D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Gay Sanctum ❯ Determination ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: There was a reason for the long wait. No internet. Then computer crashed taking several chapters with it. XD
Chapter 6:
(Daisuke's POV)
By the next day, I decided to act against my parent's wishes. I wanted Dark to come over, and if I was so determined as to sneak him in then I would, and that was exactly what I was planning to do. I wanted him to stay with me, and in such a big house, it would be easy to hide him, right? I would hide in the darkness of my room where no one would look. I would only let him out late in the night. I could cuddle with him while I slept. And if I was lucky, he would bestow another kiss on my lips. Since when did I become so addicted to the way they mold against mine?
Soon, the bell rang and I was out of that class faster than ever. Usually I am the last one to leave, but not today! I had to find Dark as quickly as possible.
(Dark's POV)
“Where ya goin' for the holidays?” asked my roommate.
“Don't know. I'm still waiting for an answer from a friend.”
“Ya bitch?” he asked.
I chuckled, “I guess you could say that.”
He nudged me in the side then said, “Didn't know you had a girl. Update me on your life every now and then. We're buds,” he patted me on the back and went off in his own direction.
Just then, I saw something red running my way. I then identified the fast moving object as Daisuke. “Hehe,” I leaned up against a pole and motioned for him to follow me into the bushes.
He turned around and slowed down. “Dark…,” he panted, “About this holiday…”
“Breathe, child, breathe,” I fiddled with his hair.
He looked up at me, and parted his lips as if to speak, but no words came out. Grinning, I leaned in and kissed his cheek, “What is it?”
Furiously, he blushed, “I want you to come over, and if we're going to pull it off, you need to come with me right now,” he grabbed onto my sleeve tenaciously, “Please, Dark.”
He was giving me the impression that he really wanted me to go with him. “Ok. Help me get my stuff,” just then, Daisuke threw his arms around me and on his tip toes, he kissed my cheek tenderly.
This action surprised me. I didn't think Daisuke would ever kiss me. It was almost like he really was my boyfriend.
(Daisuke's POV)
There was a reason for my impatient kiss. Yes, I wanted to lead him on. I wanted him to kiss me back tenderly. But he didn't. Instead, he threw his arm around my shoulder and we walked together towards his dorm. Maybe he'll kiss me seriously in there? One could always hope.
Inside his dorm, he looked around for the stuff he would need, then threw it all into a suitcase. “What if I get caught, Daisuke?”
“It's OK if you get caught by a maid,” I said, “I always talk to them, and they don't care. Just as long as Risa, her parents, or my parents don't see you, then there won't be a problem.”
“So I have to stay locked up in your room all day?”
The guilt stabbed me, “You could come out at night when they are asleep, and we can sneak out. My parents aren't home most of the time anyways. They're always going out with the Haradas. Risa usually goes along too.”
“So then, except for the maids, we can be alone?”
I gulped then nodded.
Dark leaned on one foot and placed a finger on his chin. “The maids won't check up on you?”
I shook my head and he grinned.
“Come on, Dark. We need to get going,” I stepped closer to him hoping he would at least give me a peck.
“Ok, I'm moving,” he stepped towards the door instead, opened it, and waited for me to leave. I guess he didn't get the hint. Damn it.
(Dark's POV)
Back in my room was probably a good place to kiss Daisuke, but I wasn't sure if he was ready to give kissing another shot. He gave the impression that he liked it the first time, but I didn't want to rush him. I wanted to give him some time to register what was going on.
(Daisuke's POV)
We arrived at my mansion in a taxi. Dark was kind enough to pay him although I insisted. “My parents will be home in about an hour,” I warned him as I opened the gate.
He nodded while staring at my home, “Damn it's huge!”
I giggled. “Yeah, it's been in my family for generations.”
Inside my house, Dark gaped to the left, then to the right. “How rich are you? Jeez!”
“Shh! The maids are all out, but Risa is in her room. If she hears you, she'll start asking questions,” and I want to have kissed you before you get booted out.
Dark silenced himself and followed me. I quietly led him up the fleet of stairs, around the corridor, and to my room. I then reached for my key and opened it. “You keep your room locked?”
“My parents don't like it, but with Risa around, I'm afraid she'll raid my room while I'm gone.”
Dark nodded.
When I opened the door, I motioned for Dark to enter. He took a look around and then set his suitcase by my window. “I like your room,” said Dark.
“It's a lot bigger than yours,” I giggled.
Dark was silent for a moment, then looked back at me and demanded, “Come here.”
I walked up to his side and he placed his hand on my shoulder. My heart began pounding. I was shaking enthusiastically. He leaned in and whispered against my ear, “Mind if I do it again?”
I could have joked around and asked what he meant by that, but I was so impatient that I instantly nodded. I didn't trust my own voice. “You sure?” he whispered against my cheeks.
Again, his tender voice fiddled with my mind into submission. “Dark…”
“Close your eyes,” he whispered as he kissed the edge of my lips.
“Mn,” I slightly turned his way and caught his lips the second time he went in.
His arms encircled my waist to support me, and then a jarring, destabilizing sensation had weakened my knees. Dark quickly noticed and pulled away. “Nn…,” I ached from the lost, but Dark wasn't finish.
He led me to a wall, pressed me against it, and then crushed his lips against mine while pressing his body against mine, “Da…rk…”
One leg slipped between mine as he nibbled on my lower lip. I clenched his sleeve in my hands to steady myself, but then his hands grasped mine and pinned them against the wall. I succumbed to his will. Then, he was pushing me up the wall as his other leg maneuvered itself between my legs, and so, naturally, I wrapped my legs around Dark's waist for support. He pressed me against the wall harder with his body as his tongue ran over mine. I then slipped my hands away from his and moved them through his hair. In turn, he cupped my cheeks, holding me in place.
Soon, we heard someone moving about in the halls, but it was so faint and of such little importance, we didn't pay it much mind. Or at least, I didn't. Dark, on the other hand, pulled away. “Was that Risa?”
“Maybe,” I rested my forehead against Dark's.
Dark suddenly laid me on the bed and maneuvered himself over me. “She won't come over here, right?”
“I don't know,” I twirled a few strands of his hair with my finger, “The door's lock anyways.”
With that said, Dark moved in on me again, but this time, be began with an onslaught of kisses along my neck. “You're adorable,” he whispered.
I wanted to say the same back, but suddenly his knee was pressing against my groin. I lifted my hips and arched my back, “Dark!”
“It's ok,” he assured me, “I won't hurt you.” That wasn't why I screamed your name.
He applied a bit more pressure and began moving it up and down. The friction was causing something inside me to long for more of his touch. I moved my hands to his waist as if to pull his down, and he complied. He removed his knee and replaced it with himself. He bucked his hips against mine, and I arched. “You're so responsive,” he whispered as he sealed his lips against mine.
His hands moved over my chest and grasped a hold of the first button. He was just about to undo it, but then there was an interruption. “Daisuke, are you there? I know you are. School let out a while ago.”
Dark jumped off me and looked towards the door. “The closet,” I whispered to him as I walked towards the door.
He hustled over to the other side of the room, and shut himself in the closet. I opened the door, but not all the way. Risa's smile faded. “What happened to you?” she then looked at the bed, “And to the bed?”
“I was jumping around. I was bored,” I lied.
“Oh… Ok, well, do you want to do something?” she asked while looking over my shoulder.
“Right now?” my voice was anxious. I was jumpy, “I'm kinda busy.”
“Doing what?” she asked as she tried to squeeze her way in through my door.
“Unpacking my luggage.”
She glared at me, “You can do that later. I want to do something right now.”
“On such a short notice?” I tried to block her.
She stood steady and crossed her arms, “I'm your fiancée! I shouldn't have to make an appointment to be with you.”
She pushed me; I lost my balance, and fell back. “Ouch!”
“Serves you right,” she pushed my door open and invited herself in.
“Risa!” I grabbed onto her foot.
“Don't touch me. You don't have the privilege yet!” she pulled her foot away from me and marched further into my room, “It's too plain. You should brighten it up a bit.”
“But I like my room the way it is,” I got up and hustled over to her, “Now, won't you please leave?”
She glared at me again, “No. I want to have a tour of our room.”
“Our room?” I grabbed her wrist, “This is my room.”
“Well, once we get married, this will be our room.”
Why doesn't she stop talking about marriage? Is that all that's on her mind?! “Risa!” I stomped my foot, “Please, get out!”
Like a stubborn broad, she stood her ground. My head dropped forwards, and I sighed. “Ok, Risa. I'll go somewhere with you, but allow me to get ready first.”
“Really?! Ok. I'll meet you downstairs!” she skipped out of my room, and as soon as she was down the hall, I slammed the door shut, and locked it.
“Nice one, Dai-Chan,” Dark emerged from the closet with a smug mouth grin on his face, “Didn't know she was such a bitch.”
“She usually isn't like that. I don't know what's wrong with her.”
“So, when are you gonna introduce me?”
I stared at Dark, “What do you mean?”
He sighed, “Jeez, Daisuke, you sure are clueless. Don't you usually introduce your… boyfriends to your parents and family?”
“Well… I've never gone out with someone before, so…”
“Introduce me to Risa,” he said as he leaned in, “I want her to notice how much time you spend with me, and I want her to be jealous.”
I shot him a look, “Why?”
“Because you're my boyfriend. You're supposed to spend all your time with me, and ignore others like her. She'll only get in the way.”
“But I'm not really your boyfriend,” I paused, “Am I?”
Dark leaned in and snuggled his nose against mine, “You're precious.”
I didn't know why, exactly, but I wanted to say the same to him. I reached out my hand and caressed his cheek, thinking the whole time to myself; you're my precious, Dark. Dark moved his hand to rest over mine and held it softly. I froze for a moment while my hand tingled and my stomach tightened. “Don't you have to go somewhere?”
I raised a brow, “But…”
“Can you sneak me to the front, so it looks like I came to get you?”
“Then the three of us came all hang out, and we can begin the first part of our plan.”
“It's risky, Dark.”
“Hey, you risk your life every day. Life is full of risks.”
I nodded, and Dark said, “Show me where to go.”
After I had led Dark to where he needed to go, I quickly dressed, then right when I opened the door from my room, Risa was marching back my way, “I'm ready!”
She stopped, raised a brow, then nodded, “Good then. Let's go.”
I smirked for a moment, then while we were walking down the stairs, the door bell rang. “I'll get it!” I yelled as I ran to the door, “Hey, Dark!”
Dark stood on the other side with his arms crossed while he leaned on one leg, “Sup, Dai?” he looked over my shoulder, and I can guess at whom, “Who's the chick?”
“This is Risa,” I turned to Risa, “Risa, this is Dark. He's a friend of mine. We attend the same school.”
“Pleasure,” she curtsied.
“He'll be joining us, if that's alright.”
Risa shook her head, never taking an eye off Dark, “It's perfectly fine.”
I decided where to go. I wanted to see a movie, and since X-Men finally came out, I decided to go see that with Risa and Dark. Dark was kind enough to buy me a ticket, but only after he pleaded with me, and Risa, of course, bought her own. In the theater, I was sandwiched between Dark and Risa. At first, I thought this was fine, but about half way through the movie, it didn't turn out so good. Risa was holding onto my left hand, and Dark, being the very mischievous teen that he is, started running his hand over my thigh. “Dark…,” I whispered to him, “Stop… please…”
“Only if you kiss me right here right now.”
Furiously, I blushed, “I can't do that,” but secretly, I was dying to.
“She's not looking,” Dark whispered, “Kiss me now.”
“Because that's what teens do when they go to see a movie,” Dark grabbed my chin, forcefully turned my head, and help me in place as he quickly gave me a peck, leaving me warm and unsatisfied.
I relaxed against my seat and Dark removed his hand, “See, that wasn't so bad.”
I looked over to Risa. She was still staring at the screen as Wolverine was tossed across the forest. “I wish I could throw Risa like that,” Dark whispered to me.
It was times like this when I really questioned if I was really Dark's boyfriend, or if this was still a game of pretense.
When the movie was finally over, Risa told me she wanted some ice-cream, and since the theater wasn't too far away from a cold stones, we decided to get some ice-cream. At first, I didn't want anything, but Dark suddenly approached me with some ice-cream and held a spoon full against my lips, “Try some. I bought it for us to share,”
“No, it's ok!” I shook my head.
“Open,” Dark can be persistent.
Submitting to his will, I slowly opened my mouth as he fed me the ice-cream. “How is it?”
It was actually really good. I smiled and opened my mouth again, and Dark fed me some more. I'm pretty sure he got the idea. When Dark had fed me about half of the “love it” size (medium), he finally told me that Risa was watching us the whole time. I blushed and looked towards her. She was standing on at the other side of the room taking in small bites. “She looks content,” Dark chuckled, “Sure she's not one of those fan girls?”
By the subject and tone of his voice, I assumed he meant the yaoi fan girls. “I never thought she would be into that. I guess I really don't know her,” I said as I looked down, trying to avoid eye contact.
“Better keep your door locked at night. Don't want her sneaking in and installing a spy camera.”
To get off the subject, I decided on the next place to go, “Let's go to the art store down the street.”
The art store was actually a pretty good idea. Risa wasn't an art fan, so she waited outside. Dark, on the other hand loved art as much as I do, so he took off in the opposite direction as I headed into the art book section. There were a bunch of new titles in, but there was one book in particular that I've had my eyes on for some time. And there it was on the bottom shelf in all its splendid glory. I could hear angels singing, or maybe that was just the radio; I could hear drums rolling, and I could have sworn that I saw light bursting from the plastic wrap that swathed it! Slowly, I bent down as if to worship it, and taking a few moments to reach out for it, I thanked god that it was finally available, and that I actually had the cash to pay for it. I slowly pulled it from its place besides the other inferior art books, and then held it in my arms. “I finally found you… my beloved.”
I then held it over my head like a father playing with his son, “The limited edition Akira Art Book is finally mine!”
So maybe this book isn't as important to other people as it is to me, but hey, everyone has their odd, yet special treasures.
After taking time to hold it and cradle it like a baby, I carried it to the cash register to pay for it. It cost so much more than I thought. A whole lot more. Good thing I brought extra cash in case of an emergency. This was an emergency after all. Who knows who could have bought it if I left it there on that bottom shelf, or who would have kicked it? As the lady placed the book in its bag, I went on a search for Dark, who was staring at two pricy led pencils. “Which one looks better, Daisuke? The red one or the blue one?”
Personally, red is my favorite color. I mean, haven't you noticed my hair? I dyed it red on purpose. “Red.”
Dark chuckled, “Figures,” as he walked by, he fiddled with my hair then made his way over to pay for the red pencil. It's almost as if he treats me like a kid rather than his boyfriend.
As we left the building, Risa was leaning against a pay phone on her cell phone, and what I could make out from her weird, foreign language called “girl talk,” she was asking a friend to go out with her to get their nails done.
“Risa, let's go,” I waved to her, and slowly she moved towards us.
“Aria, Cindy, and I all want to go and do our nails,” she flashed his nails in front of me, “Wanna come, Daisuke? Guys go and have their nails done all the time.”
Dark then stepped in between us, and announced, “No way are you talking him with you to do ya nails,” he then threw his arm around my shoulders and we walked off. “So, where to now, Daisuke?”
I looked at my watch. We spent about two hours at the movies getting our tickets, popcorn, and actually watching the movie; afterwards, we spent another thirty minutes walking to the cold stones, ordering, and eating; finally, about twenty five minutes at the art store looking, praising, and worshiping the Akira book before buying it. So we've been out roughly three hours, and we left around three-ish. So, it was almost six, and dinner is going to be ready in about an hour, “We should probably head back.”
When we arrived back at my home, Risa immediately went in while I pretended to say good-bye to Dark. After she disappeared into the house, I took him around the back and led him in through the back door. “You know where my room is, right?”
“How could I forget?” Dark grinned.
I closed the door after I made sure he went up, then I went around the front. Risa was there sitting on a chair with our parents gathered around, “There you are, Daisuke,” said Mrs. Harada, “We thought you took off with your friend.”
“Oh, no,” I smiled, “I was just saying good-bye.”
As soon as the parent units turned their backs, I slipped away.
I sneaked up stairs and to my room, where I knocked the door, then opened it. Dark was sprawled out over my bed. “Dark, I'll bring you dinner, OK? It should be ready soon, so I have to get ready,” I took the Akira book in my arms and slipped it into my drawer.
“What's for dinner?”
“Sushi. Our chief loves to prepare sushi and other Japanese foods.”
I could feel Dark's grin on me, “What if I'm not in the mood for sushi?”
I turning towards him, I examined him before I came to a conclusion. “Then, what are you in the mood for,” I dare say.
Dark sat up and patted the bed, motioning for me to join him. That was something like what I had anticipated, but if I was to join him now, I will not be able to withdraw later. “Not now, Dark,” I was beginning to wonder if this whole scenario thing is really just for show.
Dark pouted and crossed his legs, “Fine. Go and join your family. They'll probably worry about you if you don't show soon.”
When he put it that way, I couldn't help but want to stay with him, wrapped up under all those sheets. “I'll bring you something to eat later,” I slipped out of the room to join my parents and the Haradas.
“So, Dai, what did you three do today?” my mom whispered, “Did ya see a good horror movie and scare the living (censored) out of Risa?”
“We saw that new movie by Marvel.”
Just then, my dad dropped his fork and looked dead at me, “That movie was horrible! They had it all wrong! Spike wasn't even supposed to be a bad guy!”
“It's just a movie. Get over it,” said Mr. Harada.
“Just a movie?” my dad's eye twitched.
Hm… One strike for our joining family. If one cannot appreciate comics by Marvel, then they have no place in my family according to my dad. Now all I need is two more strikes, and my dad will withdraw the marriage proposal. However, there is still mom. She still needs three strikes. Now, what does mom like that a snobby class like the Haradas wouldn't? I looked around the room, but it didn't offer me any ideas. Just then, a man came into the room and announced that dinner has been served.
Sure enough, we had sushi. My personal favorite is the albacore, but everyone else has their own preference. Dinner for the most part was silent, except for the occasional remarks about the food, mom's hair, or dad's choice of clothing.
After dinner, I snuck into the kitchen and asked for an extra plate of food, and after they handed it to me, I went back up stairs. Dark was sitting at my desk, drawing. I leaned over his shoulder quietly to have a look, “That's pretty good.”
He was drawing the back of a boy who had a bleeding, torn up devil's wing on one shoulder, and a dirtied angel's wing on the other. “I'd like to draw you some day,” said Dark who turned around and lightly combed his hand through my hair, bringing my cheek closer to his face.
His breath kissed my skin, sending sensational shivers along my spine. This, and previous actions, made me wonder if we were really just pretending to be dating. He played the part of the boyfriend so well, even when there was no reason to show it. Why did he do it though? Was he really serious about being with me? Would I dare ask? No, I couldn't. He would probably look at me funny and walk right out on me. Or is he really gay? “Dark…?”
I took a moment to mentally word my sentence right. I took a deep breath and even placed my hand on his shoulder. I then lean in and looked at him in the eyes, “You're hungry, aren't you? Then you should eat,” so much for asking.
Dark grabbed the plate of assorted sushi, and pretty much swallowed it down, “There, I'm done with dinner,” suddenly, Dark encircled his arm around my waist, “Now I want my dessert,” he picked me up and held my in his arms, “Let's go to bed,” Dark whispered.
I pressed my hands against his chest, and I assumed that Dark took that the wrong way, because after he set me on the bed, he guided my hands further down unto his erect nipples. I blushed and gasped. Did that happen because of me? Dark then snuggled his nose against mine. He's so close…Just being this close to Dark was alluring me in. Just the way he only gets so close then wants me to fill in the gaps tests my temptation. I reached up to cup his face, then someone knocked on the door, “Daisuke, go to bed. You have to get up early tomorrow,” after my mom announced her message, she left.
“Don't pay attention to something so trivial,” Dark whispered against my lips.
Just then, all anxiety left me as I folded against Dark's body. He was so warm, his body was so inviting, and like pieces of the same puzzle, our bodies fit perfectly against one another's. It was almost as if his body was made to cradle my own. That's when another question struck me. Why does he hold me like this? My better conscious told me not to ask. Some things are not meant to be questioned. “I'm tired, Dark.”
Dark pulled the sheets back, then moved me so my head was resting on my pillow. “I'll tuck you in tonight,” Dark whispered as he also moved under the sheets then pulled them over.
I was about to snuggle into my pillow, but Dark unexpectedly drew me into his arms and wrapped his legs around mine. For a moment I tensed up. I couldn't grasp what he was trying to achieve. Maybe you're thinking too hard, Daisuke. I said to myself. Maybe he just wants to be that someone who will always look out for you. I shook my head. That was too much like what a girl would want. I'm a guy. I'm supposed to be able to take care of myself. I'm not supposed to be dependent on another. I'm supposed to be strong and fearless. Just as I felt like a determined-to-prove-oneself individual, Dark gently moaned and tightened his embrace. I sighed and allowed everything to drop as I looked at him through the moon light. I think I'm a straight woman trapped in a man's body. I slowly turned my body so I was facing Dark, and then I snuggled up against him as he also shuffled to allow me room. I like this feeling of being dependent on another. I don't want to ever let go. My little hands came around to grip Dark's back, and that's when I thought, What does Dark mean to me?
A/N: Ok, this one was pretty long… Please review and leave any comment you want. Sorry for the long wait.