Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ [Kanata X Miyu] : Wings of Heart ❯ True Colors... ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Summer time is coming, it's time for the school's summer break…
Miyu (Packs her stuff as the last bell of spring class rang) : At last ! It's over!
Aya : Hey Miyu, are you free tomorrow? We'll go shopping do you want to come?
Miyu (smiles at them) : Sure Aya! I'll try ok?
Nanami : See you tomorrow!
Miyu (looks at Kanata) : Hey Kanata, are you free tomorrow?
Kanata (raises an eyebrow as he places his bag on his shoulder) : Huh? I don't know may be I'll be doing something tomorrow with Santa..

Miyu: Oh.. but I promise Aya and Nanami that we'll go shopping tomorrow..
Kanata (pinches her cheek) : Hey, you can do it some other time ok?
Miyu (blinks one eye in agony) : Ow! That hurts! Any way what are you doing tomorrow that's so important?
Kanata : I don't know… we'll see .. anyway see you later Miyu..(winks at him).
Miyu (blushes) : Uh.. okay… Kanata..
Miyu : Finally! School's over! I guess it's time for another summer break!
Kanata (wears his jersey) : Hey Miyu… I'm playing basketball with Santa, can you look after the house for me?
Miyu : Ok Kanata! Be home for dinner ok?
Kanata : I promise!
Miyu : Darn that Kanata! I guess the plan to go shopping with Aya and Nanami is ruined, well I guess we can do it tomorrow..(sighs) now where are those laundry?
Miyuis hanging the laundry outside but she didn't notice that someone is watching her from the bushes… it's none other than the evil gang…
Kiwi : This invention will release a bacteria that will disable the baby from using it's powers! Now all we need is to do it at the right time.
Miyu : Huh? (looks at the bushes).
Kiwiand Durianhides their faces in the bushes as Miyuturns around to resume what she's doing.
Lou (flies to Miyu) :Dad a!
Kiwi : Now is the chance!
Kiwiran towards Miyuto spray Louthe”Anti-ESP” Bacteria but instead , they accidentally hit Miyu.
Durian : Darn it Kiwi! You've messed it up yet again!
Miyu (looking pale then coughs) : Wha… What? (faints).
Lou :Mama! Mama! (cries loudly)
Wannya : What happened?!
Kiwi : I guess it's time for plan B quick retreat!
Lou :Daaaaaa!! (uses his powers to lift Kiwi and Durian )
Wannya : What did you do!?
Kiwi :It was Durian's idea!
Louuses his powers to catapult the two like two huge rocket ships..
Wannya (ran towards Miyu) : Miyu! Miyu! Are you alright?
Miyudidn't respond…
Kanata : I'm home! (looks at the fainted Miyu) MIYU!! What happened!!?
Wannya : I don't know but the evil gang were here a minute ago..
Lou (points at the bacteria gun) : Da!
Kanata (picks up the gun) : This is..
Wannya : Oh my goodness!! That gun! I think it's meant to disable Lou's powers…
Kanata (shouts at Wannya) : AND WHAT IS IT'S EFFECT ON HUMANS?
Wannya : Well you Lou's power is generated due to his white blood cells that releases anti gravitational pull to his body that causes him to fly, but this anti-bacteria prevents him from generating those white blood cells..
Kanata : WHAT DID YOU SAY!? If Miyu's white blood cell reaches zero… then she'll be…
Lou (cries in front of Miyu) : Mama! Mama!
Kanata : Wannya! Is there a possible cure?!
Wannya : Well, there's a cure … a medicinal herb on planet green… but how can we get there?
Then all of a sudden someone grasps Kanata's shoulder..
Kanata : Who the!?
Seiya : Hey Kanata! It's me!
Kanata (holds Seiya's hand tightly) : SEIYA!! We've got a huge problem… Miyu is…
Later… Seiyauses his gadget to examine Miyu's status..
Seiya : Darn! Miyu's white blood cells are down to 64% ! I need to go to planet green to get the medicinal herbs!
Kanata : Please hurry Seiya!
Seiyaran to his ufo and flew to planet green.
Lou (crying on Kanata's arms) : Mama! Mama!
Kanata : Don't worry Lou.. she's going to be fine… Miyu's a tough lady..
Wannya : Well… I'll prepare dinner if I may..
Kanata : Sure Wannya… you can do that…
Later… Kanatawatches over Miyu..
Kanata (places his hands on Miyu's) : Miyu… If I hadn't gone playing basketball , you wouldn't suffer like this…
After a few minutes Miyugrasps onto Kanata's hand..
Kanata : Miyu?! Miyu!
Miyu (half opened her eyes) : Kan..Kanata? what happened? (she sat up).
Kanata (lays her down): Don't move too much Miyu… you'll lose your energy. Be strong Miyu until Seiya comes back!
Miyu : What happened? *coughs* I Feel … guuhh..
Kanata : Miyu! Don't speak… just rest okay?
Miyu (places her palm on Kanata's cheek) : Kanata… what if… what if… I don't survive? Wha..what if… I die?
Kanata (holds Miyu's hand that's caressing his cheek) : Don't say such things Miyu… you'll survive I know that you will!
Miyu : What if there's a slim chance that I'll survive..
Kanata : Stop saying nonsense Miyu… you're making me…(sheds tears in his eyes) you're making me…
Miyu : Ka..Kanata… I feel so weak… *coughs*
Kanata (still holding her hands) : Don't worry.. (hears Seiya's UFO ready to land at the temple).. He's HERE! SEIYA'S HERE!!
Before Kanatacould run to Seiya, Miyuholds onto Kanta's hand..
Kanata : Don't worry Miyu, you're going to be fine
Miyu (Sheds her own tears) : Kanata… there's this … feeling that I want… to tell… you..
Kanata (holds onto her hands) : Miyu? What is it?
Miyu ( Hey eyes are slowly closing) :Kanata
Kanata : What? What is it Miyu?
Miyu (closes her eyes) : I…love…you… (Kanata didn't hear those words because the UFO crash landed causing a huge bang!)
Kanatawidens his eyes in fear as he sees Miyu's grip loosens …
Kanata (Grips Miyu's hand really tight) : Miyu? Miyu!
Then Seiya, Wannyaand Louarrives at Miyu' room with the herbs..
Seiya : I hope I'm not too late! (mixes the herb with water)..
Kanata : Hurry up Seiya!
Seiyapours some medicine in Miyu's mouth but nothing happens..
Kanata : Come on Seiya (crying)..
After a few minutes…all the medicinal herbs are consumed by Miyuand yet…nothing happens..
Seiya (lowers his hat so that no one can see his eyes) :I'm…Sorry Kanata
Wannya : Miyu
Kanata (down on bended knees) : This can't be…(stream of tears fell from his cheek).
Seiya : Wannya, please take Lou to the kitchen .. It's time for them to be alone..
WannyaSeiyaand Lousat the living room living Kanataand Miyualone..
Kanata (cries) : Miyu… It's all my fault!! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!! (quickly grabs Miyu then embraces her as tight as he could)…
Kanata : Miyu! I don't want you to die! Miyu!! MIYU!!! MIIIYYYUU!!!!! (still hugging her as his tears drop on Miyu's pale face).
Then all of a sudden Kanataheard a faint voice whispering in his ear.
Miyu (very faint voice) : Kana..ta.. Her skin begins to return to normal…
Then small ball of light surrounds Miyuand Kanatathen entered Miyu's body..
Kanata (still hugging her as he closes his eyes due to a bright flash) : huh?
When the flash cleared..
Miyu (looks shocked at what Kanata is doing to her) : Kanata?
Kanata (still hugging her tightly) Miyu!? (let's go of her)..
Miyu : I'm fine! I'm well! (smiles at Kanata then she notices that he's shedding some tears). Kanata
Kanata (smiles at her then hugs her again) : Miyu! I thought you're going to… I'm glad that you're back!
Miyucouldn't help but blush at the same time smile at what's happening then she places both her arms on Kanata's back so that she could hug back.
Miyu (Talks to herself) : I guess he did heard what I just said.. [the I love you part] …
Kanata : Thanks Seiya , I owe you one!
Seiya : Don't worry! I'm just trying to help! Anyway see you again soon! (flies back to planet Sharaku).
Lou (hugging Miyu) : Mama! Mama!
Kanata (takes Lou from her) : Miyu… why don't you go shopping with Aya and Nanami? Even though I'm not free today, I'll try my best to stay at home… so you have fun ok?
Miyu (shakes her head) : No Kanata… I'm staying here…with You,Wannya and Lou..
Kanata (smiles at her) : Miyu..
Later that day, Kanataand Miyuare both lying on the floor as they look at tiny stars shining bright..
Miyu (blushes) : Umm.. Kanata
Kanata : yeah?
Miyu : Have you heard about what I said yesterday?
Kanata : What ? I didn't quite get that part because Seiya's UFO crash landed here and I could barely hear you at all!
Miyu : Oh I see…
Kanata : Well… what about it? What are you going to say anyway?
Miyu : It's nothing… I'm getting sleepy (lies her head on Kanata's chest).
Kanata : Miyu… (blushes)
Wannya's mini diary… It was a horrific day for us … I thought that it's going to be it for Miyu… We owe it all to Seiya who dropped by in a nick of time… he's the real hero… imagine what would happen to Miyu if Seiya didn't came… well I wouldn't like that to happen… those evil gang are sure going to pay one of these days!
Meanwhile… Seiya was going to his planet when he passes by a huge mothership…
Seiya: Whoa… those must be from planet Otto.. then that must mean!...