Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Godannar ❯ Anna meets Mira ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The next day Anna had went to Mira’s room; Kuriko had allowed her to visit her. She inputted her mom’s birthday and went in. She was a little jealous of her body but softly stroked her hair. She slowly started to moved her head in to the strokes, she started to awake. “Oh I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to wake you. I just wanted to meet you.” She said Mira was a little confused. “I’m Anna Aoi.”

“A-An-Anna?” She said Anna was in shock.

‘She just said my name. But I thought her mind was like a kid’s or an infant’s.’ She smiled at her, “I’m going to let you sleep.” But just like with Ranma, she wouldn’t let Anna go. ‘Great how can I get her back to sleep? I got it!’ She held her tightly in her lap and started to sing softly into her ear. Mira slowly went back to sleep. Anna slowly left the room, later she came back to the house and found Ranma drinking blood orange juice. “We need to talk.”

“It’s about Mira, right?” She nodded, he sighed. “What do you want to know?”

“Wasn’t she supposed to have a mind of an infant?”


“I was told she had the mind of an infant but she said my name.”

“Who told you that?”

“Mom, but why would she lie?”

“I’ll find out, Anna thanks for visiting her. I guess I was right.”


“You are a good friend; I guess they were right about the whole ‘marrying your best friend’ thing.”

“Was that why you married me? I was your best friend?”

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“No, no! I just thought that you married for the good sex.”

“ANNA SAOTOME, YOU ARE A PERVERT!” They laughed; she walked over to him and hugged him tightly. “I’ll go and talk to her. But, I betcha she lied because she wanted you happy.”

“But I am I have you Ran-chan.” She said, “Sure I’ll have to share you. But I still have you.” Later Ranma headed for Kuriko’s office. “Boss, we need to talk.”

“I think I know why.” She said.

“Okay, is it because you wanted Anna happy? When she already knows that she has me regardless of who wanted me?”

“Well I…”

“Why is it that people doesn’t believe it when I say that I am a samurai lord and head of my clan? Is it the fact I look like I’m in my mid-20s? Is it the fact I’m an American?”

“I forgot about that. I’m sorry Ranma, I should’ve told her.”

“Well, null persp but remember that little bit of info. She doesn’t mind sharing me.”

“I understand.” Then next day Ranma went to take Mira home with him to the mountain manor.

“This is your new home Mira,” said Ranma. Just then Ranko came out and helped her move into the house. Then they had seen a teen age blond, dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, she rushed Ranma and tackled him to the floor.

Mira and Ranko were giggling, “DADDY!” Ranma looked at his twin and former lover.

“Ranko, why is Tiffany trying to kill me? Better question, how in the hell did she get here?” Just then they heard a voice.

“She caught up to us,” they looked and saw her mother. Brittany was standing there in the doorway.

“Okay, Tiff could you let go of me before I cough up blood?” She let him go and he sat up.

“You guys need any help move her in?” She said she looked at Mira, “hi I’m Tiffany. What’s your name?”

“M-Mi-Mira.” Said Ranma’s ex.

“It’s nice to meet you Mira.” She said, “You want me to help you move in?” Mira nodded and Tiffany helped her move in. Everything was going great, Ranma and Anna were helping Mira speak and remember everything. While Gina was trying to help her physically and everyone else were helping her out in their own little ways. Meanwhile Lou went over to where Ranma and Shingi were she saw them tossing a football around.

“Ranma!” She said, he looked over and saw her.

“What’s up Lou?” He said as he caught the pass and threw it back.

“Could you teach me how to pilot?”

“Yeah, hey Shingi, take 5.”

“Right pop.” He said they walked over to her.

“Well, get geared up and meet me in the hangar in ten.” So she does and Ranma went down to the hangar to get dressed in his gear. He met up with Hiruko and she was geared up as well. Then Lou came out, ready. “Okay, let’s do this.” So they got in to their bots, he taught her all about how it works and moving in it. He ran her though some test and warned her when she comes of age, he will put her through his boot camp. She nodded, but on the inside she was worried, she went through target practice in the Cosmo Diver and then she sparred against Hiruko and Shingi.

Later they had dinner and Lou asked Ranma something. “When am I going to fight you?”

“When you get to Shizuru’s level. What, you thought I’d say ‘when you group’?” She nodded, “no I know you can get better even at your age. Tell ya what; I’ll have the others spar with you until you feel like you’re ready to take on the champ. Okay?”

“Sure,” she grinned. So she went up against Genesister and the fight was awesome.

“SHADOW!” Screamed Luna, “SHE’S TOO FAST FOR US!”

“Luna calm down, she’s just a kid.” Said Shadow, “We can take her.” (Famous last words, eh Shadow? –Ed.) Cosmo Diver came in and attacked, cornered Genesister and pointed her cannon right at its head.

“Checkmate.” Said Lou.

“We concede,” they said.

“Are you guys alright?”

“Yeah, you did good Lou.” Said Luna, they got out of their Dannars and went to get cleaned up. Then Luna took their logo of their Dannar and put it on a magnetic board near her name. The next morning, Shukuyu came in as everyone was eating breakfast.

“Good morning,” she said.

“Morning,” they said.

“So Lou, you ready?” Lou looked up.

“Ready for what?”

“Goddiner’s your next opponent.” Everyone was in shock, that’s like David vs. Goliath. (Or Rey vs. Big Show. -Ed)

“My next opponent? When do you want to fight?”

“After school?”

“Alright.” So after school Cosmo Diver was facing Goddiner.

“You ready Shukuyu?” Said Moukaku, she nodded her head.

“For you, Poppa.” Said Lou softly and the fight was on. Goddiner was swinging for the fences and Lou was dodging them as if she were a steroid-enhanced grasshopper. She was hit in mid air by a shot. “Ungh!” She flew back in to a wall.

“Lou!” They said Goddiner went over to her.

“Are you alright?” Said Moukaku.

“Yeah, how did you do that?”

“We waited and attacked in mid air.”

“Can you go again?” Said Shukuyu.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s go again,” so they did and she got a little better.

“Good Lou,” said Moukaku. Just then she leapt up in mid air and charged up to fire.

“COSMIC SHOT!” A small blast of energy hit Goddiner and stopped them. “Check and mate!”

“You win Lou.” Said Moukaku they went back in and took their showers later, Shukuyu placed Goddiner’s logo on Lou’s side of the board. Meanwhile Ranma was talking to some of the help so he didn’t notice Mira leave the house. She went to the base and to where Max Junior was he was a very handsome young man. With shoulder length black hair and a tanned complexion. He was hooked up to a lot of machines; she pulled off an oxygen mask and kissed him. Then collapsed to the floor that was when Max awoke in a trance.

The base had been taken under siege, by that time. Max and Mira got in to Core Gunner and started destroying things. Then Ranma was called at the house and was told what was going on. He hopped on his bike and zoomed over to the base. He stormed in to the bridge with Anna right on his heels, “what’s going on?” He said, “Who’s got control of Core Gunner?” Just then they heard him.

“It’s me Ranma,” they looked over to the screen and it came on and showed Max with Mira on his lap.

Ranma was in shock, “WHAT THE HELL?” He looked at Kuriko, “you got some explaining to do. Why in the hell didn’t you tell me he was alive?”

“We had to make sure that it was him.” She said she was cut off by Max.

“I wanted her, I loved her, but she chose you! IT WAS YOUR FAULT SHE DIED!” He said.

“DON’T YOU THINK I HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT GUILT EVERY SINGLE DAMN DAY?” Ranma screamed back, “I STILL HAVE NIGHTMARES ABOUT THAT GODS BE DAMNED NIGHT! And you want to blame me for hers and yours deaths? You know what? I’m sick and tired of getting blamed for every damned thing that happens in a person’s life. You want to do something about it? Meet me outside, I’ll be Godannar!” He stormed off and headed for the hanger bay. He took off in Goddannar and got ready to fight Core Gunner, “let’s get this over with.”

Everyone watched as Godannar lead Core Gunner away from the base and they started to go at it. Anna wanted to help and head out in the Okaser to help him fight she blocked a shot with her ‘Angel wall’. “Ran-chan we’ll have to merge to beat him.” She said, so they do and the fight was really on. The fight was pretty vicious and Ranma felt everything, started to cough up blood. “Hang on Ran-chan.” Said Anna, just then Shizuru had came in with the commander and she slipped in Core Gunner’s back door. Meanwhile Ranma was getting wearer by the minute.

‘What’s happening to me?’

“Now Ranma you will die!” Screamed Max, he was about to finish Ranma off when all of the sudden there was a bang and Core Gunner stopped.

Ranma? Are you alright?

“S-Shizuru that you hot shot?”

You’re damn right it’s me! I tell you, finally I get the weekend off and something like this happens. Are you alright?

“Ran-chan’s coughing up blood and I think something’s broken.”

Hang on Anna, help’s on the way!” So they went and got Ranma some medical help and got him home.