Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Omni Piece ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Eiichiro Oda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the One Piece or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omni Piece

An One Piece/Ben 10 crossover

Part Eight

"Sure," shouted out Usopp to the question which Luffy had asked about the red-haired pirate. Usopp continued, "Shanks is a very famous pirate. My father is with that great man?"

"Talking about great, your father is a very good sniper. I've never seen him miss his target." answered Luffy as he flashed back to the past.

An apple turned into sauce as a bullet went throught it, several feet way a man stood with his back to the table it was on. His hair was similar to Usopp but the nose was a bit different...a bit shorter. Luffy was looking at the target and shouting out, "That's so cool!"

"It's nothing! I could even shoot at a tiny ant, with no sweat." came the reply from the man with a smile.

The scene then changed to the man drinking his booze from a mug as he spoke to Luffy, "You know, Luffy... I have a son. He's a bout the same age as you."

"I know. You've told me about him many times." answered Luffy as his fist was on the table. The man then smashed the empty mug on Luffy's head without breaking it, causing Luffy to say "Ouch".

"It doesn't matter how many times I talk about him. You have to listen," said the man before standing up on the table with one foot before he continued, "I miss him, too. I can't help it because of one reason..."

The all of the pirates in the room began to speak as one, "The Pirate flasg has called me to stand up to this point."

With this call glasses were raised and the pirates cheered at the words spoken.

Back in the present Luffy added to this, "Yasop is really a great pirate."

On overjoyed Usopp grinned with glee as he said, "You think so, too?"

Usopp stood up and began a small speech, "Getting out to the wide sea without knowing what the future will be, I'm really proud of my father. Even so, that 'man' has insulted my father. He has destoryed my pride"

"Yes, I hate him too. But aren't you going to see that girl again?" asked Luffy as a moment of anger crossed his face at the thought of Clahador.

"If that 'caretaker' apologizes to me, I will go." said Usopp, letting out a breath as he spoke.

"That caretaker?" asked Luffy as he pointed to the shore.

"Yes, him. Wait a minute, what is he doing here?" asked Usopp as he got more quiet to hear what was bing said.

Clahador spoke first, "Jango, I told you not to attract the attention of the villagers, but you slept on the middle of the street."

The weird man spoke next, "Don't be stupid. I didn't attract any attention and I'm not weird either"

"He's with some werido." said Luffy as he spoke softly as he leaned forward to listen.

"I don't know who he is. I've never seen him before." answerd Usopp who had also leaned forward.

"You have planned everything, right" asked Clahador as he pushed up his glasses again.

"Sure. I can begin anytime now, we can start the plan to murder the mansion's owner when every you want."

Both young men looked on in shock as they heard the same word... murder. Clahador countered the words of the other man.

"Don't use the word "murder". I think it's too strong a word, Jango."

"I should say that it's an 'accident' , right, Captain Kuro?" said the werido by the name of Jango.

"Captain Kuro? I got rid of that name three years ago. Stop calling me by that. Besides, you're the captain now." was the reply of the man pushing up his glasses.

"Hey, what are they saying?" asked Luffy as he pointed down to the shore.

"I want to know that, too. Wait! I've heard of the name "Captain Kuro" before." answered Usopp as he thought back to his pirate lore. He shared that lore with the straw hat boy, "He is a very famous pirate that invaded many towns. I heard that the marines arrested and executed him three years ago."

The weird man in the sunglasses began to talk again, " I was surprised when that happened. When you told me that you wanted to quit the pirate life, you suddenly made me the captain. Everyone thought that Captain Kuro was executed, but you were alive and arrived at this village secretly. When I learned your plan, I felt that you would succeed. So I decided to help you. I think you will give me some good money in return."

"Yes, if the plan is successful, I will give you a big reward." answered the butler.

"Leave the murdering part to me." said the weird man with the striped beard.

"The problem is not about killing her, but we have to make it look like she died of illness. I don't think you understand the plan clearly." was the man in the clear glasses comment.

"Don't be stupid. I understand our plan completely. If I invade the village with my crew and kill that girl, it will be easier for us. And you can inherit all of her money." Jango said as he pushed up his hat.

"Stupid. Who would let a person outside the family inherit everything?"

"Then how are you going to get her treasure?"

"How? Listen to me, this is the most important part. Before you kill her, you will have to hypnotize her to write a will. She has to write, 'I will give all of my treasure to Clahador'. And then I will have the right to inherit all of the treasure. I have spent these three years building a good reputation with the villagers and they trust me. When this happens, no one will be suspicious."

"That's why you spent three years as a servant in the mansion. If I were you, I would have invaded the mansion and taken everything."

"If I did that, I would become a pirate again, and I would be chased by the marines. I want to get money without any chasing from the marines, which means that I am a peaceful person." said the butler as she pointed a finger to his temple.

"Peaceful, Hahahahaha! For your own peace, you can kill everyone in that mansion?" laughted the man with strange appearance.

"Hey! Hey! I did not kill everyone. Kaya's parents died in an accident, even I did not expect that."

"Anyway, just give me the sign when you are ready. Our ship has landed on the coast close to her, for more then a week. they've begun to get thirsty for blood."

Back on the ridge over looking the shore, Usopp began to speak quietly, "We've overheard some big trouble."

"It's starting to smell fishy here. What's going on?" asked Luffy a bit confused.

"Didn't you listen? It's very, very terrible. They are real pirates. His goal is Kaya's money, and that caretaker is Captain Kuro, who is still alive. I just got involved witrh a dangerous man. I'll be killed." thought Usopp as he looked down on the deadly man.

Usopp spoke to Luffy now, "They will kill Kaya and invade the village. This is terrible, totally terrible."

"Hey, You! Don't kill that girl!" shouted Luffy down at the two men on the shore. Usopp was shocked silly as he froze and began to cry. Jango and Kuro looked up to see Luffy standing there with Usopp.

Jango asked the obvious question first, "Who is that? "

"Idiot! They see us. Hide now or you'll be killed." said the boy in brown out of the side of his gritted teeth.

Clahador just looked up and saw them before saying, "It's just Usopp."

"Ahhh! They see me too?" asked Usopp as he looked in total fear!

"So, did you hear everything?" aksed the Butler as he looked at them.

"No! What did you say? I don't understand! I don't know anything! I just got here! " answered the liar as he tried to get out of this alive.

"I heard the whole thing." said Luffy as he crossed his arms. Usopp answered with a loud, "Hey! "

"We've been heard. Hey, you, looked at this ring." said Jango as he swung his ring back and forth.

They boys looked confused at what Usopp thought was a flying weapon, as the Hypnotist swung his ring, "When I say, 'One, two, Jango,' you will be sleepy. One, two..."

Usopp dodge and hid from looking at the ring, but Luffy looked as "Jango" was spoken. Lufy fell asleep, as did Jango. Kuro tried to wake up his minion, as Lufy moved forward... and over the edge of the ridge. Usopp tried to save him, but missed as Luffy dropped head-first to the ground below.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked Usopp as he looked down where his friend was hurt.

"Did that kid have a straw hat? My former mentor Sublimino mentioned a straw hatted kid who caused all of his attempts to gain wealth and power to come undone. Mainly by becoming some kinds of alien monsters who kicked his butt. Do you think it could be him?" asked Jango looking a litlle worried.

"I doubt it, plenty of people have straw hats. Even if the kid was a devil fruit user like it sounds, he could not have survived the fall from that height into the rocks." said Kuro as he looked calm and collective.

"Should I kill the other one then, boss?" asked Jango as he looked up at the shocked Usopp as the long nose boy had to face his friend's death.

"That's not necessary. Even if he tells everyone, no one will believe him." said the pirate captain as he spoke slow and deliberately. Kuro continued with his words, "Tomorrow morning, Jango. You and your crew should invade the village early in the morning. Don't be too hard on the villagers, and make it look like an accident and finish Miss Kaya off. As you heard, Usopp, even though you have learned about my plans, it will not affect me at all."

Usopp shot off like a bullet with a scream as Jango asked his leader if it was all okay. The answer, "Sure, it is my plan and it will work."

With Usopp...

Memories crossed Usopp's mind of his first time meeting with Kaya as he sped pass the two newcomers and his crew, causing them to look back to the coast which he had left. Usopp had a mission to do, which was to warn everyone in the village. With a familiar cry of "Everyone, everyone, danger! The pirates are coming! Tormorrow morning, the pirates will invade this village! Everyone must escape now!"

He called and called out, yet everyone was either ignoring him or gathering into another mob to chase him. They mob was angry as Usopp tried to tell them the truth, yet the answer was clear with one comment, "If you were a trustworthy man like Clahador, I would believe you!"

The memories of the true identity of the butler made it clear that no matter what Usopp said, no one would believe it to be the truth... even if it was. In frustration he tried one last time, "Believe me! Let's escape now or you'll get killed."

The boy knew at this moment the butler who was a pirate captain was making a speech to his men of rewards if the plan was a success, while Kaya was in danger. This caused a new plan to develop in the long nose boy's mind.

Meanwhile at the manner...

Kaya had been looking for Clahadour, when she came across another of her servants... Merry. Merry was a tall thin man with unique hair. His hair was curled like a lamb's fleece and two small curled lamb like horns stuck out the front. The sheep looks continued with his mouth and neck as his mouth was sheepish and fleece like hair surrounded his collar. He informed her he was out but Merry had good news, "I've receieved the special glasses that you ordered from the store in the next town. Are they O.K.?"

"It's perfect! Thanks Merry and sorry to bother you!" she said as she made the okay sign with her fingers as Merry made it back at her.

"That's okay! It's a very good present. I think Mr. Clahador will be very happy."

"Tomorrow will be the third anniversary since he came here to live with us. I will give him this present as a thank you for taking care of me.

Kaya continued with her day, feeling much better then usual when someone knocked on her window. It was Usopp again as she spoke, "Usopp-san. That's good. I thought that you would never come here again."

"Get out of here now, Kaya! Or you'll be killed!" shouted Usopp as he seemed to be acting strange. More upset and fearful.

"What's wrong?"

"You've been tricked! Your caretaker used to be a pirate."

"Wait a minute, are you kidding? What's wrong with Clahadour?" aksed Kaya, as she seemed to be confused at the bizzare behaviour of Usopp. She was starting to get scared at his actions.

"I'm not kidding. I heard it with my own ears when he was talking with his crew. The caretaker wants your money. He used to be a cold-blooded pirate. He pretended to be your caretaker for three years... because he wants your treasures." sweat was rolling off of Usopp's body.

"What are you saying Usopp-san?"

"Tomorrow morning, his pirate crew will invade this village and they will kill you!!!"

"Is something wrong? " , asked Merry from the door of Kaya's room. Men came up behind Usopp as they tried to drag him off the property. He responded with his fist to make him let go. One of the men recovered and began to pull out a gun.

The boy in brown took out his sling shot and fired a rock at the man's hand as the boy said, "Shut up and get out of my way!"

Usopp made quick work knocking both of the two men out as Kaya shouted out, "Stop". Merry was shocked at the two bodyguards losing.

"Please believe me, Kaya. Get out of the village, before the caretaker comes back!"

"What's going on? Your not the person I once knew." Kaya was sweating from fear as Usopp was acting wild and crazy. It was then the villagers came to the gates which were unguarded.

"I have to take you by myself now!" said Usopp as he grabbed her arm hard as he continued to speak, "You'll know the truth tomorrow. Anyways, let's get out of here first. Please listen to me!"

This was answered by a deafening slap from Kaya as it forced the teen back. She answered him with these words, "The worse person is you!!!"

"Take your hands off Miss Kaya," shouted Merry as he held a gone in both hands. Kaya told him not to shoot, but the gun was fired as the boy ran off.

"What if you killed him?!" asked Kaya of her manservant.

"But he was hurting you!" was the answer from the man. As they looked they could see Usopp cletching his left arm as it seemed to get red. Merry shouted out to the crowd of villagers, "Everyone, please catch him. He's a violent man!"

Kaya fainted into Merry's arms as he asked her to hand on.

On the Coast as this had been going on...

"What...?" asked Ninjin, too shocked to continue.

"They will kill Miss Kaya!?" aksed Piman as he focused on the one in greatest danger.

"And they will invade our village, is this true?" Tamanegi as he focused on the dangers as a whole as the truth came out.

"Yes, that's what they said. I don't think it was a mistake." said Lufy as he sat on the beach with crossed legs and arms.

"Why are you sleeping here, then?" asked Zoro as he looked at his captain.

"That's... I think I was standing over that cliff... I think I was hynotized again. I have a problem with it. I don't want to tell you all of the troubles I had with Sublimino and the Circus Freaks pirates." answered Luffy which triggered a remark from Nami.

"Like Buggy and his crew?"

"Naaah, more like more creepy then Buggy. Especially when they were under the command of the laughter vampire clown Zombozo. Sublimino stepped into his power vaccum."

As Luffy spoke of his 'adventures', the Usopp pirates talked with each other.

"I think that hypnotist is his friend for sure." said Tamanegi, putting the pieces together.

"I think so!" agreed Piman, standing more calm them his friends.

"That man is really bad." said Ninjin as he tried to keep up with his friends words.

"That's why your capatin was running to the village. It's good that you knew this before it happened. If you can escape now, you will be safe 'cause to looks of things these enemies are not very bright." said Nami as she tried to direct the boys to safety.

"That's true, let's get out of here." said the carrrot headed boy, turning to Piman.

"Yes, let's get all of our treasures and run away." said the pepper boy as he looked the his carrot shaped friend.

"The treasure box, snacks, toys and..." said Tamanegi as he counted off all of the things they would need to take on his fingers.

The trio ran off and shouted at once, "Let's hurry!"

"Gee!" exclaimed Luffy as he made a realization.

"What is it?" asked the green haired swordsman.

"We'd better hurry up and buy some food... otherwise trhe Butcher will run away too!"

This brought us back close to the village where a Usopp was walking alone, with Kuro's words repeating in his mind. When the call of captain snapped him out of it. He wipped his tears and looked at his crew... plus all of the visiters.

"Eh? You're not Dead?" asked the boy in brown.

"I just woke up." said they boy in the straw hat.

But Piman spoke up quickly, "Dead, no, he was in a deep sleep. Anyway, we know everything. We have to hurry and tell everyone about the pirates!! "

Usopp knew of the events which had occured, of his failure to save the village due to his lies. They didn't believe him, they wouldn't believe the crew which worshiped him and they would not likely believe new people in the village. So he had to protect his beloved crew which caused him to laugh out loud, long and hard.

"You should know I was lying again. I just hated that caretaker, so I made up the story about him being a pirate." said Usopp as he laughed.

This caused Luffy and his crew to look confused, not quite believe what was being said now. The long nose teen's crew spoke to him all at once. "You lied?" "I thought it was true." "Why are you playing along with him?"

"But, I don't like the capatin doing that." said Ninjin as he turned his back on the 'Captain'.

"I don't like it either." said Piman as he started to turn away.

"Me too. Even though that caretaker is bad, Captain's never should make up stories about anyone." said Tamanegi, staring hard at his 'captain'. They kids walked home slowly as they discussed what they were going to have for dinner, leaving Usopp with Luffy and the others.