D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Only Our Winged Pendant Will Tell ❯ Wing 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I don't own D N Angel nor the characters. I only own D N Angel mangas 1-10, the DVD series, a poster of Krad and a “D N Angel Vocal Collection” CD and I don't wanna lose them T___T
Warnings: Yaoi and I'm taking Krad's advice, Lemon in later chapters.
Pairings: KradxDark and SatoshixDaisuke.
Notes: YES! I'm free from the horrible writer's block! I'm really sorry that it took so long to update. FINALLY chapter 2. You don't know how happy I am to receive all your reviews. Thank you very much everyone!
Important notice: Read Gunning Angel's fics. They are REALLY good.
Violet hair lay across the pillow sparkling amethyst eyes were closed. It was a peaceful sunny morning; great time to sleep in…that is if you could…
“Dai-chan! Dark-chan! Wake up you've got school today!”
Dark groaned. He really didn't want to go to school.
Grumbling, Dark stood up and got changed into his school uniform. It wasn't a Gakuran(1) like he wore at his other school. He wore a white button down blouse with a yellow under shirt, also wearing black pants. Dark, being Dark didn't tuck his shirt in. It just wasn't right for him. Dark checked himself in the mirror. He didn't need to brush his hair, it looked good messy as his bangs fell into place as well as his ear tails. Happy with his appearance he went down stars to have breakfast. Smiles and a cheery family greeted him.
“Ohayo, Dark” The red head chirped.
After eating breakfast the purple-eyed boy brushed his teeth then he and Daisuke left for school. It was a great day so the walk to school wasn't bad.
A pair of strong arms wrapped around Daisuke's waist. “Ohayo Dai-chan.”
A blush made its way to Daisuke's cheeks. “O-Ohayo Satoshi-kun.”
Purple orbs blinked. A smirked danced Dark's lips. “Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend Dai-chan.”
Daisuke's face turned the same color of his hair while Satoshi glared at Dark.
“Dark, this is Satoshi Hikari. Satoshi-kun, this is my cousin Dark Mousy.” Daisuke introduced the boys to each other. Satoshi nodded while Dark smiled.
“How's Krad-san?” The red head asked his boyfriend.
`Krad?' Dark thought. `No, it must be another one.'
The bluenette sighed. “Aniki's (2) fine.”
“Are, where is Krad-san by the way?” Daisuke asked.
“He had some work to do so he wont come to school till later…or he'd take the day off.” Satoshi answered.
“Hey.” Dark's voice cut in. “Don't wanna disturb your private conversation but don't we have to go to school?”
The blue haired boy smirked. “Why Dark, that's the most intelligent thing I've heard you say.”
Amethyst eyes rolled. “What ever, let's go.”
“Dark Mousy desu. Yoroshiku.” (3)
The girls in Dark's class swooned over the purple haired boy. Some of the boys stared at him and if you looked close enough you could see they were drooling while the rest of the guy's eyes burned with jealousy.
“Now, let's see where we should seat you…” The teacher looked around the class.
Girls were standing up and raising their hand if they were next to a vacant spot. Deciding a location the teacher spoke. “You can sit next to Shinya, raise your hand up so Dark can see you.” A hand rose up in the back of the room. The owner of the hand had black hair that had two white streaks at the center of his bangs, he had golden eyes that obviously showed boredom in it and his uniform was loosely worn.
“Good, now you may take your seat.” The teacher who was named Mr. Watanabe said.
The purple-eyed boy gracefully went over to his allocated seat and sat down. “Hi” he greeted. “Hi” he received a somewhat mumbled reply. Dark sighed then asked. “Is this class always this boring?”
“If you want it to be…” was the reply.
“Not the talkative one, ne?”
“Whatever just listen to the teacher and be a good boy.”
“God you're really not the talkative person.”
Shinya shrugged and turned to look out the window and Dark started playing with his pendant. He smiled still remembering the good old days.
“Where'd you get that from?” The golden-eyed boy asked.
Dark blinked. “Eh?”
“Your necklace idiot.”
The new student stopped playing with his pendant and chided, “Geez, you don't need to insult me. Not that it's any of your business, but I revived this necklace from a good friend of mine.”
Shinya raised a brow. “A good friend, eh?”
“Yes, a good friend.”
Purple orbs narrowed. What's with this guy?? Puffing he turned back to the boring lesson. He failed to notice the smirk coming from the black haired boy.
After what seemed forever the bell finally rang. Dark picked his things and went off to his next class. A mob of girls (and guys) was following the purple haired teen. Glancing back he tried to ignore the mob, he really wasn't in the mood for it. Before in his old school he would have stopped and flirted with the girls but with his lose and his new home, he needed to settle down first.
Along his way he bumped into another person. He hadn't been watching where he was going. “Sorry…”
“It's alright. Watch out next time.” A voice that seemed familiar spoke.
Dark didn't bother looking up and brushed passed the other teen. As Dark walked off the bond haired teen watched the purple haired one go off. He looks familiar He thought as his golden yellow eyes watch him disappear.
Okay, that's it for now.
A Gakuran is the typical Japanese boy's uniform. It is shown in lots of anime. It is black in color. E.g. What Kamui (X/1999) wears.
“Aniki” means “Older brother” in Japanese
“Dark Mousy Desu. Yoroshiku.” Means “I'm Dark Mousy. Nice to meet you.”
Now! For reviews!
Kimiko*Neko : Actually, the name IS “With” It is written as “Wiz” in the translated version but I have D.N.Angel in Japanese and it's written as “With” where they introduce the characters. Thanks for reading.
WolvenJaganshi: Hehe, thank you
One of the authoresses (too lazy to sign in) : It would be great to hear the idea from you. Maybe I can read your fics too.  
dimonyo-anghel: Very soon. You'll see him in just a while. I hope you like this chapter.
Gunning Angel: Hey, this is me we're talking about. There WILL be a lemon chap. Thank you so much for reading my fic btw.