Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Piece ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Eiichiro Oda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the One Piece or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omni Piece

An One Piece/Ben 10 crossover

Part One

Fame, Wealth, Power. The man who had acquired everything in this world, the Pirate King, Gold Roger. The Final words that were said at his execution, sent people to the seas. 'My wealth and treasure? If you want it, I'll let you have it. Look for it, I left it all at that place! ' Men now, chasing their dreams, head towards the Grand Line. The world now enters a Great Age of Pirates... and apparently Aliens as well...

We begin our tale, not at the beginning, but further along in the tale.... with a barrel floating in the water. This barrel was floating close to a cruise ship where a formal ball was being held. On the deck were two sailors who were pulled this wooden object up to see what was in it, perhaps a little refreshments for some salty dogs. Yet once on deck, their attention was taken from the container by the sight of a pink pirate ship with it's jolly roger Cannons fire and the barrel is knocked from their hands towards the kitchen.

The container was ignored as a pitch battle between crews of pirate and non-pirate crews. From the chaos emerged a figure which might have been a really ugly woman or... well, a really ugly man. Iron club in hand she began her pillaging of the ship of the wealth. Meanwhile, a pink haired boy in glasses was sneaking into the kitchen. If one was to ask about him, they would learn his name was Koby and he was basically the slave of the pirate captain. We turn to him.

'I gonna be in trouble if I don't get some kind of loot for Alvida. Maybe if I get her what's ever in this barrel, she'll leave me alone for a while.' thought the young boy as he tried to roll the barrel from the kitchen to the pink sheet. This point is the one where he noticed the shadows, looking up he saw the much larger members of the pirate crew.

"So why are you sneaking around here, cabin boy? Trying to keep some of the good stuff for yourself? Didn't your mother teach you to share with your mates? Handy it over, boy." shouted the pirate as he took the barrel. Then he moved to smash open the top of the barrel, only to be stopped by the shattering of the wooden container.

From within the barrel emerged a monster which looked like looked like some kind of plant man. It had five vines which seemed to act as legs and two arms with four-fingered finger-like claws, and around what looked like it's head was what looked to a mouth like collar of plant matter with some yellow thorns as teeth. Strange pods lined the back, with what looked like blue eyes on each of it's shoulders and a single blue eye above it's mouth on it's face. In the centre of it's chest was a black, grey and white object. The whit form an hourglass shape vertically while the grey formed another hourglass in the opposite direction. Everything else was black or black lining for the circular object. On it's head was a yellow straw hat with a red band around the rim.

The plant monster roared as the big, tough pirates ran scared from the 'Barrel Monster' . Koby just stared in shock as his eyes opened as far as they could looking at the beast. Only to notice the white part of the object on the chest to flash red while a beeping sound could be heard. The blare of the crimson flash caused a temporary blindness in the pirate slave as he blinked his way to sight again. Where the monster had been now stood a strange older boy in the same hat, dressed in a vest-like shirt with bare-arms and some kind of shorts rolled up just above his knees. On his feet were sandals of some kind.

The boy smiled a huge grin and asked, "Hello, my name is Monkey D. Luffy. Do you want to get something to eat?"

Moments later...

The stranger had started to eat a number of apples out of a crate, stuffing his mouth with amazing yet twisted skill. The kid in the straw hat asked, "Hey, do you know if we're on a pirate ship?"

"No, we're on a cruise ship being attacked by pirates. Where did you come from and what's with the vine monster?" asked the pink hair boy, curious about the transformation he had seen which had left him stun enough to follow Luffy.

"The ship I was in hit a whirlpool and got crushed. I barely had time to turn into Mr. Vine so I could get into the barrel. Mr. Vine is one of the people I turn into thanks to the Omnitrix on my wrist. How did you get here? " said Luffy with his mouth half-full of apple.

"I was on a ship which was attacked by Alvida's pirates and they force me to decide whether to walk the plank or join the crew. Wanting to live, I joined the crew. I've been the slave of her and her entire crew since then." said Koby as he wondered if he could get something to eat, yet this could be dangerous given the hunger of his 'captain'.

"Don't you have a dream you follow? Cause I'm following my dream, it's the whole reason I came out to the sea... I want to be King of the Pirates! That's my dream, what's yours? " asked the boy as Koby's eyes flashed anger.

'He's just another one of the damned pirates! ' came the instant thought to the one who had endured the torment of those kind of sailors. This caused Koby to explode, "Pirates are good for nothing jerks who need to be locked away from everything and further more..."

This was where he stopped as the ceiling gave way to the ugly woman captain which caused terror in the pink haired boy. The woman spoke in a man-like voice, "This isn't Roronoa Zoro, I would have expected him to hunt some one as famous as me down. You think the way those idiots were running away they might have noticed the difference."

Koby was in fear for life and limb, but after Luffy spoke he was just in fear for life, "Hey Koby, who's the fat lady?"

This was a sensitive subject for the woman as Koby had experience nearly first hand, as the giant iron club of the famed female pirate slammed down where Luffy had been... until the straw hat boy had grabbed Koby and ran from the kitchen cellar to the deck. Only to confront the rest of the pirate crew. The boy just smiled and said, "Time to bring out another me!"

He hit a button on the wrist mounted device on his right arm and the face plate popped up, which he began turning as he dodged attacks. Stopping the twisting, Luffy force the face plate down again and then the changes began. His body became more muscular as his skin turned blood red, hair vanished as eyes split into four solid yellow orbs. A black line moved down his face with a single break in it as a second human sized pair of arms divided from the top pair which were growing to giant size. The finished figure, dressed in red and blue like Luffy's clothes, had to be at least nine feet tall. A deep voice roared out, "Here's Mr. Hand! "

Everyone was a stunned as Koby had been when Luffy had transformed from Mr. Vine, but rage and fear overcame the shock as pirates charged. It seemed this new Luffy seemed to have the advantage as he used his four arms to punch out pirates in all directions. Soon the pirates were standing back as they tried to figure out what was happening.

"I'm an alien man, with the Omnitrix I can become an number of different aliens. It's my mission to find One Piece and become king of not only the pirates... but King of the Space Pirates! I'm looking for a crew right now. Ten people should be enough people to be a crew, right Koby?"

"And you call me fat, you freak of nature. I'm not fat, I'm not ugly. What am I, Koby?" asked the captain as she looked at the pink haired boy.

Koby had been terrified by the pirate captain till the point that Luffy had called her fat without fearing what the effects would be. Something in this caused him to gain a single nerve of bravery and to say, "Not you, you smelly fat and old hag!"

In the shadow on the ship...

The woman in the shadows had slowed, not stopped, her stealing when taking note of the transformation which had occurred before her. An older teen had managed to transform from a human form into some kind of mutant ogre. strangely, it was still wearing the same hat as the boy. Then the little pink haired kid had pissed off the troll-like woman by admitting what she looked like, which wasn't the smartest thing in the world to do if you didn't want an iron rich diet to the skull. The hag had decided to take her anger out on the oni figure, only for the club to be caught in one huge hand.

The same hand somehow managed to crush the solid mace like a over-ripe banana and made a mushed middle in the object as he let go. The oni smiled as he called out "Hand Hand Double Punch!" as two hands on the opposing side of his body to the catcher hand were pulled back and collected into a fist. Two fists of fury landed on the ugly woman's head and gut as she was lunched into the distant horizon.

It was then there was a beeping noise which came from the device on the oni's shoulder as it flashed red. A surge of blinding red light came next as she tried to gain her sense of sight back. Where the oni had been standing, now stood the boy from before. He turned to the recovering pirate scum and asked a question, "Now can anyone help me and Koby get a boat or something? I have to still find a crew."

The pirates of Alvida's crew, acting on fear of the moment, moved to gather the necessary boat. This was the moment the woman decided to take her own leave with her own boat. The bags of Berri on her back were dropped into a small boat when she sailed off to find her next mark. As she moved to the next source of money, there was a brief instant when her boat was close to the one which had been given to the straw hat boy, before the ocean currents and the winds took them away.

'Okay, Nami, that was unusual. Still there's no way I'm going to met Oni Hat anytime in the future. I still have about 7 million Berri to gather before I complete my mission. Got to get moving.' thought the woman as began to make the navigation corrections to find the major sea routes, where all of the plunder could be found.

In a little boat on the ocean...

Luffy was sailing away in the make shift boat he had gained from the Alvida pirates and was thinking on what to do next. Going on his instincts like usual, he asked his companion, "Hey Koby, I told you what my dream is. Can you tell me what your dream is? Is there something you want so much you work hard to get it?"

"It might seem a little strange and I hope not to offend you Luffy, but I always wanted to be a Marine. To put away dangerous pirates so they don't hurt innocent people during their looting. After being forced to join Alvida's crew, I developed an even greater desire to put people like her away for a long time. I also knew as long as I slaved myself for her, those dreams would never come true." said the pink haired boy as he reluctantly brought out the dream which was opposing to the straw hat boy.

"I'll do my best to make sure you can join the Marines, if you promise to work hard at getting stronger. When you come to catch me and place me in jail, I want to have a great fight like those of my hero Gold Roger. I'm still going to have to find a crew... what about that guy the fat lady mentioned? Would he make a great crew member?" asked the boy who would be Pirate King, as his hand reached around to the back of his head for some scratching.

"Roronoa Zoro? He's a famous bounty hunter who captures pirates for the Marines in exchange for money. He was said to be a powerful swordsman who could take down powerful opponents single handily. But I hear that he committed a crime or something which caused a powerful captain of the Marines to imprison him. So you might as well forget to..." started the boy who would be Marine before the other boy commented.

"That's great, he's just the kind of guy I need for my crew. What do you think about making him my first mate?"

"Are you crazy, Luffy? I said he was a pirate catcher, that he's imprisoned by a powerful Marine captain who likely has a hundred hands in his base. How the heck do you think you can even get him free, let alone join your crew?" shouted out Kobey as his faced turned red and seemed to steam with the wraith he felt at being ignored with the information he had given.

"I don't know, but it's half the fun trying to come up with ways for me and my other selves to try to make my dreams come true. Plus you can join the Marines while we're there. Do you know where this Marine base is? Cause I'm lost."

Meanwhile on an island with a large Marine base on it...

A man in a green bandanna was placed in a cross with his hands tied around the arms of the wooden object, his head hanging down as he endured the elements around him. The sun is beating down on the man as he continued to survive breathing during his tortures, as if he was waiting for something. Something to come, some time to come, someone to come. Waiting and fighting the pain.

Later within the tower...

Luffy was confused as he was speaking with one of the people who lived in the village surrounding the marine base, and things were not going as planed, 'So do you know where Roronoa Zoro is? I want to find him."

"I don't want to talk about that trouble maker, just move along and forget about him. I don't want any trouble here." said the shopkeeper who shifting his eyes back and forth.

"I just wanted to know where he was. Could you tell me about the super strong marine captain who has him then? Maybe I can find Zoro by finding him?" said Luffy, expecting the merchant to be more willing to discuss their protector then one who had caused them problems.

"Look, I just don't want any trouble coming my way. So keep your nose out of our business. It would be best if you left this village and head on you way. So get lost, cause I'm closed." said the shop owner as he ushered them out of his building, pushing them more then the two young people were moving themselves.

The door slammed on them as Luffy asked one last question, "You're closing, but it's still morning?"

"So I guess it's time for me to go to the marine base for basic training. You want to walk there with me or are you going to avoid it given your dream?" said Koby as he looked at the taller teen. Luffy got a look on his face which was either very thoughtful or completely blank of all thought processes.

"Yup, I'm going to the marine base too!" said the boy who would be pirate king. It was this comment which brought the dark and pink haired boy to the complex of the world government defenders.

Koby was getting a feeling of both joy of reaching the first step of his dream and saddness for leaving his first real good friend after all of his suffering. So it was with a hard effort to hold back the tears when he was about to say his good-byes to Luffy... only to see the transforming boy started to climb the walls of the fort.

"Luffy, you idiot!" complained Koby as he followed the straw hat and climbed the wall. In the centre of what looked like a training field was a man tied to a wooden cross. Koby made the simple connection this was Ronoroa Zoro, as he began to ask the question in his mind of what Luffy was going to do next.

It was then he noticed the girl coming up beside them, on what looked like a ladder. She then continue to the top of the all and pulled up the ladder to use on the other side. She then ran in front of the man on the wooden structure, and started to speak. She said in a happy voice, "Mr. Zoro, I made you these rice balls for you to eat. I wanted to thank you for all of the help you gave me, so I made these rice balls with my whole heart."

It was within moments that a young man in a well-tailor suit. He was skinny and long limbed with light coloured blond hair in the shape of an oval in his head. His suit was violet in coloured with white shoes on his feet, which made him look like a young rich man then a marine member. He was followed by a large number of marines in their traditional sailor suits He moved forward to the young girl in front of them.

He snatched one of the rice balls and spoke, "I don't think he wants this right now, if he wants to keep to our deal. So I think I'll take this into my possession for now."

With this he took a bite out of the rice ball and began to chew for a few seconds before spiting out the rice ball bite. He began to yell loudly at the young girl, "This ball stinks. What kind of idiot uses sugar in a rice ball instead of salt?"

He then took the rest of the rice balls she had made and with the one in his hand, threw them to the ground as he stomped them into a dirt mush. Then he growled to the marines around him, "Get her out of here and out of my sight!"

He turned around and left with most of the marines as a couple of them remained to take the young girl out of the base as well as her ladder. Once everyone was out of the courtyard, Luffy made his move and jumped down on to the ground. He moved quickly to the place that Zoro was hanging around and asked, "Hey, Zoro? How would you like to join my pirate crew? I can just untie you and we can get out of here..."

"I'm not going anywhere and I'm not joining any pirate crew. So you better not untie me or you'll be sorry. I plan on surviving being hung up here just to spite that moron Helmeppo. If you want to help me, you can pass me that rice ball. It would be a shame to let Rika's hard work be for nothing." said the man on the cross weakly as he looked at the younger man.

Luffy nods and picks up the flattened pieces of rice ball and feeds some of it to Zoro as the man chews them with some enjoyment, not matter how it had been spoiled. Koby was looking at the sight before him and could have sworn he saw Luffy smile. The transforming boy returned to the wall and climbed up it to where his pink haired friend was.

"Koby, I think it time for us to get out of here. There's a little girl I want to talk to there." said straw hat as he dropped to the other side and stared to walk.

The girl had returned to town when Luffy and Koby stumbled on to her. She was a brown haired girl with pigtails. With deep dark eyes, she was staring at them when Luffy asked, "Hello, Rika? I just wanted to tell you that Zoro loved your rice balls. Can I ask you a question about Zoro? Is he as evil as they say he is?"

"Mr. Zoro is not an evil man, he's a hero." spoke up the little girl in a firm, even angry voice. Even after a little smile as she learned that Zoro loved her cooking, even with it's little mistake.

"Then why do the marines have him stuck up like that?" continued the straw hat.

"It's started like this..."