Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Bording School of Doom ❯ New gym teacher and Rina's scary warning ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Note- Oh if you were paying attention last chapter, which I doubt some of you were, you'll notice it said that Jazz has the same piercings and such as Rina, which is true except Jazlynn's tattoo is a ying yang. And the reason your getting updates and no new chapters is cuz I changed Jazlynn's middle name twice and had to change It in the story
-The next day on the way to gym class-
“Shit, shit, shit, my first day back and im already late!” Rina whispered to herself, while she ran through the halls to her first period, gym class.
As she was running, and not paying attention to where she was going, she ran into something... or someone (dun dun dun, lol)….and then Jazlynn, who was also late, ran into her.
They both looked up to see what they ran into.
”Hey… didn't me and my sister try to pour honey in your hair!” Jazz yelled.
”Yeah, you're that Takahashi kids brother right?” Rina asked curiously, helping her sister off the ground while she spoke.
”Yes, and unfortunately yes, but you will address me as Takahashi-sensei.” the man said monotonously.
”Why sensei? You're not our teacher.”
”Actually, I'm your new gym teacher,” He paused to take a good look at Jazz and Rina, “And I suggest that you two get to class before I do.” (oh and if you're a little slow or something, the guy is Sesshomaru)
The girls quickly got up and ran to the gym, but somehow Sesshy managed to beat them there.
”Sesshomaru? What the fuck are you doing here?” shouted a bewildered Inuyasha.
”Hasn't anyone ever told you not to take that tone with your teachers?” Jazz yelled as she and Rina walked out of the change room, earning a few whistles from the more ballsy guys.
Every girl had to wear short gym shorts and a white tank top for their gym uniforms, and Jazz was used to getting all the attention, but Rina wasn't, therefore she was suprised at the reaction of some people, even the girls.
"You'd think they've never seen tits before." Rina said quietly to her sister, pulling her long red hair into a pony, and her ears twitching in annoyance.
"Yeah, alot of these baka girls don't have them, so it's up to us to demonstrate." Jazz said jokingly, shaking her chest a little.
Both girls, being demon had quite an ample chest to go along with an extremely athletic body. Even though Jazz was definitely the tanner of the two, Rina's paleness somehow increased the amount of attention people gave her. Which she certainly didn't mind, but she'd rather be remembered as the girl who jumped off the roof, not the token piece of ass.
”What? Are you on something, or just stupid? He's not our teacher!” Inuyasha retorted.
”Actually, I am.” Sesshomaru corrected his younger sibling.
”Heh, what makes him such a great teacher? I bet I could take him.” Kouga mumbled under his breath.
”Would you like to prove that, young wolf?” Sesshomaru responded to Kouga's `challenge'.
”Sure, why not?” Kouga answered cockily, getting ready to fight.
The fight lasted a whole of two seconds, no one even saw Sesshomaru move. But the next thing they new Kouga was on the ground unconscious.
”KOUGA!” Ayame yelled, running over to her unconscious brother.
“Any one else foolish enough to challenge me?”
Rina pushed Jazz forward and whispered “A chance to show me any new moves you've learned.”
This fight lasted a little longer, and it didn't end with an unconscious student, it ended with a student with a broken arm, and a teacher with a slash across his face.
”Ahh…… fuck…. Sensei, I think you broke my arm...” Jazlynn whimpered as she got up holding her injured arm.
”Indeed, it appears I did, go to the nurse, and take him.” Sesshy nodded in Kouga's general direction. “And take anyone you need to help carry him.”
Jazz, Rina, and Kouga left the gym, with Rina dragging Kouga… the ankles.
”So this is Kouga, ne?” Rina asked, looking over her shoulder at Kouga. “You know, I rea don't see why you like him so much. Scrawny little baka.”
”Well for one….wait! who said I liked him!” Jazz said, saving herself.
”You did, just now you were about to tell me why you liked him.” Rina said, giving her a "I'm not stupid, I did grow up with you" look.
Lacking a better insult, Jazz snapped, “Shut up, you moocow!”
“Sweater monkey!”
“Sweater monkey!”
“Sweater monkey!”
“You know, your both wrong…… she's an stupid ugly orphan manwhore. No wait, calling her an orphan would be a lie, her parents abandoned her, and you appear to be a wolf.” Kouga's voice interrupted the sisters' argument.
”Oh….your awake? Well I guess I don't have to drag you then.” Rina said, letting go of Kouga's ankles, cusing him to drop sharply, leaving him lying on the floor in the hallway.
”I AM NOT A MANWHORE! I AM NOT UGLY! AND I AM NOT STUPID! AND MY PARENTS DID NOT ABANDON ME, THEY DIED TO SAVE MY LIFE!” Jazlynn shouted, slashing at Kouga, her eyes flashing midnight blue, and completely forgetting her broken arm.
”Jazz remember the arm!” Rina said, grabbing her sister's tail and pulling her back.
”Broken arm or not I can still kick his ass!”
”JAZLYNN NARIKO SASAKI! Calm down! You have a friggen broken arm! I do not want to lose another family member because YOU were being an idiot!” Rina shouted at her sister, suddenly being very serious, her eyes beginning to show hints of emerald green.
”Ok, I'm calm, I'm calm.” Jazz said, breathing heavily.
”Good.” Rina let go of her tail, but remained on guard in case her sister attacker him befor she got the chance to.
Kouga, now thoroughly freaked out by Rina, was scooting towards the wall, but Rina was by his side before he could get very far away. Her eyes flashed emerald for a second, and her hand was at his throat.
”You ever come with in three feet of my sister again, or make a very poor joke about our family, I'll gut you so fast your heart will still be beating when it hits the ground, then I'll use my razor sharp claws to rip your throat out.” She paused and flexed her claws for emphasis, “Oh and by the way wolf, may Ra damn you to hell.” She let him go, walked over to and linked arms with her sister, and the two girls continued their walk to the nurses office, leaving a very shocked and scared Kouga slumped against a wall in the hallway.
As the two girls walked off toward the nurses office, both visibly pissed, a certain mystery boy stood off on the shadow, having seen the whole thing, and smiling. "Hmm...So, Korrina, nice to see you again..." he said to himself.
-With Kouga, who is still slumped against the wall but a little freaked out-
'Hmmmmm, so she likes me, eh? Well that's good to know….but how am I supposed to do something about it with her sister always hanging around…..not that she's bad, but she's gonna kill me if I try to talk to Jazz...Oh well, I'll figure it out later, screw gym class, I'm going back to my dorm...' Kouga thought (for once) as he sat slumped against the wall.
-Back in gym class-
”Stupid fucking Sesshomaru...” Grumbled Inuyasha while he did his one thousand pushups. “All I did was call him a stupid girly fagboy.”
”What was that, little brother?” Sesshomaru, who was currently sitting on Inuyasha's back, asked his younger brother.
”Nothing, sensei.” Inuyasha spat out the last word.
"Oh, sorry little brother," Sesshomaru said, his voice dripping with evil. "But I lost count of how many you've done so far. Start over."
"Son of a...!"
-With Tomi, Kagome, and Sango-
”You guys think Jazz will be ok?”
”Yeah, she'll be fine.”
”And did you see the way Rina was `carrying' Kouga?”
"I haven't really met her yet, but she seems cool." Sango commented, flipping backwards into a backbend.
"She is, trust me. She's as bad as Jazz, if not a little bit more. Temper-wise, anyway." Tomi said, pulling her leg up to her waist.
"Wow. That's pretty bad then. 'Cause Jazz has a mean temper!" Kagome said, sliding into a split.
They were too busy to notice a certain boy sneaking ever-closer to the unaware Sango.
-With Miroku and Shippou-
”Haha, stupid Inuyasha, always has to back talk.” Shippou laughed about his friend, and didn't notice Miroku had snuck off until…..
”AHHHHHH! HENTAI!” Sango shrieked.
“Never fails….” Shippou sighed as he went over to drag the unconscious Miroku out of Sango's reach.
-End Chapter-
Oh I am so evil. Yeah, me and Rina have got nasty tempers. Heh, so what's going to happen next?
Who's the mystery guy that seems to know Korrina?
How is Kouga gonna tell Jazz he really doesn't "hate" her with Rina threatening to tear out his still-beating heart?
How many more pushups will Inuyasha have to do?
Do you want me to shut up?
Oh, and the "moocow, sweater monkey" thing is © Rina. There, sis, happy?