Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Bording School of Doom ❯ Profiles.... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Name: Kagome Higurashi

Gender: Girl

Age: 16

Race: Human/Miko

Reason to be in Boarding School: Trying to kill her little brother....again....

Label: Punk

Status: Taken! Sorry boys!

Hair: Long Black and sorta wavy

Eyes: Chocolate brown
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Name: Sango Taijiya

Gender: Girl

Age: 17

Race: Human. Comes from a long line of demon exterminators

Hair: Dark brown pretty much black pulled back in a high pony

Eyes: Magenta

Label: Punk, Tomboy

Status: SINGLE! Good luck boys! You're gonna need it to get this chick.....

Reason for being in Bording School: Caught with drugs. lots of drugs...lots and lots and LOTS of drugs....

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Name: Miroku Houshi

Gender: Guy

Age: 18

Race: Human comes from a long line of monks... oddly enough....

Hair: Dark, dark, dark purplish-blue, in a small pony at the base of his neck

Eyes: Violet

Label: Perverted Punk

Status: Single! I wonder why? cough-pervert-cough

Reason for being in Boarding School: Asking his principle to bear his child.....again.....
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Name: Kouga Ookami

Gender: Guy

Age: Says he's 18 and he looks it, but he's a demon so who knows?

Race: Wolf Demon

Hair: black and pulled back into a high pony

Eyes: Bright ice blue

Label: Punk, rock

Status: Single, but that may change.....

Reason for being in Boarding School: Let's just say it involved eggs, honey and feathers........
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Name: Jazlynn

Gender: Girl

Age: appears 17 but who really knows with demons?

Race: Wolf Demon

Hair: Long red, streaked crimson, long crimson bangs, also has white wolf ears and a tail.

Eyes: Smoky-silvery-blue, turn midnight blue when im pissed off or in her true form.

Label: Player, Punk, Skater

Status: Single, player

Reason for being in Boarding School: Drug dealing, and riding her motorcycle off the school roof 6 times in the middle of class, during exams all in a row..

Oh and she can turn into a white wolf
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Name: Hitomi Hasegawa

Gender: Girl

Age: 17

Race: Inu Hanyou

Hair: Lilac with silvery white streaks, with silvery white dog (like inu's) purple, and a lilac tail with a silvery white tip.

Eyes: Pearly-white-ish-purple-ish

Label: Punk

Status: Single!

Reason for being in Boarding school: Pie in the principles face, interrupting an assembly.. 11 times in a row with her motorcycle.....
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Name: Inu Yasha Takahashi

Gender: Guy

Age: looks 18-ish but he's not really, im mean come on he's a demon people

Race: Inu hanyou

Hair: silvery-white and pretty long, also has cute little white dog ears on the top of his head

Eyes: Gold-amber

Label: Punk, rocker

Status: Single with his own personal stalker

Reason for being in boarding school: His older brother's a jackass and put him there
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Ok so you may or may not have seen this exact story on before, if you have plz don't complain that I stole some ones story, because I didn't, I originally posted this on my other account which I got rid of so now im posting it on this account.. again

Oh, and there will be a few new characters comin' in, so their profiles will be added in the chapter they come in.