Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Psych ❯ Light ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Death Note AU
(L/Light or Light/L)

Summary: Sometimes the strangest of happenings, by that merit alone, are the most memorable. Lawliet, a professional who makes his living by understanding the workings of the human mind, finds that a chance meeting throws him a real curve. Yaoi. (As always, it will be of the L and Light variety)

A/N: I want to send a big thank you (!!) out to all the reviewers. Old and new. :))) Some of you have mentioned following Pitch and A Balm for Social Failure and I just get such a kick out of that. You have no idea. I love hearing from you guys, seriously. Keep it coming, you are an inspiration!

I was trying to avoid Author’s Note clutter, but I just wanted to say one other thing.

Announcement: I’ve heard some things about this site (FFdotNet) gearing up to aggressively enforce the rating system. Meaning, all stories with a mature rating, any descriptions of characters in a physical situation - this includes sex or violence - will be taken down, removed, and I think the authors will also be banned. I’m not sure when this will go down but I find it very disheartening. I used to love adultFFdotNet which allows for mature rated works, but I stopped using it when it became glitchy and ate all my stuff.

!!!So, I just wanted to say, that if this happens to me, you can find EVERYTHING I’ve written on MediaMiner.!!! It’s a fantastic little site and the first one I ever started on. Very easy to manage stories there, also.

Disclaimer: Please see Chapter 1 for full disclaimer.


Chapter 3: Light

It took L a solid two weeks to get his head on straight after meeting Yamaguchi Light. During this time, he did not get a cat. He spent every night at the bar, revisiting the whole encounter and feeling like a complete failure at his job.

Not to mention the burning... shame? he felt every time the part with the kiss came up. What had he been thinking? No wait, he knew the answer to that. The sad thing was that he hadn’t been thinking.

He was feeling ornery, so he blamed his disgraceful behavior upon the fact that he actually hadn’t been with anyone intimately for quite a while now. It wasn’t a complete lack of interest on his part or others, but no one had seemed... interesting enough. He needed some sort of affinity with them in order to not have it go completely south afterwards. Not to mention, liking them enough that being physical seemed like a fun thing to do, not a chore.

(So you have an affinity for an egotistical headcase? Is that what you’re saying?)

Oh yes, that sounded like a great place to be. Just add that to his epic quest to find more meaning in life and he was doing just peachy.

Affinity? he scoffed. Maybe Light is just obnoxiously, inhumanly attractive, he defended. Ever think of that? Maybe I had no chance, no choice in the matter in the first place.

(Ha. Likely story.)

Shut up.

(Make me.)

Oh, now that’s mature. I’m having a juvenile argument with myself. Could this night get any better?

“Closing time, son,” the bartender said. “Last call.”

“Give me a double of Patrón,” he said on a whim.

“That’s a nice tequila,” the bartender said, making conversation. L wouldn’t know. He’d never had any before. “Special occasion?”

He smiled faintly. “You could say that.” Yes, a celebration of sinking to new lows! Everybody, raise your glass!


Tequila didn’t sit right with him. He should have guessed it. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t and he’d spent the night feeling all kinds of special, camped out on the cold floor of his spacious bathroom.

Given those circumstances, and the fact that he hadn’t had the presence of mind to change his clothes a mere few hours later, he supposed he wasn’t overly surprised when he stumbled in to work only to meet Sophie’s rendition of Medusa’s deadly stare.

“What?” he said petulantly, knowing already that he was in the wrong, though that knowledge only served to irritate him.

“You’re late.”

Huh. Of all the things she could have chosen to take issue with, that one wasn’t so bad--

“By nearly two hours, L,” she continued, voice rising with distress. “I’ve had to cancel several of your appointments, cover for your absence, and my god, are those wrinkled clothes the same ones you were wearing yesterday??”


“No, don’t answer that. If you do I simply won’t be able to keep from slapping sense into you.” Her pretty, elfin face was deadly serious.

“But I’m your boss.”

“You do not in any way resemble my employer at the present time, Lawliet, and if I didn’t know better-” She paused to renew the Medusa look. “-I would say that you reeked of alcohol!” she completed in a stage whisper.

“Can that look of yours turn children and small animals to stone? If so, we might be in the wrong business.”

“I’ll turn your ass into stone alright,” she threatened. “You are in no shape to conduct business of any kind and you should feel just awful coming to work like this.”

“Actually, I do feel pretty horrible...”

“Then go home. You are no use to me this.” She threw up her hands.

L frowned. “Would it kill you to be just a touch sympathetic, Sophie?”

“Absolutely,” she said firmly. “Now be gone from my sight.”

“So I suppose I’m working from home today?”

“Go now, before I write you up.”

“You can’t,” he reminded her. “I’m your boss.”

“Well whose cockamayme idea was that? It’d be obvious to anyone with eyes that you’re the one who needs supervision, boy.”

“And you are younger than me,” he pointed out.

“Shush shush shush,” she replied with a wave of her hand. “Begone. Before anyone sees you, for cripes sakes.”

“Uh, yes ma’am.”


L went home, took a shower, and pretended to sleep for the next few hours. Sweet oblivion was a noble aspiration yet a fruitless one. He couldn’t help but keep thinking that since he was already off of work, that he wouldn’t have any worries about leaving the office early to make his weekly appointment. The only thing was, he’d sort of lost his taste for it.

No, that wasn’t entirely right either. Maybe what he’d lost was his nerve.

He rolled over onto his back, arm flopping out beside him and stared at the ceiling. Fall off the horse, and you just have to get right back on again. Right?

Stupid Yamaguchi. It was all his fault. What a freaking monkey wrench that session had turned out to be, all because Sophie couldn’t turn down that pretty face and a sexy smile. He had to remember to admonish her for that at least.

‘Guess you weren’t as good as they say after all.’

What had he meant by his last words anyway?

Had the whole thing been some kind of test? Had anything been recorded? Was his livelihood in jeopardy? Had that kiss been a strategic play to test his resolve and professionalism? Was it fake the entire time? Was Yamaguchi Light who and what he had made himself out to be? Or was he something else entirely?

He could speculate all he wanted but it was the truth he desired not educated guesses.

All in all, he couldn’t help feeling like he’d failed some kind of skills evaluation. And frankly, the thought depressed him.

You know what? Fuck it. I’ll go see some random bastard with a couple of degrees plastered on his wall. If they suck - I’ll feel better about the quality of my work. If they’re good - they can make me feel better about the quality of my work. Win/win. (And hey, maybe I’ll even vent a little, in a roundabout, anonymous fashion).

He pulled out the large paper phone book from under his bed and flipped open to the mental health services pages. He liked doing this old school. The page was littered with little X’s and O’s which indicated not only who he’d gone to see before but whether they were bad (X) or good (O). He ran his finger down the pages of listings until one caught his eye. Then he made plans. It was almost funny that as a new or potential patient, most offices you called would see you same day, whereas existing patients had to wait. He supposed it was with the idea of generating new business, but there was still a taint of unfairness about it. He shrugged. Oh well, not my problem.

He got to the chosen office on time, if a little early, and set about the tedium of new patient paperwork. He had his false identity all memorized and easily accessible. It wouldn’t have been prudent to use his real name in forays such as this. It could potentially affect his career. It was the same with his appearance. He took pains to look like he wasn’t himself, just to minimize the chance of someone recognizing him, botching the whole thing.

Again, he wore sloppy, baggy jeans and an oversized sweater, but this time his top was black. Shoes were a must. He didn’t have the heart to enjoy throwing anyone outside of their comfort zone today. He also made sure not to brush his hair, after showering and rolling around the bed on it. It was just this side of frightful, sticking up at all angles. He decided to leave his sunglasses on to hide the dark circles under his eyes, knowing the doctor would request him to take them off. But that was minutes from now and he was currently in a waiting room full of people. Indoors be damned, the shades were staying on.

“Mr. Lawrence?” the receptionist called. “The doctor will see you now.”

He got to his feet and slouched towards the door she was holding open which led to the inner office.

“You might want to remove your sunglasses, sir,” she suggested.

“Thank you for your concern,” he replied, making no move to do so.

She let out a small huff of irritation and led him down the hall. “Through there,” she said. “First door on the right.”


She left him, shaking her head, and he ventured off to the office she’d indicated. The place was kind of fancy schmancy, indicating high overhead, higher patient fees, and possibly doctors that were used to indulgence. Real cherry wood paneling lined the wall the office doors were on, and what looked to be real gold plating shone upon the single numeral upon the door. This one was a 6.

He opened the door and stepped inside. “Hello?” he called. The place seemed empty. Was that a fireplace he saw in the corner? Are you kidding me? The light was kind of dim so he found himself reaching up to remove his shades just as the large-backed leather chair began to turn towards him. Ah, so there was someone here after all.

“Welcome,” a pleasant male voice said. The tone sounded almost solicitous and bordered on familiar. “Please, have a seat.”

L did as he was bid, his expression turning to disbelief. As he lowered his shades in near slow-motion, mind working at what his eyes were relaying to him, the doctor’s expression began to mirror his own before morphing into a stately smile.

“You...” L was still hung up on the fact that he must be hallucinating.

“Good evening, ‘Lawrence’,” Light greeted. “Or should I just skip the persona and call you by your real name?”

“What are you doing in that chair?”

“Hmn, what indeed. And how should you like me to answer? I am the product of the near accidental miracle of life which was bestowed upon my parents... I am the one whose name is on those lovely little degrees framed upon my wall, meaning I am amply qualified to be sitting behind this desk... did you want more? Or was your question more an utterance of surprise?”

“Yes, that,” L said distractedly, standing up immediately and stalking over to the Wall of Awesome (which was practically how the wall of diplomas had been presented). Yagami was the surname upon all of them. Not Yamaguchi. The given name, ‘Light’ was the same. “Explain yourself,” he demanded.

Light looked back at him with a pleasant yet unimpressed look upon his face. “But we aren’t here to talk about me, we’re here to talk about you.”

L bit back his first instinctual response. “All right,” he said instead. “Let’s talk about something that’s bothering me.” He took his seat once more and made himself look agreeable.

“Of course,” Light returned smoothly, looking even more appealing than before with the weird sort of dim lighting in the room. Was that intentional? “And what might that be?”


“Now, now, Lawliet, I told you that we are not here to discuss me.” His smile was sly and almost flirtatious, his tone encouraging.

“Oh no, that would be Mr. Lawrence to you, sir. Whatever your name is.”

A flicker of distaste crossed Light’s fine features. “Must we stoop to that level, Lawliet?”

L set his jaw and would not be moved.

Amusement slid into Light’s eyes and he chuckled. He stood and started a slow pace of the room, hands clasped behind his back. L’s eyes followed his movements. He looked much the same as he had in L’s own office. “Yagami is my true name. Yamaguchi was an alias just as Lawrence was yours.”

“To what end?”

“I’m not sure I wish to divulge that at this time, my dear Lawrence,” he responded with a slight sting of sarcasm. “And, to be fair, you had an entire session to take a crack at me and figure me out. I was at more of a disadvantage there than you are at this time. Might we not be civilized about this?”

“Funny, you strike me as being distinctly un-civilized,” L groused.

This earned him one of those amused almost-smirks that held his eye a little overlong. “Thank you for indulging me,” Light said silkily as their gazes met, making his stomach flutter. The brunet’s eyes were like weapons of debauchery. He had to remember not to look into them.

“So,” Light said, sitting down next to him on the chaise lounge and crossing one long leg over the other. From the way the fabric of his pants conformed to them, L would say that they were shapely as well. “Why don’t you tell me about yourself?” Light was resting his chin on his hand, his elbow on the back of the small sofa, staring at him with enigmatic eyes. Those soft, full lips turned up in an anticipatory smile.

This felt nothing like a psychiatry session. Not at all. L was feeling distinctly uncomfortable. It seemed to be par for the course when dealing with the person in front of him. “Do you try and talk up all of your clients like this?” he tossed out.

“Only the interesting ones,” was the candid reply.

Part of L was relieved, part of him was annoyed that Light would find it acceptable to harass multiple people in this manner. “It isn’t very professional of you.”

“Au contraire.” Light brushed his thumb slowly across his lower lip as if in contemplation, eyes departing from L’s momentarily. “You might be amazed at how a little mood would go a long way in improving someone’s day.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“Imagine, Lawliet, that you were a lonely woman who needed someone’s ear to bend. Certainly, you might go to any office in the city to obtain the peace of mind that would afford you.” He paused as L nodded. “Now imagine, that at one particular office, you had an especially attentive young doctor to tend to you. One that made you feel...” He leaned closer, catching dark eyes with his and sliding a languid hand up L’s thigh. “...more alive.”

L tried to pretend his heart was not hammering in his throat.

“Wouldn’t that be worth the price of admission?”

Light’s hand had not strayed from its resting place upon his leg. It was worse than a distraction. “What about the risk of a lawsuit?” he said hoarsely, forcing himself to speak.

“Would you report something like that?” Light murmured, leaning close to his mouth and massaging the flesh of his leg. “Did you report me before?”

“N-No, I thought you were a patient. That would have only landed me in trouble.”

“And at this very moment, you are my patient.” His voice was sinuous. “And you have a very important choice to make.”

“Wh-What’s that?” L managed to get out as the brunet’s hand slid higher, amplifying the tight ache in his belly.

“Just how much you are willing to let me get away with,” Light said against his lips.

L made some small noise in the back of his throat as warm, sensual lips covered his and he relived the sensations of that first kiss all over again. Only this time, the hand on his upper thigh was undoing him even faster. He tried once, in vain, to pull away but Light’s other arm circled around his back, holding him firmly in place. Their mouths melded together like a matched set, and he was helpless against the desire that flared in him.

This whole situation was seriously fucked up and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. There was not one fiber of his being with the strength to pry him loose from this heated embrace. Especially not when Light was leaning him back upon the arm of the couch, now kissing his throat and palming him through the front of his jeans. His head tilted back and he gasped, unable to help himself.

“There, that’s what I like to hear,” Light whispered in his ear with a roughened voice, squeezing him harder and making him bite his lip as a moan tried to slip out. “You know why?” the brunet continued, his voice becoming more husky and even sexier than before as L came undone in his hands. “That, my dear, is the sound of total surrender.”


L left the psychiatrist’s office in a complete daze. He was amazed that his legs even had enough strength to accomplish it, as they’d been like complete rubber before.

His mind felt totally blown and he didn’t trust himself to drive, so he got into his car and just sat a while.

What in the hell did I just do?

It was only much later that he realized his phone was missing.

“Good morning, sir, did you enjoy your unplanned PTO?” L’s fair-haired assistant greeted him brightly as he walked in to the office the next day.

“I uh...” way too many things whipped through his mind, none of which he was voicing aloud. “Yeah, Sophie, it was fine.”

“Just ‘fine’? You didn’t end up working, did you?” She gave him a sympathetic look, just the sort of one he’d been waiting for yesterday when he’d mentioned not feeling well. Bollocks. “You shouldn’t work on your time off. You rarely ever take any time, so you should try to enjoy it.”

Oh, I enjoyed it alright. So much so that I lost my damn cell phone and the office had closed by the time I had the presence of mind to think of retracing my steps. I’m remarkably intelligent and yet still I’m capable of being a complete idiot.

“Oh, by the way,” Sophie added, her chin-length banana curls bobbing as she shuffled through some paperwork, eyes skimming the pages. “My sister is taking me to lunch today so I’ll be gone a little longer than usual. I’m just reminding you but it is also on the calendar. You’ll be okay holding down the fort, yes?”

“Sure. Thanks.”

L grabbed a cup of coffee before his bad day got any worse and blindsided him before he could be properly caffeinated, then trudged into his office. The aforementioned calendar would have been happily notifying him of this had he not lost his fucking cell phone. As it was, he was lucky Sophie thought he was forgetful of such things or that would have been an unwelcome surprise. Since he usually grabbed food out, that meant he would not be eating this afternoon. He hoped the extra sugar he’d be putting in his coffee would suffice.

The day moved along at a steady pace, the office working like a revolving door, one short appointment after another. The clock steadily clicked out the beat to which he must march and singular thoughts such as Idiot! and What were you thinking?! punctuated the minutes.

He still couldn’t believe he’d let what happened in the other psychiatrist’s office, well, happen. Not only had he never entertained the thought of embarking upon any sort of sexual foray upon just meeting someone, but he certainly had never thought it would be with someone of the same gender. Not that that mattered to the Nth degree, but it had been a bit of a shock. That was not what he was beating himself up over, however. It was more the who and the where as opposed to the what. The what was embarrassing, to say the least. The where was mortifying, and the who.... he wasn’t sure how he felt about that exactly, other than the fact that it was upsetting to think upon.

I bet he’s done that with all his clients, the gorgeous bastard.

Did I just say gorgeous? Damnit, I meant ‘peaky’! Damn that peaky bastard. Damn him and his sexy voice, and his eyes... and why in the hell is he such a fantastic kisser? That pisses me off!  

I bet he charges them extra for that.

L paused his mini rant as a thought occurred. He’d paid for his co-pay before entering Light’s office. No one had asked him for more on the way out. Not that he was overly aware of much at that point. He saw, he came, he was conquered. If Light was charging extra for such services, it certainly hadn’t been requested of him by the office staff.

The brunet’s image, the last he’d seen of him, popped into his head. Smoky eyes and a heated gaze, the worshipful caress of lips on his neck as Light brought him to shuddering climax. Past that, it was a blur. Though he did sort of recall a glimpse of feverish eyes and a bitten lip in the dimness of the room just before being promptly ushered out, the door clicking shut decisively behind him.

Ah, they’ll probably just bill me at home, he thought dismissively, dispelling the whole affair.

Damnit, even just thinking about the other psychiatrist, if that’s what he really was, had made him hot and bothered. How was he supposed to work like this? He refrained from cursing the brunet this time, as it had proved a less than fruitful exercise, but the desire to do so was still strong.

His last appointment before lunch, Mr. Donner was taken care of. Now he could backfill some of his notes and other things he hadn’t had time for what with the back-to-back appointments. He’d just sunk a good 30 minutes of work in when some infernal being decided to start knocking at the door. Good lord, the last thing he needed was a walk-in. Next thing he knew, the phone would probably start ringing.

He stood, straightening his suit with agitated jerks of his hands. Muttering under his breath, he went to the door, slapping a professional look onto his face and making a point to sound like he wasn’t pissed off.

“You forgot your phone at my place,” the not-stranger said in his cultured voice.

L was so surprised to see Light standing on the stoop that he promptly shut the door in his face and locked it, leaning against it as his mind tried to catch up. ‘My place?’ He makes it sound like we... like we had some sort of full indiscretion at his house. His face flushed at the image of what that might be like and he knew he could not open the door.

“Lawliet,” the brunet called through the slab of wood that separated them. “You aren’t exactly rewarding me for the time I took out of my day to bring this here.”

The office phone began to ring, as expected, and L felt torn. Only for a moment, though. Work was preferable to outright humiliation any day. “Um, sorry, I have to get the phone,” he managed to get out before pushing off the door and running over to the handset. “L and Associates,” he answered, a little out of breath.

“You’re an idiot,” the caller said. “Now open the damn door so I can give you your phone back.”

“Ah...” he said uselessly. He trudged slowly back to the door with the handset against his ear even though neither of them were speaking. He unlocked the door and opened it upon quite the imperious look.

“There is something wrong with you,” the brunet announced.

“There is plenty wrong with you as well,” L countered, his annoyance at being called an idiot just now surfacing.

“Well, it couldn’t be my technique,” Light said in mock consideration, his voice loud enough to carry. “That had your eyes rolling back in your head in about as many seconds as it took for me to lay you flat on your back.”

“Jeezus!” L didn’t give himself the time it would have taken to smack his hand to his forehead. “Get in here,” he said roughly, pulling Light across the threshold by his arm. It was a very nicely muscled arm. “For godsakes, what are you doing saying shit like that outside my workplace??” Now safely behind closed doors, L smacked his hand to his forehead and strode down the hall, shaking his head. “Unbelievable.”

Light brushed imaginary lint off his impeccable attire. “You’re welcome, by the way,” he said as he strolled after the agitated, spiky-haired psychiatrist.

L turned on his heel. “For what, exactly?” He gave Light the evil eye and tried to ignore how just the sight of him was making his blood rush faster through his veins.

Light offered him a casual smile. “For your phone.”

“Oh,” L responded, somewhat deflated. He’d been so ready for a battle of wills that he wasn’t sure what to do when the other man was being reasonable. “Yes, thank you for that,” he amended awkwardly.

“And for everything else,” Light added with a smirk tilting his lips.

Fuck. L could feel his entire body flush at that. “Go home,” he said brusquely, turning away. “Or go back to work, I have things to do.” He shuffled some papers around and made himself look busy. Not that he wasn’t busy, but he’d be damned if he could concentrate with Light anywhere in the vicinity. He glanced over his shoulder after a few minutes to find Light hadn’t vacated at all in the silence, but was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

“You know, Lawliet, you’re being rather cold to someone you let service you.”

“S-service me?” L spluttered indignantly. God, his face felt like it was on fire.

Light pushed off of the wall and stalked around him in a circle, his eyes narrowed and cat-like. “Isn’t that what happened?”

“I don’t know what happened,” L said, putting a table between them.

“Come now, playing innocent won’t do you any good.” Light rounded the table. “I saw you with your pants down, literally and figuratively.”

“What do you want from me?” L circled around the same way, keeping his distance.

“I want to fuck your brains out, but I was willing to settle for a drink.”

Surprise and confusion stilled L’s flight. “Wait, you mean, you were actually asking me out before?” L was now finding himself ruffled in an entirely different way now. So the first time Light had come here... “Really?”

“Yes,” Light said with unveiled exasperation. “How are you so unversed in such things when you work with people all day?”

“Well, why did you come in here like you were a patient?” He could hardly be faulted for not taking advances seriously in that scenario. It was a huge professional liability. Besides, he actually was really curious to know the answer.

“The same reason you do it, I suppose. Only you were much more fun to get a rise out of. I couldn’t help myself.”

“So you often torture mental health staff with complaints of being ‘too happy’??” How appalling.

Light grinned. “It’s a good one, though, isn’t it? Made you think.”

It was, he’d admit. And it would give a good accounting of the doctor’s skills as they were made to think outside the box. No need to feed the golden boy’s ego, however. Besides, he was still upset over the whole thing. “Yes, and then you busted a move on me and I didn’t know how to take that,” L complained. “You realize the trouble that can come out of something like that? You had me freaking out about facing a lawsuit.”

“Of course I realize. As I said, I couldn’t help myself. And you could have made things a lot easier by just going out for that drink with me.”

“Yeah, right, so if someone was trying to set me up, I would have walked right into it. No thanks.”

“You’re paranoid, aren’t you?” Light said thoughtfully.


“Liar. It’s plain as day.”

“Then why did you ask?”

“I wanted to see how you would answer. Why waste a chance to profile you?”

“...I have work to do,” L said, encouraging him to leave.

“Go right ahead. But I’m sure you won’t be very productive what with the way you can’t take your eyes off of me.”

“I’m not staring at you because I want to,” he protested, the denial thick as tar, even to his own ears. “I just don’t know what you’re going to do next!” Light would see through him in a heartbeat. His expression a moment later just confirmed it.

“I can tell you what I’m going to do next, if you’re so concerned about it,” Light said pleasantly.

L was wary. “...and what might that be?”

“Well, first I am going to knock over this table, scattering your paperwork everywhere since it seems you are insistent about keeping it in the way. Secondly, I am going to pin you against that wall, right over there,” he said, pointing to the wall behind L.

L turned to look, just a reflexive reaction to someone pointing, and turned back to find that Light had quite nimbly made it around the table. In half a second more, he found himself pressed full body against the wall, arms pinned above his head. “Third,” Light said enigmatically. Once more, L’s heart was hammering in his chest and he felt drunk with the brunet’s proximity. “Third?”

“Third,” Light repeated, trailing lips over his cheek and speaking softly in his ear. “I’m going to make you so hard for me that you’ll be begging me to so much as touch you.”

“Hardly seems much of a contest--” L said under his breath. Talking helped him keep his wits about him.

“Four,” Light continued huskily, playing at his ear with tiny nips of his teeth which were entirely too compelling an argument already, “I’ll have you stretched out naked upon my bed, aching and pleading for me to come inside of you.”

“Aren’t you getting a bit ahead of yourself?” L said faintly as the blood in his body pooling in his lower extremities made him light-headed. God, this man’s voice was like an aphrodisiac.

“Hmm,” the brunet hummed deep in his throat. ”You think so?”

“I’m paranoid, remember?” L said, slightly out of breath. God damnit he was so turned on right now, he could hardly see straight. “How are you supposed to lure me into your stronghold?”

Light pulled back and smiled lazily, making L’s stomach flip-flop, before leaning in for a slow, tantalizing kiss. “I happen to know that extreme sexual desire can override a lot of things,” he said, flicking the tip of his tongue against L’s sensitive lips teasingly then drawing the lower one into his mouth to suck on like a ripe cherry. L found that his shaking legs were not doing as good a job keeping him upright as they ought to. Bad legs, bad.

I wonder if he can tie cherry stems into knots with his tongue? L wondered hazily.

“You’re the boss at this office, aren’t you?” the brunet whispered heatedly against his mouth.

“Yeesss,” L said, the word coming out in a groan as Light took that moment to grind their hips together. His arms were released from above his head and he draped them around the brunet’s neck as he did it again, rolling them in a way that was just... just...

“Cancel the rest of your day,” Light murmured. “Let Sophie handle everything.”

“How do you know her name?” he asked automatically, without really caring much about the answer. His hands drifted down Light’s body, curious and eager to touch.

“Calendar,” Light moaned as L squeezed his backside with a roaming hand, which also rocked their hips tightly against one another’s. “On your phone,” he elaborated with panted breaths. “Which is why I know she’s coming back too soon for us to finish this here. Please, for the love of god, come home with me.”

“I don’t know.” L was really torn. All his instincts said to go, make haste, except for the one that reminded him that skipping out on work made it harder to pay the bills. Go or stay, go or stay? Stay or go get lai--

“If we leave now, she won’t see you like this,” Light offered temptingly. “And if we don’t leave now, she’s going to think you’re fucking a patient. Not to mention, she had her eyes on me and she’s already picking out curtains. Do you want her to hate you?”

“She’s not gonna hate me,” L said thickly, chest rising and falling too fast with his hastened breaths. He was fairly sure; though that certainty was dropping steadily under the weight of Light’s counter-argument.

Light pinned him with bedroom eyes, his perfect hair lying tousled across his lightly flushed face in a way that was beyond appealing. “She might when she sees this,” he said with a wink.

“Wait, what are you--?”

Light surged forward, locking his lips to L’s throat, picking a spot that was entirely too susceptible to the rolling, sucking pressure of that pretty mouth. “No,” he said faintly, pushing against the brunet’s shoulders, too weak to pleasure to properly protest the large hickey that was likely forming under Light’s ministrations. The gentle nicking of teeth was driving him crazy.

“Say yes,” Light implored him once more, lips hot against his skin, “or I’m going to give you the worst case of blue balls you’ll ever see in this lifetime.”  

“I shouldn’t,” L moaned, lamenting the decision entirely.

“But you will,” Light prompted.

“But I will,” he repeated. Somehow just repeating someone else’s words seemed less like making a whole big decision on one’s own.

“Good,” Light praised him, pressing a kiss upon his mouth. “Because you look like you’ve had your throat ripped out, your skin is so pale.”

“Oh geez, is it that bad?” L brought his hand up to his throat and winced as he touched the abused skin.

“It’s beautiful,” the brunet assured him admiringly. “I’ll give you a matching one on your hip later.”


L scribbled Sophie a note, guilt riding him so hard he could nearly convince himself that he shouldn’t be leaving. Nearly. Right now he was too out of his mind with desire to be able to properly appreciate consequences.

Once in the parking lot, there was another snag.

“I should take my car,” L said, though it was currently taking a phenomenal amount of concentration just putting one foot in front of the other. Leaving it in the parking lot would certainly raise questions...

“What’s with all of these ‘should’s?” Light said with exasperation, hooking an arm through his and hauling him away from the direction of his car.

“But I--”

“You’re in no shape to drive, you’ll get yourself in an accident. We’ll take my car.”

“What about you?” L accused. From what he’d seen, the brunet was almost as desperate as he was.

“I’m not the one having trouble walking.”

“Fuck you,” he grumbled.

Light just smiled infuriatingly and didn’t bother voicing the obvious statement that they would shortly be doing just that. Though he might as well have, with how very obvious it was.

Light’s car was a jet black Audi, one of the really expensive sport models, with rims and do-dads that looked custom. It screamed ‘obnoxious overabundance of money.’ “I’m gonna be sick,” L announced as he slid into the soft, buff-colored leather seats.

“Why? Don’t you like the feel of money?”

“You weren’t making it up about your parents being loaded or the scholarship or any of the other stuff, were you?”

“No,” Light said agreeably. “About the only thing I made up was the being too happy part.”

“You’re not normal.”

“No, I’m not,” Light agreed again, shooting him a sly smile. His eyes held secrets and a dare. “Wanna see how far the rabbit hole goes?”
