Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Monday Morning ❯ Goodbye Love... ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Monday Morning
Goodbye Love…
It was Christmas Eve. Earlier, it had been snowing, and the ground was covered with a fresh blanket of new snowflakes. Now however, the sky was velvety clear, and studded with thousands of stars. It brought new meaning to the term “silent night”. Everything was deathly still, and not even a single car was out driving tonight. It was quiet and still. Calm.
Jack's breath rose in front of him in clouds as he climbed the small hill up towards that big tree, which was now stripped of its leaves. His feet didn't make a sound in the soft snow, though they did make impressionable footprints, the only ones leading up there, since the new snow had covered any trace of any others that had been there.
After a few moments, he reached his destination, his bare fingers stiff and cold as they tightly gripped the flowers in his hand. His mind was on one track, and it felt like he had tunnel vision as he stared down at the lone headstone.
Gently, he reached out, covered his hand with the sleeve of his coat and brushed the snow off of the top of her grave. For a long time, regardless of the cold, unusual for the climate area, he stared down at her grave, his mind racing through a million thoughts, though in the end, they came to only one decision.
She was his world.
Crouching down, he placed the blood red roses in his hand in front of her grave. He stared, face to face, at her name, her grave, for a long while longer, before brushing his fingertips over the carving of her name.
I just came to say goodbye love…goodbye love…goodbye…
Kim paced her kitchen restlessly, the lights in the room clashing against the darkness of the night outside. For some reason, she felt that there was something wrong in the air tonight. Seto tried to reassure her that it wasn't so, but she paced anything. Maxine was supposed to have been brought here by one of the people running the rehab a half hour ago. She wasn't here yet. And that made her restless.
The clock on the wall ticked endlessly, reminding her of the minutes of her life that were ticking away.
And still, she worried.
She was afraid. And she didn't know why.
Out on a corner in the middle of the city, Max sat on a bus bench, hugging her arms to herself against the cold.
She watched her breath rise in front of her in clouds as she thought. She'd lied to the rehab doctor about where she lived, and then had booked it for the bus station. And now she was here, waiting for the bus to arrive at the nearest stop she could find.
Max bowed her head in a shame no one could see. She needed to get out of there. There was too much pain around this place. Memories of her dead friend no matter where she turned, no matter where she tried to hide. Now, without her drugs and alcohol, she had nothing to numb the impact of the truth, and she couldn't bear it. It was too cold here now, the winter had become too bitter to bear. She needed to leave. Go south. Go somewhere.
She'd call InuYasha. Tell him where to find her. If he wanted to come after her, to find her…he would. If not…
She'd suffered loss before.
Run away, hit the road, don't commit…you're full of shit.
Jack had left the gravesite. His hat lay resting on top of her headstone, and the roses held down a scrap of paper from blowing away in the night breeze.
He walked alone now, walking along beside the river just outside town, hands shoved in his pockets. It was too bloody cold here. He was made for the Caribbean, not for snow and wind.
The night was as silent as the night she'd died. Just as full of secrets.
Yet right now, his mind was only set on one thought, and nothing else.
He couldn't live without her.
Kim threw on her coat, desperately grabbing for her keys as she flew out the door. The rehab clinic had called, asking if Maxine had forgotten anything. Kim had listened, her breath choking in her throat as the clinic confirmed that they'd dropped Max off at the address she'd given them an hour ago.
Kim blindly drove her car down the streets, searching frantically for her friend.
Please understand I'm scared…
The bus slowed down and came to a stop directly in front of Max. She stood up slowly, her arms wrapped around herself against the chill. She had a warm sweater on, but, somehow, the cold seemed to be coming from inside her, from the chest outwards, instead of from the bitter wind.
The warm air from the bus engine hit her as she approached it, and the doors swooshed open for her. She didn't meet the bus driver's eyes as she dropped her fare into the machine, and hurried down the aisle quickly, head bowed, as if meeting someone's eyes would mean that they'd see that she was running away, trying her best to get away from all the pain and memories in her life.
That was her…running away again. Never strong enough to face it.
She curled up in a seat, and stared out the window as the landscape flashed by her.
Jack leaned on the railing of the bridge, staring down at the churning rapids of the water beneath it, barely registering it. He couldn't hear the trees blowing in the wind, couldn't hear the water swirling violently, dangerously. He couldn't feel the cold against him, going straight through his thin coat that was designed for Caribbean climates.
All he could hear was her voice in his head.
He needed to see her again…he couldn't stand the pain of missing her anymore.
Goodbye love…goodbye…
Kim sped down the street, her tires squealing against the wet pavement from the snow.
Maxine watched the trees and buildings speed by past the window as the bus moved farther and farther away from those she loved.
InuYasha sat with his head in his hands, sitting on Max's bed, alone in their apartment, waiting for a call from Kim to say that she was back.
Seto watched the clock in the kitchen, listening to its endless ticking.
Jack let himself fall off the bridge. And everything went black.
Goodbye love…
[[Song lyrics: Goodbye Love from the Rent soundtrack.]]