Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Bording School of Doom ❯ The dance & Rina meets an old friend ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok, well since I don't wanna write about the next however-many classes we're gonna skip to lunch.
-In The Cafeteria-
”Hello there, beautiful.” Kouga was at it again, flirting with Kagome. Lucky for him Jazz and Rina weren't there yet; they got a detention…..again.
“Ughh, go away Kouga!” Kagome yelled, disgusted with Kouga's behavior.
”Hey, I thought I told you to mess off?” The angry voice of Jazlynn yelled.
”Fuck you Jazlynn, your just jealous.” Kouga retorted.
”Sorry kouga, I don't do girls.” Jazz replied smugly.
”Hey, I thought I told you to stay the hell away from my sister.” Rina said, suddenly appearing behind Kouga and kicking the chair out from underneath him. He hit the floor with a dull thud.
”Kuso! Sorry kagome, I gotta go.” Kouga gave Kagome one last cocky grin, then ran off.
”Kami, he is the most intolerable person I know.” Jazlynn groaned.
”Well as long as I'm here, he wont come back, I scared the shit out of him earlier...unless he's so completely retarded that he decides to risk it.” Rina said, sitting down in the chair Kouga had previously been in.
”Thank God for you, Rina.” sighed Kagome. “He just keeps coming back and flirting with me.”
”Well, you do lead him on you know, he's like a blonde chick, you have to speak slowly and use small words or he doesn't understand what's going on, dropped on his head one to many times as a child.” Jazz said, sitting on the table.
”Hey guys!”
”Hey, it's Tomi.” Kagome said, stating the obvious.
”Guys, guess what! There's a costume party ball thingy in like two days!” Tomi shouted, holding up a sparkly dark blue piece of paper.
”Only preps go to dances….” Jazlynn mumbled.
”All the more reason to go!” Rina spoke up. “As much as I hate preps and wish they would all die, it'll be fun to dress up and make fun of all the stupid ugly douchebag-ish people! In their stupid preppy costumes!”
”I'm in, it'll give me a chance to wear that really skanky kitty costume that my mom hated.” Kagome said, raising her hand as she spoke.
“Well I'm definitely in, I wanna show off my moves.” Tomi stated shaking her butt.
“I may as well go...” Jazz said in a bored voice.
”I'm going, I gotta keep that sweater-monkey Kouga away from my sis, plus I wanna make fun of the moocows in miniskirts!” Rina added happily.
”Ewww, I hate it when fat chicks wear miniskirts...” Jazz shuddered involuntarily.
”It's GRODY!” Jazz and Rina shouted in unison.
“HEY! Stay outta my head!"
"You stay outta mine!”
While the sisters were arguing a slutty looking prep we all know as Kikyo walked over to them. (I'd make a profile for her, but I'm assuming we all know what she looks like...if you don't, how fortunate you are...)
”So, you going to the party, Hasegawa?”
(Tomi's last name is Hasegawa)
”Yeah, what of it?”
Kikyo flipped her hair, “I don't care if you go, just stay away from my Yashie-Poo.”
The four girls (Tomi, Jazz, Rina, and Kagome) were on the ground laughing by the time Kikyo finished her sentence.
”Oh Ra...”
”This is even better than that time we poured honey in his hair!”
Kikyo, confused as to why everyone was laughing, walked away slowly back to her group of friends.
(-A couple days later, we're skipping the next day because I don't feel like writing what happened.
Rina: 'Cause she's so damn lazy. She's lucky I beta her stories and edit it before it gets posted...-)
Every one was in their dorms; either sleeping or getting ready for the party. School was out because people are preparing for the party.
-With Tomi, Jazz, Rina, Kagome, and Sango-
”JAZZ! Where the hell did you go?”
”I'm right here! Don't spazz, that's Rina's job.”
”Well why aren't you changed?” Tomi asked worriedly.
She was already changed, wearing a whitish silver dress, sparkly makeup adorned her face, her hair was pinned up in a bun and she had little sparkly white fairy wings on her back.
“I don't want anyone, not even you guys, to know what I'm going to the party as, go bug Rina or Kagome, or Sango even. Better yet, somone actually find Rina.” Jazz complained.
“What about me?” Sango asked walking into the room.
She, like Tomi was already in costume. She wore tight black armor with pink knee, elbow, and shoulder pads, along with a katana at her side and she held a big bone boomerang on her shoulder (It's her demon exterminator outfit).
“I was telling Tomi to bug someone other than me, I'm not getting changed till everyone else is gone.” Jazz answered.
”Did someone call my name?” Kagome shouted as she walked into the room dressed in, black leather pants, a black halter top, black cat ears on her head and green cat eye contacts (Kinda like cat woman).
”No, I was just trying to get rid of everyone else…. And where in the seven hells is Rina? I need her help with part of my costume…..” Jazz questioned the other three girls.
”I'm right here sis, now what did you need help with?”
Rina walked in wearing her now dark purple hair down, silver contacts, a long black dress that reached down to her shins and went off one shoulder, black fishnet pantyhose, black high-heel shoes, a thick black chocker, a moon with a star in the middle tattooed on her right shoulder, and she was carrying around a pentagram on a chain, she was also wearing a witch hat to cover her ears, and a mask that covers the top half of her face, only showing her eyes. “What? What's so amazing about me?”
”You look….hot, and scary….at the same time, how'd you manage that?” Sango asked, amazed at the beauty radiating off of her.
Rina laughed. “I don't know, I guess it's a skill. Ok so Jazz, what'd you need?”
”Uhhh…..Rina? What are you exactly?” Kagome asked curiously.
Rina waved her arms in a superior manner and said in a arrogant Sesshy-like voice "I am the omnipotent, and you shall kiss my feet, you worthless mortal."
This got laughs from the girls, but Kagome wasn't entirely sure Rina was joking.
”Guys, if you want me to go to the dance, you have to leave so Rina can help me get ready, so out, out, out!” Jazz yelled at her friends.
“Ok, ok, we're going, we're going” Sango said irritably as she and the other girls left the room.

Here's a list of what everyone's dressed as ('cuz I don't feel like writing about what there doing while their getting dressed….ewww that didn't sound right)
Korrina: Witch/vampire type person (description above)
Sango: Demon exterminator (description above) (clothes from show)
Kagome: Cat (description above)
Tomi: Angel (description above)
Miroku: Monk (clothes from show)
Kikyo: Not sure, looks suspiciously like a stripper though -cough-prostitute-cough-
Sesshy: Demon Lord (clothes from show, and he's just there to supervise)
InuYasha: Samurai type person (clothes from show)
Kouga: Prince, dressed like prince Darien from sailor moon (in his “prince of earth” outfit)
Mystery blond dude: Egyptian Pharaoh, or somethin like that...
Jazz: Fallen Angel, black wings, black hair, pointed ears instead of wolf ears (look like sesshy's) and a silver bracelet to hide her scent and a black mask that covers top half of her face revealing only her eyes.
Shippou: Looks like a washing machine, but not entirely sure. All we can tell is that he has a giant box around him with a hole for his head, arms, and legs.
(FYI, Rina and Jazz disguised their voices.)
-At the Party Thing-
It was about thirty minutes into the party and here's what's going on.
Jazz finally came down (although no one knows its her) and is currently moping in a corner and glaring at anyone who comes too close, Kikyo is totally wasted and hitting on InuYasha, Tomi is resisting the urge to strangle Kikyo, Kagome is being stalked by Kouga, Sango is beating the crap out of Miroku with her giant boomerang thing(he groped her……again), Rina, after she finished spiking the punch, is now talking to the DJ about something or other, Mystery blonde dude is hiding in the shadows, and Sesshy, well, he ditched about five minutes into the party, leaving a gym full of drunk teenage miscreants unsupervised. This cant be good. Oh and anyone who actually cares about Shippou is probably wondering where he is….well he replaced the brownies on the refreshment table with “special brownies” and then bailed.
-With Inu, Tomi, and the drunk Kikyo-
(Oh just a note, Tomi changed her last name to: Yamamoto. But not in this story.)
“Come on Yashie-Poo you know you want me!” Kikyo said, she was a more than just a little drunk and was slurring so much Inu could hardly understand her.
'Must resist urge to strangle or hit with chair……wait… counselor never said anything about hitting people with chairs……' Tomi thought angrily, clenching her fists. She finally gave into the urge to physically abuse Kikyo, and began to beat her over the head with a chair.
-With Jazz-
`Stupid-ass people, don't even know it's me...' Jazz thought to herself, `I wonder where wolf-boy is……..' Her thoughts were interrupted when one of her favorite songs, My Immortal by Evanescence, began to play and a masculine voice asked,
“May I have this dance?”
Jazlynn looked up to see Kouga standing in front of her with his hand held out.
Jazz smiled and held his hand “I'd love to” she continued to smile as she spoke; even Kouga didn't recognize her.
-With Rina-
“Would you like to dance, Miss?”
Rina turned to see a blonde man standing behind her. She recognized him immediately as Malik Ishtar, a man she met when she went to Egypt. `Hmmm….. I recognize him, but I must not let anyone know who I am.' She nodded, and they began to dance.
He leaned next to her ear and whispered “I know who you are, Korrina.”
“I thought I ditched you in Egypt!” She said, relieved to be able to be freely pissed at him.
“You thought wrong.”
“Obviously, but how did you find me?”
“I followed you.”
“Stalker!” Rina yelled as she tried to back away from the Egyptian she was dancing with.
“Maybe, maybe not.”
“How did you get here, didn't I dump you in the Nile? And what business do you have with me? I got to the Pharaoh first, fair and square.”
“You did dump me in the Nile, I got out. And actually, you tied me to a tree, so it wasn't fair...”
“Good thing you got out, you probably contaminated it…..” Rina mumbled under her breath before saying out loud “Oh right….well why are you here, what do you want with me?”
“Who said I wanted anything to do with you?”
“If you didn't, why would you ask me to dance?”
“Personal reasons...” he responded, smiling at her.
“Right…… well I gotta go over there….” Rina said pointing to a wall behind her.
Malik continued to smile at her as she walked away, but when he was sure she couldn't see him the smile dropped from his face.
`Damn…. I lost her again.'
-With Jazz and Kouga-
“So who are you, exactly?” Kouga asked the black haired girl he was dancing with.
Jazz hesitated before answering, “Nariko.”
Kouga thought the name sounded familiar but brushed it off as a coincidence.
"Haven't seen you around before."
"Uh, I'm in Advance classes."
"Oh." Naturally, he wouldn't know her. He was as far away from being in Advance classes as one could get. As they continued dancing they without noticing got closer and closer till their noses and lips were almost touching. Just before they actually touched a feminine voice was heard from on stage.
“Hey! Tomi, Riko! Get your asses up here and sing for old time's sake!”
“Sorry, I gotta go sing….” Jazz said pulling away and running up on stage.
-On stage with Tomi, Rina, and Jazz aka Riko-
“Thank you,” Jazz whispered to Rina before they began singing.
“For what?” Rina whispered back.
“Saving me from making what I think would have been one of the worst mistakes of my pitiful life.”
That was the last word spoken before they began to play a song they had practiced before Rina had left. Every Heart.
(I'm gonna use the English version, OK?)
If there were many tears falling down,
Every heart would become gentle.
If everybody expresses what they think,
Every heart can be satisfied.
I was frightened by the neverending night,
So I prayed to the distant stars.
In endlessly repeating time,
We were searching for love,
Because we wanted to become stronger.
We look up to the faraway sky.
The two of us, smiling, meet here,
Every heart has a habit of receiving its dreams.
Sadness has no effect on us,
Every heart gains happiness when it flies.
Someday our souls will unite,
We will give peaceful approval.
In endlessly repeating time,
We know why we are living.
We go through the nighttime laughing,
Both of us are mourning, yet we walk on.
Memories of everything has settled,
This is a warm place to be.
The stars separate us from the future,
We are always so brilliant,
So shine.
In endlessly repeating time,
We were searching for love,
Because we wanted to become stronger.
We look up to the faraway sky.
In endlessly repeating time,
We know why we are living.
We go through the nighttime laughing,
Both of us are mourning, yet we walk on...
In a sudden rush, the Gym was filled with the sound of applause.
Rina grabbed Jazz's hand in her left and Tomi's in her right, and they all took a bow. Malik stood in a corner once more, smiling at the wolf-girl in the middle. Kouga simply stood there and stared, getting the increasing feeling that he somehow knew the two girls; Tomi, he recognised. InuYasha secretly grinned at Tomi. Even Kikyou in her drunken glory had to admit they sounded good. Kagome and Sango clapped and whistled, and even Miroku stopped attempting to grope Sango for a minute to admire the unknown girls.
"Heh, I take it you guys like us." Amaya said, smiling.
"Want some more?" Jazz and Tomi said in unison.
Loud cheers.
"We'll take that as a yes."
((Think we can do it?)) Amaya sent a message to her sister telepathically.
((Yeah, and even if we screw it up, nobody's gonna know who we are.))
((Tell Tomi we're gonna play it. Hope she's ready. We really didn't practice it enough.))
((Tch. I'm gonna have fun anyway.))
((Heh. Mee too.))
They closed the mind link, and a second passed by as Nariko told Tomi what song they were going to play. Tomi's face was a little nervous at first, but then it relaxed.
They started to sing the words to a song called Fukai Mori.
I'm sure that the heart I left behind still lies hidden in the heart of the deep, deep forest.
Exhausted, without the strength to search people vanish into the infinite darkness.
If it's so small, I wonder if I can see it even now?
As we live on, we lose a little bit more.
Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out
The days pass by and change, without us even realizing how blue the sky really is.
Overcoming that made-up scheme, we live the present, and our rusted hearts begin to beat again!
If we can find the rhythm of time, we can fly once again
We live our lives wandering to the ends of the earth.
Believing (in you?), now I begin my journey with you, in search of the light.
As we live on, we lose a little bit more.
Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out
We live our lives wandering to the ends of the earth.
Closing off the way back, we walk on for eternity.
We live our lives standing frozen to the spot, unable to cry out, for eternity...
I'm sure that the heart I left behind still lies hidden in the heart of the deep, deep forest.
Exhausted, without the strength to search people vanish into the infinite darkness.
If it's so small, I wonder if I can see it even now?
As we live on, we lose a little bit more.
Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out
The days pass by and change, without us even realizing how blue the sky really is.
Overcoming that made-up scheme, we live the present, and our rusted hearts begin to beat again!
If we can find the rhythm of time, we can fly once again
We live our lives wandering to the ends of the earth.
Believing (in you?), now I begin my journey with you, in search of the light.
As we live on, we lose a little bit more.
Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out
We live our lives wandering to the ends of the earth.
Closing off the way back, we walk on for eternity.
We live our lives standing frozen to the spot, unable to cry out, for eternity...
If they thought the applause was loud before, it was nothing compared to the roar they heard. Everyone was clapping and cheering, even if they had no clue who the two long-haired girls were. Once again, Tomi, Amaya, and Nariko took a bow.
Jazz was a little nervous that Kouga would recognize her while she sang, but thankfully he didn't.
“Thanks for bearing with us as we sang! Now go back to your dancing and such, cuz were leaving!”
The three girls hopped off the stage and promptly left the Gym.
-After the dance with Rina and Jazz in their dorm-
“Fucking Hell Rina! This black dye wont come out of my hair!”
“Oh yeah, about that….. I kinda accidentally gave you the permanent dye….”
“Well I'm gonna permanently implant my fist in your face unless you get me some red hair die now!”
“Heh. What's wong? Don't want wittle wolfy-boy to know who you are?"
“Shut up sweater monkey!”
Shippou, who was one of the two who actually new who Rina and Jazz were dressed as at the party, was currently sitting on Rina's bed staring at the arguing sisters.
“Oh god, not this again…” Shippou sighed and decided to leave the sisters alone to yell at each other.
-End Chapter-
A/N: Look out for chapter 7 soon! Feelings get stronger and we'll find out who gets who! Oh, and the added bonus that the girls may pull something completely and utterly evil on the school...REVIEW!
:Jazzy-san and Riny-san: