D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Kleptomaniac ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DNAngel. Sad for me, lucky for you. ^^


Author's Note: Hi! You probably know me as the girl who only writes SasukexNaruto fics. Not anymore! I write DarkxDaisuke, too. And just about every DarkxDaisuke fanfic I write will have KradxSatoshi, too, so...yeah, just so you know. xD
I hope you like my story. You're probably guessing you'll like it from the fact you're here, and I hope you like it when you're done too. That means R&R! Yes, the two R's! Read and Review. I really like hearing what you think and hearing your ideas.
First of all, the only chapter in Dark's point of view is this one. I like the chapter in his POV, but I like writing stories better in third person. Or I might just switch between character's pov. I don't know yet.


Summary: Dark's a klepto, and he's stealing to find just what he wants most out of everything. Then he finds it...him? He's promised Daisuke he's going to steal his heart! Daisuke disagrees, but Dark seems to be willing to fulfil that promise at all costs. DarkxDaisuke, KradxSatoshi.


Proloug e


My name is Dark Mousy, and I'm a kleptomaniac.

Yes, you heard right. I always steal everything and anything, I can't help it. It's how I am.

I never knew what I wanted to steal most. I always saw something, and I'd grin and say, "Yeah, that's what I want most." And I was so happy and excited to get my hands on it, the valuable artworks of every dead soul you could imagine. But the high was only temporary, after I had it I'd wonder, "Was this really it?" It always left me wanting more and more, until I saw him.

Then I knew, I was certain in my mind, body, and soul, that this was what I wanted to steal most.

I wanted to steal his heart.


It all started one day, in early fall, around August. You see, in this town there's an art museum called the Niwa Art Museum. It's filled with gorgeous paintings and sculptures, and the second I stepped in there, I knew this was it. The place was gorgeous, a work of art itself. The walls were a soft white with lace stenciled into it in a light grey. The floor was a expensive looking gray marble, and the white columns at place to place added to the beauty of it all.

I was with my girfriend, Risa Harada, who doesn't really like art, but would go anywhere with me. She has long brown hair with big, excited brown eyes. Her hair was tied back with a pink ribbon, and she was wearing a pink sundress and pink sunglasses. She had attached herself to my arm and was chatterring non-stop.

"Another art museum? Oh, this is going to be so fun!" She giggled. "Remember last time when we saw that paiting of..."

I tuned her out easily, and gave all my attention to the art. The paitings were all so, so gorgeous and delicately done...so perfect and rich in color, talent, and perfection. I was amazed. I'd gone to many, many art museums before, but this one was the best. The art was wonderful.

I was gazing at everything when a paiting caught my eye. I stopped and stared at it.

"Ahahaha, wasn't that so funny, Dark? ...um, alright..." She said as I walked away from her and closer to the paiting. She followed me, and even she had to gasp.

"It's...gorgeous..." She breathed.

And it truely was. The main colors had obviously been red, white, and black. It was a paiting of a young boy, no older than fifteen, and he was staring up at the sky, his arms held out, black wings coming from his back, and he was standing on a balcony rail, the moon of the night sky softly illuminating his ethereal figure.

It was the best paiting I'd ever seen. And I wanted it, I needed it. I had to have it.

And, as easy as that, it was decided in my head. I would come tonight, around midnight or so, and I would take the painting. I grinned devilishly.

"Dark, you're scaring me with that smile," Risa said in a shaky voice. I looked at her and laughed sheepishly. "Oh, sorry Risa. Sometimes I make odd faces without even knowing. Hey, I think I'm done here. I'm not really in the mood to look at art anymore. Want to go to a movie or grab something to eat?" I asked her.

She giggled and squealed. "Oh, yeah, that'd be great!" She began tugging on my arm and leading me out. "I've been dying to see the movie Forbidden Love. It has my favorite actress, you know. Remem..."

I tuned her out again. God, she could be so annoying sometimes.


After the movie and eating with Risa, I had came back here to check out all the security cameras, the angles of them, and the blind spots. I chekced where there would be infra red beams, which doors had alarms, and I found one that didn't have anything near it. It was at the back of the museum, on the top floor. There was a balcony, and the door was left unguared by anything. That was to be my entrance.

I had left early next morning at exactly 12:41am. The sky was a blanket of stars, and placed right in the middle was the full moon, shining brightly. I smiled as I ran faster and faster. The way I was, I was so used to running places I was the faster runner in school with the most stamina, too. I was so used to jumping building tops I was the farthest jumper in school. And when it came to climbing walls, I found a way to climb up them. Regardless of whether the wall was completely flat or bumpy with bricks sticking out, (quite a handy ladder at times) I could scale any wall.

My body was tingling from the thought of getting my hands on that paiting, and the smile never left my face. This was it, the end of all the needing. This would satisfy me. I knew it would. I could finally stop stealing everything...and I would be happy.

I skidded to a stop in front of an old, run-down apartment building that was next to the museum. I took a quick look at the wall and up to see how high it was. Probably about, say, fifty feet tall. I could deal with that.

I did a slow jog over to the side of the bulding, the smile still on my face. I rubbed my gloved hands together, and I began to climb up the wall. Foot, here. Hand, here. Other foot, here. Other hand, here. It was the same process all the way up until I climbed over the edge onto the roof. I sighed and began to walk to the other end of the roof. I was going to have to jump from this roof to the other.

I stretched out my legs for a second, then took in a deep breath. Here we go.

I began to run as fast as I could. Faster and faster, and just when I was about to jump, I stopped, nearly falling off the side of the bulding.

I had no idea it was possible.

I saw something even better than the paiting.

There was a boy with striking red hair and matching eyes, staring at the sky with a peaceful and serene look. His skin was a pale white, and he looked so delicate and sweet, the moon softly illuminating his heavenly figure. He was balancing on the balcony rail shakily.

I was awestruck. I had never known such beauty existed. He was so perfect and delicate looking, so lovely and pure. He was...I grinned.

He was what I wanted most.

I scoffed. He was perfect, so perfect. I had to have him. I had to, I had to. I couldn't live without him. I just couldn't. Life wouldn't be worth living without him.

I continued to watch him for a moment when I noticed he was wavering dangerously on the railing. It was almost as if he didn't notice, though, as he just continued to stare at the moon.

That idiot! I thought. If he dies, I'll end up losing it all! No!

I took in a deep breath, squated, and jumped as far as I could, pushing myself as far as I could until I landed on my feet, on the rooftop. I quickly jumped down and snatched his wrist just as he was falling forward and pulled him back.

He fell backwards off the railing and into my arms, and I smiled at him.

"That's very dangerous, you know."

He squinted at me. "Who...who are you?"

"I'd like to know your name first, please."

He peered at me suspiciously. "...Why?"

"Please?" I asked in a begging tone. I had to know. I had to.

He continued to look at me suspiciously. "Daisuke Niwa. Now please tell me, what is your name?"

"Daisuke..." I said softly. I stood him up and gripped him by the shoulders. "I won't forget you, and I won't lose you."

I softly pressed my lips against his, closing my eyes as I did so. Slowly I pulled back, and his eyes were wide.

"Wh-wh-wh-wh--" He faltered. I smirked victoriously.

"I'm going to steal you, Daisuke Niwa. I promise you that."


When I got home that morning, I looked up a lot on Daisuke Niwa. Like where he lived, what school he went to, his age, etc. He was fifteen and a first year in high school. I was sixteen and a second year in high school. Perfect. After that it was simple. I convinced my parents to transfer me to his school easily.

My parents do anything I say.

Mainly because they take advantage of the fact I'm a klepto and they get me to steal stuff for them. Small stuff, like cigarrettes and t-shirts, but nonetheless, they still get me to do it for them.

I leaned back in my computer chair. Today was Sunday. My parents had asked for me to be enrolled as soon as possible. Meaning, since it was like one in the morning, they would sent my uniform today and it would reach my house Monday. Meaning I could either go Monday without a uniform, or wait until Tuesday.

Tch. Like I was going to wait until Tuesday to see my Daisuke.

It was decided, then. I would start on Monday.

I looked at the computer screen, reading over the page again. The school name sounded so familiar, like I knew people that went there...

Oh, yeah! Risa's twin sister, Riku, went there. Along with Krad and Satoshi. Brilliant, I wouldn't be so new if I knew people from there.

I smirked. "Daisuke Niwa," I muttered. "I'll see you tomorrow."


End of chapter author's note: Yes, that was the prolouge, so it was short. I hope you enjoyed what I have so far. I came up with this idea around midnight and then "BAM!" I'm writing a fanfic. xD I fell in love with the word kleptomaniac. Klepto people always feel the need to steal something. Dark is a think ahead type of klepto. He always has to steal something, but he most loves stealing art. He goes to art museums and looks at art, decides which one he wants to steal. Then he scouts around for cameras and such. Then he comes back and takes it. =D Yes, that is Dark's way of thievery. Interesting, ne? I'm such an idiot. >.<

Please review on my story, I'd love to know what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. Do not flame me, but I do gladly accept constructive critism. ^_^
