Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the End ❯ Items of Sin ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Why must you always argue with me?!” Keiko yelled at Yusuke with a fierce glare.
“I'm not arguing!” Yusuke retorted, “I'm stating my opinion!”
“Well, it's wrong!!” Keiko snapped. She then turned to Botan with a friendly smile, “Here you go Botan; I made muffins for you.” She then handed Botan a medium sized basket, steam still emitting from the muffins.
Botan chuckled nervously as she took the basket, “How thoughtful Keiko, you're too kind.” Yusuke rolled his eyes.
Keiko kept her smile and nodded, “It's nothing.” She then dropped the smile and glared back at Yusuke before continuing to say hi to everyone else.
“Like she needs anymore fattening foods,” Hiei commented sarcastically.
Botan whirled around to face him, and a very pissed and murderous look on her face made everyone back away, even Sasuke seemed to flinch visibly. “Oh I could've gotten fat a long time ago,” Botan started with a cruel sarcastic tone, her voice still threatening, “but...” She whispered, unable to continue her sentence as she gazed down at the ground in frustration.
“Well don't just kill your sentence,” Hiei cut into the silence that followed, the only one who would dare to push her farther.
You should know about killing shouldn't you Hiei?!” Botan almost screamed, tears brimmed her eyes as she ran up the stairs, leaving the others in a state of shock.
“Hiei, what's she talking about?” Yusuke asked, looking at him almost accusingly.
“Honestly, I have no idea,” Hiei answered, with a troubled and puzzled look towards the stairs. He almost seemed concerned.
The door suddenly burst open again, as if it were kicked, the door slammed into the wall, making everyone look up in surprise. They all looked to see Sakura standing in the doorway, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were red like she was crying. “Someone is here,” she announced as she stepped aside to make way for Koenma who stepped through the door.
He lowered the gray scarf from around his mouth and removed the beanie to let his chestnut locks fall freely beside his amber eyes. Yusuke, Keiko, Hiei, and even Sasuke shot from their seats to bow, “Good morning Lord Koenma!”
He smiled wryly and said, “There really is no need for formalities here, it's just Koenma.”
Keiko raised her head up from her bow and explained, “But sir, the formalities show our respect for you.”
With another smile he sighed, “As you wish.”
They stood fully and sat in their seats, giving Koenma the head seat.
“So what's this matter that we need to discuss?” Keiko asked politely.
“If you got here earlier maybe you would know,” Yusuke commented, trying to be quiet with it.
Keiko rose angrily, “I wasn't talking to you Yusuke!”
He stood as well, “It's good that you didn't with that kind of tone!”
Botan came down as they continued their senseless bickering. “Good morning Lord Koenma,” Bow, “Hiei what do you think you're doing?!”
“Nothing!” He yelled annoyed.
“Stop picking at the tablecloth,” She said more irritated.
“I'll do what I want!”
“It's my house!”
“What's with the noise?” Naruto asked as he walked down the stairs in a black Kurt Cobain t-shirt and dark blue baggy jeans over his converse. His hair was still a mess, yet matted down from the water.
“It's pretty obvious,” Sakura spat.
Naruto gave a glare, “You're still here?”
“Like you'd keep me from Sasuke,” She said crossing her arms.
Naruto rolled his eyes, “Who am I to do such a thing? Take him!”
“Then stay away from him!”
“I didn't even do anything!”
“Shut up Naruto!”
“You shut up Sakura!”
“Both of you shut it!” Sasuke interrupted, only glaring at Naruto.
“Don't you tell me what to do Sasuke!” Naruto shouted.
“It's just a tablecloth!”
“Get lost!”
“Shut up Yusuke!”
“You're such a jerk!”
Koenma's head went from one fight to another, as he sat in his chair silently observing. Slowly, without notice of the others, he rose from his chair and took in a deep breath before shouting, “SILENCE!” His voice seemed to shake the house and in an instant, everybody's mouth as shut and they retreated to their seats, awaiting possible orders.
“That's just disgraceful! How can you all fight amongst yourselves like that?!” Before he continued Koenma's eye twitched as he stared beyond them.
The others followed his gaze to Naruto, arms folded, looking the other way, and had not greeted him yet.
“Baka!” Sasuke jumped up and grabbed a fistful of Naurto's hair and forced him down, “Bow!”
Koenma stood and brushed his hand to the right, dismissing Sasuke who reluctantly obeyed and sat down. He walked over to Naruto who looked away to ignore him some more. “Good morning Naruto...” Koenma's voice was threatening and cold. The others watched, wide eyed; for a lord to address someone else first was an honor...
Naruto turned around completely still. “You honestly can't still be mad about−”
“It was the last slice of cake!” Naruto yelled, making everyone groan with exasperation.
Koenma as well smacked his forehead with an annoyed sigh.
After even Naruto was seated and silent, Koenma took a file from his inner coat pocket. Classified had been stamped across the front in red ink, making the others sit up in interest.
He took out the first sheets of Paper, undoubtedly the report on the matter. Koenma took in a small breath before starting.
“We have all heard of the 7 mystics I assume?”
Everyone nodded and let him start his reading...
Malachi's Report
June 2, 1919
Malachi L.
Most of our kind should be familiar with the 7 mystics. Long ago before even this time, over millions of years ago (an exact date yet to be found), humans barely started to inhabit the earth, due to genetic mutations in various creatures that resemble, frogs, an ape, and a form of reptile, now extinct; humans became another result of evolution. Among them were many philosophers, which showed their ability to learn and adapt.
In such times dating back to Empire Year 77.6, in the government known as the Empire of Eles, time dating 2-0111-4.7-77.6, the Galaxion Empire came into rule with their leader Kylayla Ratch of Battles. She was known as “The Jewel of the Galaxy.” She ruled the autocracy and monitored all planets in the solar systems. It was her elven advisor, Jevon Lettle, who informed her of the human race. He grabbed her attention by explaining that the human species were capable of learning, adaptation, and speech, means of communication. It wouldn't be long before they started a civilization of their own.
Not too long after, she ordered to have 7 philosophers from Earth brought to her.
Over the years they were taught every single language that is known to mankind today. Early English, Spanish, Latin, French, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, ancient tongues, and more. Soon, the humans would become civilized and when that happened, earth would already have its own Council. The 7 mystics.
Humans had finally become civilized, dated thousands maybe millions of years, before Christ. When humans discovered how to harvest spiritual energy the 7 knew they had to form their council, for they too were involved in the study of magic, and were far more superior and skilled, for they were granted immortality.
True, humans were all harvesting power but the 7 sensed evil about it. One of them had concluded the evil within the hearts of the humans was too overwhelming in spiritual sense. If they left such evil power to grow, with no place to go, would lead to someone finding it, and undoubtedly using it. Black magic.
And so the 7 deadly sins were named. For each, the 7 would harvest the energy and give it a rally point. The confined the evil sins into items, where the evil spiritual power would grow as the humans did. True, humans could still harvest the evil, but with a lesser threat.
Among these items were:
Scent of Lust
Gold Coin of Greed
Daggers of Envy
Glass Plate of Gluttony
Ring of Pride
Sloth's Robes
Sword of Wrath
Since all 7 items were of the human realm, the 7 mystics could not take them to the Realm of Saren, where the councils of all worlds and realms were watched and maintained.
The 7 Mystics, of Earth, before departure had hidden all the items in different parts of the world. For humankind should never have all 7 items in their possession, for as time should progress, corruption in the human hearts would continue. If possible, only a pure heart would be able to handle all 7 items at once.
Koenma stopped reading and looked at everyone else, whom all seemed to be in deep thought. Most of the information they knew, but they didn't know the report would actually be a page written by Malachi. Still in a daze, they looked to Koenma for instruction.
“So what do you want us to do about it?” came a mumble from Naruto, “Want the items all for yourself?”
Sasuke's hand flew to Naruto's mouth, “Shut it!”
Naruto slapped his hand away angrily, “Get lost!”
“Quiet!” Koenma shouted, rubbing his temples, “I already have a headache from all of you! No, I don't want to have the items. The power of all 7 items would be too great. Rather, we all need to protect them.”
“We?” Hiei questioned.
“Yes, we,” Koenma sighed, taking two photographs from the file and throwing them in the middle of the table.
Both photos were of a man, about mid-twenties. He had dark green eyes and long flowing red hair that was in a loose ponytail in one photo. The other was one of him stepping out of a taxi, with a grey trench-coat and dark sunglasses, a mysterious figure indeed. He looked calm in both but something about him sent shivers down their spines, this man was dangerous.
“His name is Kurama,” Koenma stated, allowing them to look a bit longer. “He is a bounty hunter, known and wanted especially in Egypt and Saudi Arabia for stealing rare and ancient artifacts. According to a combination of rumors and undercover reports, he already has the Gold Coin of Greed.”
“How could he manage that?!” Keiko asked with a gasp.
“This man is no ordinary human; his history is unknown even to the 7 mystics, but what we do know is that he is extremely skilled in magic, especially Dark Arts,” Koenma explained, making sure to make eye contact with everyone. “Do you think he just happened upon such a powerful item?”
They stayed silent; they knew the answer to it anyway.
“Well, I don't want to!” Naruto finally exclaimed with another stretch boredly.
Everyone's eyes went to Naruto in silent shock. “And why not?” Koenma asked, trying to keep surprise from his voice.
“I don't feel like it that's why!” Naruto snapped spitefully, giving a short sideways glance at Sasuke, who was once again, looking down.
“Well, then I guess I have no choice. I wanted to avoid this,” Koenma paused and stood from his seat to tower over them, a serious look on his face. “Under the command of myself, Lord Koenma, I order you to take this mission.”
“WHAT?!” Was the only spoken response, of course from Naruto.