Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Piece ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Eiichiro Oda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the One Piece or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omni Piece

An One Piece/Ben 10 crossover

Part Two

"It happened one day when Zoro was in this restaurant, having a meal as a man walked into the room. It was Helmeppo, the captain's son and the same man who teased Zoro with my rice ball. This time he had brought in something dangerous to everyone, his dog... or should I say wolf since it was more wild animal then anything else. It was growling and howling while snapping at people as if it was trying to take a bit out out of anyone it could reach.

It was then the leash broke with the wolf getting loose and ready to attack. Zoro took a moment to knock out the wolf with one of his swords before turning it on to Helmeppo, saving everyone in the place from an animal attack. He then told off the captain's son and knocked him down, telling Helmeppo he was an idiot and would pay if he tried it again.

Helmeppo did nothing then other then running home to daddy. Once home, he got all of the Marines he could so he could arrest Zoro as well as everyone in the restaurant. Likely so they couldn't tell the story of him getting beaten up by a bounty hunter. He said they had commited treason and were to be executed for threatening a superior, but I think this was just to get Zoro to do what the meanie wanted. Cause the swordman made a deal with the slimeball that he could be arrested instead.

Then came the deal that if Zoro could go without food and water for a month while on the cross rig, he would go free." commented Rika as she finished the story for all of them to hear. They had walked with her as she headed back to the restaurant where it all started from what she told them.

In the eating establishment was the man in the purple suit who was the captain's son. He was talking to a number of the people inside, "I can wait for tomorrow so I can kill... execute that treasonious pirate hunter for insult... for commiting crimes against the world government. Bet he's really a pirate pretending to be a bounty hunter, I could get a reward when he gets the noose. Don't want to waste the bullets on that piece of crap."

Koby was watching Luffy who had been emotionally involved with the story, his head strangely shaded by the straw hat he wore. He keep on walking, changing direction so he was heading to the location of the Marine's child. Without warning a fist smashed into the face of the rude blond man, one connected to a body and a head wearing a straw hat. All noise stopped. A hand grabbed the shirt of the man and dragged him from the table to the street outside. Helmeppo landed hard, taking moments until he got to his feet.

"You're deadmeat. My father is going to send you to the gallows, then I'll feed what's left to my dogs. Hear that dogmeat?" said the man in purple as he began to run off to the base.

"Luffy, what are you doing? What have you done? Are you out of your mind?" asked Koby as he started to freakout with anger.

At the base...

A stone statue of a muscular man with an axe for a right hand and a jaw made of metal was being raised up on the top of the Marine base. Looking on was the identical man, dressed in a sleeveless dark blue shirt and pants of a light blue with stripes the same colour as the shirt. He was blone with a sleeveless caot of a pale blue with red inner trim and lapels, with blue and gold tassled shoulder pads. He also was wearing combat boots.

The man in the violet suit, who could have passed as a younger twin, ran up to him. Pantting for a moment, the man spoke, "Daddy, some criminal attacked me at the restaurant again. You have to arrest him and have him executed like Zoro."

A mean left hook slammed into the face of the younger man, as the older man spoke, "You're worthless, you know that? Getting beaten twice within a two month span. I should just let you get your licks until you can man up and fight back. But this is going to reflect badly on me with the rest of the villagers and I can have that, can I? So can you tell me who this idiot who dare strike at a Captain's son is?"

"It was a guy on a straw hat with shorts and a sleeveless shirt, he was also wearing sandels and had some kind of weird thing on his wrist. I didn't get the greatest look at him, since he just snuck up behind me and pop me one by surprise. I think his hair was black or brown. He must be out of his mind, maybe he's criminally insane psychopath who attacks people for no reason. Who knows how many people he has killed... or eaten? He's mad blood-drinking, brain-eating mass murder who wants to kill everyone here at the Marine base. Cause it's the only source of law and justice in the area so if he can bring it down he can build a fortress of crime and evil. He's a pirate, daddy, I bet you he's a pirate!" explained the man-child as he expanded on what he had been saying, letting his mouth run away as he could convince his father of the worse of a man who had the most limited encounter with Helmeppo.


Luffy was once again on the wall of the Marine base as he hopped over the bricks and mortar so he could get next to Zoro on the wooden structure. He steps behind the pirate hunter and started to untie him which provoked a responce from the green haired man. He spoke weakly, "What do you think you're doing? Leave me alone. I have to stay here and..."

"Helmeppo is going to execute you tomorrow. You have to leave now." Luffy said as he tried to untangle the knots as he hoped he wouldn't get his rope mixed up.

"I can leave without fighting then and I can fight without my swords. You have to get my swords back and I can help you. Help these people. They're in Helmeppo's room as trophies, or that is what he told me." said the man tied up as he moved a little with his loosened ropes.

"Okay, be back in a second." replied Luffy as he turned to his wrist and activated the Omnitrix. He cycled through the number of creatures within the device before setting on the one he wanted.

"Omni Omni Mr. Ray!" cried out Luffy as he triggered the transformation, changing his human body for one more alien. His arms gained a flap of skin like a bat but while keeping his arms and hands. He gained a tail as his hands and feet took on claw like nature, green eyes and red skin with black stipes as the face remained on his chest. He also had yellow horn like structures and a mouth of white teeth in a shape similar to a shark, an upside grin like form. On his head with the horn-like things sticking out was a yellow straw hat with a red band.

"Time for some Omni Omni Super Flying." said Luffy as he took to the sky and flew to the roof of the Marine base. The straw hat made a mistake with his flying as he forgot to slow down and was going to crash into the statue which had just been put up. With a last second move, he shot twin light beams from his eyes and blew up the statue into rocky sharpnel.

"What the hell are you and what have you done to my statue? You'll pay for that with your life, Freak! Get him! " said said the man with the iron jaw as he pointed with the axe-hand.

"Okay, tell me where your room is and where Zoro's swords are. " asked the alien boy as he drag the captain's son after him.

The marines around him echo with, "Yes, Captain Morgan! "

A burst of speed was the answer from straw hat, as he flew and picked up Helmeppo before moving into the base.


"So that's the whole story, Helmeppo is going to kill you, Luffy and me are trying to free you. Luffy wants to make you his first mate for his pirate crew and I wanted to be a Marine, so that's why were's here." answered Koby as he untied Zoro as well as displaying the expertise with knots of a sailor, pirate or Marine.

While this was happening, Koby could have sworn he saw a redheaded woman running around the Marine base with a huge bag of something.

Back with Luffy...

Luffy finally got to the room of the captain's son and dropped the idiot he had been carrying, taking in the sight of the expensive room filled with wealthy touches like a four posted bed. He then noticed the trio of swords and figured that one of them had to be the sword of Zoro, the question crossed his mind, 'Which one is his and which ones are not? Better take them all so Zoro can choose the one he wants.'

The manta ray like creature lifted all three swords in his hands, and flew out of the window so he could land in the courtyard with Zoro and Koby. He noticed the Captain there with a group fo marines with guns all pointed at the pink and green haired males. The order was given, "Soldiers, when I are ready, fire and send the two of them to hell. Fire!"

Luffy was already above them when he used the secrets he had gained to shift from Mr. Ray to Mr. Diamond. His body transformed into a being of greenish crystal of huge size and a sense of strength. Bullets hit the crystal and caused them to chip off of the body, yet every piece was soon repaired with more of the greenish crystal as the metal slugs were deflected.

Zoro turned to the creature and looked at him before asking in shock, "What are you? "

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be King of the Pirates! " was the answer the bounty hunter got.

The marines were shocked at the ability of this man of crystal to take their bullets at the close ranger they were at and continue to exist, if not remain at his peak form. In reaction they kept on shooting their guns at the figure hoping for one bullet to harm or kill the being. They kept on firing until their guns ran out of their metal slugs which left their guns useless for more then clubs.

"He must be some kind of devil fruit user, so we just have to find a way around the power of the fruit's demonic power." shouted the Marine Captain as he looked the crystal humanoid for a weak spot.

"What kind of fruit turns you from a human to a flying manta ray to a crystal man, Luffy?" asked Zoro as he tried to understand the strange man before him.

"I didn't eat a devil fruit, this is something better and different then that. It's the power of the Omnitrix, the coolest thing in the world and it takes on great adventures. Even if I fail at becoming Pirate King, which I won't, it still gives me options for fun adventures and new dreams. Oh yeah, I forgot. Which one of these are yours? I could tell which one of them was taken from you." said the diamond man as he turned his back and took the swords he had been carrying.

"All three of them are mine, my style is that of the three blades. I need them to fulfill my vow, my ambition, my dream." said the bounty hunter as he reach for the trio of sharp objects.

"I'll give them to you and you can become my first mate, and I will do my best to make your dreams come true. That's a promise you can count on! " said the would be king as he passed the blades to his new first mate.

"You better, because if you come between me and my vow, I will kill you. I will not die until my promise has been finished. " Zoro took the trio which took their places in both ands and his mouth. With quick motion of his twin hand blades, the old wooden cross was sliced into pieces.

"Don't just stand there and act like the idiots you are, attack them now! " cried the Marine Captain as his axe hand chopped the air in a motion to mimic the lethal blow he wanted.

"Omni Omni Diamond Lift! " cried out Luffy as the marines were lifted up by sudden pillar of the same crystal which composed Mr. Diamond. This left most of the Marines several feet in the air as well as removed from the battlefield.

This caused the captain to rage at the turning of table, and reacted by taking off his blue coat. He told everyone who was in the yard with him, "I'm Captain Axe Hand Morgan, a man who has taken down the most dangerous pirates. I'm going to take you down personally demon user, unless your a weak coward."

"I keep telling everyone one, I'm not a devil fruit user. I am going to fight you and kick your butt. " said Luffy as his stone body began a charge at the other captain. The alien boy begins to shoot out crystal darts from his fingers or it should be said from what had been his fingers. Those fingers becoming sharpened and launched from the hand even as the fingers grew back from where they broke off. The marine leader responded by using his axe hand to bat away the darts. By then the Diamond-Luffy was upon him, an arm turning into a bladed sword like structure which ran the length of his arm.

Steel axe and crystal sword began to dance as the two captains did their best to take the other down with their own weapons. They continued to faint and slash to gain the upper hand with the other, which seemed to have been gained by Morgan as he slam down hard on his axe hand so Luffy's sword arm was sliced off. The omnitrix wielder just smiled as he grew back the arm into the same shape it had been by addition of more of his stoney mass. Luffy countered this by turning his sword into a giant mace hand which was swung against the one handed Morgan, knocking him to the ground and into a weak position before Luffy.

"So do you give up yet or do I have to stop holding back?" asked the crystal man as he looked down at Morgan.

"Stop right there, whatever you are. I don't think you want to do it with what I got." said the familiar voice of Helmeppo, the captain's son. They all turned to see the coward holding a gun to the pink haired Koby's head, which was obviously a threat to stop what he had been doing or have Koby killed or harmed.

"I don't care if you kill me, if it means I won't stand in the way of Luffy's dream. So go ahead and shoot." cried the marine wannabe, as he looked to the friend who rescued him from slavery. Luffy turned his back and got ready to take down the man in violet, he sense something behind him. Still Koby was more important as Luffy formed crystals in the barrel of the gun as he also formed a rock out of his hand and shot this out as well. Behind Luffy, the now standing Morgan swung his axe.

The axe hand never made it to it's target as Morgan was flung away by the slash of the trio of blades in the hands of Zoro, while Helmeppo was knocked away by the stone shot from the crystal man. Morgan fell onto his back as he was knocked out from the strength of the attack. Zoro, Koby and the de-transformed Luffy were al surprised when the Marines dropped their weapons and began to cheer at the change of events. The sailors were yelling out their joy at the defeat of their captain.

No one knew it, but a orange haired woman had been digging into the base for treasures and maps for locating such. She had just gotten to the place where the marines kept their most important map, but it had been replaced by a note from a person named Buggy. The note stated this person had taken the map already, which left the woman frustrated. She decided to react by looting more of the marine base.


Luffy and his two new friends were in the restaurant with the little girl and her mom, eating their fill of a meal made in their honour. The little girl Rika asked Luffy, "Where are you going to next?"

"I'm going to the Grand Line to find One Piece so I can be King of the Pirates! " camed the transforming boy, as he continued to pack it away. He never noticed the look of terror in the pink head's face as the boy began to speak.

"The Grand Line is the most dangerous place in the world, which is why it's called the Pirate's Graveyard. 'Cause of all of the pirates which lost their lives looking for One Piece and failing. Do you really think you can make it pass all of the dangers there?" asked Koby as a sense of doubt crossed his mind.

"Doesn't matter, I'm going to make it to One Piece!" said the captain of his own dreams as he chow down on some meat.

"How many people are in your crew, captain? " asked Zoro as he looked to the man he had become connected to.

"There's you and me, so about.. two. If you look out the window, you can see my boat. It's the small one out there." said the straw hat wearing man as he continued with what he was doing.

It was then that the Marines stepped into the restaurant and were looking for something. They all turned to the trio at the table as their leader spoke, "I'm Lieutenant Ripper and I would like to thank you for you help in getting rid of Morgan and his cruelty... but I am going to have to ask you to leave the island since you're pirates. We should be arresting you, but all of us have suffered under Morgan we have decided not to report you being here. You are going to have to leave as soon as possible."

"Well, we should be ready to get out of your hair. Right, Luffy? " asked Zoro as he looked to his captain, who responded with a belch and a nod.

Lieutenant Ripper looked at Koby and asked, "Isn't he with you, isn't he a pirate?"

"Not unless you count his time with Alvida as her slave..." started Luffy, not understanding things. Koby was reacting with anger as any hint of piracy in his background would remove him from consideration of being a Marine. This was transmitted by way of a rage filled punch at the transformer, raising a bump on the straw hat's head.

"I guess he's not with you, so he can stay. The two of you are to leave as soon as you're able. So, men, move out." said Lt. Ripper as he began to leave.

"Wait, sir. If it's alright, can I join the Marines? It's always been my dream to be an officer in the service." said the pink haired Marine wannabe as he decided to act on his wish.

"We're always looking for good recruits. Follow us to the base and you can sign up with the rest of the men." said Lt. Ripper as he smile at the boy's excitement at joining.

Moments later...

Luffy and Zoro loaded themselves into boat as they set sail to the Marine saluting the pirates. Koby also saluted as he called out, "We'll meet again, as a Marine meeting a Pirate. Then I'll use all of my strength against you Luffy! "

Luffy smiled and said, "Not if I use my strength against you first! "