Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the End ❯ In the Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Welcome to the End
“Trying to poison me?” Came a complaint from the calm yet short tempered Hiei, his red eyes glared back into Botan's as he pushed the coffee cup away from him.
She huffed and rolled her pinkish eyes and stared at the ceiling to push down the urge to smack him. “If you were just going to criticize me then why did you ask for it?” She asked, glaring at him.
“Because I didn't think I'd see something swimming in it,” he calmly replied, smirking at the angered look on her face.
“Oh leave her alone,” Yusuke cut in before they both broke into another one of their usual arguments. “Where's Naruto? He's supposed to be here isn't he?” Yusuke asked to move to another subject.
Botan calmed her expression and thought for a bit and replied, “I believe he's still asleep upstairs.”
Hiei seemed to twitch, “He slept here?!”
“He had nowhere to go for the night, so don't even start with me Hiei!” Botan shouted, making Hiei shrink back a bit.
Yusuke shook his head with a sigh, looking around the small living space that was Botan's house. A tiny living room that consisted of a small TV and a couch that became a bed. The room was connected to the equally small kitchen with a fridge, microwave, and a small table where Botan and Hiei sat. Upstairs, in one of the two bedrooms, Naruto was probably sleeping. “Someone go upstairs and get him.”
“No!” Came the protest of both Hiei and Botan.
Yusuke groaned and was about to say something but was cut off.
“I'll get him,” Came a sad and soothing voice from the corner of the living room.
Startled, everyone looked to the figure that was leaning in the very corner of the room beside the couch. Slowly the person walked into the dim kitchen light, revealing a handsome boy, about 19 years of age.
Long, baggy, dark blue jeans nearly covered the black boots he wore; his shirt was black with ripped long sleeves, showing the arm braces and bandages he wore underneath. His long black hair barely reached his chin, almost completely covering his black eyes that stared almost lifelessly at the three of them.
“H-hey Sasuke...” Botan stammered with a small blush, making Hiei irritated.
Sasuke's expression stayed as blank and as sad as ever when he only nodded in reply. The dark, damp room was soon filled with silence that left the other three feeling uneasy before Sasuke's footstep proceeding up the steps broke it as quickly as it came.
“The poor guy,” Botan whispered mostly to herself, breaking the second wave of silence.
Yusuke and Hiei nodded in agreement, both staring down at the plastic, checkered tablecloth.
“FUCKING HELL!” Came an angry cry from upstairs, undoubtedly Naruto.
They were going to stay where they were and ignore his shout, but when they heard sound of a struggle they got up and followed Botan up the stairs. She led the way to the first door to the right. They all stood in the doorway, watching the two of them wrestle furiously.
“Go downstairs! Idiot, you can't sleep all day!” Sasuke yelled, anger evident in his voice and his expression now, unlike the usual monotone and blank stare.
“The hell I can't! What's it to you that I sleep all day anyways?!” Naruto shouted back, trying to throw Sasuke off of him.
“Quit being stubborn you moron!” Sasuke shouted, pinning Naruto to the ground finally.
They both glared at each other for a while before Botan coughed to direct their attentions towards her. “Breakfast will be ready soon.” With that she turned and walked downstairs.
Sasuke got up with a grunt; once again with no expression on his face, he followed Botan downstairs.
Naruto sat up, his blue eyes still reflecting the anger. Yusuke and Hiei still stood in the doorway. “I still find it amazing,” Yusuke said.
“What?” Naruto spat as he stood up.
“The only time I see any real emotion on that guy is when he's near you,” Hiei finished for Yusuke.
Naruto stayed silent for a while as he slipped on a t-shirt. He stared at the ground for a bit, the sunlight that shined through the thin curtain seemed to make his blue eyes glow lighter. Finally, he shrugged before slamming the door in their faces.
With a roll of their eyes Yusuke and Hiei made their way back down the stairs towards the scent of Eggo waffles.
“What took you?” Botan asked, setting their own plates of waffles on the table.
“He's in that mood again,” Hiei explained, and that seemed to be enough for her for she nodded and turned to get silverware. Sasuke seemed to stare down at his plate when he said that.
Before another silent session began, someone burst through the door. “Good morning Sasuke!” Sakura squealed and hugged him from behind with a smile. Her pink hair flowed behind her in a loose ponytail, tied up in with a red ribbon. Her green eyes sparkled despite the dimly lit room.
Sasuke gingerly touched her arm as a sign of returning affection. She released him and pulled her black jean jacket tighter around her, “It's really cold outside!” She said enthusiastically.
Botan scowled at her without her noticing and turned to the stairs to yell at Naruto, but to find he was already there.
Naruto leaned against the wall tiredly, his short blonde hair still messy from sleep, and his baggy jeans and gray shirt still disheveled. His arms were skinny yet muscular enough.. The 15 year old scratched the back of his head and yawned tired. He glared at Sakura and she returned it just as fiercely
“Naruto,” She spat with detest as a greeting.
He grunted and walked to the seat in between Yusuke and Hiei. “Sakura,” He returned the greeting just as rudely.
Botan, Hiei, and Yusuke were thrown into a state of confusion as always. They had no idea why Sakura and Naruto hated each other, but it was a constant tension between Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura.
Sasuke's expression now seemed both troubled and sad as he often glanced at Naruto who kept up his attempts to completely ignore Sasuke.
“Hey Botan! Did... Koenma.. Carr `et?” Naruto finished with a mouthful of waffles.
“Ew! Naruto!” Botan said with a small chuckle.
“Don't encourage him,” Sakura intruded sternly.
Naruto glared up at her and retorted, “She wasn't talking to you now was she Mistress Sakura of Brats!”
Sakura stood up angrily and was about to strike him, but Sasuke quickly grabbed her arm to stop her. She looked at him infuriated and left out the door with and frustrated groan.
Naruto resisted the urge to smirk by stuffing his face with waffles. Botan looked down at the hungry boy and ruffled his hair, “Shouldn't you be in school kid?”
Naruto gave her an annoyed look and said, “I'm not a kid, and I dropped school a long time ago.”
“Too hard for you?” Hiei asked.
“Too easy. I don't need a bunch of tests or college to tell me how smart I am or what I can be,” Naruto explained, leaning back in his chair.
Yusuke smiled and nodded, “I like that thinking Naruto.”
Naruto nodded as well and said, “I like it too. Now if you'd all excuse me I'm going to go shower.” He slammed his hands onto the table and stood to walk out of the room.
“Naruto...” Sasuke called after him, sitting up slightly, looking after him.
Naruto stopped, clenching his fists, he turned his head a bit and glared at Sasuke. “What?” he spat with impatience.
Sasuke looked like he was fighting for the right words but in the end sighed in defeat and said softly, “Nothing...”
Naruto rolled his eyes and continued his journey up the stairs. After they heard the shower go Yusuke turned to Botan and said, “So what did Koenma want?”
Botan gathered the plastic plates and put them into the sink with a small sigh, “Something about the 7 Mystic Items. Heard about them?”
Sasuke stiffened and he whispered, “Yeah...”
Botan and the others looked to him and asked, “What do you know?”
“We should wait for Koenma... And Naruto...” Sasuke said, sitting back into his chair, letting his hair fall over his eyes.