Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Godannar ❯ White Phoenix reborn ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone in this story.

It was the final battle between Ranma and Saffron. ‘I got to finish this!’ Ranma thought, ‘because if I don’t, everything I fought for would be for nothing.’ Just then, he heard someone in his head.

I will help you.

‘Who? Who are you?’

I am Phoenix. I shall not allow someone like Saffron to try to destroy the world.

‘But how are you going to help me?’

I shall grant you my powers. All of them, so you can defeat him in one shot. Will you accept my power?

‘YES, yes I will!’

Then, so be it.” Just then, Ranma was surrounded by white flames and his clothes burned off of his body. Then the flames formed a white outfit with a platinum phoenix on the front and back with the tips of the wings touching. He had streaks of platinum blonde hair and bright silver eyes. He also had the basic markings of the phoenix, a platinum phoenix over his left eye and a huge white phoenix aura.

He had platinum hoop earrings in his ears, platinum rings on his middle fingers, and a white choker with a platinum phoenix hanging from it. His bracers were platinum; he also had designer glasses making his true intelligence show. Ranma smirked and said only one word.


With that, he flew up to meet with Saffron, one final time. Who was shocked at what he saw. “WHAT?” He screamed, “Some puny mortal has become one of us? I shall handle this.”

So the fight was on, Ranma and Saffron were trading blows. Then Saffron charged up and fired a huge fireball.

“OH NO YOU DON’T!” Yelled Ranma, “ITS OVER SAFFRON, MAYBE IN YOUR NEXT LIFE YOU’LL BE KINDER.” He started to charge up, white streams of fire started to surround him and from in to a huge ball of white fire. It looked like a bright star, “PHOENIX STAR!” He threw it and there was a huge blast of white.

Ranma shot up, he started breathing hard it was raining; someone was beside him and started to hold him. “Ran-chan, are you alright?” She said sleepily, tears started to fall out of his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine Anna.” He said, “Get some sleep. Don’t worry about me; I’m going to get some water.” So he went to the kitchen, to pour him a glass of water and started to drink it. He looked into a mirror and saw his reflection, he quickly spit out some water. “WHAT THE HELL!”

Marriage of God and Soul: Wild Godannar

Chapter 1: White Phoenix reborn

The glass slipped from his hand and shattered on the floor. He was staring at the mirror and saw his white phoenix aura surrounding and caressing him lightly. “Oh my god,” he whispered softly. “No way, how?” He dropped to his knees, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” His scream woke Anna; she shot up and ran over to where Ranma was. She saw her husband on all fours slightly sobbing. Then he punched the floor, “why? Why now?”

“Ran-chan?” She said she saw him on fire. “RAN-CHIN!” She ran over to a fire extinguisher and tried to put him out. He looked over and saw her with it.

“Anna WAIT!” She pulled the trigger, it tried to smother him.

“Don’t worry, Ran-chin.” She said while trying to put him out. “I’ll put you out.”

“Anna no! Stop!” Later they sat down and had some coffee.

“I’m sorry Ran-chan.” She said, “I didn’t know.”

“It’s alright.” He said, “Your mother knows. About this, I’m not originally from this time.”

“You’re not?” He shook his head.

“I’m from the late 20th century.” He said, so he relaxed and got ready to tell his story.


After taking Saffron’s life, Ranma and gang headed back home to Japan. Ranma was resting up after a long trip, then the next day he was in a tuxedo and was about to get married. “What the?” He said, Genma and Soun were carrying him downstairs they were about to marry him to Akane. But, everyone tried to stop it. In the middle of it, Ranma just snapped the phoenix came out and damn near burned the dojo down.

“YOU WANNA PLAY GAMES? LET’S PLAY! ONE GAME FOR ALL THE MARBLES!” He launched himself right into the dojo and started to concentrate on burning it down. They lined up, one behind the other. Cologne had seen what was going on and she was now scared. This power was higher than that of Saffron’s, after everyone was out cold; he knelt down to one knee.

“Now, that I’ve won hands down, I’m going to take my prize.” He said, he grabbed the school’s sign and ignited it. “Game over!” Just then, a goddess had showed up and Ranma looked over to her.

She had long platinum blond hair and green eyes. She was dressed in a black leather gown and pumps. “Ranma, are you alright?” She asked he closed his eyes.

“I need control.” He simply said, “Could I ask a small favor?”

“Now you know you can,” she said.

“Could you transport me to a place where I’m needed? It doesn’t matter if it’s in the past or future. Just as long as I can help them.”

“Alright, I’ll put a lock on your phoenix powers until it is the right time for them to come out.” Ranma nodded and Urd used a spell to lock his powers until such a time he needs them.

=End flashback=

“So, she sent me here 5 years ago so that I can fight in this war to help those who needed me.” He said, “I was acting on instinct when I saved you. It wasn’t ‘part of the job’. You were right Anna. It was fate that brought us together.” She reached out to grab his hand and looked at him lovingly.

“But, why is your phoenix powers activating now?” She asked, he sighed.

“Because, its almost my time.”

“Time for what?”

“My first death,” he said simply.

“WHAT? Ran-chan, you can’t serious!”

“Anna, listen to me. A phoenix gets stronger with every death; I have already reached my limit. But when you see me, I’ll be the same ‘Ran-chin’ you know and love.” He wiped a tear from her eye.

“Promise?” She cried, as he did it.

“Hey, you know me.” He said, “Since when have I broken a promise? When I said, ‘we didn’t need you’ as a pilot but, changed my mind when I saw you carry that mechanic out I meant it. All those times, I told you I love you, I meant. Be cause dammit, I am Ranma ‘Freaking’ Saotome! And one of the things Ranma Saotome does best is keep his promises. Okay?” She nodded and hugged him tightly.

“I love you Ran-chin.” She cried as she hugged him. He looked at her and smiled softly at her. Then she pulled back from him.

“I love you, Anna-chan.” He said and with that he started to bend down but she leapt into his arms and gave him a passionate kiss.

End of Chapter 1