Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Bording School of Doom ❯ Ookami's Spat & new girl Kagome ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I'm finally updating! Yay! Sorry I haven't updated, I blame it on school! LOL. -kicks school- Hah! That's what you get for delaying the updates of my story!
-Disclaimer- I don't own anybody in this story the wonderful Takahashi-sama does-Bows to Takahashi-sama- Anywayz the only peoples I own in this story are Jazlynn, Hitomi and Kouga ..And some surprise characters...Ok, ok I don't own Kouga! There I admitted it! Happy?
”I dare you to stand on the table yell, 'Hi, I'm Jazlynn!' , then dance around!” Said a girl with lilac hair.
”Kay!” Replied the girl sitting across form her as she jumped up on the table. “Hi, my name's Jazlynn and I'm gonna dance for all you lovely peoples!” the girl now known as Jazlynn yelled while bowing and blowing kisses.
”Get down before you hurt yourself!” A boy with black hair and ice blue eyes yelled.
”Heh, you know you like it Kouga!” She yelled back, doing a little spin with her hands in the air.
”Why would I like something to do with an ugly bitch like you!” He snapped.
”Oh come on, admit it! You think I'm sexy!” She answered as she started dancing.
”How could anyone think a crazy whore like you is sexy?” He yelled, a little red forming in his cheeks.
The girl Jazlynn was talking to earlier looked over at Kouga and said “Oooohhhh, shoudnt've said that!”
Jazlynn jumped over to Kouga table and whispered dangerously, “I dare you to say that again”
”Crazy whore” He said, staring at her defiantly.
She made like she was gonna kick Kouga in the face, but stopped a centimeter before she actually kicked him. He blinked once, then again, then grabbed her ankle and pulled, making her loose her balance and fall on her ass. She yelped as her butt hit the ground.
”Owww” she whimpered.
Pretending to be hurt she whimpered more, then without warning grabbed his knees and pulled forward causing him to fall on top of her, his face only inches away from hers. The cafeteria exploded with laughter.
”Kouga, I know you're enjoying this, but please, GET THE HELL OFF ME!” Jazlynn yelled as loud as she could. Kouga couldn't help but blush at the awkward position, but he quickly regained his composure.
”Gladly” He said.
”Ok, so are you planning on getting up some time this year?” Jazlynn asked, tapping her fingers against the floor impatiently, waiting for him to move.
”For fuck's sake get up already!” She said, pushing him off her. She got up and walked back to her table, when she got there she noticed the girl she was talking to earlier talking to a girl she didn't recognize.
”Hey Tomi, who's the new girl?” she asked curiously.
”Oh this is Kagome, Kagome this is Jazz” The girl who were gonna assume is Tomi answered. After Jazz sat down a guy with bluish black hair tied in a pony at the base of his neck walked over. He looked at Kagome's lunch tray and smiled that perverted smile of his.
”Hello, I'm taking a survey for my social class, and I wanted to know if I could ask you a few questions?” He asked, ominously innocent
”Oh great, not again...” Tomi sighed.
”Uhhh… sure?” Kagome replied.
”Do you have a muffin?” Miroku asked, grinning.
“Is there butter on your muffin?”
”Would you like me to assign someone to butter your muffin for you?” He asked, pervertedly smiling.
Jazz and Tomi were ignoring this and looking amusedly at something over the boys shoulder.
”Miroku, why are you such a skeeze?” came an angry female voice from behind Miroku.
”The muffin thing…” Jazz said to the girl. “….again”
”Ughh, Do you want him to have sex with you?”
”NO!” Kagome yelled, moving closer to Jazlynn and Hitomi.
”Sango, dear, I was just being friendly” He said, trying to look innocent, but failing miserably. “Itai, Itai, itai!” He cringed as Sango beat him unconscious.
Ha-ha poor Miroku, and yes I know Mean Girls moment, oh well I had to put that it was funny!
Oh and the reason you keep getting updates but no new chapters is cuz, I keep changing around the chapters, cuz I've changed Jazz around a lot so I had to change names and stuff. So please review!
Thanks to all you pplz who reviewed when this was posted on my other account, I don't have time to write down who you are, but if you reviewed before or on the last chappie or both, you can have a cookie -gives cookies to nice reviewers- and anybody who didn't review, well, too bad you don't get no cookies -sticks out tongue- so ha! In your faces! That's what you get for not reviewing. But if you review ill give you a cookie next chapter!