Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Piece ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Eiichiro Oda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the One Piece or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omni Piece

An One Piece/Ben 10 crossover

Part Nine

Later that Night...

Usopp was in a slumping position as the weight of Captain Kuro's plan continued to pour down on him. So he spoke from the heart to the gathered trio, "Because I am a liar, no one will believe my story. "

"The truth is still the truth, those pirates are still going to come, right? " asked Nami as she tried to get things in perspective.

"I think so, but everyone thinks it's a lie. They think that tomorrow will be a peaceful day. So I will wait for them here! I will make this become a lie. They will think that tomorrow will be another peaceful day for them." he surprised everyone as he stood up and shouted to the heavens this fact. This got everyone's attention and stunned them for a moment.

Usopp continued as he sat down again with his wounded arm out, "I even got shot in the arm. I was even chased by the villagers, but it is the village I have been trying to protect. I love this village and I want to protect everyone. I can't stand it. All of them will be killed without knowing anything."

The long nose boy had covered his face with his hands as the straw hat crew watched. Zoro spoke up, "You are a good person after all. You think that you will have to fight alone? Without the help from those kids?"

"We'll help you too!" said Luffy as he stretched his arms and cracked his joints.

Nami was a little less noble then the two men with her words, "I have to tell you first, all of the treasure must be mine."

"EH? " asked the boy in brown as he uncovered one eye revealing his tears, as he continued, You will help me? Why?"

"Your face tells us that you're scared." said Luffy as he moved into a battle pose, his arm and hand moving up while being held back by his other hand.

"Because there are many enemies, right?" asked Zoro as he hands were on his hip and sword hilts respectively.

The long nose boy shouted out again, "Don't be Stupid! You think I'm scared of them! Even though they have got more people, I will never be afraid of them. I am Captain Usopp! The greatest fighter of the Sea ! "

This was the point where his knees shook and trembled, before the boy tried to stop them by pounding on them with his fists. He looked at the pirates gathered and spoke with a hint of anger, "What are you looking at? they are Kuro pirates, remember? Everyone must be afraid of them. You got a problem with that ? "

"that's why we'll lend you a hand. We didn't laugh at you. We just think that you are a good person." commented the green haired swordsman as he looked at the younger boy.

"I just feel sympathy, not that I'll risk my life to help you." said the boy under the straw hat wearing the strange watch. Usopp could barely hold back the tears as the strangers had decided to help him and his village.

Usopp took them to the path through the cliffs, "They will come to this coast because it leads directly to the village. This path is the only way. It is surrounded by cliff faces. It is easy to say."

"Really? That easy? " Luffy asked the boy from the island village.

"Easy to say, but much harder to put into practice. What are your skills?" asked the liar.

"Stealing. " said Nami, as she was followed by Zoro's "Cutting. "

Then there was Luffy's cry of "Transforming. Plus other stuff, but I'm really good at transforming."

"My skill is hiding" said Usopp before the rest of the defenders shouted that he would have to fight too, with fury on their face.

In Kaya's mansion...

"How is Miss Kaya?" asked a familiar voice from the building.

Another voice answered, "She's taking her rest. I think she's very tired."

Clahador was straightening up his neck tie as he asked, "did something happen while I was out of town? That Usopp is a really bad child."

"I think so too. He also said that you are a pirate. It's a very stupid joke." said Merry, the other servant as he laughed at the absurb thought. Clahador turned away from him, straightening his glasses and laughing. It was then he noticed a package on one of the tables.

"Eh? What is this? " asked the man in glasses.

"Oh, that? It's a present from Miss Kaya to you. She told me that tomorrow will be the third anniversary since you arrived at this mansion. It's a day to remember." answered Merry as he looked at his friend.

"Day to remember?" asked the other man as he unwrapped the present revealing glasses.

"Your glasses always fall off. So Miss Kaya ordered a special pair for you, it was a very kind thing to do." said Merry as his tears flowed, wiping them up with his handkerchief.

"Day to remember, tomorrow is really going to be a day to remember. Tonight... it's the half-moon night... it really makes me wild." Turn to look out the window, he tossed the glasses to the floor. He followed that by stumping it into pieces, shocking Merry by his caulousness.

"Why did you do that? It was a present for you." exclaimed Merry in the pure shock of it.

"I will get my present. It has to be this mansion, not the glasses."

"What did you say?"

"I don't have to pretend anymore, because in just a few hours, there will be an accident. Three years is a really long time to wait." said Kuro as he pulled out a number of long sword blades. Merry had time to cry out for his mistress before he was sliced by those blades, making him fall to the floor... as still as a stone.

We turn to a pirate ship...

"Captain Jango. It's almost time. Please wake up." said one of the pirates, as he banged on the captain's door.

Jango moon-walked out of his quarters as he seemed to dance to his own beat, his men greeting him with good mornings. He spoke to them, "Don't be stupid. If you want to wish me a good morning, the sun has to rise first. The moon is still in the sky, which means it is still dark."

His crew apologized as he marched back to his cabin, but he spun around to face his men. He said them as well as making them confused, "To all of my fans, a good morning! Let's go! "

With this the men headed to start their invasion.

At the cliff face...

"This is perfect! they can't climb up this slope now. Because of all of the slime Luffy put down." said Usopp, still shocked at the green oozing creature which Luffy called Mr. Goop. He continued, trying not to think of the snot-looking creature, "It's a great tactic, we will shoot at them while they try and climb up this slope. So our main objective is to protect this slope."

"On the other hand, we have to make sure we don't slip on this oil." said Nami as she pointed out the problems with the plan.

"You guys have really crazy ideas." said Luffy as he sat down above the oil in his human form.

"Sure, just leave the crazy ideas and shooting to me. I am very confident." said the liar as he was sure of himself.

"It's morning, they will be coming soon." said Zoro as he prepared for battle.

We turn to a pirate ship with a cat head figurehead...

"We have arrived." shouted the pirates, as they landed on the beach.

The pirates were getting ready to destroy the village and head to the mansion, when they observed two strange boats to the side of their ship. The order was to let them be...

On the oiled cliffs...

"It's morning, where are they?" asked Luffy as he started to get bored.

"Maybe they're over sleeping?" suggested Zoro, he stood before the oil.

Nami turned and held her hand to help her hear, "am I wrong? Or did I hear a voice from the north end of the island? "

"North?" said the stunned Usopp as he realized his fatal flaw.

"Yes, I'm not wrong about that?" said Nami as she held both hands to her ears.

"Hey, what's it?" asked Zoro, looking at the liar boy.

"There is also a port to the north." said the boy, frustrated by his mistake.

"We've been waiting in the wrong place?" asked Luffy as he was shock and confused.

"I thought that they would be coming this way because we saw them talking here." grunted Usopp as he was getting upset.

"Let's hurry up, where are they now?" asked Luffy as he moved a hand to his watch.

"If you head north, it should take you about three minutes. The geography there is similar to this slope. If we can get them at that slope, we'll be fine." said the native as he was trying to come up with a plan on the fly.

Nami suddenly went into shock as she made a realization, "Our boats are parked there! They could steal my... our treasure!"

"I'll get there in twenty seconds." said Luffy as he changed again into Mr. Fast, speeding off . Usopp was frustrated as he had only planned for this side of the island and it's port.

Nami began to run after her treasure and the pirates in this area, yet she had misjudged her steps and was in the oil slipping back the faster she ran. She then clutched at anything to pull herself up, getting her hand on the shirt of the green haired man. She yanked him down to the oil as she pushed herself up out of it, shouting how she couldn't wait and making an apology. This left the man with only one thing to say, "I'm going to kill you Nami, when I get out of here."

On the Northern slope over the port...

The pirates who were scrambling up the pass between the cliffs were suddenly being shot back down the incline, which made the pirates look to the source of the attack. Only Jango recognized the person who was keeping them from their task...

"I am Captain Usopp and I have been waiting for you. I have already planned to fight you! If you don't want to die, you had better get out of this village." shouted the boy in brown as he juggled his stone marbles one handed as he held his slingshot in the other. In his head, Usopp was wondering where Luffy was. Especially since Luffy had left before Usopp had started to run.

The strange hypnotist Captain Jango asked him, "It's you. The kid who overheard the plan. What do you want?"

"This is your last warning! If you don't give up now, My crew of a billion will destroy you all!" lied the boy known for his tales. Even without knowing the boy's history, all the pirates could see through such an obvious lie. All but one...

"What? One Billion!" asked the hypnotist in the heart glasses. His crew attempted to convince their captain the liar was telling tall tales again. Jango wised up and spoke again, "You dare to trick me? You really are a pain."

A Kuro crewmen walked up to his captain saying he had bad news, "We found some treasure in that strange boat. It's worth about four or five million beli."

Usopp heard this and came up with a brilliant plan, "That's my treasure. I can give it to you. If you get off this island."

What he didn't expect was the simple answer, "I will take the treasure for sure, but I don't see why we would have to go back. Not when we can kill you and take it for ourselves. Or just use my special technique. If you understand, when I say 'One... Two... Jango,' you have to stand aside."

"One... Two..."

'It's that ring!' thought Usopp as he started straight at the hypnotist...

..Till Nami nailed him with her staff and said, "Stop doing something stupid !"

"Who is that girl?" asked one of the pirates below them.

Nami faced towards them and shouted while pointing, "The treasure in that boat is mine! I won't give them to anyone. Not a single beli. Take good care of them, because I will be getting them back soon. And you, next time you better not mess with my stuff."

This last part was pointed at Usopp who responded with, "It hurts. Next time, you can just tell me. You don't have to hit me."

"What did you say? I just helped you." said Nami, taking on a more calm persona. A 'what? ' was the result.

"I forgot to tell you, don't look at his ring. That man is a hypnotist, and he used the ring to put you under." continued the girl as she pointed out the hidden weapon. She continued, "Where's Luffy? I thought he was first to leave for here?"

Maybe he's lost or afraid and ran away?" answered Usopp as he straightened the goggles down on his face.

"Then he's missing at an important time, like this." The orange haired female was making an assessment of the situation.

"Let's get them, I'll support you." said the boy in brown as he pointed down the hill.

"Why do I have to do it? I'm a girl. How can I fight a bunch of pirates?" voiced the young woman to the young man.

"Even though I'm a man, my legs are still shaking..." the two of them started to argue back and forth.

The pirates took advantage of this, their captain spoke to them, "This is no time to play with them. All of you go and beat them!"

"Aye!" was the collective shout from the crewmen who charged up the hill again. Nami and Usopp turned and new they had to get moving. Usopp pulled out some caltraps and threw then down on the pathway.

On the other slop...

Zoro was laying down at the bottom of the oil, cursing his bad luck as he could not get up. He slowly got up, slightly tired from the effort of climbing. He then took out two of his swords and said, "It's just a simple slippery slope."

He climb the hill using his swords as support as they dig into the rock with the force of his thrusts into the ground. He continued with his personal pep talk, "I can get out of it now. all I need to know now is where the north coast is!"


Luffy was learning, while super-speed was useful in many circumstances, it was not too great when you had a poor sense of direction. Which explained the hundred wrong locations and dead ends, like the twenty times he got into sight of the village. Which ended this time at a cliff wall.

Back at the north slope...

The pirates were jumping and hollering out in pain from the as they stepped on the small spiked spheres which lined the path upwards. They men were trapped in a manner, which allowed Usopp to take a shot at them, "Eat this Killing Marble!"

A man was thrown back from the power of the slingshot launch as the pirates got more and more upset at the two of them. Nami turned to her ally and told him, "You're cool! Keep up the good job! I'll go and get some rest now."

"You haven't been fighting at all, and now you're tired?" asked Usopp as his eyes bulged at his anger caused by this news.

As Nami turned she was stopped in her tracks, causing the native boy to asked what the problem was. She spoke enough for him to hear, "There are some caltraps here, behind us."

"It's your fault, isn't it?" asked the blacked haired boy as he turned to look at her. Taking his eyes off the attack, allowing a pirate with a huge hammer to sneak up behind him. The young woman shouted out a warning. It was in vain as Usopp was hit and knocked to the ground as the pirates easily walked up as the boy bled off to one side.

A pirate jeered, "You think you can stop us? Let's go everyone. Captain Kuro is waiting."

"Aye." was the common reply. Yet this didn't stop Usopp as he grabbed the pants of the pirate in from of them, like an anchor down on a moving ship, slowing the pirate down.

The long nose boy spoke as he tried to stop the pirate, "I won't allow any of you to pass this slope. Even though I've been lying my whole life, I want this day to be as peaceful in the village as any other day in the village. No, I want it to be more peaceful."

"You better shut up, kid" shouted a second pirate with his sword drawn and about to plunge it into the wounded defender.

Nami took this moment to slam her staff down on his head, then had to block the attack of a second pirate who charged her. Yet the force of the blow forced her into the side of the cliff, placing her in major pain. The pirates then turned back to the wounded Usopp to finish him off.

Their captain had other plans, "Hey! Just get in the village, all of you. Don't pay attention to those kids. Did you forget about Captain Kuro's plan? If you ruin his plan, he will kill everyone of us. Have you realized that? Stupid!"

They knew their former captain's punishment for failing would be as dire as this or greater. So the pirates ignored the defenders, and moves as fast as they could up the slope. The sniper tried to stop them again, but was kicked off in a rush. He called out to the pirates, "Stop! Please! Don't kill anyone!"

Nami and the young man were shocked when pirates were tossed into the air, and fell down the hill either by air or rolling down by land. They turned to look at the cause of this benefit for them. The pirates asked their captain, "What is that? We never knew this village had these kind of people."

Standing at the top of the slope was Luffy and Zoro, looking down.

"What is that?" asked Zoro, with one of his trio of blades over his shoulder and behind his head.

"How should I know? But I don't like it." said Luffy in his human form, as he stretched his arms again.

Zoro yelled his comments to his female companion, "Nami! You really are a pain. You stepped on my head."

"Usopp! Next time, you should tell me where north is!" was the comment from the straw hatted man.

"Who are they?" asked Jango as he placed his hand on his hat.

Meanwhile at Kaya's mansion...

Kuro, as his Clahador's disguise, was sitting on the steps to the front door, hands on his cheeks while rubbing them. He said one thing to start with, "Late! Those idiot's should realized what they will receive if they have ruined my plan. even so, they are still late. If they forgot... I'll kill them all!"

Kuro began the slow walk to the northern slope.