Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Kouja no Senshi Lemons ❯ One Night in Darthon ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kouja no Senshi Lemons: One Night in Darthon

It had been weeks since she had returned home. To her books, to her science, to her plans.

Scarlett had been going through some thought while she was stuck within the strange world that was called Darthon. She was obviously glad to be with modern tech instead of the medieval setting that she had been forced to be in. After all, for someone who was use to technology, she wasn't very well pleased with being stuck here. And books like she had were a welcomed relief.

However, she had been pondering about something...what she actually did, the shame and guilt...not because she had "mated" with two rabbits, though a magical genie would be something to regret. It was, in fact, the truth of her having a crush on the only one whom was ironically a restriction block demon...Nousagi.

The adult human held herself a bit more, having more regrets on what he had told her...the seer whom had told her of the outcome and the choice she would ultimately choose.

Then, she recalled when Harvey returned as himself once back in her world. It was bad enough she was traumatized for what she did, but having Harvey's apology sound mean and bad, to her at least, especially when called "ugly" or "sidekick", it just angered her with rage.

Night time had come and she had finally calmed down from the anger she had. The human wearing glasses knew that she needed to get what she needed out of her system and she had to wait 'til Harvey was slept.

Inside the guest room, she looked at the younger friends alongside Lilli and Edna, both whom he was friends with, sleeping within the makeshift beds. And there, on the smaller bed next to Edna's was Harvey himself.

I guess it's safe to enter, she thought as Scarlett made her way toward Harvey slowly.

Scarlett neared the sleeping Imaginary rabbit, sighing quietly. The female knew that she had to eventually come up to him one more time, hoping to get it out of her system.

Scarlett closed her eyes, remembering the time with the demon.


In the past, when she first appeared in the strange world of Darthon, not only where she and her friends physically changed to fit into the realm, but when she saw that rabbit again, that rabbit whom started to crush on her...

Forced to go along with the rabbit wearing a similar collar to Amy's, except that one he wore was more of a restraining bolt to keep him from using his hypno powers to make people not angry, Scarlett with the band of friends she had went on the journey to find the Geysers of Iwata, hoping to destroy the Die of Power similar to the die that was crushed back in her world.

However, things became complicated as the former trio animatronics nearly killed Julayla, the dying girl with her Sailor Senshi friends taken by the dark forces, and Leonard's dumb spell causing her to be separated from the ones she trusted, but yet she was stuck with one of the 3 demons, the other two being Justitia the Justice Harvey and Arnab the Genie Harvey, both separated and stuck on a different quest: Nousagi.

The most shocking thing was, though, was that whenever she was insulted or mocked, only Nousagi would stand up for her. It was probably due to when they actually first met in Hoth Motigor, the realm that was in Stuttgart's version of Darthon. But was he doing it just to pay her back, right?

At one point, as she with her traveling companions stopped for the night to regain what they could get, she was given a dance by the rabbit during a dance off in the village. As they danced, she felt the rabbit with fake beard letting her lean closer to his chest.

She didn't believe any of what she was going through was real, but she heard his heartbeat. A heartbeat like his was real, but yet...

The human became even more confused about the situation. Even after reuniting with everyone that she had come to Darthon with 2 days ago, this time with three others whom were put under the same restraining bolt collars like Nousagi, Arnab, and Jusitia: Lepus the Snowrabbit, Cherokee the Wendigo, and Hase the Spider.

Finally, just yesterday, after dealing with the hideous beast within the Cave of Depression, they came close to where the geysers were.


That night, last night in fact, as everyone else was settling for spending the night before one half would go to the geysers and the other to Camelot, which somehow got into Darthon as well, perhaps by the rules of imagination and whatnot, Scarlett became a bit concerned about the whole situation.

The human came to the rocks behind the camp, becoming chilled by the night wind. Scarlett just couldn't bear the thought of leaving her new friends, even if she believed that none of it was real. Fluttershy's Devil Bunny aka the Killer Rabbit, the unicorn Amalthea Twilight and her friends befriended, Lana, Kratos, the Battletoads whom had arrived to this dimension as well, even the knights they befriended. And especially that vixen Foxy was interested in. But what could she do? It wasn't like she could find a way to bring them over to the real world.

Just then, she felt something placed on her, interrupting her train of thought. She felt the familiar brown cloak covering her, keeping her warm before she turned, noticing the familiar rabbit magician, whom she ironically got to know, sitting near her, fixing the rope in his blue pants.

"You'll need that", Nousagi replied, removing his fake beard and taking out his smoke pipe from it.

Scarlett glanced a bit at him, speaking, "Thanks, I guess," before realizing, "Wait, you actually speak normally instead of medieval-like."

"Always had, Scarlett," he admitted to her.

The truth was, Nousagi, unlike most of the restriction blocks, had retained his memories, his past, what he truly was, and the true reason why the way Harvey acted out as a role player commenced.

Nousagi began to smoke, hoping he would relax from the soothing taste of his tobacco. The rabbit blew a few smoke rings from his mouth with Scarlett watching, being a bit cautious in case he tried anything.

After a few moments, the rabbit spoke, "I don't blame you if you don't like being near me."

He got up a bit as he continued, "After all, I did things none of you appreciate. Trying to swallow your anger for example."

"Yeah..." she said, "but there were times for desperate measures, you know. Plus we were running low on options at the time."

The rabbit recalled his primary function as a restriction block demon: Keeping Lilli and those under hypnosis from losing control or get angered in his case. He was at least fortunate he lasted longer than his so-called bretherin against them or he would not have met Scarlett. She was smart and yet a bit dangerous when her buttons were pushed.

Nousagi recalled that during their previous adventure before the reunion and meeting of Christophiles the Centaur, that she knew the situations, could handle a fight by herself, heck even be protective if she had a chance. However, unlike what everyone else saw, he did not see her as a sidekick, but more of a queen...a rightful queen to...

"Aren't you going to be cold?" Scarlett asked him, interrupting his train of thought.

Nousagi blushed a bit, trying to act like he was okay, shaking his head slightly.

"I'll be fine." he began to stutter. "At least you won't be sick."

The human sighed, looking a bit pitiful toward Nousagi, figuring that he wanted her to keep warm with him eventually going to end up catching a cold and be too sick to travel. She had to do something, but what?

At that moment, Scarlett's eyes noticed the familiar blue bottle dangling on Nousagi's pants, the one that held the genie whom will grant three wishes to any user.

"I have an idea." she said to him.

Dropping the rabbit's cloak, she took the bottle off of the role player, rubbing the lamp slowly while opening the cork on the bottle. Afterward, out came the other Harvey demon, Arnab the Genie, whom floated above with his ghost tail, wearing the red turban, gold arm bands that should've been on his wrists, the gold earring on one side, and the eyes glowing red similar to most of the Harvey demons.

"What is your wish, oh master?" he spoke calmly before adding, "Nothing alcoholic, I hope."

The female human pondered a bit, thinking carefully. After all, sometimes wishes usually backfire.

After a moment, Scarlett calmly asked, "Genie...Arnab was it? Okay, I made my decision...I wish for a tent for the night, with some room for us."

He paused, starting to ponder a bit before nodding, "All right then. Your first wish is my command."

He rose his arms, zapping the ground they were on. To the human and role playing rabbit's surprise, they saw themselves inside a beautiful tent filled with decorations, candle light, a full length mirror, and a bed comfy for two or three people.

"The place will only last for one night." the anti-alcohol genie spoke, "Let's hope you used the wish well."

Scarlett smiled a bit, believing that at least the chills would be over. However, her smile dropped when she noticed something odd.

"Strange," she asked, "there's only one bed. I'd hope I would have two at least."

"Tents usually come with one sleeping place," Arnab spoke firmly to her, "If you wanted another bed for tonight, you would probably have to wish for it."

The human frowned a bit at the drawback, looking annoyed.

"I'll sleep outside." Scarlett said, preparing to leave.

However, Nousagi spoke, "You know it's going to be dangerous at night, if you go out alone. At least consider staying for a while."

"I know you're trying to help, but-"

"Trust me, I know what's best for you...that reminds me...Arnab, I have a wish to make."

The genie cocked his head a bit, confused at what the role playing rabbit would do. Ever since Scarlett showed up in his life, Nousagi's original programming was being ignored for favoring this human, despite Arnab also slightly attractive to her.

After leaning to Nousagi, the rabbit began whispering into the genie's ear. Scarlett couldn't make out what he was talking about, but good or bad, that rabbit was up to something.

Arnab frowned a bit, looking annoyed as he spoke, "Why do you bother with something you know you can't have?"

"Just make the wish!" Nousagi glared in protest.

"Fine! I'll make that stupid wish granted, but only if you do me a favor!"

"Favor?! What favor?"

"I'll tell you when I think it. 'Til then, just take your stupid wish!"

He snapped his mitted fingers, causing a box to appear with the role playing rabbit holding it.

"If you'll need me, I'll be over here!" he glared, flying from his blue bottled lamp, then poofed his bottom with legs, showing his similar colored Arabian pants, before he sat down on a pillow seat, crossing his arms in annoyance.

Nousagi, however, smiled before opening the box, both looking inside with the role player taking out a beautiful necklace.

"It's a garnet jewel on a scarlett necklace!" She spoke in surprise, "And you wished for it?"

"All for you." he spoke sincerely, placing it around her.

Scarlett smiled a bit, looking at the garnet with pride. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all, she thought to herself.

But as she was thinking that, she felt Nousagi's bare arms holding her tight, hugging her while the rabbit smiled warmly.

"Nousagi?" she asked, "Why did you give me this necklace?"

"Because you deserve something out of the trouble you had to go through..." he admitted, "You're generous, you know what to do in situations, you control your emotions valiantly, you at least care for what you believe in, and you made my heart melt for you."

He opened his red pupilless eyes, realizing the last thing he said, quickly covering his mouth a bit, hoping she didn't hear the last part and worrying that she might start hating him like when they met. After all, Nousagi was the only one who didn't see her as a sidekick nor an unfair librarian.

Scarlett fixed up her sleeveless dress, sighing. She missed her normal clothing and the yellow sleeveless dress with loafers were becoming uncomfy for her to bare. At least her hairstyle and glasses didn't change when she entered Darthon.

"Nousagi," she began as the two sat on the bed, "is it true that you have fallen for me?"

After a moment, the rabbit sighed and nodded, "Yes", before placing his now empty pipe on the ground near his cloak and false beard.

"Why?" she spoke seriously.

After a few moments, Nousagi calmly spoke, "There is something about you I can't explain...that makes me long for you...that wants me to go with you...but, I don't know if it will be possible."

"I see...question is, why would you believe you can't follow me?"

"Because I foresaw the future while everyone else was eating this 'S'mores' you speak of."

He looked up with a worried look, continuing, "The Die of Power is connected to not just me, but also Lepus, Hase, Oryctolagus, Cherokee, Justitia, and Arnab. I foresee one of us stabbing someone transformed into a dragon temporarily. Then, one of us will snatch the die of power...however, I fear that none of us will destroy it, corrupting us as well."

She looked more worried as he continued, sounding more sad as he nearly finished, "And afterward, you will use your final kill us, ending our sentience and fusing us back to Harvey, breaking my heart as you do so."

He clenched his pants legs, trying to hold back the tears as he spoke, "But I don't want to go back...I don't want to lose who I am! I'm me, no one else!"

She could tell he desperately doesn't want whatever would happen to come true. Scarlett looked a bit down, not sure whether she should be annoyed or feel sorry for his eventual fate. After all, when they met, he DID hit her to control her anger. On the other hand, he no longer tried controlling anyone's anger nor even bother removing his restraint bolt collar.

Finally, Scarlett lifted his head to the teary rabbit, speaking, "Now look, I don't know what I should think anymore. I mean sure, our quest is to destroy the Die of Power, but that doesn't mean that everything will come true."

The rabbit became surprised at the compassion that Scarlett was giving him. The role player didn't know what to say about any of it, except...

He wiped the tears from his eyes, then looked carefully at her, speaking, "I want to stay...I want to stay here...with you and...and I don't want our time to end in heartbreak..."

Scarlett didn't know what to say about it. And sure, there were times when she questioned about her own feelings to him, but she was a mortal and he a demon and yet she couldn't help wanting to be closer secretly to him and the way he looked. Those eyes, that deep voice, his muscles, those blue jeans he always wore under his cloak...

Then, she felt his mitt hand lifting her to his head level, both looking at one another's eyes for a long moment.

Nousagi was serious about what he meant and he wanted to prove to Scarlett he said what he meant, but how would...

Finally, both human and rabbit demon leaned close, the male rabbit blushing before he started kissing Scarlett.

Shocked and surprised, Scarlett moaned, trying to gather herself as they kissed. Her eyes, wide opened from surprise, watched Nousagi continuing to kiss her, slowly seeping his tongue into her.

The female felt his tongue exploring inside her mouth, starting to moan and groan. She wanted to say something, something to protest what was going on and...

However, as her tongue touched his, she started to slowly enjoy it, letting her tongue intertwine with the role playing rabbit's.

Nousagi moaned a bit loudly when he felt Scarlett's tongue, moaning as he slowly started holding her. He couldn't imagine any of this better. Perhaps this would mean that...

The genie, meanwhile, watched the action, slowly starting to grin at the scene, amused and yet entriced that both were going to do what Nousagi had planned for a long time.

Finally, both broke the kiss softly, some drool escaping their lips, blushing as they did so.

"Scarlett...that felt...wonderful," he smiled passionately.

"I uh...don't know what came over me, but..." she began, fixing her glasses.

"It didn't feel wrong to you, did it? I won't ask or do it again if it did."

" Did it to you?"

He nuzzled her neck, smiling a bit, "My dear Scarlett...I don't give a damn."

She felt his hands massaging her shoulders, sighing a bit as he rubbed. She grinned, feeling that he was being nice for a change.

After a moment, something clicked on her inside...she actually wanted more from him. And not just the kiss, but...

She slowly led his hands to her dress, making him dig inside as Scarlett moaned. As she did, the human's tits began to harden from the rabbit's hands.

Jackpot, thought Arnab, as he grinned at the true reason for what Nousagi wanted was taking course, starting to rub the bulge in his pants slowly. Perhaps, he continued on thought, this night wouldn't be so boring after all.

The rabbit that formerly controlled anger issues felt her hard nipple within the dress, rubbing them softly, caressing them like a child to a mother.

Scarlett groaned and moaned a bit more, slowly undoing the dress, which fell to the ground, showing her only in panties. The female, moaning, probably was not thinking clearly, but his touch felt so good.

"Unnh, Nousagi..." she muttered softly.

Nousagi smiled a bit, pinching one of her tits with one hand and digging in her panties with another.

"You like this, huh?" he grinned to her.

Slowly, he pulled her panties down, leaving the human completely nude, much to the delight of the two rabbits as the genie starting to rub his bulge more.

As Nousagi continued, he turned the human around, kissing down from her neck to her breasts. The topless rabbit smiled, kissing around before licking one of her tits.

Scarlett groaned and moaned, panting and gasping as she held his head. What usually would feel like terrycloth on a Harvey felt more like blue rabbit fur, real fur.

Perhaps she wasn't clearly thinking or perhaps she was lulled to a false sense of security, but she didn't feel this wrong. She wanted this. She ached for it. And it had been weeks since she was living in her own world.

"Unnnh Nousagi..." she moaned, "I...I have to admit...this is nice..."

The rabbit cladded in pants, looked up and smiled as he nibbled the left tit, making her blush and yelp a bit, moaning.

Slowly and cautiously, Nousagi suckled on one tit from her breast while rubbing and pinching the other. The rabbit demon was delighted that, perhaps if he played his cards right, that he would have at least something wondrous out of all this misery: his love with Scarlett.

"Mmmm, Scarlett, this is wonderful..." he said to her, continuing to lick and suckle her tits.

Scarlett groaned loudly, grunting and gasping with pleasure. At least no one else, she thought, would be able to find out about...

"I think I found the favor," Arnab smirked, starting to get up.

The human with RP rabbit both got on the bed with Nousagi on top, looking at one another for a long moment.

"Scarlett..." he spoke with care, for once in his life, "I wanted to ask you if-"

At that moment, the genie rabbit hopped on the bed, causing the two to bounce a bit as he spoke, "I figured out the favor..."

Arnab lifted Scarlett's head, continuing, "I would like to try my luck with her."

"What?!" Both spoke in protest.

"Either do so or I'd take back that necklace you gave her and do her myself without you." he slyly grinned to his RP counterpart.

The two looked annoyed at the genie. He was a jerk sometimes when it comes to situations like that.

Nousagi looked insulted, preparing to say, "Now look here-"

"Fine, we'll let you." Scarlett said, shocking the RP rabbit, "Let's just get it over with!"


"Besides, we're stuck for the night anyway!"

The RP rabbit placed his mitt hand on his closed eyes, trying to gather and calm himself while trying to decide his choice. Either lose his chance of being with her and admitting what he really thinks about Scarlett, or let the jackass genie whom also had a crush on his beloved go alongside the threesome sex.

Finally, after a moment, Nousagi sighed, "All right, fine. You win. But I won't enjoy you enjoying this."

"Heh, I knew you two would let me," the cocky genie grinned proudly.

"Damn you, fucking genie!" Nousagi cursed to himself.

The human's head was held as Arnab fumbled with the pants before he opened them, showing his dick.

The jealous RP rabbit frowned as he watched the reluctant Scarlett sighing before licking the dick.

"Mmm, I can see why you studied on sex," grinned the genie whom petted Scarlett.

Scarlett contined with the dick going deeper into her mouth, moaning as she did so.

The role player glanced in anger Arnab would do this, that he would...

Nousagi then saw her exposed pussy, near where his face was with the demon noticing it wet.

"Let me clean that up for you," he calmly spoke, slowly licking her clit, making the human moan loudly.

Scarlett groaned and moaned loudly, continuing to suck Arnab's dick while Nousagi started to lick inside her clit, making her wince a bit in pleasure.

Arnab smiled as he spoke, "Damn, you are a little slutty, aren't you?"

The human continued as she groaned more, feeling the genie's dick going deeper into her throat. She was obviously not liking this part one bit.

However, she could feel Nousagi's tongue licking deeper and deeper into her clit, moaning more in pleasure.

"Oh god, Scarlett. I can't believe you love this!" The genie smiled, holding her head to his dick level, dropping his pants to the ground in the progress.

She kept sucking and licking with Arnab moaning and groaning louder and louder. The genie panting with tongue hanging out as his turban fell off his head.

Arnab petted the human's fixed hair, smiling he was enjoying every bit of it.

The role playing rabbit clenched her ass, suckling more on the clit with Scarlett moaning very loudly.

"Mmm, yes..." muttered Arnab, bucking her mouth hole.

Scarlett groaned and moaned louder and louder, feeling Arnab's dick and Nousagi's tongue in her holes, groaning as she continued more and more, feeling herself that she would, at any second...

Cum started coming out of the pussy with Nousagi removing himself, smiling as he licked some of the cum squirting out.

The rabbit genie hurled and groaned, cumming within her mouth, causing Scarlett to remove herself with part of the cum within her mouth and some of it coughed out. The genie's dick squirted the white goo a bit, spraying on Scarlett's face and boobs as she panted a bit.

"Your cum's a bit salty..." she spoke sincerely.

She turned to Nousagi, leaning to him as she continued, "however, I don't think I'm quite done."

The female rubbed the bulge in Nousagi's pants, making him moan and groan loudly. It was if his dream and desire was coming true: The woman he started loving really was...

She undid the rope and unbuttoned his pants, taking out his dick that had the red tip burning and rubbing it.

Nousagi moaned loudly, panting a bit as she touched his cock.

The human slowly removed his remaining clothing, placing them down near his cloak. Then, she leaned her breasts between the naked wizard's dick as she grinned a bit.

"Maybe you'll like this," she calmly said to him.

She began lifting and grinding the cock of Nousagi's, making the demon with red eyes moan and groan.

"Ooooh Scarlett," he muttered as he blushed and moaned.

She continued a bit more, harder and faster as he grunted loudly while the genie rubbed his dick, watching the scene with delight.

"So hot..." Arnab muttered, "So very hot..."

The wizard rabbit groaned more, starting to sweat as she kept going faster and harder, clenching the sheets while doing so.

"Unnnh...Scarlett...yes..." he spoke, eager to continue, despite his original programming saying otherwise.

"I'm surprised you liked this," she spoke as she moaned and throb her breasts, "especially when I'm doing this."

She licked and suckled the tip with Nousagi groaning loudly. He gasped and groaned loudly, panting with his tongue starting to hang out.

In the back of his head, his programming was trying to make him say, "You must not lose control", even with the restraining bolt collar slightly jolting him, but his heart was telling him to keep going.

"Agh...Scarlett..." he shouted with delight, "fuck yes!!"

His cock began shooting some cum with the human, noticing, feeling some of it squirt on her face while letting some drops hit her tongue.

"Damn," Arnab said, watching the scene with Scarlett still wet below. "That wonderful."

"Strange, I don't feel like I'm finished..." she spoke to herself, pondering why.

Finally, the human was pulled up as he looked at the wet clit, still wet and moist. Perhaps this would mean...

"The night is still young, Scarlett..." he spoke to her, "I think you may want it...that is, if you really want to."

"I am." she said to him before feeling Arnab's hands positioning her.

"Your ass looks ready as well," grinned the genie, eager to take her ass at least.

She rolled her eyes, frowning a bit as she spoke, "Fine, but just the ass."

The two dicks rubbed a bit around her lower holes, making her gasp a bit, yelping with a bit of caution. Then, as she was forced to sit with her legs spread apart, the genie's dick went into her ass, making her gasp with eyes wide open.

Then, she felt Nousagi's cock enter her pussy, groaning loudly.

Thrusting and moaning, the rabbits began humping the human slowly as she moaned and groaned loudly. She grunted as she removed her glasses, gasping while bucking and rubbing her tits. The feeling with cocks inside her felt so intense.

"Oh god, yes!" She started shouting, letting her hair down and dropping the glasses and band to the clothing covered ground.

Nousagi looked at her, loving her even more as he humped and groaned. Despite the genie thrusting her ass, he was delighted that this night was just perfect for him and Scarlett.

"Unnnh, you never looked more beautiful, Scarlett," he spoke between moans and groans.

Scarlett continued her operatic moans and loud screams, feeling both rabbits humping deeper and deeper into her.

The human blushed while sweating, moaning more and more loudly from the pressure. Each thrust that each took made her more and more anxious.

Finally, she felt something as she screamed loudly: Nousagi's penis had shoved through her deeply. She didn't think that it would carry this far 'til she realized. But she needed this out of her system, she needed it badly.

"Unnnh..." she groaned as she shouted, "More, boys...more!"

The rabbits hurled their dicks, thrusting harder and faster, making her gasp very loudly while the three began sweating.

The female human bucked at each moment they humped, moaning and screaming in pleasure more and more, feeling that this night would never end.

Nousagi began turning red, feeling anxious as he kept on going, thrusting harder, faster than Arnab was doing. To him, it was the best night he was having with her. And he's proving it by their pleasure.

"Mmmm, you like this, don'tcha?" Nousagi smiled.

"Oh she is very much." Arnab answered, slapping her ass as he humped.

Scarlett groaned as she felt Nousagi tongue kissing her tits, licking the areas as he humped more and more, eager to...

Finally, with one last thrust, the human and rabbits cummed hard, the human feeling their dicks shooting inside her. She couldn't believe what just happened, but it did happen...she had mated with these rabbits.

As the cocks were pulled off, the remains of the male cum squirted on the human, covering her with the sticky white goo all over herself.

"I...I..." she began, looking at a loss for words.

Nousagi, however, only nuzzled the wet girl with delight while Arnab smirked a bit, picking up his turban and pants.

"I never felt so much alive." the wizard smiled happily.

"You're lucky it wasn't mating season or you'd have bunnies in you." the cocky genie smirked, pulling his pants back on before putting on the turban.

Scarlett was a bit concerned at what happened...she mated with these two and she didn't know how the hell she would explain it if anyone found out.

After a moment, Arnab's legs turned back to a smoke cloud, heading to the lamp as he spoke, "Just try to get out of this one," before he poofed back inside the bottle lamp with cork cover it.

Arnab was right, how could she explain it? And how would she make sure she would...

Finally, she felt Nousagi touching her shoulder as he spoke, "Uh let's get you cleaned up for the night. No point in sleeing like this."

"Um quite agree..." spoke the nervous human, getting her glasses back on as the two made their way to the lake area.

Never had he felt his happiest, Nousagi thought as both departed to the lake before they would sleep for the night.

What he did not know it would be his final time of true happiness and delight with her.


As dawn was approaching, Nousagi winced a bit, then started slowly awakening before he looked at where Scarlett was. Maybe she was right, he thought as he kissed her forehead, maybe not all visions are meant to come true.

The rabbit slowly removed himself, grabbing his cloak with false beard and pants from the ground, dressing himself, preparing to give her the food she deserved. It would be morning soon anyhow.

However, as he prepared to exit the tent, taking his staff while placing his hood on, the rabbit stopped, noticing a figure close to the tent's doorway, grinning wickedly under the hood of his cloak.

"I sense a great power...and I've come to take her." The figure spoke, raising his glowing arm.

He meant for Scarlett, Nousagi thought with horror as he glared.

" shall not take her!" he hissed angrily.

However, the fiend's essence started flying from his arm as he spoke, "Believe me...I need a body for your world and I aim to take it, regardless of gender!"

The rabbit became more frightened as he saw the essence going to Scarlett, whom started to awaken, noticing the essence.

"What the hell?!" she screeched as the dark essence was going close to the human under the covers.

"No! I won't let you take her!!" the rabbit shouted, hurrying to the human he loved.

Scarlett, clinging to the covers, ran with the essence gaining closer and closer as the figure smirked cruelly before she could run no more.

Finally, as Scarlett prepared for the worst, she noticed Nousagi shoving her as he shouted to the figure, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!"

Afterward, Nousagi was hit by the dark essence, screaming as the dark aura hit him with his eyes glowing a dark purple color. Scarlett, watching, looked horrified at what had happened before Nousagi fell, lying unconscious.

Scarlett may not have some reluctance and oddities with him, but that didn't mean she wanted to witness what whomever it was did to Nousagi.

"What did you do to him?!" she demanded, glaring at the chuckling figure.

"You will know when the time comes," he spoke calmly, "and my original intent was using part of my aura on the Phage, but your boyfriend will do...ESPECIALLY since he's connected to a greater power."

"Who are you?!"

The eyes glowed the same dark purple as he grinned cruelly, "Visaru!" before he vanished from the area.

Scarlett, with worry, came to Nousagi's side, looking at him as she spoke, "I don't know what this Visaru did to you...but I have a bad feeling it's not good."

After she dressed, the sun rose before the tent the human and two rabbits occupied vanished. Scarlett looked a bit reluctant about all of this. How would she explain any of it? How can she, after all she's been through?


Throughout the day, she became more and more worried about both her secret and her starting to have something in her mind with that role playing rabbit as they arrived to the Camelot of Darthon.

As they prepared to split, Scarlett quickly let herself used her second wish instead of Nousagi, thinking that talking about the necklace could result in them asking about what they did together.

However, as Scarlett with her group appeared near the geysers, she noticed something odd on Nousagi, despite him slightly protective of her: Nousagi's eyes started glowing a brief dark purple like Visaru's.

As the battle of dragons with Visaru and Phage commenced, Scarlett was trying to keep away from the villains while chasing after the die. However, the human finally heard a stab sound, turning as she saw Nousagi, still with the slight dark purple glowing eyes using Justitia's blade to stab one of the dragons with the two reverting to mortal forms. It was official: His future insight was coming true.

It was like he said, except there was something else...she saw the same unseen figure snatch Nousagi, absorbing into him with everyone else distracted, making her realize: He was being forced to and worse...because now that this Visaru was possessing a vessel, all seven Harveys were in his control.

Scarlett only fearfully spoke to herself, "That means...Nousagi is dead..."

Then, the dice that had been used was snatched by the now Visaru rabbit, mad with power as he and the other Harvey demons smirked, starting to sport the same glowing eyes Visaru had.

As if things were bad enough, Visaru ALSO wanted Scarlett by his side, using the corrupt rabbits to make the wish.

The human looked seriously at the situation, struggling to be released from the possessed rabbit. The rabbits had indeed tricked everyone...however, it wasn't by choice. Plus the dice were also corrupting their minds as well. She would have to act fast, but how?

She felt like regretting that she and Ryan ever made Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, and even Harvey learn about the game, because as Justitia put it best, 'Nice job breaking it, heroes' indeed.

After most everyone had fallen from the created crates, Mordecai's group was left as they shouted what they long forgotton: The rules of using one's imagination. That was when she realized: she DID have a way, but...

Quickly, Scarlett, noticing the possessed rabbit planning, she asked for one final request: her final wish.

A piece of Nousagi, still blushing like he normally would around her, allowed it. She would have to do it...and he was right about one thing: She would have to break his heart to do so.

Finally, removing her glasses and letting her hair out wildly, she snapped, wishing, "I WISH FOR A WEAPON THAT ISN'T AFFECTED BY RULES AND FUSES YOU ALL BACK TO HARVEY!!"

The genie, struggling, granted the final wish as a blade appeared in her hand. She knew what she had to do, even though she didn't want to admit she actually enjoyed it.

"THIS IS FOR YOU TWO HAVING SEX WITH ME!!" she shouted, lying loudly despite the fact she mostly enjoyed Nousagi's bonding with tears secretly in her eyes.

Before Justitia could shout that she was indeed lying, he was stabbed alongside the other Harveys, glowing an odd color. They knew what was happening: They were going to be put back into Harvey once more, trapped within him for eternity 'til the day he dies.

Nousagi struggled from both the pain and the fact Visaru was possessing him, speaking with tears, "Scarlett...I...ungh, don't. If you kill me, you will lose the only person that never saw you like everyone else. And besides, I thought we had something...between us."

He foresaw all of it and knew Scarlett what she was going to do. He wanted to beg for forgiveness, to ask her to forgive her. He didn't want to cease to exist or lose the one he loved and he wanted to get Visaru out of himself, in order to...

Then, as she stabbed the rabbit, the final words he heard were the cold and dark words he feared to hear..."No...we don't!!"

Finally, Nousagi, dying, dropped the dice before everything glowed, making everyone that survived fall into the casym and all of Darthon cease to exist!


At least she and her friends were alive, Scarlett thought before taking out the familiar necklace Nousagi gave her, then looked carefully a bit.

Small tears escaped from her eyes before she clenched the item with her free hand, looking down. He had indeed truly loved her and she broke his heart...just like he said he would.

Scarlett finally patted where the sleeping Harvey was, looking down with regret. She wanted to tell him so much, but because of the visions coming true and the fact that she killed him while breaking his heart, it was far too late.

"Goodbye, Nousagi," she spoke quietly, "and I'm sorry. I wish things were different..."

The human sadly watched the sleeping Harvey before she too finally fell asleep, dreaming of things to come.


Within a strange world, in a glass prison of a sort, a chained hand touched the glass with the familiar face looking down in regret, sadly listening to what he could hear from within Harvey actually sleeping.

Sadly, all Nousagi, chained in his prison, could say with tears, "I'm sorry, my beloved Scarlett...goodbye forever..."
