Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Kouja no Senshi Season 1 Special 1: 5 Days a Matthews ❯ The Last Days ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: The Last Days

French Narrator: Day Four...

In the kitchen, the heroes glanced at Buzz.

Sailor Mercury: So you were told to stand guard? And then you fell asleep before you fell with the glass breaking and Delete finding you?

Buzz: Come on, I was only told 'ta stand guard.

Tommy: We know one thing...if Buzz is here, so are Alan and the others.

Sailor Terra: (notices) Wait, where's Snake?

Just then, a figure crashed through the window. They screamed as they saw the figure wearing a mask, robe, and carrying a weapon glanced at them.

Leon: (coming in) Will you idiots shut up and let me-(notices) AHHH! It's the Killer!

Swiper: See? I told you it wasn't me!

Leon: Shut up and run!

Everyone screamed as they ran off quickly.

Digit: (shouts) Michael! Lee! We gotta get out of here!

The two, coming in the kitchen, gasped as they saw the figure breathing harshly and heading their way, trying to kill them.

Lee: Oh no!

Michael: Run!

They screamed, running before Leon tripped.

Leon: Gah!

Sailor Vegeta: Oh no! Mr. Leon!

Brick: (grabs her) It's too late! The stupid sissy's done for!

As they were gone, Leon angrily shouted to them with the door closing.

Leon: How many times do I have to go through with this: I'M NOT-

The group heard screams and stabbing sound.

Sailor Tokyo: He's dead! (teary) He's really dead!

Mimi: There's nothing to be done...we have to get away!

Quickly, the group continued to run as fast as they could.

Sailor Mars: We need a miracle to happen...but what?

In the kitchen, Leon is on the floor, dead with the figure seems to collapsed. The figure then sat up all confused, wondering what just happened. Just then Mirage appears behind Snake and hits him over the head, knocking the figure out.

Katz: (appearing) Is that even necessary?

Mirage: No, I just felt that he needs a little...nap.

Phage appears looking annoyed)

Phage: Excuse me, but he is not supposed to be dead, you know. I want him alive!

Katz: Oh calm down, the boy's fine. Now which one of us can do a good impression of one of the others? I think it's time to shake the boy's confidence.

In the darkness...

Voice: Mother, why?

We cut back to the shack where Snake is in there unconscious, until he wakes up.

Snake: Geez, that really hurtsss. My head...what the heck happened lassst night?

Snake paused, then he remembers something, much to his horror.

Snake: I remembered...oh crap! Leon! Did I jussst kill him?! I don't remember a thing! I recall touching that idol...(gasps) The idol! Ssson of a...I got to warn the othersss!

Snake tried to open the door, but couldn't.

Snake: It's locked! How in blazesss did they find the key? (notices) My lock picksss are gone!

Snake tried to open the window.

Snake: It's ssslammed ssshut! (shouts) Hello! Anyone out there?!

Outside the shed, the villains are there hearing Snake's voice.

Mirage: (smirks) Now watch this. (coughs then imitiated Julayla's voice) You be quiet, Snake!

Snake: (in the shed) Julesss? Is that you?

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Who else? I am keeping guard, you jerk!

Snake: (in the shed) But why?

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) SHUT UP! You killed Leon!

Snake: (in the shed) What?! But Julesss...

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Don't try to lie! I know you did! You have become a bigger jerk than than moron Ace and that Deli-Bob Head!

Katz: (whispering) Nice way of imitating Queen Beryl's daughter.

Mirage: (whispering back to Katz in her normal voice) Thanks. (to Snake in Julayla's voice) I thought you were different, but it looks like you have became a monster just like that psycho snake Phage!

Phage: (frowns) Don't push it.

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Poor Cherry. She thought likely of you and now she is all in tears! You murderer. You are staying in here until the police comes! Then you can rot in prison like Ace and the rest of the idiots!

Snake, inside the shed, is shocked, unaware that he is talking to Mirage.

Snake: Oh man...Julesss?

Mirage: (outside, Julayla's voice) What now?

Snake: Thisss isss a big missstake you're making!

Mirage: (outside, Julayla's voice) Oh really? Why say that?

Snake: The real killer isss ssstill on the loossse!

Mirage, outside, chuckles as she continues speaking in Julayla's voice.

Mirage: (sarcastic, Julayla's voice) Oh sure. I bet they knocked you out, dressed you in their clothes, put a knife in your hands, and hid while we found you.

Snake: (in shed) Uh...sssomething like that.

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Nice lie! Did Ace taught you that or did Mr. Henry Phage the Non-Straight did?

Phage: Just stick to the obvious, Mirage.

Snake: (in shed) Julesss?

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Yeah?

Snake: (in shed) You're making a big missstake! Haven't you ssseen a horror movie?

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Kazaam, you know the movie where Shaq plays a genie.

Snake: (in shed) That isssn't a horror movie!

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Obviously you haven't seen Shaq act.

Inside the shed, Snake continues speaking to what he thinks is Jules.

Snake: Well, sssomeone gets accusssed wrongfully of the killingsss, and the one doing the accusssing gets killed next!

Mirage: (outside, Julayla's voice) What fantasy world are you in, murderer? You're the killer and that's a proven fact! No chance of denying it!

Snake: What makesss you think I killed Leon anyway?!

Outside the shed, Mirage continues her imitation of Julayla

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Maybe it's because we were all attacked by some maniac wearing a hockey mask and a bathrobe with a knife. We but Leon got away no thanks to you! We came in and found the said killer next to Leon's corpse all unconscious. Once the mask is off, we saw it's you. Boy, did we regret even letting you come with us!

Snake: (inside shed) You got it all wrong!

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Oh really? How about you give me your side of the story?

Alan: Looks like we're building up to something.

Snake, back inside the shed, continues his pleading.

Snake: I was posssssssed by the ghossst!

Mirage: (outside shed, sarcastic, Julayla's voice) Oh original. Nice. Now I'm really impressed.

Snake: It's the truth, honessst!

Mirage: (outside shed, Julayla's voice) Honesty is never the policy with the Gang Greene Gang. Just shut the heck up already!

Snake: I think it controlled me to killed Leon like when I killed BJ! I bet that explainsss why I was gone before and couldn't remember a thing barely!

Mirage: (outside shed, Julayla's voice) Oh what are you ranting about now?

Snake: The ghossst! It talksss to me late at night, when no one elssse can hear. Makess me do evil, terrible thingsss!

Mirage: (outside shed, Julayla's voice) Shut up!

Snake: It won't leave me alone! I can't sssleep well at all! Thessse blackoutsss keep happening. I find myssself in another place with blood all over me! Heck, I can't remember how often that happensss!

Mirage, outside shed, smirks evilly as she continues speaking in Julayla's voice.

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Didn't I tell you to shut up?!

Snake: (inside shed) "Kill BJ, kill Leon, kill them all!" It refusssed to leave me alone!

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) I'm warning you!

Snake: (inside shed) I am filled with guilt asss of right now. I can sssee the poor facesss I've killed every time I closssed my eyess. Mossst timesss I can cry so hard, I would throw up! (sighs) I wisssh this nightmare would end but it won't! I would welcome death at any given moment.

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Dear goodness...

Snake: (inside shed) Now can you let me out?

Phage: Best to wrap it up.

Mirage nodded as she continued speaking to Snake in Julayla's voice.

Mirage: (Julayla's voice) Tell you what. You find your own way out other than lockpicks and then we will talk.

Phage: Good, we must go.

Hacker: What? Shouldn't we stick around or let him have his lockpicks back!?

Phage: Sanford must use talents he have since birth to make his own escape. No one else can help him now.

Snake looked around, trying to figure a way out.

Snake: The problem isss...I don't know how to get out without my lockpicksss.

He then heard screaming coming from the house.

Snake: Oh no! Cherry!

He banged the door, trying to break it out. He grunted, continuing to hit the door, slamming his body to the door. In his images, he could see the deaths of those that had been killed and those that will be killed.

Snake: (grunting) I...can't let them...

He then looked at his sword, trying to open the window with it. However, it flinged around, bouncing the shack a bit before it crashed through the top window (though not enough to help him escape) and slammed to the grassy ground. Snake looked shocked and angered about it.

Snake: Grrr...

His teeth began growing to predator state, his nails began sharpening, and his eyes glowed blood red. He screamed angrily with dark aura around himself. Furiously, the half demon pounced, slashing the shack all around before finally busting free, jumping near the sword of his. He grunted, kneeling to the ground as he touched his blade, reverting back to normal.

Snake: (realizes) I...I can't control what I am? Wh...what the hell!?

He heard the screams once more.

Snake: Cherry! Sssailor Soldiersss!

He dashed to the door, heading inside. Inside, the others were trying to evade the figure, wearing the same clothing Snake was on earlier, swinging the knife.

Sailor Solaris: This guy is very tough.

Emblem: We can't attack something that's human!

Finally, they noticed Snake arriving.

Snake: Everyone! Now may not be a good time to tell you about how you talked to me in the shed-

Sailor Solaris: Huh? What are you talking about?

Betty: (notices) Guys, the carpet!

Sailor Mars: Right!

Quickly, they pulled the carpet together, making the figure trip and be knocked out. The mask was off as the group gasped at who it was.

All: Michael!

Sam: Sweet 5 6 7 Days of Stranger, Skeptic, and Sacrifice of Trilby's Notes.

French Narrator: Day Five...

Then, it revealed Max holding a cue card up.

Max: Can we move this along? My fingers are getting awfully tired of holding up these cue cards and I'm waiting patiently for the upcoming spoofs of the other games to rip off, you know.

Sam: You crack me up, little buddy. Besides, you do know we've actually only been here for 2 to 3 days.

Max: I know. I thought it would bring up suspense.

They closed the door with concern.

Sora Takenouchi: So how is Michael?

Joe: He's awake, but he doesn't remember anything.

Snake: Jussst like me. Like back in the shed when Jul...Solarisss talked to me in the shed.

Sailor Solaris: Huh? What are you talking about? I wasn't anywhere near the shed. We were all still hiding from the killer for over two hours.

Snake: What? Then...if it wasssnt you, then who wasss I actually talking to?

Sailor Kamino: That's not the point. Snake, you look like you know something we don't...

Yolei: While you were missing, Snake, we've been going over the texts. One of them was about some occult.

Sailor Mars: I know one thing...if we want to destroy the spirit, we must bring it back to its body. When the suppose death of it occurs, we can use the Silver Crystal to destroy the body.

Sailor Moon looked at her wand with the crystal on it.

Sailor Moon: We have to succeed.

Lee: I see.

Matt: First thing's first. We have to find the body.

Max: Oh, let me do it.

He undid the bear before giving it to Sailor Tokyo.

Max: Here, hold this.

Sailor Tokyo: Thank you.

He wrapped the knife onto it.

Max: I'll be right back.

He then left the group.

Swiper: Now all we gotta do is figure out who or what the killer is.

Tommy: And it had to do something with Coco's disappearance and Alan's insanity.

Kimi: The deaths and disappearances started after that.

Snake: I think I know...I have to think Coco gave birth to more than one child.

Zim: Really? Like twins?

Kari: That's right, because when we read Coco's diary.

Lee: Exactly, she makes references to some monster she helped created and she doesn't mention Alan.

TK: And Alan talks about another kid behind the door in the kitchen.

Sam: Not to mention those chains on the walls kept that poor creature imprisoned in the basement.

Dib: Where do you think the other son came from?

Gaz: Who cares? It's pointless already.

Snake: I ssstill sssay it was twinsss.

Hawkmon: I found Stan's death certificate. It seemed like he died the exact second his other son was born. The weird thing one knows how it happened.

Digit: Not unless he was testing some formula and then had a male pregnancy ala that Arnold Schwartzinagger movie, Junior and he died after his son's birth when he was the one that did it.

All: Ewww!

Digit: What?

Biyomon: Anyway, I think Coco went insane with grief and trying to kill Tommy and his friends.

Sam: Blamed a poor kid, being locked in the basement forever, who was forced to live like an animal, refused to be acknowledged about existing by his mother, and never having love, unless you count the brother being the only friend, but if I spoil how, it'd ruin a certain script. Anyway, he'd go insane and be retarded is my guess.

Davis: Yipes. He probably couldn't tell who's who and started killing everyone and everything without any reason or probably because he liked killing so much.

Veemon: Seriously, Davis, lay off the horror movies Jun makes you watch.

Inez: But what happened on that day when Coco was gone?

Jackie: We found the corpse, so she's obviously murdered. How and why, though?

Sailor Moon: I think it's from the dreams I've been having...he probably escaped the basement.

Buzz: Agreed...but how?

Snake: Hmmm...sssomeone let him hisss mom.

Tentomon: Yes, remember in the last entry?

Lee: Yes, of course. Coco wanted to finish destroying the monster.

Sam: I would've asked why didn't she just kill him as soon as her husband died, but that's probably a dumb question.

Boomer: She's stupid to keep him alive and locked up like that, that's what.

Chuckie: I did remember the last time we saw her. She was trying to destroy us with her minions. But she failed to do so.

Tommy: At least she was out of the way.

Angelica: I bet she got so mad over the loss of getting rid of us, she took it out on that retard.

Gabumon: Then, when Alan found out, and saw the boy being beaten to death, he practically went insane.

Lee: God, and we're gonna practically destroy the ghost?

Jake: Looks that way.

Danny: We have to try.

June: (notices) Max is coming.

They then saw Max somewhat flying with the salted item flying to the bathroom, breaking the door before slamming itself to the uneven area of the floor.

Max: Whee. I love doing that.

Cody: (sighs) That boy only has hatred now. It's never a good thing. We cannot reason with it and we have to destroy it once and for all to put it to rest.

Lee: It's very sad really.

The group lifted the piece of the floor with more creepy whispering being heard.

Sailor Corusant: Man, I hate that creepy whispering. Where's it coming from anyway?

The piece was finally lifted up before they saw a skeleton.

Sam: Whoa, must've been deformed after all.

Sailor Mercury:'s time. What we need right now is something to help us.

Sailor Mars: This White Magic book should help us. We have to call it from beyond the grave with the bones and containment of items the boy wore.

Lee: Huh?

They then looked seriously at Lee.

Snake: Get Michael to the room with the empty fireplaccce is. We have an idea.

Sailor Moon: I hope Drakken, Jack, Shego, and Wuya are all right.

Alan: (V.O) Perhaps we would be of service.

The heroes turned and to their surprise, see the villains nearby.

Snake: You!

Sailor Moon: (frowns) I knew this. You guys are behind this!

Queen Beryl: You have us all wrong, we are trapped in here like we are. Even I are trapped like you are.

Emblem: Well, there's a first.

Phage: Listen, I know we have our differences but it's time we put them aside and team up to escape.

Yolei: Oh great.

Hacker: (notices) Buzz, there you are! Get back over here this moment.

Buzz: Can't it wait until this is over?

Hacker: Now you lis...

Phage: Hacker, shut up! Listen carefully. Once you get the bones and the items, go to the fireplace room.

Sailor Coruscant: (glares) Fine, we will work together...for now.

Mirage: (whispering to Katz) The fool Snake still has no idea that I imitated Jules's voice to shake his confidence.

Katz: (whispering back) We will keep it that way until later.

The group, both heroes and villains, return to the room where the fireplace is at. Kimi puts the skeleton of Alan's brother on the floor while Michael puts the mask, bathrobe, and knife onto the corpse's person.

Sam: There, doesn't change his looks any.

Alan: Sailor Tokyo, give me that bear.

Sailor Tokyo: Why?

Alan: It's to help me while we have this discussion with William.

Lee: So that's his name.

Sailor Moon sees a big gun above the fireplace and takes it before giving it to Lee.

Sailor Moon: Hold this for me, okay?

Lee: (takes the gun) Is this part of the plan? Or do you just get a kick out of women with big guns?

Butch: Kicks, kicks!

Mojo: Oh, shut up!

Sailor Moon: Please, Lee?

Lee: (sighs) Fine.

Sailor Moon then stood off to the side as did the others

Sailor Moon: Okay, let's get this over with. (reading) In this hall of death, and by the light of Prometheus gift, I call thee.

Gaz: How stupid.

The skeleton of William however begins to stir a bit.

Sailor Moon: (reading) I bring thee gifts that may tempt thee back. I bring thee thy helm, that thy would be masked. I bring thee thy armor, that thy would be clothed. I bring thee thy sword, that thy would be armed. Come.

Specs: Remind me to bring of that the next time we fight Sam and Max.

Max: Screw you!

William's boney body begins to move again.

Sailor Moon: Come.

The body shake some more.

Sailor Moon: Come...

Digit: (annoyed) Just rise up or something, you dope!

Just then the skeleton, bathrobe, mask, and sword, rise up into the air much to the shock of Michael and Lee watching.

Michael: Judas's Priest!

Max: And I thought this trip would be boring!

Lee: Now what? People, what...uh...

Lee begins to act weird as she looks at William from look of fright to look of recognization and anger. As she spoke, it's in a different voice.

Lee: (different voice) YOU!

William turns to Lee, who look possessed, as she continues.

Lee: (different voice) I knew you were evil from the moment you came into this world, demon child! You disgust me more than my husband and son's usual enemies!

Chuckie: (gasps) That's Coco's voice!

Angelica: That witch is possessing Lee.

Lee: (Coco's voice) May the lord forgive me for having a part in your creation!

Alan: (thinking) My turn. (speaking) Why did you attack me, brother?

William turned towards Alan as he continues.

Alan: I helped you when you were injured. I bandaged when our mom made her mistake! I went insane thanks to you!

Inez: Is that what happen?

Tommy: Perhaps when William attack his brother, something happen that make Alan the big jerk he is now.

Lee: (Coco's voice) No mistake, young one!

William turns back towards his mother possessing Lee in fear as she continued.

Lee: (Coco's voice) Do you see why I do my best to keep you away from this demon?! This mistake of mine?!

June: Is it just me or is Coco being a bit dramatic?

Danny: Just you.

Lee: (Coco's voice) It doesn't have any understanding of our human ways!

Alan: Darn it, mother, you're wrong! (William turns back to him) If only you have given him the chance to be normal and to be a normal kid like any other kid would be...

Lee: (Coco's voice) Silence, Alan! (William turns back to her now) It's time to put the end of the horror that I unleashed!

Alan's face turned to fear as Lee gets ready to open fire on the shaken William.

Alan: Mother, what are you doing? Mother, no! Mother, MOTHER!

Too late as Lee then opens fire on William causing the boy to fall onto the floor afterwards.

Phage: Well, Sailor Moon, if you or any of your friends got that Silver Crystal available, use it now.

Sailor Moon: Right!

She brought out the wand as the crystal on it shone. She then began to use it like her healing powers, though with a different power.

Sailor Moon: Cosmic Moon Power!!

The crystal shoned as the creature started wincing in agony. Suddenly, the body itself began to become engulfed in flames.

Bobcat: Uh...I think now may be a good time to leave.

All: Agreed.

Then, the windows broke, the walls began to crumble, and the whole house started catching itself on fire. When the crystal finished, the group looked at the place.

Sailor Mercury: Come on, we have to get out of here.

Quickly they left as Sora noticed something.

Sora Takenouchi: Drakken? Aren't you and your friends coming?

Drakken: No way! Besides, I'm not getting caught by the stupid police again!

Shego: Me either!

Katz: Hurry! (notices) Nemesis, Maximus, come now!

Maximus: Uh, listen...about that...

Nemesis: You see...

Just then, the cats and their sidekicks' way was blocked by the flames.

Maximus: We'll have to find our own way out, quickly!

Quickly, each of them left the area. Just then, as soon as the heroes with Lee and Michael came out, the police had arrived.

Voice: Over here!

The heroes looked as they saw a stern looking cat.

Nemesis: Oh great, Commander Feral! What are the odds of that happening?

Sailor Mercury: Shh...just hide behind us.

The four nodded, hiding behind the group.

Feral: What the hell's been going on in there? We've been trying to get in there for three days straight. All of a sudden, the place catches on fire, the door busts open and you people showed up.

Lee: Not our fault.

Max: Actually, I blame the ghost.

Sailor Solaris: (notices) Where's Sir Emblem?

Feral: Who?

Sailor Jupiter: He's new, and you probably haven't heard of him yet.

Zim: Ick, I rather not be in that filthy place ever again.

Sailor Venus: Wasn't Emblem right behind us?

Courage: I sense him...he's gone, though still around like always.

Sailor Solaris: SIR EMBLEM!!! BE SAFE!!

Sailor Kamino: We'll be all right. Lee, Michael, please, I think it's best you two get to the station. By the way, what happened to the bodies we found?

Sailor Corusant: Burned, I bet.

Lee: (sighs) I guess we could go...Leon...BJ...goodbye.

Michael: Sailors, thank you for everything.

Shirly: Just stay off of the drugs or you could accidentally hurt someone like earlier.

She secretly waved her paws before Michael, a bit dazed, nodded.

Michael: Yeah...I will.

The two got in before Feral glanced at the cat peeking.

Feral: That female...she's familiar, but from where?

He only shrugged, getting in before they drove off.

Gir: Bye, kitty man!

Max: (realizes) Crud, the car was in there! How do we get back?

Sam: Wait for it.

Just then, to their surprise, the car plopped to the ground, unharmed. The group got in before Sailor Terra noticed.

Sailor Terra: Snake?

Snake: Huh?

Sailor Terra: You look terrified...did something bad happen?

Snake sighed sadly.

Snake: It'sss a long ssstory.

With that, they drove off. With the villains, they glanced at where the DeSoto was heading.

Phage: Perhaps now you can rest easier a bit, Alan.

Alan: I know...still, it was fun to see my stupid brother get burned up like that. I mean who knew that crystal had such power.

The mutant avian felt something on his chest. He looked at the glowing black area before it vanished.

Vultureman: Hmmm...

Whizzer: Something on your mind?

Vultureman: Just on leaving...

With that, the villains left. As they were gone, the mansion continued burning.

Voice: Death, of course, comes to us all. It came to Coco LaBouche and her youngest son in the shape of each other. Was destroying the ghost the right thing to do? It was acting like any other dumb animal. Oh well. I guess he and his family will have plenty of time to discuss it, wherever they are. As for me...well, I have no complaints. I've lived a life many would consider out of the ordinary. And I have only one regret.

Then, a familiar pink haired man came to the hill, sighing before looking back.

Voice: Leaving Lee and Michael to explain it all to the police while leaving my beloved and her friends once more. That was hardly gentlemanly conduct for a gentleman warrior. But I'm sure they'll understand that rushing out into a field of police officers if I had transformed back to my normal self with them watching wouldn't have been a good idea. (sighs) It's gonna be a long walk home. And I have some important matters to attend to...

With that, he left the area as the sun began setting.

Narrator: Tomorrow would be a new day for adventure, but that's another story.

(ED: Yasashii Yoake by See-Saw)