D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Only Our Winged Pendant Will Tell ❯ Wing3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own D.N.Angel or any of the characters except for Shinya. But I wish I did…
Warnings: Yaoi, OOC, cursing and lemon in later chapters.
Pairings: KradxDark, SatoshixDaisuke and maybe some Shinya(OC)xDark….maybe more if I feel like adding it…
Author's Notes: YES!! No school for 2 weeks!!! XD (cough) Uhm, yes, so it means I have time to actually update my fics. (FINALLY) Okay, that's enough of me talking, on with the fic, ne?
Golden eyes watched the violet haired boy disappear into the crowd of students. //Dark? No, it can't be her…That was a guy who bumped into me…// The blonde student went off to his next class, momentarily forgetting about bumping into the amethyst eyed boy.
Dark slumped into his seat as he `paid attention' to the lesson. //Ah, why does Science have to be so boring?// He failed to notice a certain black haired boy sitting behind him and watching him. Shinya had found Dark to be an interesting person and he never had his eyes off him. Shinya licked his lips when Dark tilted his head to the side exposing some flesh. //Mmm…good enough to eat…Wait, I just saw him today.// His thoughts were cut by the school bell. At the door, a red head popped his head out and waved to this purple haired cousin. “Dark-kun! Let's go together!” Dark stood up and went to his cousin and the two started walking down the hallway to the roof.
“Hey Aniki, have you seen the new kid?” Satoshi asked his brother.
Krad looked up from his book and raised a brow. “Am I supposed to?”
Satshi fixed his glasses. “It's kindda hard not to notice him.”
“Why do you ask?”
“No reason.”
The door to the roof opened and Daisuke and Dark appeared. “Hey Sato-kun, Krad-san.” Daisuke greeted cheerfully.
Krad nodded and Satoshi gave a small smile to Daisuke. Dark was dumbstruck. “Krad…?”
The said blonde turned to Dark. “That's me.”
A grin made it's way to the purple haired teen's face. “KRAD!!!” He pounced onto the blonde and hugged him. “I missed ya! It's been SOOOO long since we've seen each other!”
This had caught everyone by surprise. Who ever thought that they knew each other?
Krad tried to pry the hyper teen off him. “Who are you? I've never seen you in my whole entire life.”
Dark let go of Krad and sat up; still on top of the blonde. “What do you mean Krad? You met me on the streets and helped me find my mom.”
Krad's jaw would have dropped had he not remembered that he had to keep composed. After all, the Hikari was trained to be composed no matter the circumstance.
Dark waved his hand in front of the shocked teen's face. “Krad? Hello, you there?”
Snapping out of his state of shock, the blonde asked. “You mean…the five year old girl who I gave a pendant to?”
Dark nodded. “Great! You remember who I am!” But his smile turned into a pout. “And since when am I a girl?”
Hearing this, Daisuke giggled and even Satoshi let out a small chuckle.
Krad turned to glare at the younger teens then started back at Dark. “You really are a guy, aren't you?”
Dark raised a brow. “What? You need proof that I am? I can show you if you want”
Krad shook his head. “No, it's alright, I don't need to be infected by stupid.”
Dark hit Krad in the shoulder. “Hey! I'm not stupid!”
“What ever, we have class and the bell is going to…”
“Ring soon…”
Dark got off of Krad and the blonde stood up and dusted himself off. Satoshi and Daisuke had already gone off to class so the remaining teens did the same.
Next class was Japanese. Dark pouted. He was never really good at that subject. The teacher coughed to gain attention. Once it was received, she spoke. “Okay class, the assignment is to do a book report and it will be done in pairs. You may choose who your partner is. It will be due in three weeks. Please tell me who you will be working with once you have decided.” The students in the class made quick work of whom they wanted to pair up with…well almost. A large group of people was fighting over Dark. He sweatdropped.
Shinya sighed and sat right next to Dark. “Miss, Dark is going to be my partner.” He called over to the teacher. She smiled. “Okay” then wrote it down. There were lots of glares thrown at the black haired teen but he ignored them and smirked at Dark. “Guess we'll be together, na?” The purple haired teen nodded. “Yeah, I guess so.” He answered coolly and turned to look at the many students glaring. He winked at them and instantly, the group had turned into a blushing and swooning mass. //Heh, I still haven't lost my touch.// Dark smirked to himself as he watched the reaction the students had made. He was always the flirty boy in his old school. Seems like it's going to be the same in this school.
Shinya whistled. “Nice work.”
Dark flicked his hair out of his face. “What can I say? They love me.”
“Hey, I know you're drop dead jealous, no need to deny it.” Dar smirked.
“Ha, you wish. And you know your cockiness isn't going to do good here.” Shinya retorted
The amethyst-eyed teen shrugged. “May as well try.”
The golden-eyed black haired boy chuckled. “Good luck then.”
“Won't need it.”
And so, the bell rang and the lesson was over.
When lunch finally came Dark stretched and was walking down the hall to go to the roof until he heard someone call over to him. “Hey Dark! Wait up!” Dark turned to find Shinya. “Hey.” He smiled.
Shinya smiled back. “You wanna have lunch with me?”
Dark blinked. “Uh…”
Shinya blinked then smiled again. “Ah, you must be wondering about my sudden change. I tend to do that.”
Dark blinked again then chuckled. “Right, we can go to the roof. That's where my cousin and other friends are.”
//Other Friends?// “Sure.” Shinya then followed Dark to the roof.
Once they reached the roof, Dark opened it and cheerfully greeted everyone. “Hey All!”
“Hi Dark-kun. Here's your lunch.” Daisuke gave Dark his lunch. The older teen took it gratefully and started gobbling it down. Daisuke giggled at how Dark ate while Satoshi gave a look of disgust. However, unnoticed by the three, two pairs of golden eyes, one fox-like, and the other cat-like were glaring at each other, both spelling murder, both looks of hate.
Krad : You really are a guy, aren't you?
Dark: (raised a brow.) What? You need proof that I am? I can show you if you want.
Krad: Yes Please! (starts ripping Dark's shirt off)
Shinya: (Whistles) Nice work.
Dark: ( Flicks hair out of his face.) What can I say? They love me.
Shinya: Right.
Dark: (smirks) Hey, I know you're drop dead jealous, no need to deny it.
Shinya: Damn straight! Blondie got to see you with your shirt off!
Dark: What the Fuck??
Shinya: Now my turn! (Pounces on Dark and starts ripping his shirt off)
Teacher: Okay boys, no sexual intercourse in the classroom.
Hehe, just thought it would be to have a bit of an Omake in there. Those were just random thoughts in my head when I was writing the fic. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who reviewed any of my fics, specially “In The Arms Of An Angel” I really appreciate it (cries tears of joy) However, I don't think I'm ever going to put my fics in MM.Org…evil flamer there…evil STUPID flamer who was correcting my translation and doesn't even know the meaning herself and didn't even leave her e-mail address! (cough) excuse that, (smiles innocently) Please review