Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Bording School of Doom ❯ Why Jazz hates Kouga & likewise ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ok, so when we left off, Sango was beating the crap out a Miro right? Yeah, ok; well here we go
”Is he going to be ok?” asked Kagome with a worried look on her face.
”He's lucky” Tomi started.
”She went easy on him” Jazlynn finished.
”Hi, I'm Sango” Said the girl who just beat the crap out of Miroku, holding her hand out to Kagome.
”Kouga, I thought I told you to fuck off?” Jazz sighed, seeing that Kouga hadn't left. “Well obviously you didn't get the message, so, fuck off!”
He ignored her and turned to Kagome. “I just came to see my woman”
”Oh dear God!” A girl with red hair got up from the table Kouga was sitting at, grabbed his ear, and dragged him back to the table.
”Sorry!” She yelled after they had sat down.
”Ewwwwwwww, Jazz you smell like that wolf, people are gonna start to think things!” Tomi told Jazlynn while making a disgusted face.
A boy, shorter than Miroku and Kouga, with red hair and bright green eyes walked over to them just as Jazz was getting up.
”H-…” he started to say something, then stopped sniffed the sleeve of Jazlynn's shirt. He made a confused look then asked, “Uhhh…Jazz? Why do you smell like Kouga?”
The boy thought about it for a minute, then his confused expression changed to a shocked one and he all but yelled, “Oh My God! You didn't”
”Oh god no!” She screamed, stumbling back mockingly. “What are you, crazy Shippou?”
”….You guys are right… I do smell!” Jazz yelled before running off to the dorm she shared with her sister.
-With Kouga-
”Hey Kouga! Why do you smell like the orphan wolf girl?”
”We got in a fight, she tripped me, I fell on top of her, end of story” He stated bluntly.
”You sure that was all you two looked pretty comfy...”
”You honestly think I'd hook up with that that thing?” Kouga snapped, getting this look on his face like he'd just seen jaken naked.
”Yeah...” His friends replied in unison.
”Why! You see how we act around each other! I hate her she hates me, simple as that!” He stumbled, a light blush splotching his cheeks.
”I also see the way you look at her when you think no ones looking!” the red head from before said smugly.
”Ayame, are you saying you spy on me?” Kouga retorted.
”No, I'm just observant” Ayame sneered.
”A little too observant if you ask me”
”Well nobody asked you, did they?” Ayame one-upped him.
”Awww shut up” Kouga said defeatedly as he walked away.
”Hey, where you going?” his friends asked.
”Stupid question boys, he's off to see his orphan wolf girl!” Ayame shouted, loud enough so that Kouga could hear.
-With Tomi, Kagome, and Sango-
”Why does that guy uhhh…. Kouga, hate Jazz so much?” Kagome asked.
Tomi and Sango broke out laughing.
”He hates her because he was the kendo champ 'till she transferred here” Sango said matter-of-factly.
”Then she beat him three years in a row. Oh, and she gets better grades than him and still manages to be `bad'”" Tomi added.
”And now he hates her?” Kagome asked.
”Yeah, pretty much” Sango said.
”Well, why doesn't she like him?' Kagome asked.
”She doesn't like people who don't like her” Tomi told her. She knew this for a fact, since she grew up with the tempremental ookami.
”And he's a prep!” Sango continued.
”Ohh, well that makes sense…. I guess..." Kagome said, still a bit confused.
-With Jazz-
”Hey, Hey! Jazlynn!” A young man with long silver hair and cute little dog ears (I'll give you three chances to guess who this is!) yelled.
”What do you want, dog?” Jazz snapped.
”Woah, why do you just assume I want something?” The boy asked.
”You haven't talked to me for two years, 'cause me and my sister poured honey in your hair” Jazz stated.
”Oh, right, well I ju-“ The boy began, but was cut off by Shippou running up to them.
”Jazlynn! Jazlynn!”
”I'm right here Shippou, you don't have to yell”
”but-but-but Spazz is back!”
Who is Spazz?
What did Inu want?
Why is Shippou so excited that Spazz is back?
Will I ever shut up?
Why is there a pikachu on my head?