that this wasn't any ordinary dream that they experienced.
Kairi says, pretty amazed, “So, that means I've got my own Keyblade!”
Sora smiles and tells Kairi, “Yeah, it is awesome! I could teach you some swordsmanship if you want me to, Kairi.”
Kairi tells Sora, with a sweet smile, “Thank you, Sora. I would like that.”
Riku then says, in a serious tone, “However, now, that we know that wasn't any ordinary dream, we know that Maleficent is terrorizing other worlds and trying to open another door to Kingdom Hearts, which we have got to close.”
Sora asks Riku, in a serious tone, “But how do we get into these other worlds?”
As if to answer Sora's question, a familiar voice calls out, “Sora! Riku! Kairi!” When the three teenagers look to the source of the voice, they see Donald and Goofy running towards all of them.
Sora calls out, happily, “Donald! Goofy! Oh, man! Am I glad to see you!”
When Goofy and Donald come up to the three Keyblade welders, Goofy says, “Gwarsh. It is good to see you, too, Sora.”
Donald gasps when he sees Kairi's Keyblade and he yells out, “Is that what I think it is?!”
Sora tells Donald, in a proud tone, “Yep! Kairi's got her own Keyblade, now!”
Donald then says, “No wonder the king wanted to get all three of you instead of just Sora and Riku.”
Riku asks, seriously, “King Mickey wants all of us to come see him.”
Goofy nods his head and says, “Yep! The King ordered us to bring Kairi, Sora, and you, Riku, to the castle immediately. He told us that Maleficent is causing trouble again and we need you to stop her before she does anything bad.”
Sora asks, perplexed, “Wait! I thought that the Gummi Ship only carries three people!”
Donald shakes his head and says, proudly, “Not this one! We have a special Gummi Ship for putting in six people and getting wherever we need to go safety!”
Goofy says, “Plus, the gateways between the worlds that you opened are still open and we can go through them to get to the castle!”
Sora exclaims, excitedly, “All right! Let's go!” Goofy, Donald, and Riku run off into the distance, but Sora stops Kairi and tells her, “Kairi, if you ever need anything, just know that I will always be there for you.”
Kairi gives off a slight blush and replies, “I know that you will.”
Donald calls out, in his usual annoyed tone, “Hey, slowpokes, hurry up!”
Sora shouts out, “Coming!” Sora and Kairi then run off to follow Riku, Donald, and Goofy towards the special Gummi Ship that can carry all of them to Disney Castle.
(Sometime later; Disney Castle; Throne Room)
King Mickey, wearing the clothing, minus the black cloak, that he wore during the battle with Organization XIII and the Nobodies waits in front of the door with Queen Minnie, Daisy Duck, Pluto, and Jimmy Cricket as Donald, Goofy, Sora, Kairi, and Riku came into the room.
Goofy and Donald bow in front of King Mickey and Goofy says, “We have returned, your majesty!”
Riku tells King Mickey, “King Mickey, it is good to see you, again.”
King Mickey tells Riku, “Yes, it is good to see you, Sora, and Kairi, Riku, but I wish that it was under better circumstances.”
Sora exclaims, curiously, “Your majesty, it is true? Is Maleficent causing more trouble in other worlds?”
Queen Minnie asks, curiously, “How did you know already?”
Riku says, plainly, “We have a `visitor' in our dreams that told us and Kairi gained her own Keyblade.”
King Mickey, Queen Minnie, Daisy, and Jimmy gasp in stunned surprise and King Mickey asks, surprised, “Is this true, Kairi?”
Kairi `summons' her Keyblade to her right hand and says, a bit nervously, “Yes, it is.”
King Mickey sighs and says, “I see.” King Mickey then slowly goes over to Kairi, takes out a wand with a golden staff with a crystal clear orb that contains eight-pointed white star over a beautiful gold and silver specter and a white `Keyblade-shape' with a golden heart jewel attached above the orb with the symbol of a eight pointed star engraved in the golden heart jewel with four wings attached to the heart jewel, and he says, “Take this, Kairi. It is a gift for you. A visitor to the castle wanted me to deliver this to you.”
Kairi takes the wand and says, amazed, “It is beautiful, your majesty. Thank you.”
Sora asks King Mickey, “What visitors, your majesty?”
King Mickey takes a deep breath and replies, “Two human-like beings that went by the names of Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom and Destiny appeared in the throne room just earlier. They belonged to the universe that's currently under the threat from Maleficent and they told me a story of a kingdom inside one of the worlds in that new universe that we are going to. What I saw was incredible. A beautiful kingdom on the moon itself and this Queen Serenity told me a story about this kingdom. Some thousands of years ago, in this world, there was a kingdom on the moon, one of the most beautiful of that world, which was allied with another kingdom, known as the Sun Kingdom, and the ruler of that kingdom was the husband to the queen of the Moon Kingdom, the ruler of the Moon Kingdom. They had multiple children, but the most well-known are three known as tsuki-no-ouji, tsuki-no-hime, and taiyou-no-hime. Tsuki-no-hime means `Moon Princess', Tsuki-no-ouji means `Moon Prince', and Taiyou-no-hime means `Sun Princess'. These three were among the most pure hearts in the universe and they held three powerful jewels of incredible power. However, when the Moon Princess feel in love with a prince from kingdom on a world known as Earth, a evil witch, jealous of the two, came, destroyed both kingdoms, and killed everyone in both, but you see, even these `people' can die, they can be reborn or reincarnated, so, in a way they can never die.”
Sora, Kairi, and Riku are amazed with the story and Riku asks, curiously, “What does that story have to deal with our mission?”
King Mickey replies, “In that world, that's where we will find at least two of the new Keyblade welders and plus, based on what I learned, the `Moon Princess' and her family, who are reincarnated on this world known as Earth, is connected to opening the door to Kingdom Hearts in that universe.”
Sora exclaims, excitedly, “Well, then, what are we waiting for?!”
Donald tells Sora, annoyed tone, “Hey, hold your horses, Sora! Be a little more respective to the king!”
King Mickey comes to Kairi and tells her, “Kairi, that wand there holds great and incredible powers. The being told me that wand, called a henshin wand, belongs to you and only you can use its powers.”
Kairi asks King Mickey, “How do I use this wand?”
King Mickey tells Kairi, “Destiny told me that all you have to say is this one phrase. By calling out `Star Eternal Power! Make-up!', she said that you can tap into the wand's powers and your own! But don't ask me what it means because even I have no idea.”
Riku tells Kairi, calmly, “Okay, Kairi, why don't you try it out?”
Sora tells Kairi, excitedly, “Yeah, Kairi! What can it hurt to try?”
Kairi sighs and says, a bit nervously, “Well, okay . . .” Kairi holds up the mysterious wand and shouts out, “Star Eternal Power! Make-up!” Just then the bright light engulfs Kairi in pure white light, causing everyone to cover their eyes, and Kairi yelps out in surprise as her clothes were being ripped away and being replaced by a mysterious uniform!
Daisy asks, confused, “I don't understand! What's going on here?!” When the light dies down, everyone is able to look at Kairi, again, but this time, all of their mouths, even Riku's mouth and especially, Sora's mouth, is surprised at how Kairi looks.
Kairi's hair has grown to the length and style of our fire Sailor Senshi with a beautiful golden bow in top center portion of the back of her scalp, two groups of three small white feathers, one set on the forward left side of her scalp and the other set on the forward right side of her scalp, is in her raspberry hair, there is a eight pointed white star `mark' on her forehead, her lips were covered in a light maroon pink lipstick of some kind, she had golden eight-pointed star jewels with golden crescent moon and silver sun jewels attached below the star jewels in her ears as earrings, around her neck is some kind of white neck choker with a golden heart jewel under a white eight-pointed star jewel in the center of the choker, she has a mysterious silver V-style sailor collar around both sides of her collar with pure white shoulder pads, similar to a center Moon Sailor Senshi's shoulder pads, attached to the sailor collar and covering her shoulder blades, she had pure white gloves going up half-way up her upper arms with the gloves ending with silver bands attached to the gloves with three small white feathers attached to each band, in the area of her bust, which is well-developed for our 17-year old princess of the heart, there a white heart jewel with a golden star jewel attached to the heart jewel with four white angel wings attached to both jewels, the chest area down to the start of the skirt area is pure white in color, her skirt is really a short mini-skirt that's mainly white in color with a golden stripe and a silver stripe below the white coloring, a copy of the heart and star jewel with angel wings in her bust area is on the top center portion of the skirt, there is a beautiful cherry red bow, designed like a certain Eternal Sailor Senshi from the Moon's bow on the rear of her skirt, she has pure silver high-heeled boots that go up half of her lower legs with a V-designed in the front center of the boots with white eight-pointed star jewels in the bottom center of the `V', and four pure white angel wings are coming out of her back. In Kairi's right hand is her Keyblade and in her left hand is a beautiful white staff, similar to certain Time Guardian's staff, expect it isn't designed like a key on the bottom and the `heart orb' on top contains a eight-pointed emerald green crystal in the center of the `heart orb'.
Goofy tells the `new Kairi', “Gwarsh, Kairi. You look amazing in those new clothes.”
Riku asks, curiously, “But what are they? It looks like some kind of uniform. However, I never seen that kind of uniform before, so, what is it?”
King Mickey tells Riku, “The visitors, Destiny and Queen Serenity, says that's the uniform, known as a fuku, of Sailor Senshi, female warriors with great powers drawn from stars, comets, asteroids, and other `celestial bodies' in the universe.”
Donald asks his king, “But your majesty, why does Kairi have the powers and uniform of these `Sailor Senshi'?”
King Mickey replies, “She didn't say Donald, but I have a feeling that when we get to the first world where these `Sailor Senshi' live, we will get our answers.”
Kairi, in her `Sailor Senshi' uniform, says, “I don't know why, but I know that I'm called `Sailor Star' when I'm in this `fuku'.”
Sora, blushing madly from how Kairi looks as Sailor Star, says, “Well, I can say that you look really good in those clothes.”
Kairi or Sailor Star gains a blush in her cheek and replies, curiously, “You really think so?”
Sora, realizing what he just said, blushes even more, if that was possible, and says, nervously, “Well . . . you know!”
Daisy looks at Sailor Star's fuku and asks, curiously, “How do you get those clothes off when you put them on?”
Sailor Star says, “I'm not sure how, but I know that I will `turn back' to Kairi when I push on this jewel.” Sailor Star presses on the jewel on her chest, she is bathed in another bright light, and when the light dies down, Kairi is standing place of Sailor Star with Keyblade on the right hand and henshin wand on the other.
King Mickey then says, “Now, we need to get going to the other universe as soon as possible.”
Goofy asks, curiously, “Gwarsh. How do we get there, your majesty?” Just then Kairi's, Riku's, Sora's, and King Mickey's Keyblades start to glow, they aim the tips of their Keyblades towards the roof, and they shoot off beams of light that turns into one beam of light that phases through the roof of the castle and into outer space.
Donald tells Goofy, sarcastically, “Does that answer your question, Goofy?”
Queen Minnie tells King Mickey, “Please come back safely, my dear Mickey. You and the others.”
King Mickey tells Queen Minnie, “Don't worry, Minnie, my dear, we'll be back.” King Mickey exclaims to the others, “All right! Let's go!”
Sora exclaims, in a confident tone, “Right!”
As Goofy, King Mickey, Jimmy, Sora, Riku, and Kairi head out the door, Donald tells Daisy, “Goodbye, Daisy!”
Daisy tells Donald, “Good luck and please come back!” Donald smiles at his girlfriend as he heads out the door to follow King Mickey and the others to the Gummi Ship bay.
(Somewhere in outer space; a short time later)
Somewhere in the `Disney Worlds', we find the special Gummi Ship flying through space until it sees what looks like a huge white keyhole shining white light in the distance and the Gummi Ship flies right into that hole and into the white light. After a short time, the Gummi Ship finds itself over a planet with mainly oceans on it with some large landmass along with smaller island-like land masses. Inside of the Gummi Ship, we find Sora, Riku, Kairi, King Mickey, Goofy, and Donald with Jimmy Cricket taking down everything in his journal on the bridge of the Gummi Ship looking down on the planet.
King Mickey tells everyone else, “This is it, my friends. The planet in this world known as Earth.”
Sora says, amazed, “Wow, it is amazing!”
Donald comments, “This world is so big.”
King Mickey tells everyone, “Yes, unlike our universe, other worlds in this universe are like universes onto themselves with multiple planets, but not all of them to be lived on by people like us like on that planet: Earth. This is the reason while this universe is more like a multi-verse, multiple universes in one `super universe'.”
Riku asks King Mickey, “So, King Mickey, do you know where we are going?”
King Mickey nods his head and replies, “Yes, Riku. Destiny told me to head for this place.” King Mickey pushes some buttons in front of a small screen and the screen shows a view of the land mass of Japan. King Mickey then says, “We are heading for this group of large islands known as the nation of Japan. In this world and many other worlds like this one in this universe, nations are kind of like kingdoms expect that they don't have kings, like me, ruling them. Plus, nations have a lot more people inside of them. Numbers from the thousands into the millions of people.”
Sora exclaims, shocked, “Whoa! Millions of people living in that one small area?!”
King Mickey tells Sora, “It may look small from up here in space, Sora, but these planets are a lot bigger than many of the worlds that you visited back in our universe. When we land, you will see what I mean. Destiny and Queen Serenity gave me plenty of information concerning her homeworld and the other worlds that are like this one. However, when we land, we are going to have to try not to bring attention to ourselves, but it will be difficult because this world hasn't seen a talking mouse and duck that built similar to themselves and walk on two legs and not consider it unusual.”
Riku asks King Mickey, “Where are we landing?”
King Mickey replies, “In one of the large cities in Japan known as Tokyo, which is one of the largest cities on that planet, and we are heading into an area of `Tokyo' known as Juuban, which is where they may strike first because it is where the reincarnation Moon Princess is currently living.”
Sora exclaims, excitedly, “Well, what are we waiting? Let's get in there!”
Donald tells Sora, in his usual annoyed tone, “Hold your horses, Sora! This isn't like flying through our universe! This place doesn't have one single `port' for our Gummi Ship!”
King Mickey then says, “Plus, this planet in this world has technology that can detect us, so, we must be cautious.” King Mickey then plots a course to make sure that they aren't detected and Donald nods his head as he follows the course that his king laid out for him.
Sora asks Kairi, with a wide smile on his lips, “Isn't this exciting Kairi? We get to visit a whole new world!”
Kairi smiles and replies, nervously, “Yeah, but I'm a bit nervous Sora. We don't know anything about this world and it is so big and so full of people. We don't know anything about one single thing in this one `nation', much less the rest of this world. What if we get into trouble?”
Sora tells Kairi, in a reassuring tone, “Don't worry, Kairi. I promise that I will make sure that nothing happens to you or to any of us.”
Kairi tells Sora, “Do you promise? Don't make promises that you can't keep.”
Sora tells Kairi, “I promise, Kairi. I never broke a promise and I don't intend to now.”
Kairi smiles and tells Sora, “Thanks, Sora. You're the greatest.” Sora and Kairi, who are sitting next to each other, hold each other's hands in a reassuring fashion.
When Riku sees this, he sighs and smiles, and thinks in his mind, “When are those two going to cut out the act and tell each other that they love each other already? It has been two years since we had defeated Xemnas and Organization XIII and I've sense how much they care for each other, but they keep avoiding telling each other that for some reason. Well, if they won't admit to each other about their love, I guess that I'm going to have to `help them along'.” On the meanwhile, the Gummi Ship heads down towards Earth, going along a course that will avoid the satellites and other `detection devices' of planet Earth while heading for their destination of Juuban district of Tokyo City, Japan.
(On the meanwhile; Somewhere inside of the district of Juuban)
We find ourselves in front of the Crown Arcade in Tokyo's Juuban district, home of the famous Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask, but we don't find the Sailor Scouts in front of the Crown Arcade. We find another team of heroes: A group of eleven teenage to young adult boys and girls with eleven strange creatures known as Digimon. They are known as the Digidestined, defenders of the Real and Digital Worlds, and it has been four years since they defeated their greatest foes of MaloMyotismon and Armageddemon. By this time, Kari, Davis, and TK are in their junior year of high school while Ken and Yolei are in their senior year of high school, Cody is in his sophomore year in high school, and the elder Digidestined are going to college, including Mimi, who has returned from America to take college in back in her native country of Japan. Today, Sora Takenouchi, Mimi, and Yolei are going to introduce some friends that they've made in Juuban when Mimi returned to Japan. Namely Serena Tsukino AKA Sailor Moon, her friends AKA the Sailor Scouts, and Serena's boyfriend, Darien Shield AKA Tuxedo Mask, who happens to go to the same university as Izzy, Tokyo University, and he has been going there since he returned from America recently. However, one member of the Digidestined and his Digimon partner isn't with them. The younger leader and current wearer of the goggles in the Digidestined, Daisuke `Davis' Motomiya and his Digimon partner, Veemon.
Yolei taps her foot on the ground and exclaims, annoyed, “Argh! Where is that Davis?! Leave to him to be late!”
Ken tells Yolei, in a soothing tone, “Come on, Yolei. Davis doesn't mean to be late.”
TK says, in a plain tone, “With what's been happening to Davis, I'm not surprised. In fact, I'm starting to worry about him.”
Joe asks TK, “What do you mean TK?”
Kari tells Joe in reply, “Matt and Tai already know this because it is also happening with Jun. The two of them are getting the same dreams and nightmares every single night for the past two weeks and it has been keeping them late at night.”
Cody asks, pretty shocked, “Two weeks?!”
TK nods his head and tells Cody, “That's right, Cody.”
Hawkmon says, in his British accent, “Oh my. If the two of them are getting the same dreams for the past two weeks, I don't think that they are any ordinary dreams.”
Gatomon tells the others, “Well, here is the weird part that Veemon told me. He said that Davis tells him that Jun and Davis experience the same dream and nightmares at the same time. In fact, they are in the same dreams and nightmares, together.”
Biyomon comments, “That is weird, Gatomon.”
Izzy then says, “Well, I don't think that they are `normal' dreams and nightmares. It could mean that something or someone is communicating telepathically to them through their dreams or they are getting some kind of mysterious premonitions of the future.”
Matt tells Izzy, in disbelief, “Come on, Izzy, don't tell me that you believe in that junk!”
Izzy tells Matt, in a defensive tone, “Well, I have data that closely correlates the phenomena that Davis and Jun are experiencing to what I described.”
Kari then says, worriedly, “I'm really worried about Davis. Ever since these dreams and nightmares started, he has been acting so much differently, like he has been keeping more to himself, and not telling any of us what's wrong. Something is wrong with Davis. I can feel it in my heart and he isn't telling any of us what it is.”
Sora tells Kari, “Don't worry, Kari. I heard that Mina's friend, Rei, is a Shinto priestess and I've also heard a rumor or two that she is also physic.”
Cody asks Sora, “So, your friend, Mina, has a friend that can read minds?”
Mimi nods her head and says, “Yep. Mina and Rei are also good friends of mine along with Serena and I asked her to tell Rei if she could help Davis and Jun understand these mysterious dreams and nightmares that they are having. I'm sure that they are nothing really serious.”
Tai tells Mimi, in a serious tone, “I'm not sure about that Mimi. Lately, I got word from Gennai that Digimon from the Digital World have mysterious disappeared or have been deleted in a mysterious fashion. Plus, there are reports of six Digidestined and their Digimon partners across the world that have been missing. I've heard that in the last disappearance that the child and his Digimon were swallowed by portals of pure darkness and mysterious creatures that are differently not Digimon are the ones that sucked them into the darkness.”
Yolei then asks Tai, curiously, “Do you think that Davis' and Jun's dreams have anything to do with this?”
Tai tells Yolei, “Most likely. Plus, remember, Jun became a Digidestined around three years ago. One year after our final battle with MaloMyotismon and around the time that Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts appeared in Juuban, here.”
Mimi then says, “I love the Sailor Scouts' uniforms! Do you think that they can give me the name of their tailor?” All of the other Digidestined and all of the Digimon partners sweatdrops at Mimi's `comment'.
TK tells Mimi, a bit nervously, “I don't think that they have the time, Mimi.” Soon after, they hear footsteps coming behind the group and they see Daisuke `Davis' Motomiya, Age 17, wearing a black shirt under black jacket with dark blue jeans that contain his D-Terminal and D-3 digivice with white sneakers on his feet and black fingerless gloves on his hands, and his Digimon partner, Veemon. With them is Davis' older sister, Jun Motomiya, Age 19, with her maroon hair in the same hairstyle as Queen Serenity's hairstyle along with a black jacket under dark violet sleeveless shirt that goes mid-way down her chest, black jeans that go up to the bottom of her navel, thus leaving plenty of mid-drift, with a brown belt than contains a golden and dark violet D-3 digivice, dark pink sneakers on her feet, and dark blue fingerless gloves on her hands with silver painted fingernails. By Jun's right side is a yellow humanoid fox Digimon with purple gloves that have the yin-yang symbol on them on her arms and paw-like hands.
Digimon Analyzer (Tentomon's voice)
“Renamon, a rare mythical fox Digimon said only to live in the southern sector of the Digital World, she is Rookie Digimon, but it is said that her grace, ability, and skill make her a match for any Champion level Digimon, Data type, and her Power Paw and Diamond Storm attacks will make sure that you will `get her point', literally and painfully!”
Kari asks Davis, curiously, “Davis, are you and Jun okay?”
Davis sighs and says, in a un-Davis-like solemn tone, “Yeah, I'm okay. I guess.”
Matt asks Jun, curiously, “Whoa, Jun. What's with the new look?”
Jun exclaims, in a real annoyed tone, “I just wanted to look different, okay?!”
Matt tells Jun, “Whoa, Jun! I was just curious! You don't have to bite my head off!”
Jun sighs and replies, apolitically, “I'm sorry, Matt. It is just . . . another one of these dreams and my bro and I will go plain nuts.”
Yolei tells Jun, “I'm sure that Serena's friend, Rei, can help you with that.”
Davis states, in a plain tone, “I hope so. Jun and I are really at wits end with this! Man! I don't why these stupid dreams keep coming back!”
Tai tells Davis, “Wish that we had an answer for you, Davis.” Davis gives a loud sigh and shows a `ragged look' on his face, that cheerful spark on his lips being currently missing.
Kari thinks in her mind, worriedly, “Daisuke is not looking too good! What is going on here?! Why is this happening to Davis? Could these dreams and what's been happening lately be connected? Is this another new enemy that we have to battle?” However, the thing on Kari's mind the most is helping Davis through these mysterious dreams that has been keeping him and Jun so `ragged'. Kari tells Davis, reassuringly, “Don't worry, Davis. I'm sure that we will find out what's going on.”
Davis musters a strong smile and replies, nicely, “I know that we will, Kari. Thanks a lot.”
Kari replies, in a sweet and nice tone, “You're welcome.” Davis blushes in his own mind when he sees how beautiful Kari is. Kari, Age 17, has her down the end of her buttocks, wearing a tight form-fitting pink sleeveless shirt, dark pink fingerless gloves, her fingernails are painted pink as well, she has a matching violet mini-skirt that only goes down one-eighth the way of her slender and sexy legs, partial see-through black stockings that go up under her skirt and to the tops of her upper legs, pure white sneakers with a light brown belt across her slender and sexy waist that contains her D-3 digivice and D-Terminal and around her neck is a tag contain her Crest of Light. In the four years that have past since the defeat of MaloMyotismon, Kari has grown and matured from a young girl just arriving at the start of her teenage years into a gorgeous young woman.
Davis thinks in his mind, “Oh my god! Kari is so beautiful! She is ever more beautiful than when we were battling evil in the Digital World! However, I don't think that she would go for a guy like me! I blew my chance during my days leading the Digidestined and acting a lot dumber than I really am! Even through she and TK broke up when they tried to become girlfriend and boyfriend, I'm not sure that it isn't over between them and I don't think that she would go for me. Anyway, I still love her, but I know that if I truly love her, I have to let her go and live with whoever she wants to be with!” However, Davis' thought seem to race back to the incredible dream and he and Jun were both in last night . . .
FLASHBACK; Previous Evening
We find Davis and Jun, in the same attire that we just saw them, on a platform similar to the one found in the station of Serenity, but the pictures on the platform show a beautiful marble kingdom with pictures of Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, Prince Endymon, and three more individuals, one is a male of Davis' age with silver hair in Davis' spiky hairstyle, golden crescent moon sigil on his forehead, and Davis' hazel brown eyes, another is a female that Jun's age with silvery-white hair in Queen Serenity's hairstyle, sun sigil on her forehead, and Jun's maroon eyes, and the final one is youthful looking man with spiky golden blond hair, Serenity's golden blond hair, in Cloud's hairstyle, fiery red eyes, sun sigil on his forehead, and is very handsome. In front of our Motomiya siblings are six platform that are put in two groups of three with the first group of three having the crescent moon sigil engraved on the platforms and the second group of three having the symbol of sun engraved on them. Each group of platform contain the same three items, one over each platform, a sword with silver blade and a orange hilt with golden crescent moon sigil and sun sigil jewel, together, on the top center portion of the hilt, a black and red shield with the golden crescent moon and sun sigils in the center of the shield, and a magic wand with a silver staff and a golden head having a large golden crescent moon jewel as the top of the wand with the sun sigil engraved in the crescent moon jewel.
Davis groans out, annoyed, “Oh man! Not again! What's going on with these dreams?!”
Jun replies, in a plain tone, “You are asking me?”
Davis tells Jun, “Well, we are both wishing we both knew where we are right now.”
Jun nods her head and says, “No kidding, bro.” When the two of them looked at the podiums, they couldn't help themselves, but to be drawn to them. Davis goes over to the podiums with the crescent moon sigils and Jun goes over to the podiums with the sun sigils engraved on them.
Davis then takes the sword into his hand and a voice calls out, from seemly nowhere and yet, everywhere at the same time, “The sword . . . the power of a warrior . . . undeniable courage . . . Is this the power that you seek?” Davis and Jun looks around for where the voice is coming from, but they couldn't find anyone.
Davis looks at the sword and before he could think about what's going on, he says, “Yes.” The sword glows and disappears from Davis' hands, much to his surprise.
The voice then calls out, “You have chosen the power of a warrior . . . however . . . you must give up a power . . . as well . . . Which power do you choose to give up?” Davis looks around at the two remaining weapons, the shield and the magic staff, and goes to the shield, putting it to his hands. The voice then says, “The shield . . . the power of a protector . . . the power to protect all that you love and cherish . . . Is this the power that you give up?”
Davis replies, on pure instinct, “No.” The shield then returns to its place on the podium and Davis goes over to the staff, putting it into his hands.
The voice then says, “The wand . . . the power of a mystic . . . incredible wisdom . . . Do you give up this power?”
Davis replies, “Yes.” The mystic wand then vanishes from Davis' hands and the shield and sword appear in the air just above Davis.
The voice then states, “Your path has been set . . . your choice has been made . . . the power of a warrior you have taken . . . the power of a protector you have kept . . . the power of a mystic you have given up . . . but now . . . your sister must chose her path . . . What will her choice be?”
Jun thinks in her mind, “Do I really have a choice? However, if she needs to be humored . . .” Jun goes over to the sword and puts it into her hands.
The voice then says, “The sword . . . the power of a warrior . . . undeniable courage . . . Is this the power that you seek?”
Jun replies, in a serious tone, “Yes.” Soon after, like Davis before her, the sword vanishes from Jun's hands.
The voice then calls out, just like before, “You have chosen the power of a warrior . . . however . . . you must give up a power . . . as well . . . Which power do you choose to give up?” Jun looks at the two remaining weapons, immediately goes to the shield, and puts the shield into her hands. The voice then states, “The shield . . . the power of a protector . . . the power to protect all that you love and cherish . . . Is this the power that you give up?”
Jun, without hesitation, replies, “Yes.” The shield then vanishes from Jun's hands and the sword and the mystic staff then appears in the air just above her.
The voice then calls out, “Your path has been set . . . your choice has been made . . . the power of a warrior you have taken . . . the power of a mystic you have kept . . . the power of a protector you have given up . . . The choices have been made . . . and now, your journey can begin . . .!”
Davis and Jun asks, perplexed and in unison, “Journey?” Just then the shield and sword above Davis and the sword and staff above Jun are covered in bright light as they are seemly fused together and the two Motomiya siblings are forced to cover their eyes. When the light dies down and they are able to look, Davis and Jun are amazed to see two Keyblades before them in place of the weapons that they chose to keep. The Keyblade above Davis has a beautiful angelic white handle with golden chain that contains a golden crescent moon sigil jewel at the end of the chain, golden `blade', and the Crest of Miracles in rainbow colors at the ending tip of the `blade'. The Keyblade above Jun has a beautiful golden handle with a silver chain that contains sun sigil jewel at the end of the chain, sky-blue blade, and the Crest of Destiny in pure white at the ending tip of the `blade'. Soon after, the Keyblade with the Crest of Miracles on it goes into Davis' right hand and the Keyblade with the Crest of Destiny on it goes into Jun's right hand.
Davis exclaims, surprised, “What in the world?! What are these?”
Jun states, just as surprised, “I'm not sure! They look like giant keys, but I'm not sure that they are ordinary keys.” Just then six Shadow Heartless appear from the ground and Jun shrieks out in fright.
Davis calls out, holding the Keyblade tightly in his hands and shocked, “What are those things?!”
The voice shouts out, “Don't be scared . . . You hold the greatest weapons within your hands . . . the power within you . . . the light within your hearts . . .!” Davis and Jun looks at the two Keyblades, somehow gain confidence, and Jun swings at one of the Shadow Heartless, destroying it with one blow, and Davis says, amazed, “Whoa. These are definitely not your ordinary keys.”
Jun smiles and says, “Yeah, no kidding.” Davis and Jun then quickly use their Keyblades to quickly dispose of the remaining five Shadow Heartless and a pathway appears to another platform. Jun tells Davis, “Come on, bro. Let's get out of here.”
Davis nods his head in agreement and states, “Yeah, I'm starting to get the creeps.” Davis and Jun then run up the pathway to the next platform, which looks has a glass `floor' that contains the image of the Moon Kingdom Palace and the beautiful white garden in front of it along the symbols of the golden crescent moon, sun sigil, silver Milky Way, and eight-pointed white star along with the symbols of Miracles, Destiny, and Light.
Jun asks, curiously, “Now, what?” Then, as if to answer Jun's question, a door appears in front of the two of them.
The voice then calls out, again, “So much to do . . . so little time . . . Be careful . . . through this door . . . lies a pathway to another world . . . lies hidden secrets within yourselves . . . But don't be afraid . . . take it easy . . . never stop walking . . . never stop forging ahead . . . the door is still shut . . . but you can open it . . . the door to light . . .”
Jun asks Davis, “Should we go through, Davis?”
Davis tells Jun, with confidence, “I say that we do go. I don't know why, but I know through that door lies the secrets of why we are getting these dreams and what is happening to us. Let's go together, sis.”
Jun smiles at her younger brother and replies, with a confident tone, “Okay, let's go!” The two of them head over to the door, put their hands on it, and open the door. When they open the door, they are bathed in light that forces them to cover their eyes. When they are able to open their eyes, Davis and Jun look to find themselves in a huge garden, full of mysterious white roses, and are in front of huge palace.
When Davis and Jun look up into the sky, they gasp to see the Earth in the sky above them and Davis exclaims, amazed, “We're back here, again! We're on the moon and in this mysterious kingdom, again!”
Jun tells Davis, “I figured as much. Whatever is happening to us is connected with this palace and this kingdom.” Davis and Jun start to walk through the garden of white roses and Jun says, “Hey, Davis, are you getting a feeling of déjà vu?”
Davis tells Jun, “If you mean that you are feeling that you have been in this garden and in this kingdom on the moon, then yes, you're right. But why do we have these feelings and we are dreaming of this place along with other `things'?”
Just then a beautiful female voice calls out, “That's because this place is your home, my son.” When Davis and Jun swing over to the source of the voice, they see a female figure wearing a pure white royal gown, silvery-white hair in two buns that are like slightly flattened meatballs with one bun on the left side and the other bun on the right side of her scalp with the hair in the buns going down to the ground, golden crescent moon sigil on her forehead, and beautiful blue eyes.
Jun asks the woman, “Who in the world are you? Why do I feel like I know you?” The two of them then take one step forward and then Davis and Jun are bathed in golden light. Jun's hair, in the woman's hairstyle, turns from maroon to silvery-white, light cherry red lipstick is on her lips, she gains the sun sigil on her forehead, and she is wearing silver and gold version of Princess Serenity's royal gown while Davis' hairstyle remains the same, but his hair also turns into the silvery-white color, golden crescent moon sigil on his forehead, and he is wearing pure white royal clothing under beautiful silver battle armor like Prince Endymon's armor with a black belt across his chest armor that has a sheath for a sword with a pearly white hilt with the Crest of Miracles engraved at the bottom end of the hilt, the golden crescent moon sigil in the top center portion of the hilt, and a beautiful silver blade with the tri-force engraved on the blade. Meanwhile, their new Keyblades are still in their right hands.
Davis exclaims, confused, “What's going on here?! Why are we in these clothes?!”
The woman replies, in the same beautiful voice as before, “Because they are your clothes when you and your sister lived here so long ago.”
Davis asks the woman, “What do you mean? When did Jun and I live here?”
Jun then asks, “Who are you?”
The woman replies, “My name is Queen Serenity and don't be ashamed that you don't remember me, but I know that deep down, you remember me.”
Davis thinks in his mind, “She's right! I do feel like I know this beautiful woman from somewhere and this place looks so familiar to me . . . like it was . . . it is home to me! But how does she know this?! Wait! Could she be the ones sending us these dreams?!”
Queen Serenity tells Davis, “What you and your sister are experiencing now are more than dreams, Daisuke. They are . . . part of who you and Jun are.”
Jun asks Queen Serenity, “What do you mean your majesty?”
Queen Serenity tells Jun, in a kind tone, “You don't have to be so formal with me, Jun. And you will know why when the time is right. The two of you are needed. A great evil is coming. Darkness is threatening to engulf world after world and the two of you are among the only ones that can stop it. The `key' to the salvation is in your hands.”
Davis asks, confused, “In our hands?” When Jun and Davis look at their right hands, they remembered the Keyblades and Davis asks, “Do you mean these?”
Queen Serenity replies, “Yes, the Keyblades. One of the greatest weapons in all of reality. You were chosen to weld their great and awesome power. Do not be afraid and remember, the light is always within you.” Just then a bright light starts to engulf all of them and Queen Serenity tells the two of them, with a smile, “Goodbye and good luck. Your journey is about to begin and those who will be able to aid you understand your power will soon arrive. Farewell, my children.”
Davis and Jun call out in unison, “Wait!” However, the bright light engulfs the two Motomiya siblings and they yell out as they engulfed by the light.
END FLASHBACK; Return to the Present
Davis thinks in his mind, “What was that all about with those weird giant keys called `Keyblades', those weird `shadow ants', that weirdo voice, and that mysterious woman who I seem to know in that weird kingdom on the moon? Man! I wish I knew what was going on. Could there something happening? Some kind of evil and only Jun and I can stop it. I wish that I had a clue to what's going on here!”
Kari asks Davis, “Davis, are you okay?”
Davis tells Kari, “I'm fine, Kari. Just thinking.”
Kari tells Davis, “The dreams?” When Davis nods his head, Kari tells him, in a nice tone, “Well, if you need anyone to talk to Davis, remember I'm here for you.”
Davis is a bit surprised by Kari's statement, but he smiles and tells Kari, “Thanks, Kari.”
Kari blushes a bit from Davis' smile and thinks, “Why does Davis smiling always give me a warm feeling inside?”
Jun then asks, in a curious tone, “When does Serena and her friends get here?”
Just then an evil female voice calls out, “Don't worry about meeting with your friends! You won't be around to greet them!” When everyone, human and Digimon, look to the source of the voice, they see none other than Mimete of the Witches 5 standing in front of them.
Renamon tells Jun, “Jun, this person is producing a huge amount of negative energy. She is dangerous.”
The rest of the Digimon, upon hearing this statement from Renamon, goes in front of their partners and in defensive positions causing Mimete to say, in a nasty sarcastic tone, “Ah, how cute. Your pets are trying to protect you.”
Agumon yells out, in a strong tone, “We're not `pets'! We're Digimon!”
Tai asks, in a demanding tone, “Who are you?”
Mimete replies, “The name is Mimete and I'm a member of the Bad Behavior Board!”
Mimi tells Mimete, “Don't you mean bad wardrobe?”
Mimete roars out, angrily, “Oh, you are just as bad as those skimpy Sailor Scouts?!”
Yolei asks, shocked, “You mean that you are the enemy of the Sailor Scouts?!”
Mimete gives a wide smile and exclaims, “You know it, girl! And now, it is time that you surrender your hearts to my new master!”
However, a familiar female voice calls out, “Stop right there, sleaze queen!” Everyone then looks to the source of the voice to see Eternal Sailor Moon, the rest of the Sailor Scouts, all in Super Sailor Senshi forms, and Tuxedo Mask in front of them.
Mimi exclaims, excitedly, “How cool! Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts!”
Eternal Sailor Moon declares, in a strong tone, “How dare you try to steal the hearts of innocent people? I'm Eternal Sailor Moon, champion of love and justice, and in the name of the moon, I will punish you!”
Mimete groans in annoyance and states, “Can't you come up with some original, moon brat?!”
Super Sailor Neptune tells Mimete, “I see that you are up to your old tricks, again, Mimete.”
Mimete gives a wide grin and replies, “Sorry, this time I'm not after pure heart crystals anymore. This time, I'm gathering hearts from everyone and everything!”
Super Sailor Mars is surprised and she states, “I thought that the Heart Snatchers only took pure hearts.”
Mimete tells the Sailor Scouts, “That would be true . . . if I was working for just the Heart Snatchers. Time to meet my new friends, Sailor Wimps!” Mimete snaps her fingers and shouts out, “Heartless Squad! Attack!” Then out of the ground, hundreds of Shadow Heartless come out of the ground from the shadows and approaches both the Digidestined and Sailor Scout teams.
Super Sailor Jupiter exclaims, shocked, “What in the world are those things?!”
Super Sailor Saturn asks Super Sailor Pluto, “Pluto-san, do you know what they are?”
Super Sailor Pluto replies, “Gomen, Saturn. I have never seen any of these creatures in my entire life.”
Super Sailor Uranus says, “That's not good. If Pluto has never seen these creatures before, then we have no idea what they are capable of.”
Super Sailor Mercury tells the other Scouts, activating her scanner, “I will try to analyze them and try to find a weakness.” However, the Shadow Heartless then began rushing towards the Digidestined and their Digimon and the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask at the same time.
Super Sailor Venus shouts out, “Here they come!”
Tuxedo Mask exclaims, in a serious tone, “We have to stop them!”
Sailor Mars shouts out, “Allow me! Mars Celestial Fire Flash!” Sailor Mars launches a large wave of flames at the Shadow Heartless, but it only succeeds in destroys one dozen of them with A LOT more remaining. Sailor Mars exclaims, shocked, “My flames didn't have much effect on them!”
Sailor Uranus states, in a serious tone, “My turn.” Sailor Uranus calls out, “Uranus World Shaking!” Sailor Uranus then launches an orange planet-shaped orb at the Heartless hoards, but again, it only destroys a very small amount of them, this time around fourteen Shadow Heartless, leaving many more remaining.
Sailor Jupiter calls out, in a bold tone, “My turn, now! Jupiter Oak Evolution!” Sailor Jupiter's tiara gains its electrode, cracking with electrical power, and she spins around like she is in a ballet as she sends in spheres of green nature and electrical energy at the Shadow Heartless, but she only manages to take out another fourteen Shadow Heartless `warriors'.
Tuxedo Mask exclaims, seriously, “This isn't working! There are just too many of them!”
Sailor Moon then exclaims, “Let's try to combine our powers together!”
The other Sailor Scouts nod their heads in agreement and shout out, “Right!”
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!”
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!”
Venus Love and Beauty Shock!”
Mars Celestial Fire Flash!”
Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
Uranus World Shaking!”
Neptune Deep Submerge!”
Pluto Deadly Scream!”
The eight powerful attacks combine into one powerful super-powerful attack and destroy one-half of the Shadow Heartless before the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask.
Sailor Moon exclaims, excitedly, “Yeah, that did it!”
Tuxedo Mask tells Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Senshi, “Well done.” However, the joy was lifted when many more new Shadow Heartless came in to take the destroyed ones' places.
Sailor Mars shouts out, annoyed, “More of them?!”
Mimete evilly laughs at the Sailor Scouts and Mimete declares, in a dark taunting tone, “Nice try, Sailor Losers! The Heartless are darkness made real and as long as darkness exists, they can't be destroyed! More Heartless will appear to take the place of the ones that you destroyed! You can't win!”
Sailor Uranus shouts out, while taking out her Space Sword, “We will see about that one, you witch!” Sailor Uranus then begins to slash at the Shadow Heartless, but her Space Sword is only half as effective on them as with other enemies and the same `case' goes with Sailor Saturn's Silent Glaive Scythe. Meanwhile, the Digimon, mainly still stuck in Rookie form, try to fight back against the Heartless. With no time to digivolve unless they want they put their human partners in danger, they make do with the strength that they have.
Pepper Breath!”
Blue Blaster!”
Spiral Twister!”
Super Shocker!”
Feather Strike!”
Marching Fishes!”
Boom Bubble!”
The seven Digimon attacks combine into one attack, but they only manage to destroy around two dozen Shadow Heartless and Matt exclaims, shocked, “What are these things?”
Jun replies, “I'm not sure, but I've seen them before!”
Tai asks Jun, perplexed, “You've seen these things before?!”
Davis nods his head and exclaims, “No kidding, Tai! Jun and I have seen them in our dreams and I don't think that our Digimon will be enough to stop them! At least as Rookie and one Champion!”
V-Head Butt!”
Lightning Paw!”
Diamond Shell!”
Sticky Net!”
Diamond Storm!”
As if to empathize Davis' point, Veemon, Gatomon, and Armadillomon use their physical attacks to bat the Shadow Heartless, back, and Wormmon uses his stick silk threads to form a net to entrap them. However, the Shadow Heartless that Veemon, Gatomon, and Armadillomon knock down get back to their feet and the other Heartless use their powers through the shadows to escape Wormmon's net with ease. Renamon's attack is the only one that has plenty of effectiveness, through it only destroys one dozen Shadow Heartless.
Sora tells Tai, “Tai, I think that Davis has a good point! Look! Even the Sailor Scouts are having trouble with them!”
Tai growls in annoyance and says, seriously, “Well, I'm open to suggestions!”
Back to the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask, Tuxedo Mask throws some roses at the Shadow Heartless, but they aren't even phases and he says, “We need to figure out their weakness and fast!”
Sailor Mercury continues to work with her scanner while the other Scouts protect her and Sailor Venus tells Sailor Mercury, “Mercury, I don't mean to be rude, but we need a solution and fast!”
Sailor Mercury was about to reply when she gasps to see three Neo-Shadow Heartless come out from the ground near Sailor Venus and she shouts out to her, “Venus, watch out!” Sailor Venus turns to the source of the danger, but she couldn't do anything when the three Neo-Shadow Heartless use their claws on her and giving her a nasty gash on her left arm, causing her to scream out in pain and she gets knocked down to the ground, hard.
Sailor Neptune calls out, shocked, “Sailor Venus!”
Mimete shouts out, “Now, my Heartless, take her heart and turn her into Heartless!” The three Neo-Shadow Heartless then gang up on the injured Senshi and prepare to Sailor Venus' heart to turn her into a Heartless.
Sailor Moon calls out, in horror, “Sailor Venus, get out of the way!”
However, before the Neo-Shadow Heartless could take Sailor Venus' heart, a male voice shouts out, “Back off!” Just then in one instant, all three Neo-Shadow Heartless were defeated and the three hearts contains within them were released. Sailor Venus then looks to meet the gaze of Riku, welding his Keyblade in his right hand.
Riku asks Sailor Venus, extending his right hand, “Need a hand?”
Sailor Venus replies, stunned, “S-Sure.” Sailor Venus takes Riku's hand, Riku helps Sailor Venus onto her feet, and she looks into Riku's eyes, blushes, and thinks in her mind, “Wow, he has really cute eyes!”
Riku asks Sailor Venus, “Will you be all right?”
Sailor Venus regains her composer and replies, in her usual excited tone, “Hey, it will take a lot more than these little creep to take care of me!”
Riku tells Sailor Venus, in a serious tone, “Just be careful. You don't know what the Heartless are capable of.” Riku then quickly turns to his left and attacks some Shadow Heartless with his Keyblade, destroying them without too much trouble. Riku thinks in his mind, “It looks like that this Queen Serenity and Destiny people were right in the first targets of the Heartless in this universe. However, I would like to know how this girl and her friends have the same mysterious uniforms that Kairi has as that `Sailor Star' form of hers.”
Sailor Jupiter, seeing Riku, “Who is that? What's he doing with Sailor Venus?”
Sailor Saturn replies, “It looks like that he is helping Venus-san.”
Just then another familiar voice calls out, “Riku!” When everyone looks to the source the new voice, they see none other than Sora rushing towards all of them, he summons his Keyblade, jumps high into the air, and he lands in front of the Heartless hoards, immediately, attacking all of the Shadow Heartless in sight, taking them out with ease. When three Neo-Shadow Heartless attacks, Sora lands three successive combos that take the Neo-Shadow Heartless apart, piece by piece.
Riku tells Sora, with a grin, “I see that you've kept up with your sword training.”
Sora replies, with his usual wide grin, “Yeah, I'm going to make sure that our next fight doesn't end in a draw like the last one.”
Sailor Mars exclaims, shocked, “What the?! How come that kid is easily destroying all of these creatures and we are doing barely squat with them?!”
Sailor Pluto sees the weapon in Sora's hands, gasps in her mind, and thinks, shocked, “By the great goddess Serene, the legendary Keyblade! In all of the millennia that I've lived, I never thought I would see that powerful weapon, again! The last time I've laid eyes on the weapon that my garnet rod is based on was around the end of the Silver Millennium when the first great warriors chosen to weld this weapon sealed the gateways between our world and all others to make sure that Queen Beryl and Metallia didn't escape or send any darkness to other worlds as well as vice versa! After that, those warriors vanished and were never heard from again! Has this new enemy forced the `reawakening' of these powerful mystical weapons?!”
Mimete yells out, shocked, “Hey, how did you do that? No ordinary weapon could destroy the Heartless!”
Riku says, with a wide grin, “How said that we were using `ordinary weapons'?”
When Mimete gets a better look at Riku's and Sora's Keyblades, he shrieks in surprises and exclaims, totally shocked, “Don't tell that those are the legendary Keyblades?! The only weapon in all of reality that can defeat the Heartless?!”
Sailor Moon asks, perplexed, “What's a `Keyblade'?”
However, on the meanwhile, Davis and Jun think in unison, “Did she say those were `Keyblades'?!”
Just then another voice, a female one, calls out, “Sora!” When everyone looks to the source, King Mickey, Goofy, Donald, and Kairi run up to the Keyblade warriors and Kairi and King Mickey summon their own Keyblades to their right hands.
Kairi yells at Riku and Sora, annoyed, “Riku! Sora! Why did you have to run off like that?!”

Sora tells Kairi, blushing in embarrassment, “Sorry about that, Kairi. We didn't mean to leave you behind like that.”
Riku points to Mimete with his Soul Eater Keyblade and says, “However, we saw that there was a lot Heartless around here . . . and that strangely dressed woman is the one controlling them!”
Mimete roars out, really annoyed, “Hey, who are you called weirdly dressed, brats?! Who are you?! What are you doing with those weapons?! And what's with the overgrown mouse, duck, and . . . whatever?!”
Riku tells Mimete, in a strong tone, “We don't have to tell you anything!”
Donald tells Mimete, “Yeah, you overgrown witch! Why don't you just buzz off and take your Heartless with you!”
Mimete becomes flush with anger and exclaims, “That's it! I'm not going to stand here and be insulted by loud-mouth duck!”
Donald jumps up and down, in pure anger, and exclaims, “Hey, who are you calling loud-mouthed?!”
King Mickey tells Donald, “Donald, this isn't the time!” King Mickey tells Sora, “Sora, take care of this mysterious woman. Since she controls the Heartless that are attacking, take her out and the Heartless will be gone . . . for the moment. We will make sure that no hearts are taken.”
Sora nods his head and replies, “You've got it, your majesty.”
Kairi tells Sora, “Be careful, Sora.”
Sora gives his classic grin and replies, “No problem, Kairi.” Sora then takes a deep breath, Donald and Goofy start to glow as energy is transfer to Sora, and Sora calls out, “Give me strength! Master Form!” Sora's clothes transform as he taps into the powers of his Drive Forms and his clothes transform into his Master Form with his Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblade and he swings them around in the way that Roxas, Sora's Nobody that `rejoined' with him during his second adventure, would.
Riku tells Sora, “Get going, Sora. We will take care of the rest.”
Sora nods his head and replies, “Right.” Sora then looks at Mimete, confused and stunned at Sora's transformation to Master Form, and exclaims, “You're mine!” Sora then rushes towards Mimete at faster than regular human speed while Kairi, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy battle the other Heartless attacking the Sailor Scouts and Digidestined.
Sailor Jupiter exclaims to Sora, “Hey, kid! What do you think that you are doing?!”
Sora replies, “Beating the bad guy . . . Umm, bad girl! And the name isn't kid! The name's Sora!”
Mimete calls out, shocked, “Yipe! Heartless, keep the Keyblade master away from me!” The Shadow and Neo-Shadow Heartless form a `barrier' to try to stop Sora, but Sora, with his Master Form and twin Keyblades, isn't even stopped in the least as he slices through the Heartless with incredible super-quick slashes from his twin Keyblades and powerful combos as well.
Sora roars out, in a strong tone, “They won't stop me! You're finished!” Sora quickly gets through Mimete's `barricade' of Heartless to reach the evil witch, who tries to use a blast from her staff to stop Sora, but he easily guards the attack. Soon after, he uses his Oathkeeper Keyblade to slice Mimete's staff in two, the next attack with his Oblivion Keyblade knocks the other half of her broken staff from her hands, and Sora uses a `double slash' attack with both of his Keyblades to bring the evil member of the Witches 5 down before she knew what hit her. The Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask were flabbergasted at how quick Sora put down Mimete.
Sailor Uranus states, in shock, “Unbelievable. Who or what is this kid?”
Sailor Neptune says, also quite stunned, “Mimete wasn't too much trouble before, but she was never brought down that easily before.”
Tuxedo Mask also asks, with quite surprised look even under his mask, “How did he destroy all of those creatures of darkness with such ease while our attacks are only, at most, half as effective against them?”
Sailor Pluto replies, “Because he holds a weapon so powerful and so dangerous that very few beings could withstand its power for long. It is known as a Keyblade.”
All of the others look at Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn asks, “You know of that weapon that he is holding, Pluto-san?”
Sailor Pluto nods her head and says, “Yes, I do. My garnet staff is based on the legendary Keyblade, but garnet staff is nothing compared to the Keyblade's power. I never through that I would see a mystical weapon so powerful, again, in all of my years. A weapon that's so powerful, it could bring peace or destruction to any world based on whoever is holding that weapon.”
Sailor Mercury asks Sailor Pluto, amazed, “It is that powerful?” Sailor Pluto could only nod her head in approval at Sailor Mercury and our Sailor Senshi of Ice could be shocked at what she had just heard.
On the meanwhile, Sora points his two Keyblades at Mimete and he tells her, “It's over! Get rid of your Heartless and tell us who gave them to you!”
However, a familiar dark female voice rings out, “Ha! I'm insulted if you have forgotten me after all this time, Keyblade master Sora!” When everyone looks to the source of the voice, they see none other than Maleficent emerge from a orb of darkness from up top a tall building/skyscraper.
King Mickey exclaims, in a strong tone, “Maleficent! I knew it was you!”
Maleficent states, with a dark smile and dark sarcastic tone, “I see that you remember me, your majesty! I can't be helped, but be touched!”
Riku exclaims, in a serious tone, “What do you think that you are doing here, Maleficent?!”
Maleficent roars out, “What do you think, Riku?! I'm searching for the `keys' to open the gate to infinite power! And this time, you can't stop me from getting Kingdom Hearts!”
Sailor Pluto thinks in her mind, shocked, “How does this being know about the `Heart of all worlds'?!”
Tai asks, curiously, “Who is that? What does mean by this `Kingdom Hearts'?”
Kari replies, “I don't know, Tai. But I feel a lot of darkness coming out of her, so, we had better be careful.”
Maleficent looks at Kari, Davis sees this, moves in front of her to protect her, and says, “So, this girl can sense the powers of darkness? Interesting, I shall remember that.”
Davis yells out, in a strong tone, “Back off, witch!”
Maleficent roars out, in a annoyed tone, “Hold your tongue, boy!”
Just then another dark voice calls out, in a cold tone, “You can see how annoying the boy can be, Lady Maleficent.” Another orb of darkness then appears to Maleficent's right side and out of that orb, Daemon appears, much to the Digidestined's shock.
Yolei exclaims, in disbelief, “How can you be back?! We sent you into the Dark Ocean!”
Daemon tells the Digidestined, “I told you that I will return, Digidestined! Did you think that sending me into a place of pure darkness can contain me, forever?! Thanks to Lady Maleficent's help, I have returned and infused with dark powers beyond your imaginations!”
But then another dark voice, female, shouts out, “Yes, but we must be careful of the Keyblade welders, since they have the power to stop the Heartless, and now, there are four of them!”
All of the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask gasp, knowing who that voice belonged to, and Sailor Jupiter exclaims, in disbelief, “It can't be! Sailor Moon killed her!” Another orb of darkness appeared to Maleficent's left and out of that orb, Queen Beryl of the Negaverse appears on the building's roof.
Queen Beryl exclaims, “Wrong, Sailor Twit! Sailor Moon might have defeated me, but she didn't have the power to destroy me and now, I'm more powerful than ever!” Queen Beryl looks at Tuxedo Mask and tells him, in a dark tone, “You could have had it all, Prince Endymon! However, you chose your precious moon princess rather than me! Now, you will watch in horror as your precious princess' heart is ripped from her body!”
Tuxedo Mask goes in front of Sailor Moon, protectively, and exclaims, in a strong tone, “You won't lay one hand on her, Beryl!”
Maleficent tells Queen Beryl, “Hold, mighty Queen Beryl! That rotten little princess might be one of the seven princesses that we need to open the door to Kingdom Hearts in your universe. She can't die, just yet, until we make sure and based on how pure her heart is, I'm sure that I'm right.”
Sailor Mars asks, perplexed, “What is she talking about?”
Sailor Venus replies, “I don't know, but I don't think it is good.”
Riku looks at Sailor Moon and thinks, in a strong tone, “If that girl called `Sailor Moon' is one of the princesses of heart in this universe, we have to protect her and her heart at all costs! We can't let Maleficent get her hands on her!”
Maleficent tells Mimete, “Mimete, destroy the Keyblade master and all of the others! However, the girl known as Hikari Kamiya and Sailor Moon are to be kept alive and brought to us! Their hearts are the purest in this world and one of them hold the key to Kingdom Hearts!”
Queen Beryl forms a sphere of dark energy in her hands and she exclaims, “And this will help you!” Queen Beryl throws the sphere of dark energy at Mimete and she screams out as the sphere is absorbed into her body.
Mimi asks, curiously, “What's going on here?!”
Joe replies, in a worried tone, “I'm thinking that it is nothing good, Mimi.” As if to show Joe's `point', Mimete's dress changes into a pitch black gown, her orange-red hair grows until it is as long as Mistress Nine's hair, her lips become ruby-red in color, and she gains a pitch black staff with a black staff eight-pointed star orb on top.
Daemon declares, “Now, you are no longer, Mimete of the Witches Five! You are, now, our mistress of darkness, Mistress Five! Go, our mistress of darkness and destroy the Digidestined and Sailor Scouts along with the Keyblade welders and their friends, but leave Sailor Moon and the Child of Light for us!”
Mimete, now, Mistress Five says, in a dark female voice similar to Mistress Nine's voice, “Yes, Lord Daemon! It will be my pleasure!”
Sailor Saturn cringes at the sound of Mistress Five's voice since it sounded similar to Mistress Nine's voice and Maleficent tells Sora, “Well, Keyblade master Sora, I bid you and your pathetic friends a final farewell . . . FOREVER!!” Queen Beryl, Daemon, and Maleficent then vanish through spheres of pure darkness.
Sora shouts out, in a serious tone, “Get back here!”
Mistress Five tells our Keyblade Master, “You have already enough to deal, foolish brat!”
Sora, still in his Master Form, puts his Keyblades up in defense and states, in a strong tone, “I'm not afraid of you! Bring it on!”
Mistress Five roars out, in a dark tone, “As you wish!” Mistress Five then creates a huge wind that throws Sora back, getting him `out' of his defensive stance, and Mistress Five, taking her chance, fires a beam of pure negative energy at Sora, which hits dead on, causing the Keyblade Master to scream out in extreme pain as he is sent flying high into the air, unconscious, and he also `de-transforms' from his Master Form from the power of the attack since it drained all of his energy.
Riku, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Kairi gasp in shock to see what happened to Sora just now and Riku yells out, horrified, “No, Sora!”
Kairi yells out, fearfully, “Sora, no!” Kairi then drops her own Keyblade and runs towards the unconscious Keyblade welder, who is starting to fall to the ground from very high in the air, in an attempt to catch him, but she known unless she can fly herself, she might not get to him in time. Kairi thinks in her mind, “Sora, you can't die! Not like this! After all we've been through, you can't just die like this! Not after you've saved me and save all of the worlds back in our universe, twice! I can't lose you! You mean too much to me! I can't lose! I WON'T lose you!” Quickly remember the mysterious wand that she gained, she quickly takes it out and shouts out, “Star Eternal Power! Make-up!” Soon after, Kairi is bathed in light as her clothes are ripped off and replaced by a Sailor Senshi fuku. When the light dies down, much to everyone's, but Kairi's other friends, shock, Eternal Sailor Star replaces Kairi as she uses her wings to take to the air and catches Sora in her arms.
Mistress Five exclaims, stunned, “What?! Another Sailor Scout?! And she is one of the four Keyblade welders?!”
Sailor Pluto, the most shocked of all, thinks in her mind, “My words! The daughter of Chronos, the Lord of Time, himself, has returned! She disappeared at the end of the Silver Millennium with the Keyblade warriors that sealed the gateways!”
Sailor Star, after catching Sora, floats back down to the ground, gently puts Sora on the ground, kneels down, and with him in her arms, Sailor Star says, in a begging tone, “Sora, get up! Please, Sora! Don't you dare leave me, you lazy bum!”
Sora groans out and says, weakly, “Give me a break, Kairi . . .” Sora slowly looks at Sailor Star and says, weakly, “Hey, Kairi.”
Sailor Star smiles and replies, “Don't ever worry me like that, again, Sora.”
Sora replies, in a weak tone, “No problem . . .” Sora then falls into a state of unconscious and Riku comes over to the two of them.
Sailor Star then summons her Keyblade to her right hand and she tells Riku, in a calm tone, “Riku, please take care of Sora.” Sailor Star then walks over to Mistress Five and points her Keyblade at her, declares, “No one hurts my friends and gets away with it! I won't let you hurt anyone else!”
Mistress Five replies, in an amused tone, “And who you might be, my dear?”
Sailor Star yells out, in a strong tone, “My friends know me as Kairi, but you can call me Sailor Star!”
Sailor Uranus asks, perplexed, “Sailor Star?”
Sailor Neptune states, “I've never heard of her before.”
Sailor Pluto says, in a serious tone, “I have. And I know that she is one powerful Sailor Senshi.”
Sailor Mars exclaims to Sailor Pluto, “Hey, Pluto, what else haven't you told us?!”
Mistress Five tells Sailor Star, “I'm not impressed, little miss star! However, if you want to die with your little `boyfriend', then so be it!” Mistress Five then sends another sphere of dark energy at Sailor Star, but she stands her ground against the attack and with one swipe of her Keyblade, slices the attack in half and negates it. Mistress Five screams out, in shock, “That's impossible!” Sailor Star then rushes at Mistress Five and slashes at her with her Keyblade, but Mistress Five easily blocks Sailor Star's attack with her staff, causing sparks of energy to fly from their two weapons. Mistress Five says, not impressed, “Ha! You will have to do better than that! With the powers of darkness, I'm invincible!”
Sailor Star thinks in her mind, on the meanwhile, “Sora, you, Riku, and the others have always been there for me. Fighting for me, protecting me, and helping me in more ways than you! You are the strongest and noblest people that I know, but this time, I'm going to be the one protecting you. I'm going to be the one fighting for you! I won't this witch, Maleficent, or anyone else hurt anyone else, especially my friends, anymore! This time, it is my time to shine!” Sailor Star then gets a sly smirk on her lips and states, “Besides, you are still hopeless without me, Sora!” Sailor Star and Mistress Five then get into a incredible fight with Sailor Star using her Keyblade to attack and defend against Mistress Five, who is using her staff to swipe at Sailor Star and use dark energy beams to try to blast her with. On the meanwhile, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey were trying to destroy the hoards of Heartless still left, but no new Heartless have appeared to replace the ones that were destroyed since Mistress Five was `created', so, the three of them were making progress. While Riku stands guard over Sora's unconscious form, destroying one of the Heartless that break off from the `pack' that try to take the Keyblade Master's heart. However, the Digidestined were in deep trouble as the remaining Heartless, still very vast, were about to overrun their Digimon partners, who were very low on energy, and attack the Digidestined themselves.
TK exclaims, worriedly, “What are we going to do?! Our Digimon are too weak to defend themselves, much less digivolve and defend us!”
Yolei calls out, fearfully, “A little help here!”
Donald yells back in reply, “We are working as fast as we can!”
King Mickey tells his loyal `servants', “Donald! Goofy! We must hurry before their hearts are taken!”
Kari asks Tai and Davis, “What are we going to do?!”
Tai tells Kari, “I'm not sure, Kari! But I know that we will think of something!”
Davis exclaims, in a strong and determined tone, “I know that there is a way to win! We have just got to find it!”
Jun asks her brother, “Yeah, but how?!”
However, a familiar female voice tells them, telepathically, “Quickly, my children, use the Keyblades!” After Davis and Jun heard the voice, they looked around for the source, but they couldn't find whoever called out to them. But a female scream cut them off and Davis sees, to his horror, that Kari was about to be attacked by three Shadow Heartless.
Davis exclaims, in a serious tone, “No, leave her alone!” Davis then runs over, throws arms out in defense to protect Kari, and declares, “I won't let you harm her!”
Kari tells Davis, worriedly, “No, Davis, don't!” The Shadow Heartless extend their `arms' to take Davis' heart, but he puts his hands in front of his face for protection and then a bright light comes from his right hand, causing everyone to cover their eyes while other bright glow comes from Jun's own right hand.
Mistress Five shrieks in pain and yells out, “That light! It is so bright! What is it?!” That very same light destroys the three Shadow Heartless and when the light dies down, the two Keyblades that Davis and Jun used in their dreams appear in front of their hands.
Matt asks, confused, “What in the world are those? They kind of look like the `weapons' that those mysterious new `people' and that new Sailor Scout have got.” On pure instinct alone, Davis and Jun take their Keyblades into their hands, causing another flash, through not as strong as before, and this light produces golden metallic neck-collar around Davis' and Jun's necks with a silver crescent moon in the center of Davis' choker with a tag containing the Crest of Miracles attached below the center of the choker with Jun's choker having the sun sigil in the center of choker with a tag containing the Crest of Destiny in the center. Also, two more chokers, this time, cloth chokers, appear around Yolei's and Cody's neck with the Yolei's choker having a tag that contains the Crest of Faith attached below the center of the choker and Cody's choker having a tag containing the Crest of Honor attached below the center of the choker. Plus, the light also restores the Digimon's energy and forces the Heartless in front of all of them back, but at the same time, they didn't notice the golden crescent moon sigil on Davis' forehead and the sun sigil on Jun's forehead that faded away when the light faded.
Gabumon exclaims, “I don't know what that light is, but it feels really good!”
Veemon calls out, excitedly, “You know it! However, this is the part you are not going to believe, I can digivolve!” Soon after, all of the Digidestined's digivices and crests, including the new ones, blaze with light.
“Agumon Warp-Digivolve to . . . WarGreymon!”
“Gabumon Warp Digivolve to . . . MetalGarurumon!”
“Biyomon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Garudamon!”
“Palmon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Lillymon!”
Tentomon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . MegaKabuterimon!”
“Gomamon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Zudomon!”
“Patamon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . MagnaAngemon!”
“Gatomon Digivolve to . . . Angewomon!”
“Veemon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Cyberdramon!”
“Hawkmon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Silphymon!”
“Armadillomon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Shakkoumon!”
“Wormmon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . MagnaStingmon!”
“Renamon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Taomon!”
End Digivolution
After the digivolutions are complete, the Digidestined are amazed to see all of their Digimon in Ultimate or Mega forms at once, including three new Digimon, a dragon with dark blue skin that could be mistaken for black, metallic face-plate and claws that look like that they are made from silver, and four wings coming out of this dragon Digimon's back as well as slightly large version of Stingmon with golden armor similar to Magnamon's, expect the shoulder plate armor has the Crest of Kindness in silver on them and the face-mask is shaped to Stingmon's face. Finally, there is a humanoid female Digimon with a yellow fox-type face that's wearing a light brown traditional Japanese kimono that has the yin-yang symbol in the upper chest area with one yellow fox tail with a white tip coming out her tailbone area.
Yolei exclaims, amazed, “All right! Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Veemon, Renamon, and Wormmon have digivolved to their own Ultimate forms! Perfecto!” On the meanwhile, Izzy uses his Digimon analyzer to scan the two new Digimon.
Digimon Analyzer (Izzy's voice)
“Well, the three new Digimon with us are known as MagnaStingmon, Taomon, and Cyberdramon! MagnaStingmon is Stingmon's Ultimate form, he is Holy Insect Warrior Digimon, Virus type, and his Magna Sting Strike and Magna Fire attacks will make sure that evil is punished no matter where it is! However, Cyberdramon is more incredible! Obviously, he is Veemon's Ultimate form, Vaccine type, Dragon Warrior Digimon, he is a legendary Digimon of incredible power, said to have the ability to fight Mega class Digimon with his incredible skills, and his Desolation Claw and Cyber Nail attacks are also nothing to laugh about! He could send you into oblivion before you could say `deleted'! Prodigious! Finally, Taomon is Renamon's Ultimate form, Data type, Sorceress type Digimon, her graceful looks conceal her powerful Thousand Spell and Talisman of Light attack, which makes the saying `Looks can be deceiving' the deadly truth when concerning this Digimon!”
Jun asks, perplexed, “Did we just do that?”
Taomon tells Jun, “Yes, you have Jun. The power from those mysterious key-like weapons and the power of you and your brother's hearts have allowed all of us to digivolve. I knew that you and Davis were special, Jun. Since the day that we met those years ago.”
MetalGarurumon exclaims, “Now, let's show this clown what we are all about!”
“Yeah!” the rest of the Digimon reply in unison with excited tones in their voices.
Terra Force!”
Metal Wolf Claw!”
Wing Blade!”
Flower Cannon!”
Vulcan's Hammer!”
Horn Buster!”
Heaven's Charm!”
Static Force!”
Justice Beams!”
Magna Fire!”
Talisman of Light!”
Desolation Claw!”
The Digimon launch a huge orange orb of energy, a breath of freezing energy, a fiery phoenix, a sphere of green plant energy, an arrow of yellow energy, a beam of dark yellow energy, two waves of pink holy energy, a sphere of pink electrical energy, two orange-red beam of holy energy, a wave of golden holy energy, a mystic symbol made of pure light, and a silver beam of energy at the Heartless, causing one powerful explosion around all of them and nearly three-quarters of the Heartless left were eliminated.
Sailor Jupiter states, stunned at the Digimon's power, “Okay, no matter how you look at it, that's impressive.”
TK tells MagnaAngemon, “Okay, finish the job MagnaAngemon!”
MagnaAngemon shouts out, “Gate of Destiny!” MagnaAngemon uses his laser sword to create a mystical portal that opens up and `swallows' the remaining Heartless into itself before it collapses.
Mistress Five, seeing the rest of Heartless army destroyed, yells out, angrily, “No, you will all pay for that!” Mistress Five shouts out, angrily, while pointing at Sailor Star, “And you are first, Sailor Scout!” Mistress Five then launches a spiral wave of dark energy that tears into our Keyblade mistress and she screams out in as she gains two bloody gashes to her neck and one cut on her left cheek as well as falling to the ground, hard.
Riku yells out, stunned and horrified, “Kairi, no!”
Sora, who had just regained consciousness, sees what happens to Sailor Star, gasps in horror, quickly gets to his feet, and shouts out, in a strong tone, “Leave her alone!” What Sora didn't notice is that he is currently giving off a slight golden glow as his `Drive energy' is fully restored somehow.
Mistress Five asks, not threatened, “What are you going to do about it?!”
Davis then calls out, “Hey, why don't you pick on someone you own size?!” When Mistress Five looks at Davis and Jun, the tips of their Keyblades are pointed at her and are glowing fiercely. Soon after, they shoot beams of energy that slam into Mistress Five's heart and she yells out in agony as she holds her heart while her body starts to spark and fizzle as her energy was leaving her.
Mistress Five states, stunned, “What . . . What did you do to me? I'm so weak!”
Riku tells Sora, “They used their Keyblades to weak the dark powers with her! Sora, this is your chance! Finish it!”
Sora calls out, “Donald! Goofy!”
Goofy replies, “Coming, Sora!” When Donald and Goofy get close to Sora, he amazingly draws in energy from them, and calls out, “Give me strength! Final Form!” Sora's clothes then transform into his Final Form with his Ultima and Oblivion Keyblades hanging behind him.
Riku thinks, stunned, “How did Sora get the energy to use Final Form so quickly?!”
Sora takes his two Keyblades into his hands, rushes towards the weakened Mistress Five, and shouts out, in a strong tone, “You're finished! You are not going to hurt anyone else!”
Mistress Five tries to say, “Wait! Hold . . .!” However, she doesn't get to say another word when Sora slashes her with his Keyblades around two dozen times with a powerful Trinity Limit attack. When Sora strikes the final blow with both of his Keyblades, Mistress Five falls down to the ground with a powerful `thud' and soon after, she is started to become engulfed by darkness. Mistress Five says, weakly, “No . . . this wasn't supposed to happen . . . I couldn't have lost to you . . .” Soon after, Mistress Five, originally Mimete of the Witches Five, is engulfed by darkness and when the darkness around her is gone, so is she. However, Sora allows his two Keyblades to float behind him as he goes over to Sailor Star, puts her gently in his arms, and Donald uses a Curaga spell to heal her injuries and restore her energy.
Sailor Star opens her eyes, looks at Sora, and Sora asks Sailor Star, “Kairi, are you okay?”
Sailor Star smiles and replies, “Don't worry, Sora, I will be okay.”
Sora smiles and says, “I'm really glad. I don't know what I would do if I lost you.”
Sailor Star thinks in her mind, “Does this mean that Sora really does like me? More than a friend? Oh, I really hope so because . . . because I love him, too! Ever since the end of that battle with Xemnas and learning what Sora tried to do to help me during his first adventure, how much he tried to find Riku to get both of them to the island and me, and when my heart connected with Sora's Nobody, Roxas, I felt a deep warm feeling when I think about Sora. However, he is my childhood friend, how am I supposed to say to him that I love him? Guess love is harder than fighting the forces of darkness. As Sora helps Sailor Star to her feet, the Digidestined, their Digimon, still in digivolved form, and the Sailor Scouts, along with Tuxedo Mask, go over to the four Keyblade welders and their two friends.
Goofy says, “Gwarsh. It looks like that we have found two of the new Keyblade welders.”
Yolei then exclaims, confused, “Okay, could somebody tell me what's going on here?! What were those `creatures'?! And what's with cartoon characters coming to life?!”
Donald yells out, indignantly, “Hey, who are you calling a cartoon?!”
Riku looks at Sailor Pluto and says, “However, the question in my mind is about how you knew about the Keyblades. I didn't think anyone in this universe would know about them.”
Sailor Mars looks at Sailor Pluto and states, “That's what I would like to know. How do you know about these `Keyblades' or whatever?”
Sailor Pluto says to everyone, “It is a very long story, however, I think that all of us should here because I feel that all of our enemies have joined forces.”
Sailor Saturn then states, “However, Pluto-san, I don't think we should talk here.”
Ken says, “I agree with her. Two famous teams of heroes with three real-life characters only seen in cartoon could attract one very big crowd.” Not needing another word to be said, everyone then heads out of the area to find a `private place' to talk.
Sailor Venus looks at Sailor Star and says to Sailor Moon, “That new Sailor Scout looks kind of like you.”
Sailor Moon tells Sailor Venus, “Well, she must be an Eternal Sailor Scout just like me, but I would like to know where she got her powers.”
Sailor Venus then says, with a giggle, “And that cute boy with silver hair.”
Sailor Mars sweatdrops and says to herself, annoyed, “Oh, brother.”
(Somewhere within the Juuban district; A short time later)
Near an abandoned warehouse, we find the Digidestined, their Digimon, returned to their `default' states, Champion for Gatomon and Rookie for the rest of the Digimon, the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask, still in their transformed states, and Sora and his friends, including Kairi, returned from her Sailor Star form. Sora and his friends have just finished about explaining about the Heartless, Maleficent, their universe, and their adventures to stop the Heartless.
After they were done, Tai asks, “So, let me get this straight: All of you come from another universe where you have been battling these `creatures' known as Heartless, creatures made from the darkness of people's hearts, and you have stop them from getting the greatest power of darkness within the `heart of all worlds' known as Kingdom Hearts? Plus, no weapons can truly stop these `Heartless' expect this weapon that's known as the Keyblade?”
King Mickey nods his head and says, “Correct. Here allow me to visually show what we mean.” King Mickey then chants a little spell, throws his hands forward, and creates a hologram of TK right in front of all of them.
Sora exclaims, “Wow! Your majesty, I didn't know that you could do that!”
Donald tells Sora, “Remember, Sora, the King was trained by Yen Sid, one of the greatest sorcerers of our universe.”
King Mickey tells everyone, “Now, watch carefully everyone.” Soon after, the hologram image of TK is engulfed in darkness and it transforms into a Shadow Heartless.
Riku then explains, “You see, the Heartless are also known as `the ones without hearts'. The Heartless are darkness made real and come from the darkness from everyone's hearts. If a person like your friend, here, gave into the darkness in their heart, they, too, would turn into a Heartless.”
Mimi says, “Creepy.”
Sailor Moon responds in agreement, “I'll say.”
Riku then states, “The Heartless is also nearly impossible to destroy because they are the very representations of darkness. Which means as long as there is darkness in every heart, the Heartless will continue to exist. The only way that they will `die out' is if everyone's heart was full of light, but that's easier said than done.”
Sailor Venus asks, curiously, “Why is that?”
Sailor Pluto responds by saying, “Because in life, there must exist a balance of light and darkness. One cannot exist without the other without the result being total chaos and the balance of life itself being throw out of balance. And the same goes with practically every person, every person has light and darkness within their hearts and everyone chooses to embrace either light or darkness within themselves. There are exceptions to this rule, but they are very rare.”
Tuxedo Mask then asks, “What do they want here?”
Sora replies, in a serious tone, “Kingdom Hearts, the heart of all worlds, a dark world where the greatest powers of light and darkness are. I, along with my friends, Donald and Goofy, stopped a Heartless that took and went by the name of Ansem from getting the power of Kingdom Hearts. The King and I then used our two Keyblades to seal the gateway of Kingdom Hearts for good in our universe, through it resulted in my friend Riku and the King to being trapped in the dark world for a time. However, we learned in our second adventure that `Ansem' was the Heartless of an assistant to the real Ansem, also known as Ansem the Wise, by the name of Xehanort.”
King Mickey then says, finishing the explanation, “Ansem the Wise started to research the Heartless and the hearts, but when he became fearful of the threat that it posed to all worlds, he stopped his research and tried to make his assistants, including Xehanort, stop their experiments as well. However, Xehanort and Ansem's other assistants betrayed him, sent him into a world of darkness, and stole his discovers and his pride as well as Xehanort or his Heartless at least, stealing his very name. However, Ansem was too strong to be controlled or swallowed by the darkness and driven by vengeance, he went a mission to destroy those that took away his pride. As I have said, Ansem was a good friend of mine and when he also met Riku and Sora, his `mission' changed and he sacrificed himself to try to stop our next great enemy after Xehanort's Heartless, Organization XIII.”
Sailor Uranus then says, “However, your old enemy, that witch known as Maleficent, is here with the Heartless to try to open Kingdom Hearts because we have a door to the `heart of all worlds', too.”
Riku nods his head and states, in a serious tone, “That's right. However, the door to Kingdom Hearts can't be open unless you have `keys' to open the doorway. In our universe, they were the seven princesses of heart. Seven females with the purest hearts in all worlds and within their hearts lie the `keys' to open the gateway to Kingdom Hearts. Kairi was one of the seven princesses and her heart was so pure that she managed to `transfer' her heart from her own body into Sora's body, which I believe kept the darkness from getting their hands on it. Even Sora didn't know until he battled me, when Ansem possessed my body, Sora managed to keep Kairi's heart safe until he used my Soul Eater Keyblade to restore Kairi's heart to her body.”
Sailor Mercury asks, “And they believe that Sailor Moon or Ms. Kamiya is the `members' of the `Princesses of Heart' for the door to Kingdom Hearts in our universe?”
King Mickey says, “Yes, since they hold the purest of hearts in your world, they will be the prime target of Maleficent and the Heartless, who are allied with your worst enemies as I can see. However, to open this door, they are going to need more.”
Sora asks King Mickey, “What do you mean more, your majesty?”
King Mickey replies, “With the information that I was told, they are going to also need the seven `Prince of Heart', seven male individuals with the purest hearts in all worlds in this universe, also with the seven `Princess of Heart'. Finally, they are going to need two very special individuals: The Supreme Prince and Princess of Heart. One `prince' and one `princess', each containing a pure heart known as a `heart of gold', and they are the final keys to opening the door to Kingdom Hearts. Without these two individuals, even with the seven princess and seven princes, the door to Kingdom Hearts will remain close.”
Sora asks, perplexed, “Why is it harder to get through this door than the one back in our world?”
King Mickey replies, “Because this universe is `closer' to the heart of all worlds than our universe was, so, the door to Kingdom Hearts in this universe had to be made harder to access or any person can just `gather' the necessary `elements' and open the gateway to the dark world. However, it doesn't mean that it is impossible and if Maleficent and her allies succeed, not only this universe, but our universe as well will be covered in eternal and ever-lasting darkness.” All of our heroes and heroines gasp in shock and horror at King Mickey's statement.
Riku then goes over to Davis and Jun, who are still holding their Keyblades, and says, “By the looks of it, the `keys' to our hope lie within the two of you.”
Jun exclaims, shocked, “Why us?!”
Riku points to their Keyblades and states, “Because you were chosen by the Keyblades of your universe. The Keyblades are the most powerful weapons in the whole of any universe. They have the power to open and close any type of doorway in existence, including the gateways and `pathways' between worlds, among all others. The Keyblades, however, hold a great responsibility. They have the power to bring peace or destruction to the worlds based on whoever is welding the Keyblades.”
Yolei states, in a sarcastic tone, “So, that means our fates and the fates of countless worlds beyond our imaginations are in the hands of Davis and Jun. That's reassuring.” Davis and Jun growl in annoyance at Yolei as the two of them start to feel a `presence' within themselves that seems to be annoyed at Yolei's comment as well and causing both of them, not just Davis, normally, to be annoyed at Yolei's sarcastic statement. However, the `presence' with the two Motomiya siblings doesn't go unnoticed by Sailor Pluto, who looks at the two of them when she senses the `presence' within them.
Kari tells Yolei, “Well, Yolei, I have confidences that they will succeed. Davis did save the world and us from MaloMyotismon around four years ago.”
TK then states, “However, Jun has no experience in this saving the world business even through she got her Digimon partner years ago.”
Matt tells TK, “Well, that could mean that she has untapped potential, TK.”
Tai tells TK, “Yeah, TK. Remember, we didn't know a damn thing about `saving the world' when all of us were starting out as Digidestined.”
Jun exclaims, while displaying her Keyblade, “I don't get why the two of us get these weird weapons anyway! Davis and I didn't ask for them!”
Riku tells Jun, “The Keyblade chooses its own master or in your case, mistress. It wouldn't have chose you unless you had a strong heart necessary to use and master its power. And from what I can see, you must have a strong heart since that Keyblade seems to be stronger than my own, the king's, and Sora's Keyblades.”
Donald asks Riku, amazed, “Are you sure, Riku?”
When Riku nods his head in agreement, Goofy says, “Gwarsh. That must mean they must have very strong hearts.”
Ken then asks, “By the way, who did give you this information?”
King Mickey replies, “When I found that Maleficent had survived the battle with the Nobodies' headquarters and she was in this universe to try to gain access to Kingdom Hearts, I was preparing to head off on my own to slow them down until Donald and Goofy came with Sora and Riku, knowing that they are among those that could stop her. However, two beings of incredible power appeared in my court to give me the information that I needed to know to understand the situation better and both of them were beautiful young women. One of them was named Destiny and the other one said that you, the people known as the Sailor Scouts, knew her.”
Sailor Mercury asks, curiously, “She knows us? Who is she?”
King Mickey tells Sailor Mercury, “The second being that appeared in my court called herself Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom.” Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts gasp in shock and surprise when they heard Queen Serenity's name, but Davis and Jun are also shocked to hear that name.
Gatomon asks, curiously, “Someone that you know?”
Jun goes up to King Mickey and asks, “Does this `Queen Serenity' have a golden crescent moon on her forehead, beautiful translucent ivory-like skin, beautiful blue eyes, wearing a pure white royal gown, and silvery-white hair in two pigtails like my own?” Tuxedo Mask and all of the Sailor Scouts are shocked to hear Jun say that description for obvious reasons.
King Mickey asks Jun, “Oh my gosh! Yes, that's exactly how she looked like! How did you know?!”
Davis replies, in a plain tone, “We've met before.” Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts are shocked to hear Davis say that.
Sailor Pluto thinks in her mind, “Why would our queen go into the dreams of two young Earthling children? Yes, they are the chosen welders of the Keyblades, but I don't think that's enough reason for queen to come to them.” However, when Sailor Pluto looks to see the chains attached to their Keyblades, Sailor Pluto gasps and thinks, “Unless . . .” Sailor Pluto asks Jun, “Excuse me? Would you explain how you met her?”
Jun displays her Keyblade and replies, “The same way that we got these. Lately, my bro and I have been getting weird dreams and by what I mean as weird, is that Davis and I are having the same dreams and nightmares and we are the same dreams and nightmares at the same time. This is the reason that we came here to Juuban: To meet with one of Serena Tsukino's friends, who are friends with Yolei, Mimi, and Sora Takenouchi, by the name of Rei Hino, who we heard is a Shinto priestess and a possibly physic, so we could help understand our dreams. In our last dream, Davis and I found ourselves in a strange platform displaying a mysterious kingdom on the moon with six podiums in two groups with the first group of three podiums engraved with the crescent moon and the second group of the other three podiums having the symbols of the sun on them. Davis goes to the podiums with the crescent moon sigil and I went up to the podiums with the sun symbols engraved on them. The two groups of podiums had the same three weapons on them, a sword, the symbol of the warrior, a shield, the symbol of a protector, and a staff, the symbol of a mystic. We had to choose one and the sacrifice another. Davis took the sword, kept the shield, and got rid of the staff and I took the sword, kept the staff, and got rid of the shield. Davis' sword and shield turn into his `Keyblade' while my two `items' turned into my Keyblade.”
Davis then continues the story by saying, “Just then we were attacked by six of those nasty Heartless that look like ants and we took care of them without much problem. Soon after, a path appeared on the platform we were on to another platform and we went towards that platform, but the path behind us vanished and we were stuck on that platform. However, a door appears before us, it opened and we entered. The next minute, we were in some weird garden full of white roses in some kind of amazing kingdom and much to our shock, this garden and kingdom was on the moon.”
Jun then finishes the story with, “We were looking around wondering about this beautiful and incredible place and we got the weirdest feeling that the two of us have been here before. Soon after, we met her, a beautiful looking queen with the description that I gave, and when we step forward, our clothes and hair totally changed. Davis was wearing white clothes like a prince with amazing silver armor, he had the same silver hair as this `moon queen', a golden crescent moon sigil on his forehead, and a sword strapped onto a belt that was across his waist armor. I was wearing a silver and golden princess-type gown, my hair had turned from maroon to the same color as Queen Serenity's, my lips become cherry red in color, and essentially, I look like this `moon queen' expect I had the symbol of the sun on my forehead like some kind of birthmark or something. She warned us of some great danger and the Keyblades, along with us, would be essential to some kind of upcoming battle. Also, she told us that the dreams that we've been having are a part of who we are . . . or a life that we, once, lived. Finally, she called us `her children'.”
Yolei asks, perplexed, “Her children? Are you sure that you didn't eat something?”
Davis yells out, in a real serious tone that isn't like him at all, “No! Did you think that you felt the effects from and felt so real be an `effect' from some kind of food?!”
Yolei, surprised by Davis' tone, jumps back and states, worriedly, “All right! All right! I was just asking! I believe you!”
TK asks Ken, in a whisper, “Ken, is it me or is Davis not acting his `usual self'?”
Ken tells TK, in a whisper, “It isn't you.”
Sailor Pluto then asks Sailor Mars, “Sailor Mars, could you help me with something?”
Sailor Mars replies, “Sure, but what for?”
Sailor Pluto goes up to Jun and asks her, in a serious tone, “Excuse me, Miss Jun, I know this might sound strange, but can I read your mind? I think that I can help understand your dreams if you allow me. Will you allow me access into your mind?”
Jun becomes a bit nervous, but replies, in a calm tone, “Okay, but please don't go into my private thoughts.”
Sailor Pluto replies, “I will do nothing of the sort.”
Sailor Mars tells Davis, “Hey, I'm also a physic, like Sailor Pluto. If you allow me to look inside your head, I can see what's going in there and see what those dreams are about.”
Davis is quite hesitate at first, but replies, nervously, “All right, but don't peak anywhere you are not supposed to.”
Sailor Mars replies, “Believe me, I won't. I will like to be out of your mind as soon as possible.”
Davis yells out, indignantly, “What's that supposed to mean?!”
Sailor Jupiter tells Davis, “Don't take it personally! Mars isn't a boy hater. She doesn't exactly trust too many boys.”
Yolei thinks in her mind, “Just like a certain friend of Serena's that I know! Could it be possible? They have similar hairstyles, but . . . No way! It can't be! Could it?!” Sailor Mars groans in annoyance as she starts her `probe' into Davis' mind while Sailor Pluto's probes into Jun's mind. At first, the two of them didn't find anything, but then they find some kind of `power' within their subconscious minds. Sailor Pluto and Sailor Mars could feel it to be ancient and powerful and familiar at the same time, but when they reach into our two Motomiyas subconscious, they scream out as they are filled with incredible power and images of the Moon Kingdom, another kingdom with a palace that looks like it is made of pure gold, a man with blond hair, looks like a king, and with the sun sigil on his forehead, and Princess Serenity and Prince Endymon with two others that look exactly like Davis and Jun when they were in their `royal looks' in their dreams. Soon after, Sailor Mars and Sailor Pluto are flung away from Davis and Jun with incredible force, landing on the ground, extreme hard, while Davis and Jun are fling right into the fence surrounding the abandoned warehouse and knocking them unconscious.
Kari calls out, shocked, “Davis! Jun!” Kari and the other Digidestined with their Digimon partners run over to the two `fallen' Motomiyas while the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask go over to Sailor Mars and Sailor Pluto, who are just getting into a sitting position.
Sora asks Riku, confused, “Whoa! What just happened Riku?”
Riku tells Sora, “It looks like that the two of them, Sailor Mars and Sailor Pluto, were thrown away from an incredible power within those two.”
Sailor Moon asks Sailor Mars and Pluto, concerned, “Mars! Pluto! What happened?! Are you okay?!”
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Moon, “Unbelievable! Sailor Moon, this kid, Daisuke Motomiya, has incredible power hidden within his subconscious! Power that's only matched by your Imperium Silver Crystal!”
Sailor Mercury asks, shocked, “Are you sure?!”
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Mercury, “Believe me, Mercury, if you felt what I sensed within him, then you would be agreeing with me! Plus, I've seen memories of the Moon Kingdom and Silver Millennium within him! Who is this kid?!”
Sailor Pluto says, in a calm fashion, “I've seen similar memories within young Jun Motomiya and felt a similar power. Powers I through were long gone with people that I never through I would see ever again.”
Sailor Uranus asks, in a curious tone, “Okay, who are they? Really?”
Just then a female voice, sounding like Jun, but only deeper and more mature, replies, “If you had your full memories, Princess of Uranus, then you would surely remember me.” When the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask look to the source of the voice, they see Jun Motomiya slowly getting to her feet.
Tai asks, curiously, “Jun, are you okay? You sound kind of different. Are you feeling all right?”
Renamon states, “I'm not exactly sure that's my partner. I sense a great and powerful aura coming from her.” When Jun fully rises to her feet, the sun sigil is on her forehead and there is a new look in her eyes, a look of strength, determination, and authority with a slight golden glow of power coming from them.
Jun then says, in the deeper and more mature version of her voice while rubbing her head, “Pluto, could you have `awoken' me without touching my subconscious mind like you have? You know very well that any form of physic technique, including Lunarian mind-melding, is dangerous by pulling a stunt like that. By the goddess Serene, you can have scramble both my mind and Jun's like that!”
TK asks `Jun', “Jun, are you okay? You sound different.”
Matt tells TK, “That isn't Jun, TK. I can see it in her eyes. Whoever she is, she isn't Jun Motomiya.” Matt asks `Jun', “So, anyway, who are you? And what are you doing inside of Jun's body?”
`Jun' replies, in the same tone as she talked with Sailor Pluto, “Well, actually, Yamato Ishida of Earth, you are only half right. I am not Jun Motomiya and yet, I am Jun Motomiya. You can call me her `alter ego'.”
Matt asks `Jun', “Her `alter ego'?”
`Jun' sighs and says, in plain tone, “I'm half of Jun's soul, a part of Jun that remained dormant until my `rude awakening' by Sailor Pluto, who out of all of Serenity's Senshi, I thought that she were more responsible than that.” `Jun' winches as she rubs her head in pain.
Sailor Pluto gets to her feet and replies, in a calm fashion, “Forgive me, Princess Juniper. I didn't know that it was you, the taiyou-no-hime, until I gained access into your subconscious mind.”
Sailor Jupiter asks Sailor Pluto, “Taiyou-no-hime?”
Izzy then states, “In Japanese that means `Sun Princess'.”
Sailor Mercury nods her head in agreement and says, “That's right.”
`Jun' then says, “I think that this shall explain things a lot better.” She puts her hands in front her chest, around her bust area, and closes her eyes. Soon after, a slight golden glow starts appear in her hands and then with one bright flash, a beautiful golden emerald slightly larger than the Imperium Silver Crystal appears in `Jun's' two hands. `Jun's' clothes then transform into the `royal gown' that she wore in her dream, her skin become a translucent ivory-like and her maroon hair transforms into silvery-white, the same silvery-white of Queen Serenity.
Sailor Saturn says, amazed, “She kind of looks like Queen Serenity.”
Matt then faces the `Princess Form' of Jun Motomiya and asks, stunned, “Who are you?”
`Jun' replies, “Like I said before, I am Jun Motomiya, her `other half', but in this form, I'm known as Princess Juniper Serenity Amun-Re of the Sun Kingdom and Supreme Princess of the Golden Alliance also known as the taiyou-no-hime. I'm the eldest daughter of King Apollo Osiris Amun-Re of the Sun Kingdom and Queen Isis Serenity of the Moon Kingdom and heir to the throne of the Sun Kingdom.”
Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts gasp in shock and Tuxedo Mask states, flabbergasted, “Queen Serenity's eldest daughter?”
Princess Juniper replies, with a sigh, “Yes, is there an echo in here, Prince Endymon? Geez! I wonder how my sister, Serenity, put up with you.”
Mimi then asks, curiously, “Can someone explain to me what's going on here?”
Princess Juniper takes a even deeper sigh and states, “Well, this is going to take a while.”
Sailor Pluto tells Princess Juniper, “I think that it would be best that I should explain and revealed to Sailor Moon and the others about the `hidden secrets' of their origins.”
Princess Juniper replies, “Good idea, Pluto. Because explaining things is not my cup of tea, here.” Princess Juniper then gives out an even larger sigh as Sailor Pluto starts to explain the others, the Digidestined along with Sora and his friends, about the Moon Kingdom, the Silver Millennium, the Moon Kingdom royal family, and the Sailor Scouts' origins, including the end of the Silver Millennium.
When Sailor Pluto is done with her explanation, Yolei asks, “Okay, so, you are saying that Sailor Moon is actually the reincarnation of a princess from a kingdom on the moon that was destroyed millennia ago, the Sailor Scouts are her guardians as well as being the princesses from their own planets, you are the guardian of the Gates of Time and are over several millennia in age, and Tuxedo Mask is actually the reincarnation of Sailor Moon's beloved from that time?”
Sailor Venus then says, “Yeah, that's about it.”
Sailor Mars states, “However, why didn't you tell us that Queen Serenity had other kids? And that her husband was from the only kingdom in the Solar System to equal the Moon Kingdom in every aspect?”
Sailor Pluto replies, “Because I had thought that taiyou-no-hime and her brother, which is Princess Serenity's twin fraternal twin brother, the tsuki-no-ouji, were gone forever when the Sun Kingdom and the Golden Alliance along with the Moon Kingdom and Silver Alliance were destroyed by Queen Beryl, Queen Metallia, and the Negaverse. However, there are things that are even hidden from my eyes and I can also make mistakes. I am the guardian of the Gates of Time, but I'm not a computer and I make `mortal flaws' in my judgment and decisions.”
Kari looking at the still unconscious Davis, who has the golden crescent moon sigil on his forehead, asks, “So, Davis and Jun are the reincarnations of this `Sun Princess' and `Moon Prince'?”
Princess Juniper nods his head, goes over to Davis, opens his right hand, which now has a silver eight-pointed star shaped jewel that as large as the Imperium Silver Crystal in Davis' hand, and says, “Yes, he is. And this is the proof. That `jewel' is the ginzuishou hoshi or Imperium Silver Star Crystal, the second treasure created from the birth of the ginzuishou AKA the Imperium Silver Crystal, the jewel that's the very core of her Sailor Senshi powers.”
Sailor Mars exclaims, “That's the power that I felt inside of him!”
Sailor Pluto nods her head and replies, “Indeed it is. The Imperium Silver Star Crystal was created by the birth of the Imperium Silver Crystal, it can only be used by Lunarian royalty or those of their bloodline, and it is as equally as powerful, but it comes with the same price as the Imperium Golden Emerald of the Sun Kingdom, created in a similar fashion to the two treasures of the Moon Kingdom, and Imperium Silver Crystal. If you use its full power, you will drain your life-energy and will die. However, the only difference is that with Imperium Silver Crystal bonds with the princesses or female members of the Moon Kingdom family while its counterpart, the Imperium Silver Star Crystal, bonds with the princes or male member of the Moon Kingdom family. As the eldest male of the family, Davis, as Prince Daisuke Osiris Serenity the sixth, inherited the jewel and all of its power.”
TK then states, “Wow. To think that we really knew the guy. Now, we find out he is a reincarnated prince.”
Matt tells TK, “You know, if Davis was awake right now, TK, he would as surprised as we are.”
Tai nods his head in agreement and states, “No kidding.”
Our Keyblade Master, Sora, then asks, impatiently, “Okay, this is good and all, but why do you know about the Keyblades and how come you have those powers that are similar to Kairi's?”
Donald bashes Sora on the head with his staff and yells out, annoyed, “Sora, show some respect! We are in the presence of royalty, here, and you should give them the respect that they deserve! Let them finish their story!”
King Mickey tells Donald, “Please calm down, Donald.”
Sailor Pluto tells Sora, “I can see why you are impatient and I don't fault you for that. Anyway, the Keyblade legend is well-known throughout our universe and has existed even longer than the Silver Millennium. My garnet staff was based on the Keyblades, but it would come nowhere close to the power that it contains. That's because my garnet staff is used to open, close, and guard the gates of time while the Keyblades can open anyway gateway without any resistant. Not even my garnet staff would stop the Keyblades because they are created from the very forces of reality itself and not even Chronos, the Lord of Time, of our world would have the power to stop the Keyblades, especially if they are used by master users of their great power. When the Keyblade's full power is reached, Serene help the poor soul that meets its power. However, the Keyblades can bring peace or terrible destruction to all worlds based on who is using them. I know of the Keyblade legend, but I know of the Keyblade, well, because . . . I knew three warrior who used the powers of the Keyblades during the Silver Millennium.” This information hits everyone like a nuclear bomb, especially Sora and his friends.
Riku asks, shocked, “There were Keyblade welders before us?!”
Sailor Pluto nods her head and says, plainly, “Yes, the power of three Keyblades had chosen three warriors to use their powers to protect our world and many others from the forces of darkness and that the balance of worlds was maintained. However, when the Silver Millennium ended and the Moon and Sun Kingdoms were no more, the three Keyblade welders use their weapons to seal the gateways between worlds to make sure no darkness from other worlds reached into ours or vice-versa. Soon after, they had vanished and were never heard from again. One of these welders was the cousin of Princess Serenity and the mortal daughter of Chronos, the hoshi-no-hime or Supreme Princess of the Stars AKA the whole universe. Her Sailor Senshi form was none other than . . . Sailor Star.”
Another `bomb' slams into the whole group, minus Princess Juniper, and Sora exclaims, stunned, “Kairi?!”
Kairi asks, flabbergasted, “Me?!” Sailor Pluto nods her head in agreement and Kairi says, shocked, “I think that you have the wrong person . . .”
Sailor Pluto shakes her head and replies, “No, I don't. Only you can use Sailor Star's powers and you weld the very same Keyblade that she had, long ago. Plus, I can never forget the purity, kindness, and happiness from those eyes of yours. Sailor Star, also known as Princess Kairi, had those exact same eyes and purity of heart that you do have.”
Sora tells Kairi, stunned, “Kairi . . .”
Tai then says, “Well, I think that before we continue, since we are obviously going to be `working together' because have a lot things in common, I think that we should introduce ourselves.”
Our Digidestined of Love then says, “Don't worry, Tai, the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask already know who we are.” Our bearer of Love then looks Sailor Venus and replies, “Isn't that right, Mina Aino or do you prefer Sailor V?” The Digidestined, Sailor Scouts, and the rest of the Digidestined gasp at Sora Takenouchi's `statement'.
Sailor Venus sighs, knowing that there was no way to `get out of this', touches her heart jewel, turns back to Mina, and replies, “How did you know Sora?”
Our Digidestined of Love replies, with a smile, “When your enemies in England tried to take my dad's and my energy and you saved us, as Sailor V, I met you, again, in your `civilian form' as Mina and I could tell instantly that there were similarities between your two `lives'. When you became Sailor Venus, I figured it out. You just can't seem to be sad at all, your personalities as Mina and Sailor Venus are too similar, and FYI, tiaras don't make good masks.”
Yolei states, “Wait! If Mina is Sailor Venus, then that means . . .” Sailor Moon turns back into Serena Tsukino, Tuxedo Mask turns back into Darien Shield, and the rest of the Sailor Scouts return to their `civilian forms' as well.
Mimi exclaims, amazed, “Wow, Serena is Sailor Moon and her boyfriend is the handsome Tuxedo Mask! This is awesome! Do you where I can get one of your skirts?!”
Serena tells Mimi, “Sorry, Mimi, you have to be a Sailor Senshi to get one of our outfits.”
Yolei then says, “Which means you would have to be a reincarnated princess or something like Sailor Pluto, here.”
Trista tells Yolei, in a kind tone, “Please . . . Call me Trista Meiou when I'm not in Sailor Senshi form.”
Riku then says, “However, we have a problem since we have two people named Sora with all of us, one boy and one girl.”
Kairi says, with a smile, “How about we call our Sora, Sora One, and we call their Sora, Sora Two, while we are together?”
Sora One, our Keyblade Master, replies, excitedly, “Sure, that will work!”
Sora Two, our Digidestined of Love, replies, with a smile, “I'm okay with that.” However, Princess Juniper falls onto her knees, much to everyone's shock.
Matt asks her, “Hey, are you okay?”
Princess Juniper, breathing heavily, replies, “Yes, I will be just fine. However, my `other half' is going to `take over', soon. Until the day that the two of us `fuse' into one soul, we might be `switching personalities' since I have been awakened within Jun Motomiya.”
TK asks Princess Juniper, “Will she know about . . . you know, your majesty?”
Princess Juniper smiles and says, kindly, “Please don't take such formalities with me. I really don't mind if you call me `Jun'. My closest friends and family did back in the Silver Millennium. And plus, currently, I'm a princess without a kingdom.”
Matt then asks Princess Juniper, kindly, “Okay, `Jun', what about Davis? Will he know?”
Princess Juniper nods her head and says, weakly, “Yes . . . he will know . . . My brother and Jun's brother are one and the same . . . What happened between him and Mars . . . also caused him to awaken . . . but I'm not sure what he will know . . .” Princess Juniper then faints into Matt's arms as she transforms back into Jun Motomiya, the emerald becomes engulfed in light, Serena's brooch then suddenly sends energy into the emerald, and the Imperium Golden Emerald becomes encased in a silver heart brooch with the symbols of the sun and the crescent moon on it along with four golden angel wings attached to the brooch.
Ami says, amazed, “She just gained a Sailor transformation brooch.”
Tai, looking at the unconscious Princess of the Sun, says, seriously, “Something tells me that all of us are in a battle that we will never forget and that these two are going to play a vital role in this battle.”
Matt looks at the unconscious Jun Motomiya in his arms and replies, “Tai . . . Something tells me that you are right.”
Darien comments, “The fate of our world and many others might depend on the two of them.”
Yolei states, worriedly, “Davis could handle saving two worlds, but do you think he can handle fighting for countless universes?”
Riku says, in a plain tone, “That will be left to be seen.” Riku thinks in his mind, “I just hope that they can do this. They are the welders of the Keyblades, but this might be something way out of their league. I pray that I'm wrong.” What all of our heroes and heroines only know at this moment, is that if Davis and Jun can handle their newest responsibilities will be seen in the upcoming battles, which might not be long in wait . . .
Next time in Chapter 2: Lost Past and Uncertain Future: The Digidestined, Sailor Scouts, and our Keyblade warriors with their allies aren't the only ones that learn of the `past lives' of our bearer of Miracles and Destiny, Queen Beryl, Maleficent, and the `Dark Alliance', which is made of countless villains from countless other worlds, learn of the new Keyblade welders and their `past lives', which puts Queen Beryl into a rage, having great hated for all members of our Moon Princess' royal family. On the meanwhile, Davis knows about his past life, the power that he has, and the reason behind the dreams, but let's just say that he is less than happy to learn the truth. However, he isn't the only one that happy about learning the truth. Davis and Jun, suffering from an `identity crises' and in a internal struggle within themselves, head into the Digital World only taking Renamon and Veemon with them to try to `work it out' with their `other selves'. However, concerned with their safety, Kari and the other Digidestined head into the Digital World after them. When they talk to them, they learn a horrible truth about their pasts as Daisuke and Jun Motomiya and their life before either of them met any of the Digidestined. Meanwhile, Sora One, Riku, Kairi, and the others are with the other Sailor Scouts to learn more about Kairi's past life as the Supreme Princess of the Universe during the Silver Millennium and the `predecessors' to our current Keyblade welders in this universe. However, Queen Beryl attacks with a huge horde of Heartless and kidnaps Sora One, Kairi, and Goofy into the Negaverse while Daemon does the same in the Digital World with Davis, Kari, Matt, Jun, and their Digimon partners. Stuck in the Negaverse, our small group of heroes and heroines find out that the Negaverse is location of the keyhole for the `dark gateway' that connects this world with a `world of darkness' that seems to be the headquarters for the Heartless in this universe. Managing to make an escape, our small group of heroes with Kairi as Sailor Star, Jun as Sailor Sun, the Sailor Senshi of the Sun, and Davis as Solar Moon, the male counterpart to Sailor Moon and leader of the Solar Senshi, the male counterparts to the Sailor Senshi, battle Heartless and Youmas in order to find and seal the keyhole. However, when they face Queen Beryl, the evil queen of the Negaverse, infused with the powers of darkness, give our heroes and heroines a great amount of trouble. But then a new group of Sailor Senshi, the Asteroid Sailor Scouts, appears to aid them in their fight. However, it takes Davis and Jun turning into their royal forms of Prince Daisuke and Princess Juniper to stem the evil tide of Queen Beryl. Can they defeat the evil queen of the Negaverse? Can they seal the keyhole? Can they even survive the Negaverse? Find out next time!
Well, this is my first attempt with Kingdom Hearts crossover with two of my best anime stories. What do you think? I'm sorry if any of the characters are OOC, but I tried to fit their personalities as best as I could, but beforehand, I will warn that there is going to be plenty OOC/Out of Character `situations' with the characters in the story. Remember, this is going to be a multi-crossover, not a Mega Crossover, and it is going to happen to be Kingdom Hearts style . . . kind of. Anyway, I'm planning to crossover Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X and X-2, Yu-Gi-Oh, and many other anime and games universes/worlds. If any of you have an opinion or idea about what anime and/or game universe, please e-mail me or tell me through your reviews. Next, I would like to also thank and give credit to Ray2 and this author's story of Digimon: Silver Star Story for the idea of the `mind-meld scene' of Sailor Pluto and Sailor Mars with Davis and Jun to find out about their past lives and powers, the idea for the `Dark Alliance' based on this author's `Deadly Alliance', and the idea of how our Digidestined of Love found out the `civilian identity' of Sailor Senshi of Love. Finally, you will see what connection the crystals, the idea that based on shikarimon's idea in this author's story, that I'm talking about how a connection with my story. Now, please read and review my story and I will see you later, Crossover Fans!