D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom and His Maiden ❯ Phantom and His Maiden ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the wonderful artwork or plotline of D.N.Angel. The amazing Yukiru Sugisaki is the true, brilliant owner of the show. Also, some sayings in this chapter is not mine. It also belongs to the well known anime. I just am using it for the plot. ^.^ Psst… also I’d like to say that no, not all of this is going to be related to the Manga/anime. ^.^ I do plan on making this plot different from the real one. Just… okay, just read it. It might make some since once all said and done. (Sighs)

Authors note: Wow, my first D N Angel fic! *Gasps* I can’t believe I’m actually doing a fic again. I guess it’s like rebirth of the dead author. (Grins) Anyway, it’s been sometime since I’ve been upbeat to write. So, please try to go easy on me. Constructive criticism is welcomed beyond all half. (Scratches head) I think that about covers it. Any questions, comments, etc. please leave in a review or e-mail. I’ll try my best to get back with you. Thanks! Phantom and His Maiden   Prologue

As the moons rays danced brightly on the street way of Japan Tokyo, people crowed amongst the street in either packs, singles, and in couples. The wind blew briskly against the trees swaying them softly with the soft crisp sound filling the airwaves in the night. The goddess of the moon sat silently on the far top of her white, bright moon, playing her violin in her hand and a grin on her face. Her blonde hair swaying against her face and her violet dress gliding softly in the mist wind. Her face seemed so peaceful, so loving, that even the heavens angels could not disagree.

As the moons rays shifted it hit inside a young girls room as she was laying peacefully in her bed until the rays beamed down against her face. Stirring her from her dream she was having about her being a character in candy land and eating the most delicious chocolates and candy sticks she has ever tasted. Raising up, her eyes shifted around her room trying to focus on objects that was scattered in the tiny area.

Blinking her eyes constantly, she turned her body around and put her elbows against the backboard of her bed and her red eyes danced happily around the outside area, at the sky. With it’s stars shinning and the moon beaming the world seemed so at peace for once in the eyes of the young girl.

It seemed for once to be so, so… early? A sigh escaped the girls lips. The bedroom door creaked open as footstep from behind, followed with the door shutting.

The girl didn’t dare turn around. She just gazed up at the sky still with a smile on her face. “Mommy.” The girl said softly smelling the wonderful, sweet smell of her mothers scent.

As the bed slowly squeaked and bent down. A small delegate hand was placed on the girls shoulder. “Darling, what are you still doing up?” Her mothers soft voice spoken.

“Mommy, I can’t sleep.” The girl exclaimed as turned around to gaze helplessly up at the older, much wiser of the two’s, violet eyes. They glittered in the moonlights rays, as the girl could see a small smile spread across her mothers face.

A small laughter filled her mothers vocal box as she said, “Well, would you like me to tell you a bed time story?”

The girls eyes widen brightly as they began to dance helplessly across her mothers face, starring at how beautiful her mother was. How her mothers hair laid perfectly on her shoulders with it’s brown softness. She could only wish to look as half as beautiful as her mother did standing in front of her at the age of thirty-two. “Could you mommy?! Could you? Could you? Could you?” The girl jumped excitedly into her blanket and a grin spread across her face as she covered it behind her covers that had clouds, a rainbow and a teddy bear on it.

A bright smile spread across her mothers face. Her lips perched and what seemed to look like a light wind gazed against her face pushing her hair away from her cheeks. “Well, would you like to her about the Moon Goddess?” Her mother asked shifting on her daughters bed trying to find a comfortable spot to tell the long tall tale.

“Mommy? You tell me that story all the time.” The girl announced starring up at her mother brightly.

“But darling, I thought that it was your favorite story?” Her mother asked blankly, with a frown on her face.

The girls crimson eyes blinked, “It is mommy. But could you tell me a different story? A story about the Legendary Phantom Dark?”

Her mothers mouth partly gaped opened. Not sure whether or not the story was suitable for her daughters taste. “Anna, where did you hear about the Phantom Dark?”

The girl couldn’t help but grin with glee, “One of the girls was talking about it at school. She said it was about a legendary boy. And that he fallen in love with a beautiful women.” Anna said with excitement and awe, “Is it true mommy?”

Her mother only smiled sheepishly, “Well yes honey, it is a true story. But I don’t know if you’d want to hear about that story. It’s a sad story.”

Gazing helplessly up at her mother with a smile on her face the girl exclaimed, “Mommy I wanna know about the Phantom Dark and his secrete maiden that he falls helplessly in love with.”

Her mother smiled, “Well honey… it happened long ago, before I was born…”

“Was grandpa around then?” She asked eagerly.

A small chuckle escaped her mothers mouth, “Do you want to hear the story or not?” Her mother asked.

The girl giggled and nodded as her mother began the story… OoO  

The early morning sun blazed down inside a large, brick home hitting a red hair boy’s face as he happened to be sleeping soundly in bed. His body gave a stir as a small groggy groan escaped his lips and into the air. Rolling over on his side burring his face deeply within his pillow the wind softly blown inside of his cracked window.

“Daisuke… time to get up honey.” He heard his mothers voice call from the opposite side of the door.

His eyes slowly flustered opened with their bright crimson eyes glaring at the darkness of his pillow. Why? Why does it have to be morning already? He thought rolling back over on his back starring up at the ceiling watching as what looked like a giant butterfly hover above his bed…

“Come on Daisuke. Your going to be late for your ceremony.”

Slowly getting out of bed and sitting at the edge a yawn escaped his lips and his eyes beamed over at his alarm clock, 7:00... It was to early. To early to get up. He had another two hours until school actually started. So why get up so early just for one lousy birthday ceremony for his mother?

“Mom do I have too?” Daisuke Niwa whined, as he gathered some cloths from his drawer that was opened, and began to slip his pants over each leg and buttoned his white shirt on.

“No whining Daisuke. You see, when you turn fourteen years old it’s a very special moment for a Niwa son.” His mother explained as she slowly opened the door of her sons bedroom.

With a most shocking look spread across his face and his red eyes wide he cried, “Mom! Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?!”

His mother had a slight giggle on her face, “Aww it’s not like I’ve never seen your little…”

“Moooommm…” Daisuke groaned.

“Well it’s not like I can help it. It was like yesterday when you was just a baby and now look at you… all grown up.”

Daisuke ran his finger tips through his hair and sighed, “Mom is it really that important to do a ceremony thing at this hour? I mean is there a certain reason for why we need to have this… thing.” Daisuke asked.

His mother starred in his eyes. “Daisuke, there’s no reason to whine about this. It won’t take long so lets go. Your grandfather is waiting down in the basement.”

“Grandpa too?”

Crossing her hands in front of her chest his mother had the most aggravated look on her face as her son kept asking multiple questions. It was Daisuke’s favorite thing to do. Getting up early, his mother walking in on him as he tried getting dressed, and his grandfather and his mother making him do all these dangerous stunts after school, it seemed like he had no life… none whatsoever. He always was told the time when he needs to be home at after school. “Listen young man You will put this over your school clothing and you won’t speak nothing of it understand young man?”

With a sigh Daisuke looked down at the robe his mother had thrown at him as it folded neatly in the palm of his hands. Why? I just want to get to school early before Miss. Harada gets into the school. He thought while slipping the robe over his fully dressed body and followed his mother down the steps into the basement.

It had a distinctive smell. A smell that smelt like mildew, and fire blazed all around the stair walls. The only thing that was seen was a large blazing fire in the center of the basement, his grandfather at one end and his mother waiting right next to him. Both wearing cloaks the same as Daisuke. He didn’t care what was going to happen, just that he wanted to get out of the basement and be able to meet Miss. Harada at the bus station.

“Are you ready Daisuke?” His grandfather had spoken with his cloak covering his face and a stick placed in one hand.

Daisuke took in a large breath of air and released it, “Mmhmm.” He hummed in his throat as he pulled his cloak hat over his head and stood on the opposite side of his grandfather and his mother. The flames danced around erotic. Daisuke could feel his heart beat fasten as he gazed into the depth of the fire.

“After forty long years, this day, this time, has finally arrived.” Daisuke’s grandfather had announced as the reflection of the flame danced brightly in his eyes, “In the name of all the angels and holy spirits that rule over magic, it is time for you to show us your mighty powers.” His grandfather finished as his mother quickly jumped in.

“All of the powers that rushes through and control darkness will now be contained in your body!” After that final saying his mother had said the room almost had a blazing green tint to it.

Taking the hood off he looked around the room, “Is that all? Are you telling me you woke me up for this?” Daisuke asked looking at his mother.

“Well yes dear, it’s what we are suppose to do.”

Looking down at his watch that was on his hand a small grown escaped his mouth. Oh no! I’m going to be late to meet Miss. Harada! Daisuke thought, “Mom I have to go. I don’t want to be late for school or anything. Is there anything I can just grab?” He asked as he quickly ran up the stairs throwing his cloak off.

“Ahh, Daisuke, that cloak really suits you.”

Daisuke paused for a split moment to glare at his grandfather, “I don’t know if I really wanna know.” He exclaimed as he rushed up the stairs.

“Daisuke, there’s some bread in the toaster. So grab it before you leave.” His mother had called before he slammed the door behind him. She sighed heavily, “Do you think he’ll be alright with this grandpa?”

“hm.” His grandfather pondered for a split moment gazing at the two feathers in a picture frame, “He has to be… whether the boy likes it or not.”

Stammering out the door, throwing his book bag over his shoulders and a piece of toasted bread shoved in his mouth he muffled, “I’m leaving.” And a wave followed behind.

“Daisuke, don’t forget the letter.”

Daisuke stopped and looked at his mother. He could feel his face fluster with redness. Where did she? How did she? But I thought that I…. He knew not to ask questions. If he did… his mother would be all up and down him like a wet noodle. Which might not be a good thing, since this is his first crush on a girl.

“Miss. Risa Harada right? You two have class together? Don’t worry Daisuke, you’ll do fine.” She said waving heavily over the edge of the window. Daisuke never felt so feeble in his entire life. He just sighed and jogged his way to bus station.

Almost out of breath holding his backpack in his hand he glistered his finger tips through his shaggy red hair and then scattered his eyes around the area. His face flushed brightly. Feeling his cheeks brightness beam all around.

There she stood. Miss. Risa Harada. The younger twin sister of the Harada girls. Her lustrous long brown hair sway in the wind as he eyes scanned the book that was placed in the palm of both hands. He long so waited for this moment and thus, he finally found the chance to get all the nerve in the world to ask the queen, no wait… maiden to go out with him, Daisuke Niwa.

He could hear his heart pound hard in his chest as it made its way into his ears. Taking a large gulp of saliva that felt like needles scraping along the inner part of his throat, he clutched his book bag hard against his chest. She’s so beautiful. Look at her. He slowly made one footstep at a time… walking towards the girl.

“Hey Daisuke! What are you doing here early?” Daisuke stopped in his tracks as a familiar females voice had spoken from behind.

Slowly turning around his heart paced faster, Oh no. Her older sister. Why? Why is she here? his mind screamed loudly as he smiled hesitantly at the girl, “Oh hi Riku.” He said softly placing one hand behind his head, as he could feel heat rise from his collar as Risa, the younger sister looked over dazzling with beauty.

“Oh, I didn’t see you guys.” Risa said with a smile spread across her face as she walked up to the two of them.

Riku starred at Daisuke, “What are you doing here so early Daisuke? Your never hear during this time?”

Daisuke looked at her stun, “Well I-um, I figured to um…”

“Oh Riku, he probably had clean up duty to do.” Risa exclaimed with a slight giggle and a smirk on her face like he wasn’t there. Like they was talking about him when he was standing right in front of them.

She was so cute, so fragile looking, so beautiful. She was beyond all things a boy, a boy like Daisuke could only wish for, to wait for. For so long having that stubborn crush he had to get it out. It was like a worm eating a hole in an apple but instead it was feeling eating at his heart. “Well, yeah kinda.” He murmured while rubbing the back of his neck, feeling the sweat slowly slide down the side of his cheek as sun blazed high above on the three as the waited patiently for the bus.

Both girls looked at him. Blinking hesitantly as the bus pulled up and people began to make their way on.

“What’s that suppose to mean Niwa?” Riku asked placing both hands on her hips as she gazed deeply within Daisuke’s eyes. Watching his face fluster and tension begin to rise to his face, making it beat red as red could be.

Daisuke stammered, trying to figure a way out of the mess he just got himself into. He wanted to tell Risa how he felt, how he long he has had this stubborn crush on her. How much he loved her. So, that’s the way he was feeling. “Erm, hey, aren’t we going to be missing the bus?!” Daisuke said pointing behind him as the last passenger was about to get on.

Both girls eyes widen in disbelief as the bus doors shut and it began to take off.

“Look now Riku, you made us miss our bus.” Risa whined with a small sniffle.

Riku clutched both hands into a large fist, “My fault? It is not my fault! I think it’s more in likes your fault my dear younger sister.”

Risa felt her body grow with furry, “You always have to bring up that I’m your younger sister don’t you? You think that this all has to do with the idea that I’m younger than you and that your always one step ahead of me. Well you know what Riku, one day I will be a step ahead of you and when I do… I swear to the heaven of angels that I will be the one rubbing it in.” Risa muttered with an aggravated tone of voice.

“Um, you guys…” Daisuke tried to get a word in edge wise but did not succeed…

“Risa your so selfish when it comes to things like that. You just want to make a fuss out of nothing…”

“Well at least I have Daisuke! He’s a great guy!”

Daisuke’s heart pounded hard against his chest. Thinking that maybe… just maybe this is what he’s been waiting for. Maybe this was a new beginning of a wonderful… relationship.

“Yeah so!”

“So, at least Daisuke is the best friend that I can talk to!”

With that comment Daisuke’s heart sank low and he could feel his heart be torn to pieces.

As the two girls stammered on with their tones high and their fists clutched Daisuke sighed, Oh what have I done now? I made more of a mess than I did trying to straighten this all out. And Risa doesn‘t like me. She only thinks of me as a friend. he thought as he swung his backpack over his shoulders and a letter from the front pocket fallen out in front of both girls.

Silence swept over the three as they all looked down towards the ground.

“What’s this?” Risa asked as she slowly bent down and picked the letter up. Reading the name “Risa Harada” across it. “It’s addressed to me.” She said in shock.

Before letting it get any farther he snatched the note away and crumbled it in his hands. “It’s, it’s nothing. I just-um, I just like… seeing your name. Yeah. I like how it’s spelt and well you see I don’t see many people spell the name Risa like and that and you see… well I should go.” Daisuke exclaimed quickly walking away from the two girls with a quickening pace as a groggy groan escaped his lips. What did I just do? He thought slouching his shoulders down while passing people who was going in the opposite direction as him…

Reaching the middle school his eyes gazed helplessly up at it. Wondering if maybe he should pass going into it? Or just suck-it up and be a man about it? But, what true logic does that all have to do with the idea of Risa, the girl he has a crush on just thinks of him, Daisuke Niwa as a friend? None. None whatsoever. With a sigh he slowly looked down at the crumbled up note and could feel the tears fill his crimson eyes.

Walking slowly up to the door his eyes starred off into space towards the lockers where others stood talking amongst one another. He could feel his heart swallow in a pool of darkness, a pool of a watery feeling. Life seemed so unfair at times. Thinking that everything was going so perfect until you almost get smacked in the face by reality, and reality, completely was a bitch to the fourteen-year-old boy.

Taking in a deep breath he slowly walked towards his locker and opened it, and a large dagger of some sort came sparing out towards the center of his forehead but dodged it before it could hit him, hitting the wall behind him. A sigh escaped the tip of his lips hoping no one seen that. Which in all cases, people was to busy talking to even worry about what just happened.

Why does she always have to do something like that? Doesn’t she ever think that people might be around and they would get suspicious of what’s going on? Daisuke thought as he made his way to the dagger and yanked it out of the wall with a note attached to it :Daisuke,

Make sure you are home at five. Understood Mr.? Oh and do straighten your collar son. You look like a slob.



A sigh escaped his mouth. Mom, your such an embarrassing parent. Daisuke thought throwing the dagger and the note into his locker and grabbed the essential books he need for his morning classes. He slouched his shoulders as he slammed his locker shut and stopped to find the two girls who he left standing right in front of him…

His mouth partly opened as the two girls stood with an aggravated look on their face…

“Daisuke, why did you just leave us like that?” Riku asked with a slight growl in her ton in her voice.

Daisuke took a large gulp, Oh no, what to say what to say? I already completely screwed up… now what?! He thought loosing the collar his mother told him in the note to fix. OoO

“Mommy… what happens next?” Anna asked with wide eyes looking up at her mother with curiosity and excitement spread on her face…

A small delicate grin spread across her mothers face as a strand of hair whisk to the side of her.


Authors note: Hmmm… I’m trying to make this a unique and different story. Indeed it shall and will be done. But, why it’s almost like the actual show is because of the beginning. I got to maintain the same reason of why Daisuke becomes Dark. So, it’s the girls. ^.^ But, there’s more to come to this story than what actually meets the eye. (Winks)

If you do wish to read more… send me a review. Remember constructive Criticism is welcomed beyond all means. Hope you enjoyed and be waiting for the first chapter of The Phantom and His Maiden!
