Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Piece ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Eiichiro Oda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the One Piece or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omni Piece

An One Piece/Ben 10 crossover

Part Three

Zoro was floating in the tub with his captain, neither of them knowing how to navigate the oceans they were in. The wind picked up and caused the strange boy's straw hat to lift up and fly away, only for the black hair boy to scramble after it. Zoro caught it with ease before it got to far, but asked upon it's return to the owner, "What's so special about this hat?"

"It's my treasure! I goes back to...

Seven years earlier...

The Bar was filled with pirates as young Monkey D. Luffy watched with great interest. A red haired man was making fun of Luffy by saying, "You're a little short to be a grown up yet kid, so you might want to enjoy it while you can."

"I got a kid his age, still running around..." said the man that Luffy had learnt was named Yasopp, one of the red haired man's crew. The red haired man was named Shanks and was the captain of these pirates, wearing a straw hat with a red band.

They were interupted by a man running in the bar by kicking the door down shouting, "Give me all of the sake you have, give it to me now!"

The female bartender by the name of Makino said to him, "All of the sake is with the Captain and his crew."

"If you want a bottle, then you can have it." said Shanks as he handed a bottle to the man, only to have the newcomer smash it.

"I'm a wanted man with eight million beli on my head, I don't have time for any of your games." said the man as he stormed out of the bar in a hurry, causing the pirates to laugh.

"Why didn't you fight him, Shanks?" asked the young Luffy as he looked at the captain.

"Not worth the time to fight unless you have to." replied Shanks as he returned to the party.

Luffy decided to get back at Shanks for being a coward and headed to the box the pirates were protecting. He snuck up on it and was not seen by anyone as he took the box before openning it, before someone out of the young black haired boy's sight shouted, "What are you doing?"

Luffy jumped as the box closed and launched into the air, before the box was caught by Shanks. Luffy had only just seen a purple, swirly fruit inside before he lost it. Yet Shanks went to Luffy and looked him in the eye, "This is the Gomu Gomu fruit, which has the power to make you a rubber man if you eat it. Yet it also robs you of the ability to swim forever. We were just trying to decide if we would keep it or sell it for profit, and whom would eat it if we kept it. I don't think it would be a good idea for you to eat it right now. Better to eat regular fruit to get big and strong."

Luffy listened to this as Shanks moved the box to inside his coat.

Later that night...

Luffy was looking at the stars and making a wish, 'I wish I was strong enough to be a pirate right now, to kick the butt of anyone who comes between my dream. I wish for the strength to make my dream come true, to be king of the pirates and protect my friends."

The young ten year old was watching the stars shooting down, when he saw one landing close to the Earth before a huge explosion occurred in the distance. The wide eyed boy figured that if seeing a shooting star granted you a wish, catching one would be even better. He rushed to the site of the landing, noticing the trees uprooted and a gash on the earth. He walked into the up turned earth to find the shooting star, which looked like a metal sphere. As he tried to approach and touch the star, it opened up and revealed some kind of band like a bracelet. Which then jumped at the right hand which was still hovering over the metal star and stuck itself upon his wrist.

Luffy over reacted instantly by trying to get it off by biting and yanking it, only for nothing to happen... until he pressed a button. This caused the round face of the bracelet to rise and twist from an hourglass shape into a diamond with some kind of monster's shadow on it. He pressed down on the face and there was a flash of green light, then Luffy felt a sudden change in the temperture as he felt cold.

Back on the boat...

"That's how I discovered my new forms, starting with Mr. Flame. Didn't know where the thing had come from at first, but I learnt all about it during the adventures after it." said Luffy as he looked at the object on his wrist.

"But that doesn't explain the straw hat..." said Zoro as he wanted to hear that part of the story.

"It happened like this..."

Back into the past...

Luffy had just lucked out at discovering the time out feature of the object, and had only managed to make some small fires before sucking the flames back into his body as instinct. He was walking home to figure out what to do next, when he spotted the man who had barged into the bar as well as some other tough men. The alien boy was about to change his direction when he found himself surrounded, with men on either side of him.

He was about to use the new device to get himself out of the mess when he was lifted by the arm it was on. The man smirked as he looked at Luffy, "Look what we have here boys... looks like a squirt with some kind of new jewelry on his arm. Why don't you just handed it over?"

While Luffy and the bandit's attention were distracted, the bartender Makino was watching and began to run in silence to get help. At this time, Luffy was trying to tell the bandits the bracelet would not come off him. They refused to believe him... until they started to lose knives and other blades trying to cut the object off. Finally the bandit leader took a moment to think before saying, "This thing must be valuable to stay on the wrist like this, but I wonder if it would stay on the wrist of the arm it was one was cut off? It might just pop off then, right boys?"

Luffy was nervious at the thought of losing his arm and his cool new tool, but a voice stopped everyone as it came out of nowhere. It said, "Stopping what you are doing might be the best option for the lot of you. Try to make the smart choice..."

The bandits regrouped themselves as Shanks and his crew came into view. A bandit pointed a gun so it was aim between the eyes of the captain before saying, "Don't move or you'll be getting a new breathing hole."

The second the last word exited the mouth of the gun bandit, he feel down to the ground as a bang exploded in the air. Lucky Roux had claimed another victum with his sharpshooting skills, while at the same time still eating a giant rack of meat. Shanks just smiled with a deadly edge to it as everyone of the bandits gasped and said, "We're pirates, facing danger is a career requirement. I still say stopping what you are doing is the best plan. Are you listening this time?"

The bandits didn't listen as they charged Shanks, only to run into Ben Beckham who was Shank's first mate. With a long rifle at the ready, he prepared to... club the bandits with the iron rod. They entire charge of men were taken down in seconds. Higuma the bandit leader took this moment to drop a smoke bomb andrun for his boat, while grabbing Luffy. As he reached the boat, he chucked the you boy into the water.

Luffy seemed to react on his gut feelings as he trigger the transformation with the watch, and then flash green. Higuma laugh as the boy seemed to sink under the waves, not noticing the gain sea beast arriving behind him... at least not until he was swallowed alive by the monster. The Monster then turned and went after it's next target, Shanks who had dived after the lost Luffy. The beast was about it bite Shanks, when it started to scream!

From below the water came a humanoid sea monster with sharp teeth and a dangling light from it's forehead. Black, green and greyish blue were the most common colours on the beast. Shanks was shocked a little when it asked in a deep voice, "Are you alright, Captain Shanks? It's me, Luffy! Also sea beasts taste like raw meat, kinda beefy and fishy at the same time. Maybe some chicken in it as well."

"Okay, you're either Luffy gotten into some kind of weird adventure... or Lucky Roux. Only the two of them would think about what kind of meat that Sea Beasts taste like. I'm guessing there is a great story about this. Do you need help, Luffy?" asked Shank as he watched the fishman attack the beast, making bites out of it and scratching the heck out of it. The beast started to turn from the free lunch and move to the open ocean, where there is less pain in the butts... flukes, neck, face, back...

Back on the boat...

"It was a about a week after that when Shanks and his crew had to leave for their adventure, but enough time for them to help me out in learning how to use my new ten friends. Overtime I added more friends to the Omnitrix, which I found out about during another adventure with a Mr. Diamond.

But before Shanks left, I told him that I would become a pirate and go on a great adventure. I might even be the Pirate King when I was done. Shanks just laughed and handed me his straw hat, and told me to return it when I was a great pirate. So I can let anything happen to the hat until I make it to One Piece, cause if I find that I will be the greatest pirate in the world.

This was just one of my adventures, since holding the Omnitrix brings a lot of them. It's part of the reason I like it so much." said the boy in the straw hat as he looked at the sky.

"I wonder what they did with the devil fruit. A thing which can turn you into rubber man could be very valuable, even with the draw back of never being about to swim again. And..." Zoro looked and saw a flash of green light as Mr. Ray appeared then took to the sky after the little pink bird.

Zoro stoppped and groaned in frustration, paddling after the idiot in an monster's body. He soon caught up with a couple of pirates dressed weirdly. They looked at the boat Zoro was in and rushed at it. They were yelling at Zoro, "Give us the boat and maybe we won't leave you to the sharks."

"Really, I think you might want to rethink that." said Zoro as he drew his two swords and the last one was in his mouth already.

About ten minutes later...

The pirates were rowing the boat as Zoro reclined, as they moved the boat some where they could walk on solid earth. One of the new men were speaking, "You're going to be sorry you messed with us. We're part of of Buggy's crew, he's the most powerful pirate in the Eastern Blue. He's eaten a rare devil fruit which has given him an unbeatable power.

The bird at that time was flying over a nearby town, as an orange headed woman was running from a group of pirates. Gun shots ring out as they are aimed at Luffy who was flying after the bird. Luffy dropped and landed in front of the young woman and said, "That was interesting. Anyone tell me where I am?"

The orange haired woman spoke up fast, "Thanks for coming in boss. I have the map like you asked for. I'll take it back to the ship and you take these loser down."

Thr girl was gone before Luffy could even react with a "What?" leaving the boy to face the gang of goons before the straw hat boy. He turned to them only to see them advance on him with menace... before a green flash occured, replacing Luffy with Mr. Hand. The sudden clapping of all four of the hands created a great boom which launched the men into the air far away from them. The Luffy returned to human form to look for the strange girl.

The girl showed up from where she had been hidding around one of the houses in the village as she spoke, "My name is Nami. I could really use someone of your skills to help me with my business dealings. Looking for a job?"

Luffy looked at the girl and noted her appearance. She wore some short skirt with circle like designs on the side of them to the legs, a belt holding them up. She had a white blouse with a blue stripe covering up her upper arms completely. She was wearing leather boots as well. She ws thin in build, but had some curves to her.

"Nope. My name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I was just looking for some meat. Why did you tell those guys I was your boss?" asked Luffy, as his stomach growled at the word meat.

"I'll treat you to some lunch as I explain." said Nami as she took him to one of the buildings.

Much later...

"I guess this is what Shanks means by there being no such thing as a free lunch." said Luffy as he sat in a cage on Buggy the Clown's pirate ship. He had lunch with Nami which was mostly meat for Luffy, as the woman explained she would stop at nothing to collect a hundred million beli. Lufy had asked if that was why she had stolen the map, but it turned out Nami was a navigator. Given this info, Luffy started to ask her to join his pirate crew given they had need of one. Turns out she hated pirates, which explained why she had tied him up. It didn't explain why she had handed him over to Buggy.

But now Buggy was throwing a party as Nami returned the map she stole. Leaving Luffy clueless, and hungry over the meat being displayed. There was always room for meat, which is why Luffy turned into Mr. Brain and slipped out of the ropes. Then hoped out of the cage to where the meat was being displayed for eating. Luffy had turned into a small alien who was measured in inches with grey skin, huge eyes with horizontal pupils and a black stripe in the middle of his face. His hands were oversized as was his feet, and his teeth were pointy sharp. On his head was a tiny straw hat.

'Good thing Mr. Brain is small, which means the meat is bigger!' thought Luffy as he watched the clown captain roll out a giant cannon and it's huge ball, a ball which reminded Luffy of someone he was. Buggy fired the ball at the houses in the town, crushing a row of houses.

"Alright, now it's time to fire the prisoner from the cannon with a Buggy Bomb!" cried the clown as all eyes turned from the party to the... empty cage! For one minute everyone blinked their eyes, before the shock was shaken off.

"What kind of treachery is this? Is this some kind of scam to make off with my treasure, girl? Maybe you would like to have a ride on the Buggy bomb. Men, shove her into the cannon!" said the red noised captain as his men moved to do this.

Luffy instantly used his transformation powers to become Mr. Lizard. Mr. Lizard was a eight foot brown skined lizard with feet like an elephant if they had claws. It's hands were human like with claws of their own as well as being huge, his head was more lizard like then human in shape. On his chest was the Omnitrix symbol and on his head was a straw hat. Luffy roared as he moved to protect the woman who had betrayed them. She was just out of reach and time was running out with the cannon being lit, so Luffy did the obvious thing... increase his length by growing.

He picked her up with his enlarged form while his second hand tried to put out the fuse, or it would have had it not smashed the cannon's backside with his increased strength. The answer was clear, "Oops, I think I can fix that. Or I would if you didn't try to hurt Nami here."

Nami seemed to be in a little shock as she tried to figure out what had happened. Luffy figured she might have seen him as Mr. Ray, but guessed he had been wrong. Which was made more apparent when she started to scream. It was in this chaos of screaming girls and panicing pirates, where Zoro popped up on the boat with swords in their places.

"Why am I getting the feeling that promising to be your first mate is going to kill me? So what is happening here?" said Zoro as he looked at the giant lizard with the bracelet symbol on his chest.

"Zoro Roronoa, the famous pirate hunter! You're here to collect the fifthteen million beli bounty on my head for all of my powerful pirating activities. If I take you down though, I not only save my own hide but I also increase my infamy with an increase to my bounty. Time to die, Zoro!" said Buggy as the Clown attack the 'former' pirate hunter.

This was how Zoro was facing a man with red lips, a huge round red nose and a crossbones painted on his forehead. His hair was a bright blue and pigtails could be popping out of the his orange captain's hat, the hat holding his trademark Skull and Bones. Stripe shirt and stockings, blue pants as he also a red over coat over his shoulders. Oversized brown shoes and white gloves on his hands.

Zoro reacted with instant training as he used his trio of blades to slice and dice Buggy into more managable pieces. As he fought, Zoro felt the surprise hit of a point in his side. From the ground where the piece of Buggy lay, they flew up and remerged back into the rightful place they took on the body. This included the hand which had stabbed him in the side with a dagger. Buggy was now there whole and sound, ready to fight.

"Guess you never hear of the Bara Bara Fruit? One of the rarest devil fruits, it allows me to seperate my body at any point. I've trained myself to divide my body at the point a slashing weapon like a sword is about to hit me. It makes me an unbeatable pirate which allows me to become the most powerful pirate in the Eastern Blue. I can also control all of my parts, which means I can attack my enemies from behind with no fear of damage to myself." said Buggy as he laughed at the wounded Zoro.

"You're nothing but a big coward with a big red nose. Hitting someone from behind is one of the lowest thing you can do, making you a failure as a pirate!" said Luffy as he looked at the gradually shrinking captain, as anger caused the lizardman to grow.

"But all pirates fight that way because they're all cowards." said Nami as she tried to stay up in the enlarging alien's grasp. It didn't help that Buggy had thrown a knife against the brown monster, only for it to be caught in the teeth of the creature. Caught and smashed into steel splinters as teeth stronger then metal mashed against each other.

Zoro took this moment to rush Buggy again for an attack, as a sword sliced through the clown's midsection. Buggy's top flew up hight, high enough for Zoro to slip between it and the legs. Using forward momentum, Zoro burst on through until he was next to the cannon with Luffy. Zoro turned to Luffy and said, "I was thinking of firing this, but it seems to be out of order... Luffy. Any idea how we're going to get out of this one?"

Luffy shrunk down to eight feet and then smiled as he answered Zoro.