Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The Wild Stallion and the Drow ❯ We Go A-Viking ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Warning: Heavy C.S Forester and Patrick O'Brian influences coming up, with just a touch of The Marie Celeste, Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and Sid Meier's Pirates! to keep it honest.

Bring Dramamine, ye be warned. ^_^;


It had been a successful four months for the Shrine. Kasumi had fled the fathers, and had become an integral part of the small family of Ranma, Eilistraee, Bereth, Crystina and Nabiki. A few drow, mainly children rescued by dwarven allies of the Harpers from a drow city destroyed by mind flayers, were the first permanent residents of the Shrine that weren't there in either a spiritual, military, or familial capacity. A mutual aid treaty was signed by the Joketsuzoku and the Church. There were even a few Japanese who'd become intrigued by the Shrine's new residents, and became active worshippers of the Dark Maiden, giving Nabiki her first congregation. A kidnapping attempt of Ranma, by Soun and Genma, ended at spear-point. At least this time, but the Corps of Eilistraee would be more alert should a panda and a man in a dingy brown gi come anywhere near the Shrine.

Returning to the shrine after a long weekend training trip, Ranma noticed a pall of smoke hanging in the heavy summer air. He picked up the pace and, after adjusting his heavy pack, sprinted the last mile and a half to the grounds.

The house was a smoldering pile of charred timbers. The skeletal frame of the dojo that was being built clawed at the sky like a blackened hand. Small flames continued to lick at the timbers on both structures. Crops that had been almost ready for harvest had been turned to ash. Corpses of elves and humans in the colors of the Corps and humans in both black armor and what looked like business suits covered the meadows like so much split wood. Shiny brass cartridge cases littered parts of the field.

"Nabiki! Kasumi! Bereth! Crystina!" He called to the denizens he shared the house with. His voice was choked with emotion as he called the last voice. "Eilistraee!"

There was a rustle, and the redheaded garrison commander appeared next to him, leaning on a quarterstaff, heavily. To say she looked like hell was an understatement. A rough bandage turned her red hair into a cap that spilled over the cloth, her arms and legs sported other bandages, some soaked through, some barely. Raised by her father, there were still courtly patterns in her speech when dealing with their superiors. And rough as any crusty old Marine senior drill instructor when dealing with her subordinates. "Milor—Ranma: Eilistraee and Nabiki are gone."

"What do you mean, ‘gone'?"

"Just that. We were attacked just after midnight this morning. And although we put up a vicious defense, milord, it was said that Lolth herself walked among our enemies."

"Damn. I wish I'd been here to greet my mother in law. What else, Crystina?"

"They...they manacled her...Eilistraee, that is sir. The only way to capture her would be with what appeared to be the Manacles of Bhaal, compelling her to go with them." Ranma hung his head. "They also took Nabiki with them. For fun I'd gather."

"Where? Where did they take them?"

The Solamnic knight rolled one of the black leather armor-clad humans with her foot. "Zhentil Keep, milord."

"Where are Kasumi and Bereth?"

"Sleeping milord. They're tired from treating the wounded, but otherwise healthy."

"Why?" Ranma asked, rhetorically. "Why would anyone do this?"

A cloak-shrouded figure came upon the two, under heavy guard. From the way the cloak swished, and other information, they could discern, barely, the sex of the figure. "Sir," the squad leader announced, "Under Sergeant Elythian. We caught her by the cavern, sir."

"Thank you Sergeant, You may leave her with us."

"Sir, she's a drow or my mother was an orc."

"And as per my wife's orders: unless the drow shows hostile intent, they are to be met with open arms." The squad leader sheepishly nodded, and released the drow female.

Crystina was ready to chew the junior NCO a new one, and even though Ranma had motioned for her to stand down, the look she gave him promised a dressing down later.

"Be welcome to the Shrine of the Dark Maiden; and be at ease," Ranma said in easy Drow. "I apologize for any rough treatment and the lack of refreshment, but..."

"I understand, sir," came the reply in lilting Drow-accented Elvish. "That is why I came here. To warn you about an attack that would lead to the Dark Maiden being captured." She paused, and opened her cloak a bit, but kept the hood up. "I am Maya Zauvir. And while it was my mother behind the attack, Lloth ordered it. It seems my news is of little importance right now," she added with a hint of irony, looking around at the bodies.

"How do you know this," Crystina asked, her hand going to where her sword should have been.

"I overheard the Mother Matron telling my oldest sister the plans for Lady Eilistraee's abduction. She also mentioned that the House currently had favor with Lloth, and would rise to even greater heights if they succeeded."

"And if House Zauvir fails?"

"Then the position of the House would be placed in a precarious position, having lost the favor of the Spider-Queen."

Reaching into weapon space, Ranma drew out his sword and scabbard and buckled them around his waist. "Crystina, rouse the priests and have the horses saddled. Pick out six platoons to remain here and secure the Shrine. The rest of the soldiers will be coming with us. Contact the Amazons, and tell them we will meet them on the other side of the gate, outside Zhentil Keep. Ensure that the Amazons receive maps or guides."

"Where are we going milord," Crystina asked, surprised at the sudden orders being given.

"We ride to rescue my wife." The pigtailed warrior looked at Maya. "I apologize, again, but it seems that you came at an...inopportune time, Lady Maya. I would like you to stay here, and rest. What soldiers we leave, will provide appropriate protection."

"My Lord Ranma," Maya replied, "I am an accomplished war leader, and a priestess in Lady Eilistraee's church. I will be coming with you, as it is my Lady's wishes."

Ranma, knowing what he should know, nodded silently.

It took time, but Bereth and Kasumi were roused, supplies were loaded on pack animals, orders were given to the six platoons remaining behind. In single file, the infantry led the mounted contingent on foot, towards the cavern. Under Crystina's guidance, a squad of infantry swept the cavern as a precaution. The only ones who knew of the portal in Cormyr were the Harpers, and a particularly old busybody living in Shadowdale. But since the overnight attack that resulted in a goddess being bound and captured, no one was taking any chances.

The column moved through the portal, and emerged in a large clearing near Bereth's compound in Cormyr. For Ranma, there was a noticeable difference between the air of late 20th Century Japan and the middle of nowhere Toril. The air felt, and smelt, cleaner with the sweet tang of wood smoke. "So, where to?" Eilistraee's husband asked.

Bereth looked at Corellon's son-in-law. "Best scenario Ranma, is that they're just a half day's ride ahead of us. Worst case, they opened their portal on to the main square of Zhentil Keep. Which is about a month's hard riding north and east of here."

Crystina added in her two copper pieces. "There is a third option. The Zhents who captured Eilistraee and Nabiki might feel uncomfortable transporting two drow overland, and opening a portal in the Keep would be...'suspicious' at best.

"Ilipur is as wretched a hive of villainy as one can find on the Dragonmere; almost as bad as Zhentil Keep itself. Opening a portal there, or near there, won't present the problems of the Keep, nor would they have to travel overland, when they can rely on the anonymity of hiring a vessel."

Ranma, astride his horse, pursed his lips. "Great...water," he sighed. "Where is the best place to hire a ship here?"

"Suzail or Marsmember," Bereth replied. "Each has their pros and cons. Marsmember has a virtual ‘no questions asked' policy, and lower costs. But the quality of the vessel would be suspect.

"Suzail will get us better quality, but at higher costs and more questions."

"I would rather trust quality over cost." Ranma looked at what amounted to a combined arms battalion under his command, less the six platoons left behind in Okayama. Two mixed companies of light and heavy infantry and archers, one from Evermeet, the other from Crystina's father, and an equally mixed company of human heavy and elven light cavalry. This, of course, did not factor in the teamsters, or the camp followers, numbers that equaled the battalion. "Bereth, Crystina, I need to talk to you. Alone." The two war leaders nodded, and followed the pigtailed martial artist a few dozen meters off to the side. "Is there anyway, we can leave the noncombatants here? Warriors they are not, and I'd rather not risk them on this venture."

Bereth bowed to the experienced campaigner in the half-elven female. Crystina fixed the Japanese youth with a look. "You can try, milord, but it's not likely. I've participated in several campaigns. My father participated in many more campaigns. Camp followers are, unfortunately, necessary baggage when on campaign."

"If we're going by sea, then we won't need cavalry. The infantry can take care of themselves and act as marines; I'll send the cavalry overland to Zhentil Keep with the baggage train, then. If we can't intercept them by sea, we'll rendezvous with the cavalry and baggage train."

"Excellent suggestion. I'll place Captain Dunellen in command of the detachment. I would recommend that they meet us a day's march east of Zhentil Keep. I'll also recommend that a smaller detachment remain here, to guide the Amazons to the Keep."

"Make it so, Crystina." Ranma said, turning his horse back around to the formation. Crystina returned after a few moments of conveying orders to the cavalry's commander. The human male, clad in resplendent, if slightly banged up field plate mail, nodded at the half-elven warrior's orders. Dunellen wheeled his horse around and headed back to his formation, and relayed the redheaded commander's orders to his troops. The two columns, escorting the camp followers, made a long, slow snake towards the north and east, towards the borders of Cormyr.


A three day march found the infantry column just outside the city walls of the capital of the Forest Kingdom. A few times in their march, the Purple Dragons, the standing army of Cormyr, had stopped them. It was fortunate that Crystina, the daughter of the Rose Knight Thrakath al'Ralgha, had her father's old mercenary charter for Cormyr. It kept the patrol commanders from inquiring about why this band was going about the country without an adventuring charter.

The guards, two crusty old veterans of the Horde Wars, eyed the formation warily, letting only Ranma, Crystina, Maya, Bereth and Kasumi in through the gate. The bustle of the capital reminded the pigtailed fighter of the central wards of Tokyo, but not to the same extreme of overcrowding. They rode through, along the Promenade, past the Palace and Vanderghast's Tower, towards the docks.

Sitting tied to one wharf, which at the entrance a sign proclaimed "Honest Abe's Ship-o-rama", was a trim vessel. And the only vessel, other than a rotting sloop. Her hull, except for a white band about three feet below the spar deck, and rigging were black. The masts, spars, scrollwork, and small boats were white. Tying their horses off, the group made their way down the wharf, towards the frigate. Looking from his shack, Honest Abe, a grungy-looking dwarf, noticed the quartet eyeing the ship. Tottering out of his shack, the dwarf headed over to them. "So, are you interested in her?" For him, it was the possibility of making a sale from this metaphorical albatross around his neck. He'd found her abandoned after a major storm in the Sea of Fallen Stars, abandoned for what appeared to be no apparent reason, although the boats were still in place, dinners had grown cold in the crew areas. When he told prospective buyers about it, his reputation as the owner of a "cursed" ship spread, ruining what had been a thriving business. No one would buy even one of the 52 extremely well cast "Lantan" artillery pieces that lined her decks, or a musket, or even a cask of smoke powder in her hold, even when Honest Abe wasn't so honest and didn't tell the buyer where it came from.

"Yes, I am," Ranma replied. His skills in Common were rusty, his Drow and Elvish were significantly better, since he had to rely on them on a regular basis at the Shrine.

"A fine ship like this, complete with her Lantan artillery and a supply of smoke powder would easily cost between, oh 5 to 8 hundred thousand falcons. But I'm willing to make an offer of 300 thousand, as is."

Inwardly, Ranma rolled his eyes. Man, I really wish Nabiki where here. She's been teaching me how to negotiate, but she's still better at it. "That's the cost of a new ship like this. She's obviously been salvaged. Or, perhaps even stolen. 100 thousand."

"I'll admit that she was salvaged, lad. But not stolen. For the salvage value, I'll take an offer of 200 thousand."

"For that, I'll take full provisions, five hundred and twenty of the best sailors and masters in Suzail, along with full charts of the Dragonmere, Sea of Fallen Stars and the Moonsea."

"Deal, lad. Give me a tenday to get you your crew, sailing masters, charts, and the provisions."

"I'll give you five days, and an extra twenty five thousand."

"Five days, and an extra twenty five." They shook hands, and Ranma counted out 225 thousand in equivalent gemstones. Honest Abe looked at the wealth there, and mentally kicked himself for selling the ship at such a low cost, but the gain outweighed the loss. He got rid of the albatross and could get his creditor, a greasy elf with a penchant for pinstriped suits named "Vinny", off his back.

As the proprietor walked down the wharf, Ranma and his small party boarded their vessel. The frigate seemed like a ghost ship as she rode the gentle waves tied to her berth. In six days, the ship would come alive, as crewmembers would begin scrambling over her rigging, scurrying through her decks.

Ranma walked through the ship, familiarizing himself with her layout. It was during his walks that he looked at the ship's bell. The name of the ship and home port weren't written in any of the written languages of Toril, but in English. "‘USS Enterprise, Boston, Massachusetts, 1798.' That explains where she came from," he said with a smirk.

As he continued his walks, Ranma grimaced at the artillery sitting on the spar and gun decks, but realized that they were a necessary evil, especially since he was going after a ship of unknown capabilities, and given what he'd seen riding along the docks, the artillery would give him a decisive advantage in a running battle. The only problem would be the resupply of his powder magazine. According to Bereth and Crystina, Toril was a world on par with Earth during the late Middle Ages or early to middle Renaissance Period. Gunpowder was not in great supply, but in great demand at exorbitant costs.

The pigtailed warrior strode into his cabin at the stern of the warship, and looked out the gallery windows, past the harbor, and towards the Dragonmere. Somewhere out there was his wife and her priestess and his friend.


Honest Abe actually proved to be reliable. In the five days Ranma allotted, he managed to find a crew, charts, and full provisions for the frigate. The only problems were that the crew had no experience handling muzzle-loading cannon or muskets before. It'd take time to drill them into a well-oiled machine, but at a heavy expense of the precious gunpowder.
Ranma was in his cabin, pouring over the charts of the Dragonmere. His wife's abductors had a five day head start, but Suzail was closer to the Neck than Westgate.

Harper contacts from Westgate to Suzail had sent reports to Ranma, about two females, possibly drow, and in irons boarding a merchantman. Further reports added more intelligence about the ship; such as she was painted black and red, hoisting black sails as she departed Westgate. The final tidbit of information that came in was that a slave ship named the Acheron normally sailed from Westgate to Thay was chartered to Zhentil Keep.

A plan of action settled, Ranma opened the door to his cabin. Two of the infantry from the Shrine, one elf and one human, stood guard. "Have the ship's officers report to my cabin," he said.

"Yes sir," the one guard called. The request for the ship's officers was relayed quickly, especially as the bosun's mate piped the Officer's Call. Crystina, Bereth, and Misters Bush, Brown, Roberts, and Pullings arrived within moments of the call.

"You wanted to see us, Ranma," Crystina asked, as the guard closed the door after Mr. Pullings' arrival.

"Yes. I figure that the ship carrying Eilistraee and Nabiki is about five days out of Westgate, based on information we've received through the Harpers."

"The only problem with that sort of intelligence, milor...Ranma, is that it's possibly out of date." Crystina did have the advantage of fighting land campaigns with out of date intelligence.

"Then we sail as soon as possible," Ranma replied.

"Ebb tide within the hour, Lord Ranma," Mister Bush stated.

"Then we sail within the hour," Ranma stated simply. "Make sure all hands are aboard and any remaining provisions are stowed. Gentleman, Lady Crystina, dismissed." Ranma stood, and looked out over the Dragonmere again, as he heard the racket coming from the upper decks, as his orders were carried out. May the Kami have mercy on who ever abducted my wife and Nabiki. Because I certainly won't.