Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Oh my Saber Urusei Onegai Azumanga Saga Z 1/2! ❯ Ryoko Reloaded ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

All characters featured here are the sole property of their respective creators, not mine, and I swear I'm not making any money or any other profit out of this fan work of fiction. Yakkity, yakkity, yakkity blah.

Any similarity with any real events, and living or dead persons, events and institutions, out of maybe harmless parody purposes, is
a sheer and supercalifragilistic coincidence.

No one under the age of 18 should be reading this, or there will be Heck to be paid.
Out of my lawn, children! Is that understood? Okay? Fine.
Episode 4: Ryoko Reloaded.
Another beautiful morning fell over the Masaki temple grounds on the green hills of Japan. Belldandy, again wearing nothing but her apron, hummed softy to herself, brooming the entrance to the residence area of the old place. She was more calmed now that her superiors had promised not to send any more Angels for the foreseeable future, and had decided to go ahead and enjoy with her Earthbound life and the simple pleasures of it as best as she could.
Suddenly, however, the sight of a car stopping near the hill surprised her, since people usually preferred to go to temples at the city instead of having to drive to the Masaki shrine. She saw a young man with short black hair tied into a very small ponytail coming out of the vehicle, wearing black pants and shoes and a blue shirt; he had to be around 17 years old, she thought. From the driver's side, an older, forty-something man with glasses and a little black moustache, wearing a green suit with brown tie, did the same.
“Masaki-sama…!” she called out for the residence's inside. “Keiichi-san! We have visits here…!”.
“Hm? Visitors?” Katsuhito peeked out of his private Dojo, just as Keiichi came from his workshop rubbing his oil-stained hands with a piece of cloth. When both men looked at the other two coming up the hill, the old man smiled. “Ah, my grandson and my son-in-law! I wonder why are they here?”.
Meanwhile, Keiichi gasped and gestured for Belldandy to come to him. As she did so, Keiichi grabbed her by a hand and pulled her inside.
“Oh my, Keiichi-san!” she blinked, surprised. “Do you want to do it right now, precisely when we have visitors?” the young goddess cluelessly asked. “Wouldn't that be sort of rude?”.
“Shhhh, please, Belldandy!” he tried to hush her, whispering with a finger over his own lips. “Not all humans are ready to understand your ways, as lovely as they are!”.
“Oh” She lowered her voice. “Do you think my behavior might offend them, Keiichi-san?” she looked a bit wounded.
He had to sweatdrop. “Well, um, it's not so much like that, but they… might die of a massive nosebleed, if they are typical Japanese…” he began to explain.
Meanwhile, outside, the young man ran to Katsuhito and shook hands with him. “Yo, Grandpa! It's been a while, right?”.
“Exactly three months, Tenchi” the priest nodded and smiled warmly… right before taking him by surprise by slamming him on the head with a bokken. “And I see you slacked off in your training in the meanwhile. Bad, very bad!”.
“Yowww! Gramps!” Tenchi Masaki complained, rubbing the giant round bump now sprouting out of his head. “Not fair!”.
“Everything is fair in a fight and in love, Tenchi!” the old man scolded him before turning to the other adult. “Ah, Nobuyuki. I see you finally remembered me”.
“Ah, please, Oto-san, don't take it badly!” Nobuyuki Masaki laughed while patting him on a shoulder. “I have been very busy at my job lately, and you know it! And it isn't like we haven't stayed in phone contact, anyway!”. Then he leaned forward to whisper in his father-in-law's ear, in a conspirative tone, “And where is the gorgeous easy girl you told me about?”.
“Show some respect for her” Katsuhito grumbled stoically. “She is a true lady… Only her sexual morals are… loose, but in everything else, she is the purest being you will ever find”.
“Yes, yes, whatever. So, that just means she'll be more open to help Tenchi, right?”.
“I'm sure she won't deny the boy the chance to reach his manhood at last” Katsuhito whispered back.
Tenchi finally stopped rubbing his pained area and approached both older men, who quickly feigned innocence. “Hey, Grandpa, I hope you don't mind if we ask you a favor. As you know, most of the city was destroyed by a monster recently, and our house was wrecked. We were wondering if we could stay a few days here at your place…”.
“Sure” Katsuhito nodded. “You are the only family I have left, Tenchi. I could not leave you out in the cold in a moment of need. Allow me to introduce you to my new guest and assistant, by the way. Hey, Keiichi-kun!” he called out. “Come here and meet my grandson and son-in-law!”.
Inside, Keiichi grabbed Bell by the shoulders and whispered to her, “He is calling only me. I guess we'll need to at least prepare them before introducing you to them, so please don't show yourselves to them yet. Would you do that for me, Belldandy?” he begged.
“I will, Keiichi-san” She nodded eagerly. “There is no need to fear for me. I understand you perfectly”.
With that in mind, and more relaxed now, Keiichi walked out to meet the newcomers. He approached the boy who was only a couple of years younger than him and shook the hand he was offering him with a friendly smile. “Hello there. I'm Morisato Keiichi. You must be Tenchi, right? Katsuhito-san has told us… I mean, me… about you”.
“He surely told you I am only a slacker who doesn't train enough at kendo, right?” Tenchi laughed good-naturedly. “Pleased to meet you. I'm Masaki Tenchi, and this is my dad, Nobuyuki”.
“Good to meet you, boy” Nobuyuki nodded, also shaking Keiichi's hand. Then he smiled at him. “You know, Oto-san has also told me about you and your girlfriend…”.
“Really?” the unsuspecting Tenchi blinked. “Eh, he never told me about them”. He looked at Keiichi. “Is your girlfriend a shrine maiden here?”.
Keiichi sweated bullets. “Uhhh… she kinda is… It's a bit long and hard to explain…”.
Later, that night, after a delicious dinner, which Tenchi somehow thought tasted a lot like something made by a woman's loving hands instead of merely his old Gramps or another young man, the grandson of the priest laid on his futon at his new room, arms crossed behind his neck, staring at the ceiling.
`It's odd, but… somehow, it looked like they were hiding something from me' he thought. `I can't believe Gramps would hide anything to me, and yet'… He shook his head. `Nah, I must be imagining this. Maybe all the stress of the recent days is catching up at me'.
He closed his eyes and readied to sleep, when he heard steps outside. Intrigued, he stood up in his pajamas and peeked out. In the shadows of the old temple at night, he saw his Dad slipping away turning a corner, heading for the kitchen. That was weird. His dad had never been one for midnight munchies. Intrigued, the boy went after him, following from a distance.
Nobuyuki went into the kitchen, and Tenchi stood right next to the door he had closed behind him, trying to listen to what was happening inside. He first heard his father's voice, anxious, asking, “So, are they willing to cooperate?”.
“Yes, they are” Katsuhito's dry voice replied. “It took a bit of convincing for Keiichi, but he will allow Belldandy to do it after all”.
“Good. Very good!” Nobuyuki's voice chuckled lecherously, and Tenchi had a bad feeling about it. “So, when can we see her?”.
“You can see her right now, if you want” Katsuhito's voice answered, then said, “Belldandy-sama, you can come in now”.
The other, opposite door leading to the kitchen opened, and Tenchi heard two people coming in through it. Then a soft, sweet and melodical female voice spoke up, “Nobuyuki-sama? I'm so pleased to meet you. I am Belldandy, and I heard about your son's predicament. Rest assured, I'll do anything I can to help him”.
“Oh gods…” Nobuyuki's voice sounded amazed and shocked then. “You… you are gorgeous…”.
“Why, thank you very much, Nobuyuki-sama” the woman replied kindly. “Your words truly honor me”.
“Could…?” Nobuyuki's voice sounded tentative, almost panting, and nervous, “Can I… to… to…?”.
“Oh, you sure can, Nobuyuki-sama” she said. “We give love to all those who need it…”.
Tenchi blinked upon hearing that, and his shock only grew when he heard a low, sensual `Mmmmm…' from her. `Mmmmm… mmmm… yes… moreee…'.
`What the hell is going on there?” the Masaki boy wondered, and took a quick, discrete peek inside. What he saw shook him. His father was lowering his pants and boxer shorts down, while lapping at the cunt of a beautiful woman laying on the bed, with Keiichi massaging her breasts and Grandpa teasing her asshole with a finger. Tenchi gasped, not giving any credit to his eyes and ears. Sure, Dad had always been a pervert, and Gramps had his dirty moments too, but this was too much for him to believe!
“Hey, you there!” he stormed inside. “What do you guys think you're doing?!”.
“Wha--??!” Nobuyuki gasped. “Tenchi!”.
“Dad, what's the deal with all of this?!” he demanded. “What's going on here?!” he protested, trying to keep his eyes away from Bell's naked frame and blushing. “I want a good explanation!”.
“Ah, ah, good evening, Tenchi-san” Belldandy waved a hand at him. “Don't get angry at your father, please. He only wished me to have sex with you… after he got a demonstration of what I could do for you” she stated rather matter-of-factly.
“WHAT??!!” Tenchi's blush grew even deeper. “OYAJI!!”.
“Oh, c'mon, Tenchi!” his father huffed. “I have all the rights in the world to be worried about you! You never show any interest on girls, and that's unnatural on a boy of your age!”.
“Dammit, Dad, for the last time, I'm just not ready for it yet! Stop trying to force me into situations! I'll go out with girls when I'm all ready for it! I'm not a perv like you, you know!”.
“If you aren't ready at the bloom of your youth, when will you be!?” Nobuyuki retorted. “At least give this fair and nice lady a try! Most boys your age would kill for a chance like this, you know!”.
“When will you get it?!” Tenchi yelled back. “I'm not a simple boy of my age! I am myself, and I don't like to be forced to be like others!!”. And he stomped out of there, heading outside.
“Oh, my!” Belldandy gasped and tried to reach out for him. “Tenchi-san, wait! You don't have to do anything if you don't want, but please, let's talk--!”.
“Hurm. Forget it” Nobuyuki grumbled. “That boy is going to kill me, I tell you. I don't know what's wrong about him…”.
“Maybe we should leave him alone for a while to sort his feelings out” Keiichi pondered. “I mean, this had to be quite a shock for him…”.
“I only hope he hasn't gone to the cave…” Katsuhito mused seriously.
“Which cave?” Keiichi asked.
“A cave near here. He always went there to vent out his anger when he was a child and got angry” the priest explained. “The problem is, we always had to go there to retrieve him soon, because that isn't a safe place… There is a demon sealed there”.
Belldandy blinked in terror. “A demon?!!”.
Tenchi stopped in front of the huge cavern, and paused, remembering moments of his childhood bawling and kicking in front of the old bars placed at the entrance to stop anyone from entering. Stupid legends, he though while kicking the bars, which now were rusty and frail, and finally pushing them apart with several furious kicks; despite his barely above average physical appearance, he was quite strong and lean now.
He advanced into the dark cave, still ignoring exactly why he was doing it. Perhaps just to advance the plot.
Or maybe just to tick the old, nosy men off. “Stupid Oyaji…” he muttered bitterly. “Stupid Gramps… Stupid slut… Why do I need to prove myself to them? Can't Dad ever leave me alone without trying to shackle me to any girl he sees?”.
Then he saw something shining ahead in the cavern's darkness. It looked like some sort of old shining sword sunk in the chest of an old skeleton. Fascinated by its strange glow, Tenchi advanced towards it and, after some hesitation, grabbed it by its handle. And without knowing well why, in a single mighty pull, he pulled it off.
He held it for a moment in front of himself, mesmerized, right before he noticed, with horror, how the skeleton shook and moved its hands, flesh starting to cover it, growing all over it, its skull beginning to sprout long, spiky blueish hairs as well. “N-NANI??! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??!!”.
Belldandy, Keiichi, Nobuyuki and Katsuhito ran to the cave's entrance. “TENCHI-SAN!” Bell yelled, anguished. “Are you okay?! Answer, please, Tenchi-san!!!”.
“AAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!” Tenchi's terrified voice came from the inside. “It's the demon! It… it is alive!!!”.
“Shit!” Nobuyuki cursed, running inside for his only son, throwing all worries to the wind. “TENCHI, WAIT FOR ME! YOUR DAD WILL SAVE YOU!”.
Katsuhito paused for a moment before following them. “Ryoko…” he whispered. “So, you have awakened at last…”.
The four of them soon arrived to where Tenchi shook in fear holding a light sword, in front of a floating, demonically smiling young slender, curvy woman with golden feline eyes and long, spiky aquamarine hair, totally naked as well.
“RYOKO!” Katsuhito yelled out, unsheating a bokken. “Step back, NOW!”.
“Huh?” the woman looked at him with contempt. “Who are you, old man?” She looked again at Tenchi, grinning devilishly. “I only care about this small rat, or rather, what he has now… the jewels of the Sword. They are mine! Give them to me, and I might spare your lowly life!” she loudly demanded, gesturing towards the three gems in the sword's handle.
“Huh?” Tenchi blinked, puzzled.
“Don't do it!” Katsuhito commanded sternly, giving a step forward with his bokken pointed at Ryoko. “If you do it, she'll gain power to kill all of us!”.
“Out of my way, old geezer!” Ryoko began to form a sphere of blue energy in her right hand. “Or I'll blow your brains out!”.
“STOP!” Belldandy stepped in between them. “You, the one who is called Ryoko! You aren't a demon, are you? I can feel it… You really aren't one of them! I don't want to hurt you, so calm down and let's talk this!”.
Ryoko looked at her with surprise for a moment, then laughed. “YOU?! Hurt ME??! HAH! WHAT A LAUGH!”. She shot a few energy balls at her. “Outta here, little wimp!!”.
However, Bell merely deflected them all with an energy shield protecting her and the men. Ryoko paused, and let out a whistling. “Wow. Well, that was good! Exactly who are you, kid?”.
“I am a Goddess, First Class, Unlimited!” Bell proudly declared. “And these gentlemen are under my protection! You will never hurt them!”.
Ryoko blinked, somewhat taken aback. “A goddess…? Might it be… that you are one of the mighty Choushin…?”.
A couple of hours later:
“I see. So, no Choushin, then, but a… Norn?” a still naked, shamelessly exposed Ryoko asked, sipping on a cup of sake, sitting with the others around a table inside the residence. “Still, a goddess is a goddess… A bit out of my league, I'm afraid” she reluctantly admitted.
“And you say you had been trapped there for 700 years, with that sword sunk through your chest?” Belldandy asked sympathetically. “That must have been horrible. I am very sorry about you…”.
“Yeah, well, tell that to the bastard who trapped me there” Ryoko snorted. “They called him Yosho, and said he was supposed to be a `great hero'… Feh!”.
“You obviously must have done something to deserve it!” Tenchi grumbled, trying to keep his stare away.
“Me?” Ryoko said, feigning innocence. “Why, I never did anything like that. I'm a nice girl who has had a rough life and had to fight for herself, that's all…” She chuckled, and hovered in the air to his side, then hugged him much to his surprise. “Of course, I can be a bit naughty when it comes to hot young men…”.
“W-WHAT??!!” He tried to pull away free, but her grip was amazingly strong.
“Do you know what 700 years of captivity do to a poor girl's libido?” she purred, and licked one of his cheeks hungrily. “C'mon, Hunky… Give me some much needed meat…”. One of her hands sneaked down his pants and gripped his member, making him to yipe.
“Oh, yes!” Nobuyuki's eyes bulged out, and he pulled his pants and underwear down again. “This must be a dream, but I'm going to live it up! Two hot horny girls all willing to go!”.
Belldandy stood over the sitting Tenchi, with one leg at each side of his head, and offered her cunt to Ryoko's face. Grinning like a Cheshire Cat, Ryoko caught the idea and began to lick her vagina, while her hands gestured for Keiichi and Nobuyuki to approach and take their clothes off. They obeyed, and she began to masturbate them using a hand with each one, while squatting up and down over Tenchi's laps. He gulped down and finally relented, taking his pants off, too excited by now.
“Oh, what the heck…” he surrendered, also taking his shirt off, leaving him naked under the newcomer. “This is madness, but I can't take it anymore…”.
He grabbed Ryoko by the hips and pushed his own up to meet hers, rubbing tentatively her vaginal opening with his cock before she forced herself down, impaling herself on him, never stopping to lick Belldandy's vagina and jerking Keiichi and Katsuhito. Meanwhile, Nobuyuki sneaked behind her and penetrated her anus with his big, fat penis.
“Oh, yeah, yeah!” Tenchi's father barked in pleasure, while Ryoko bounced up and down on his son. “Now this is what I like! See what you were missing on, Tenchi?” he panted.
The boy nodded energetically, finally understanding. “Now I get it, Dad!” he said while starting to lick and suck on Ryoko's big breasts and her dark pinkish nipples. “Boy, this is wonderful, after all!”.
“Yes, it is!” Belldandy cooed happily, while moving Ryoko's head against her cunt using her hands. “I am so glad you finally joined us, Tenchi-san! Ah! And you too, Ryoko-san!” she shuddered as the other woman bit on her clit. “AH! OH YES! I'm so sure we all will live so happily here together!! AH! AH! AH!!”.
And as usual, she was right, because she is Belldandy! Good night, everyone, and `til next hentai-time!
Misato's voice: What??! The next chapter doesn't have any hentai on it! BUMMER!
Shinji's voice: It's a character development thing, Misato-san…
Misato's voice: B-But I wanna fuck you again, Shin-chan! WAAAAHH!
Momoko Akatsutsumi's voice: Uhh, I don't get what's going on here too well, but anyway… Next in Oh my Saber Urusei Onegai Azumanga Saga Z