Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Keep Your Friends Close But Your Enemies Closer ❯ Chapter 11
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The second Raito's lips met L's, reality took a vacation. Pride, sensibility, and rational thoughts like "oh my god what do you think you're doing?" departed as well, leaving Raito and L to happily make out without a care in the world. The two guys in the bath next to theirs could have disappeared into a whirlpool gateway to another world called New Mazoku and they wouldn't have noticed.
After what seemed like dynasties, L broke off the kiss and fixed Raito with an adorably cute stare. "Love a bowl?" he asked in puzzlement. "my name stands for 'Love a bowl'? How could anyone love a bowl, even if it was a really nice one?"
Raito's eye twitched, the fuzzy afterglow of the fantastically perfect kiss starting to fade. "Maybe they really love the ramen in it?" he said dryly, trying his utmost to preserve that warm feeling of mutual affection for just a moment longer.
L giggled coyly.
"Oh, Yagami-kun, you're so funny," he said, long black hair sodden with crystalline droplets of water.
Raito was torn between the desire to whip out his Death Note and kill L right there on the spot, his lack of L's real name notwithstanding (he didn't think "Loveable" would cut it with the Death Note) and whipping out another, much more agreeable and needy object.
Raito's eye twitched, the fuzzy afterglow of the fantastically perfect kiss starting to fade. "Maybe they really love the ramen in it?" he said dryly, trying his utmost to preserve that warm feeling of mutual affection for just a moment longer.
L giggled coyly.
"Oh, Yagami-kun, you're so funny," he said, long black hair sodden with crystalline droplets of water.
Raito was torn between the desire to whip out his Death Note and kill L right there on the spot, his lack of L's real name notwithstanding (he didn't think "Loveable" would cut it with the Death Note) and whipping out another, much more agreeable and needy object.
"Let's go back to OUR hotel room," L cooed, running his fingers through Raito's hair and gazing at Raito lovingly through heavily lidded eyes.
Raito frowned slightly--had L just cooed at him? However, what with the soft, slender fingers moving through his hair and demurely sexy expression on L's face, Raito didn't think he had the mental capacity to contemplate it.
Several responses to L's question ran through Raito's mind at once, beginning with “Why of course!”, “You lead the way, darling!” and “Oh God, just hurry up and take me here!” Because he didn't think any of them were entirely appropriate, however, he simply settled on a nondescript gurgle.
L's lips twitched into a smile as he slid out of the bath, and Raito was left with nothing to do but sit there drooling or follow him, deciding on the more dignified route of lifting himself out of the bath as well. The couple made their way back to the locker room, Raito's little L act completely forgotten as he struggled to even walk naturally for himself, what with a very naked L moving seductively right beside him.
As they opened their lockers, L put a warm hand on Raito's shoulder, and Raito was forced to look over at him. “Yagami-kun, I forgot that I—” L began, drawing Raito's attention to L's supple lips, stretched around the thumb stuck in his mouth. Raito felt himself heating up, his eyes fixed on that gorgeous thumb, L's lips moving gracefully around it as he spoke, although a peculiar rushing in his ears prevented him from understanding what was being said. It was those damned lips, which just kept sliding up and down his finger, making it slippery and wet as it pulsed in and out of L's mouth in time with his words. It was mesmeric, entrancing, totally and completely engulfing Raito's sense and sensibility until he felt as if he had to move closer, closer to L and his dazzling form. Raito saw himself lean in, a hand moving on its own to touch L's skin, smooth and soft after their soak in the baths.
“Oh! Ryuuzaki, Yagami-kun, what're you doing here?” The voice cut sharply through Raito's trance, causing him to snap his head in the direction of the speaker and lower his hand like he had been shocked.
“Matsuda-san!” L exclaimed amiably. “Raito was just teaching me how to one acts in a bath house, since I've never been to one before.”
Matsuda smiled. “Huh, that was nice of you, Yagami-kun. But what brings you two so far from headquarters? It's getting pretty late,” he said, totally innocently.
Raito shot him a withering look. “I think the question is we should be asking you what you're doing here, Matsuda-san. We have work tomorrow.”
“He's right,” L agreed. “We'd be at our houses at this hour too, if we weren't staying in the hotel right across the street.” L pointed in the direction of the hotel.
A look of dawning realization crossed Matsuda's face. He smiled slyly. “Ohhh, I get it. You two are staying together. But I wonder why you chose somewhere like the Hilton, instead of you, y'know, a love-hotel or something…” He trailed off, looking slightly bashful.
Raito was sure a vein had burst in his forehead. “Excuse me?” he hissed, looking over at L for support. L simply looked amused, however, and didn't offer any helpful words.
Matsuda chuckled nervously, acutely aware of Raito's anger. “Uh…I guess I put my foot in my mouth there, ha-ha. But really, you don't have to hide it. I won't mention it to your father, Yagami-kun.”
Raito's glare became deadly. He had to control the situation, since he seemed, judging by his recent behavior around L, to be able to control little else. “I don't know what you're thinking, Matsuda-san, but I have a hypothesis that it's wrong,” he said, slowly and dangerously.
“Ok, ok!” Matsuda said, throwing up his hands in easy surrender, just as Raito thought he would. “No need to get touchy. I guess I'll see you two at work tomorrow, yeah? Oh, and to answer your question, Yagami-kun, my apartment is just down the street from here.”
L nodded serenely, and Matsuda continued on his way out to the baths.
L then turned back to Raito, fully capturing his attention again. “So, as I was saying, could I take yours?” he said lightly.
At the words could I take yours Raito's mind made a gigantic leap across all chasms of rationality into a strange land where everything had some hidden sexual connotation, and the only noun he could think of that fit with L's sentence was `virginity.'
“Um, s-sure,” Raito answered, dazed and unable to believe what L had just said.
L stood there awkwardly for a moment, staring at Raito as if he weren't supposed to be doing something. “Yagami-kun,” he finally said in a slightly suspicious tone of voice, eying Raito thoroughly, “you do still have yours, don't you?”
A blush swept over Raito's cheeks, which he quickly hid by pulling his ratty L-t-shirt over his head. “Of course I do!” he snapped irritably, trying to avoid L's darkly perceptive eyes.
“Then I guess I can just come with you, and then I'll let you go inside first.” L gave him a small smile. “Is that all right, Yagami-kun?”
Raito was completely and utterly positive that he had truly gone crazy this time. All those other instances of insanity had just been a warm-up for the actual event. “Y-Yeah,” he managed weakly.
“But don't forget that you have to stick it into the slot gently,” L continued seriously.
Raito swallowed.
L paused. “Although I'm sure you already know better than I how that works.”
Well, that wasn't exactly true, but Raito was too preoccupied trying to prevent the drool from spilling out of mouth to respond.
“I'm not very experienced with using hotel keycards myself. Usually I just have Watari open the room for me,” L said nonchalantly, turning to walk out of the locker room as though he had said nothing of any consequence.
Raito's eyes widened in horror. “K-key card?” He said, stuttering for the third time in a row. “He was talking about a hotel keycard?” he repeated in disbelief.
L, who heard his mutterings, turned around, a look of total innocence on his face. “Why, yes, Yagami-kun. Don't you remember? Before Matsuda-san showed up I told you that I forgot that I'd left my keycard in the hotel room, and was wondering if I could take yours.” He turned around again and continued walking, leaving Raito to stew by himself.
Raito slammed a fist against a nearby locker. So it's still on, is it, L? Raito thought to himself maniacally. You may think you're winning, oh yes, but really you have no idea how far you're in over your head. I, like I am destined to, will come out victorious as the leader of the new world order of Kira!
Raito grinned darkly, mussed up his wet hair so it again resembled L's, and then followed L out of the locker room. The night was young, and it was going to be a long one.
In KYFCBYEC 12: Raito and L return to their hotel room, and things start to heat up in the most delicious way. Will Raito at last be victorious and successfully manipulate L into revealing his name? Or will Raito's plan backfire on himself? Find out in chapter 12!