D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Only Our Winged Pendant Will Tell ❯ Wing4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I don't own D.N.Angel nor the characters except for Shinya.
Warnings: Yaoi, cursing, OOC and lemon in later chapters.
Pairings: mostly KradxDark a bit of Shinya(OC)xDark, SatoshixDaisuke and maybe more if I feel like adding them in.
Author's notes: Wow! 4th chapter already!! Oh gosh! Thanks SOOO much for the reviews; you don't know just how happy you have made this authoress. (Cries tears of joy) And now, on with the fic!
Two pairs of golden eyes glared at each other with hate burning in them. Dark stood in between the two and blinked in confusion. “Uh…guys?”
Hearing Dark's voice, the two teens momentarily ended their battle and turned to Dark. “Yes Dark?” They asked in unison. The purple haired teen blinked. “Uh…are you guys going to eat lunch? Coz if you aren't I'm gonna go eat with Dai-chan and creepy boy.” He said pointing to the younger teens that had sat down and were already eating.
Smiling, the black haired boy pushed Dark in the direction of the eating couple. “Okay, you go off and eat. We don't want you to starve now, do we?” Nodding, Dark bounced off to the two and sat down to eat. Turning back to the blonde, Shinya once again glared at Krad who did the same in return. Noticing the small battle, Dark turned to Daisuke and his lover. “Ne, what's up with them? It's like they're at war.”
Fixing his glasses, the blunette sighed. “They're child hood enemies and rivals. Always competing against each other and this year isn't going to be any different.” Dark turned `Oh'ed then turned back to the two and continued eating. “Na, when are they going to stop?” Dark asked with his mouth half full. Shrugging the red haired answered. “Who knows? The longest they did that was for about a whole day.” Dark blinked then swallowed his food. “Dude, that's crazy.” Both Satoshi and Daisuke sighed then nodded in agreement.
The bell rang so the three teen finished, packed up then went off to class leaving the two still glaring at each other. Finding that neither would give up, they stopped. “Until next time.” Shinya spoke. “You know that you can't beat me.” Krad scoffed then walked off leaving a fuming Shinya Tanaka.
A sigh was heard at the back of the gym. Dark had always been the best in P.E. in his old school but today he had to sit back because he didn't have his equipment seeing as it was his first day. It really annoyed him to no end because they were playing Basketball. He loved basketball. Pouting he rested his chin on his hand. It was two classes going against each other. His class and Krad's class. He watched the two teams compete, at the moment, his class was in the lead with two points and Shinya was holding the ball. There was about three minutes before the end of the lesson. Shinya was just about to shoot before a flash of yellow came into view and the ball was stolen from him.
The blonde smirked and dribbled to his side of the court, scoring a three pointer just before the lesson had ended. “Wow…” Dark said in awe. Krad was better than he thought the blonde was. “Okay boys, hit the showers!” The teacher announced and the students did so. Since P.E. had taken up two periods, Dark picked his things up and went off to meet up with Daisuke to walk back home.
Starting up a conversation, Daisuke asked. “Did you enjoy your day?”
Dark shrugged. “It was okay, but it's really great to finally see Krad again.”
“Aah, Krad-san. He's a very kakkoi (1) person, ne?”
Dark scoffed. “Heh, I'm WAY more kakkoi than Krad!”
Rolling his eyes, the red head sighed. “Hai, hai.”
Dark grinned in triumph as the two walked home.
Krad dropped onto the couch and massaged the bridge of his nose. Groaning in frustration because of the lack of sleep he had been having. All because of that card that was sent to the museum; threatening to steal a painting that was painted by no other than a Hikari ancestor.
“I see you've been busy.” The blue-eyed boy fixed his glasses and leaned against the wall.
“Damn straight, I had to get ready with all the security. With the letter coming in, the thief would be a professional.” The blonde sighed
“Or very cocky.”
“Point taken.”
Satoshi got off from the wall and made his way to his room. Krad raised a brow. “Not gonna come for this case?”
The blue haired boy shook his head. “No, I'll leave it to you. I have other things to do.” With that, he disappeared into his room.
“Yeah, having wet dreams about your boyfriend.” Krad muttered then got ready to leave for his job. After all, he WAS the Soushirei(2) of the police.
Groaning, Dark plopped onto his bed and pouted. He was now officially bored. With plopped onto his head. “You bored too?” He asked his pet rabbit who `Kyu-ed' in response. He sat up and started playing with his white pet. Just when he was about to give With a toy, Emiko slammed the door open and beamed at Dark. “Dark-chan, you have a job to do.”
Dark blinked. “Whoa?”
“That's right, now, get changed and I'll explain.” Emiko handed Dark some black clothes and left the room, closing the door behind her. Dark blinked again then turned to look at an equally confused With. “Id better start changing, ne?” The rabbit nodded and Dark started to change.
Dark came out of his room wearing a full tight body suite, gloves, boots and was holding what seemed to be a mask that covered the top half of the face. He went down to the living room to find the whole family.
“Ah, you're done. Good, Dark-chan, I've sent the warning card for you and you're to be there at around 9 pm.” Emiko smiled.
Dark blinked once again. “You know…?”
“Do I know of your family legacy? Of course I do Dark-chan.” The brown haired woman finished the sentence and answered “After all, I WAS part of the Mousy clan(3).”
Dark nodded. “That would explain…What am I stealing tonight?”
“It's a painting. “The Fallen Angel.” You'll know what it is when you see it.”
“Wakkata. Ittekuru. With, Koi.(4)” Dark said, instructing for his pet to come.
“Ah, chotto matte Dark-chan. I forgot to tell you. You have a partner for this mission.” Emiko stopped the purple haired teen.
“He should be here anytime soon…”
Ding Dong
“Ah! That should be him!” Emiko smiled and went to answer the door.
“Good evening.” Dark's partner greeted.
Amethyst eyes widened. “You…”
Daisuke: Krad-san is a very kakkoi person, ne?
Dark: Heh, I'm WAY more kakkoi than Krad!
Krad: Oh, you think so? (smirk)
Dark: Whoa?? When'd you…?
Krad: It doesn't matter…now…I'll show you who's kakkoi…(grabs Dark and dashes off to `play' with him.)
Krad: (plops on the couch and massages the bridge of his nose)
Satoshi: (leans on the wall) I see you've been busy.
Krad: Damn straight! Do you know how hard it is to not touch Dark??
Satoshi: Huh?
Krad: Damnit! I mean, he's got this nice slim body, sparkling amethyst eyes, soft pale skin and a nice cute…
Satoshi:…Aniki…you're drooling…
Mujyaki: AND we have a cliffie. Please don't kill me! (cowers into the corner) I just promise there won't be TOO many cliffies in this fic. Anyways, on with the translations and notes:
(1) “Kakkoi” it's like saying “Cool” as in “That person is cool”
(2) “Soushirei” means “Commander-In-Chief”
(3) Yes, I know it isn't the Mousy Clan and is in fact the Niwa family…but I wanted to make it a bit different. I mean, this IS an AU fic.
(4) “Wakkata. Ittekuru. With Koi” It means “I understand. I'm going now. Come With.” Okay, I'm sure you guys would be confused with “Koi” it would be commonly used in fics by people for lovers, e.g. “Dark-koi” but in this case, the Kanji used for “Koi” means “Come” lol. It's just like “Where and wear” it sounds the same but it is spelt differently and has different meanings.
Okay, now with the reviews:
Liera Antionette: Yep, you spelt it right. Hmm…I don't know…I mean, I have plans for my little OC…but I'll put it into consideration. Thanks for the review and stay tuned. I MIGHT just put it in.
Kyo's little koneko: Yes, he certainly has. (grins)
Lilith: Oh my gosh! Really?? WOW!! Thank you for reading my fic. I hope you like this chapter and the rest to come.
Kittenoftime: Thanks!
Gunning Angel: Awww…you know me FAR TOO well to know that the cloth tearing wouldn't end at the shirt. Lol, yes, do not fret! You know TOO well what I'm going to be doing to Krad, Dark and Shinya. (evil grin)
White Phoenix Eternal: Hehehe, thank you. I'm glad you liked “In The Arms Of An Angel.” Hope you like this chapter.
Addicted to Anime 159: Heheh, actually, I drew a pic of them at five years old… and Dark looks like a little girl…(sweatdrops) Hope you like this chapter.