Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction ❯ 000 beggining of neo black ghost! ❯ Chapter 5
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: sakura000 
10 hour later
"This is taking forever" said 002 "and I defenetly can't spend another hour with that nutcase" he said pointing to 000.
"Com'on!" she said"Its an 18 hour hour flight! Show some patince!"
"And what gives you the right to boss me around?" he said.
000 raisd a tin wistle to her lip and 002 cautiously looked down to a ice blowing Katsu at his feet.
002 sighed "I get it!"
"I think this is an improvement from 10 minutes ago!" said 007 placing his hand on the controll panell.
" No 007, that the_" said 000
"after burner!"
Suddenly everyone was thrown backwards.
With nobody controlling the plane it shot downward.
Quicky 000, jumped of the back wall of the plane and in mid-air caught 003, who was screaming.
000 looked like a hero except that she just saved another girl.
000 turned to 009 and threw 003 into HIS arms.
"Here" she said" hold this." and she ran off into the controll room.
=============================-----------------1min. later--------------=============================
'Glad thats over!" said 007
009 ws still holding 003 and both their faces turned red.
'hee hee hee' said 000 gleefully "You 2 look like my parents in love."
002 couldn't help but laugh too.
009 put 003 down and they both turned away from each other.
Anime/Manga: Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 05.29.2004 | Pages: 6 | Words: 280.9K | Visits: 322 | Status: Completed

10 hour later
"This is taking forever" said 002 "and I defenetly can't spend another hour with that nutcase" he said pointing to 000.
"Com'on!" she said"Its an 18 hour hour flight! Show some patince!"
"And what gives you the right to boss me around?" he said.
000 raisd a tin wistle to her lip and 002 cautiously looked down to a ice blowing Katsu at his feet.
002 sighed "I get it!"
"I think this is an improvement from 10 minutes ago!" said 007 placing his hand on the controll panell.
" No 007, that the_" said 000
"after burner!"
Suddenly everyone was thrown backwards.
With nobody controlling the plane it shot downward.
Quicky 000, jumped of the back wall of the plane and in mid-air caught 003, who was screaming.
000 looked like a hero except that she just saved another girl.
000 turned to 009 and threw 003 into HIS arms.
"Here" she said" hold this." and she ran off into the controll room.
=============================-----------------1min. later--------------=============================
'Glad thats over!" said 007
009 ws still holding 003 and both their faces turned red.
'hee hee hee' said 000 gleefully "You 2 look like my parents in love."
002 couldn't help but laugh too.
009 put 003 down and they both turned away from each other.
Anime/Manga: Cyborg 009 Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 05.29.2004 | Pages: 6 | Words: 280.9K | Visits: 322 | Status: Completed
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