Demon Diary Fan Fiction ❯ On Love and Lust - And Their Resultant Disasters ❯ Part the Fourth ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Part the Fourth

In which the demon Lord Raenef experiences exasperation over his humble servant's indecision, and subsequently discovers that ancient and salacious art known as

Raenef was scared senseless.

Eclipse was really going to do it. By the gods, he really was going to kiss him. Time slowed down, emptying of all but the two of them and the pounding of Raenef's heart.

The little blond gulped and struggled to reign in his pulse. He hadn't thought this thing all the way through. He'd never kissed anyone before. (Well, there was Leeche, but she didn't really count.) Raenef had no idea how to kiss. It seemed doubtful that Eclipse would want yet another skill to teach his dunder-headed master. And what if Raenef turned out to be as bad at this as he was at everything else…?

Eclipse's robes brushed up against him, those normally pale lips looking flushed and sensual against milk-crystal skin. The man's crescent moon earring dangled before Raenef's eyes as he lowered his head.

What if I'm no good? What if Eclipse hates it? What if -

Warm breath caressed Raenef's mouth, and he shivered, thoughts scattering. A deep, silken voice trembled over his lips, a bare whisper that reached deep and tugged at things low in Raenef's belly: "My only concern… Is my master's desire."

And then those lips brushed against his, effectively banishing Raenef's worries along with anything else resembling a thought process.

Oh, the touch was like silk - no, lusher than silk, more like velvet. Eclipse's lips moved over his own so very lightly, lighter even than the previous kiss; and yet, somehow, this was infinitely more intimate. It was as if Eclipse was touching his whole body through his lips.

Raenef quivered breathlessly. Then he felt the tip of a tongue, warm and wet, tracing over the valley between his lips. The youth gasped as his skin prickled all over, and his hands flew up to grasp Eclipse's robes.

His tutor hesitated, stiffened against him - but before Raenef could begin to wonder if he'd done something wrong, the hand on his chin slipped around to cradle the back of his head, and Eclipse's other hand settled lightly on his hip. Then sharp teeth grazed over Raenef's bottom lip, just before the man sucked it into his mouth, laving it with his tongue.

Raenef's bones promptly melted into a quivering puddle of warm glowing goo. Clinging to his servant helplessly, he struggled to keep his legs from giving out beneath him; and then that wet tongue was slipping into his mouth, and oh, it felt so good… The young demon's body molded against Eclipse's, and soon he was kissing back with relish, all of his fears forgotten and unimportant in the face of this velvety, writhing heat.

A quiet moan escaped the boy. As he did the hand on his hip suddenly convulsed, Eclipse's body pulling tight like a bowstring, quivering against him. And then - SNAP - the man's arm flew around Raenef's waist and crushed their bodies together.

"Mmph!" Raenef cried into Eclipse's mouth, alarmed by the abruptness of it. But his servant's mouth was so firm and hot and it was smothering him with pleasure, and oh, it felt like Eclipse was rubbing up against his soul. Everything that Raenef wanted, so close, and all he had to do was surrender to it… It couldn't possibly be real. But those wet, ebony tresses trailed over Raenef's hands as he clutched at the man's shoulders, cold and shocking and very real.

Raenef thrust his tongue against Eclipse's with growing urgency. Suddenly his back hit the wall; he hadn't even realized they'd been moving. The taller demon pinned Raenef there with the weight of his body, lips moving from Raenef's mouth and over his chin, tongue tracing a scalding line over his jawbone and then down to lap and nibble at the pounding pulse in his neck.

"…a-AH! Eclipse!" Throbbing, the man's tongue was throbbing through to his core, devouring him from within. Red heat pulsed behind Raenef's eyelids as he arched, scratching at the back of Eclipse's neck. Spidery hands slipped beneath the hem of his silk duster, hands running up and down his slender chest and waist. Raenef couldn't see straight, couldn't breathe, his skin was so hot and so tight and constricting, Eclipse was everywhere on him at once filling his senses and driving his need, and suddenly Raenef became aware of Eclipse's arousal pressing into his hip, and oh my, was he really that big…?

Raenef swallowed thickly, wondering if he was going insane. It was all moving so fast, too fast, and it was scaring him, and yet he was equally scared that it might stop, he didn't want it to ever, ever stop…

Somehow Eclipse had turned the boy around, was leaning him back onto the desk as he knocked the clutter to the floor with a swipe of his arm. Nimble fingers worked the buckles of his duster loose. Eclipse's mouth fluttered hotly over Raenef's bare chest - how had he gotten those buckles open so quickly? - tongue flicking at his nipples, each scalding, wet touch plucking at a cord that sang and jerked low in Raenef's abdomen.

And then Eclipse's hand slipped over the flat expanse of Raenef's abdomen, lower, lower, until it slid between his legs to cup his sex through the soft linen of his pants.

Hot! Raenef let out a choked sob and arched into it helplessly, fingers tangling in his servant's hair as tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. The pleasure was so intense it became pain as Eclipse stroked him, and he couldn't stand it, couldn't bear the searing pitch of it, he was surely dying, but oh, such an exquisite death this was…

Eclipse… I love you…

And abruptly it all came to a halt.

"Master Raenef…?"

Raenef blinked his eyes open at Eclipse's voice rasping in his ears. His vision was blurry, and he couldn't figure out why until he realized he was crying.

"Are you all right?"

Gradually embarrassment set in, and Raenef hurriedly wiped at the wetness on his cheeks. "Um, yeah…" He tried to look anywhere but at Eclipse. "I sorry, I don't know why I… I just…"

"Master Raenef, did I hurt you?" The words were urgent and uneasy as Eclipse pushed himself away, reaching out simultaneously to stroke Raenef's cheek, as if he couldn't decide whether to embrace the boy or get away from him as quickly as possible.

"N-no!" Raenef exclaimed weakly. I don't know what happened… It was just… so fast…"

"I… Forgive me. I shouldn't have let myself… I'll leave."

"No!" Raenef cried again in alarm, as Eclipse's warmth left him completely. He reached out and clutched at the man's robes, struggling to right himself. "Please, I don't want you to stop! Just… Maybe a little slower?"

Eclipse looked down at his lord, chest clenching. Everything he desired, willingly laid before him to plunder… No. No, he couldn't bear this.

'Eclipse… I love you…'

He'd heard the child's thoughts clearly enough. It was that thought that had startled him enough to realize there were tears trickling over his lord's cheeks. Such intense emotions were so easy to pick up on without even trying. Those words he had so longed to hear, and yet he hadn't even allowed himself to consider the possibility of…

This had to stop. This was inappropriate and dangerous and it absolutely could not continue. "My lord, we can not do this," Eclipse breathed, eyes sliding closed.

"Wha… Why?"

Eclipse cringed at the hurt in the boy's voice. Above all, Eclipse was true to himself. He knew what it was that he felt for his little lord. But up until now he hadn't had to acknowledge it directly, had been able to let it lie undisturbed somewhere deep inside. He'd thought it best that way - he could just let it… be.

Unfortunately Raenef had just flung it all in his face with the force of a sack of bricks. And all it had taken was a simple, unguarded thought.

His little master was tugging at his sleeve insistently. "I am…" he struggled, looking for words that Raenef might understand, "I am your servant, Master Raenef, I can't possibly… If I am to maintain any sense of objectivity, you have to see that it is impossible to…" He saw the perplexed crease on his charge's brow and realized he was failing miserably. "We simply can not do this, my lord. If anyone but you had been placed in my charge it would be different, but…"

Raenef's eyes glistened, and the boy looked away from him. Damn. Not the right thing to say.

"It's…" Raenef mumbled. "It's because I'm no good, isn't it? I'm too much of a kid, and I got scared… I don't know what I'm doing, just like with everything else…"

"NO!" Eclipse bellowed in frustration, causing Raenef to jump and stare at him in wide-eyed shock. "Master Raenef… You are… perfect."

The last word was breathed so quietly Raenef almost thought he'd imagined it. An inexplicably warm and delicious chill shimmered through Raenef's frame. How could a chill be warm? That didn't make any sense. But Eclipse continued haltingly -

"That is… precisely why I can't…"

"I don't understand," Raenef whined, pouting. "Do… Do you want to be with me, or not?"

"Of course I do, my lord."

"But…" The glow across Raenef's cheeks brightened, and he chewed at his lip and averted his eyes. "But do you want to… touch me?"

Eclipse opened his mouth and no sound came out. That question, coming out of that sweet mouth… Those kiss-bruised lips, that fair, rosy skin, those shining eyes… A perfect little peach…

"Oh, gods yes…"

It wasn't until Raenef's eyes widened, blinking at him in shock, that he realized he'd said that aloud. "I - I mean," he stammered, "of course I do, but that isn't the point, my lord, I - "

"You… do?" Raenef asked breathlessly.

"Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that I must maintain - "

But Raenef wasn't listening anymore. A warm, fizzy feeling bubbled up and spilled over in his chest. The way Eclipse had just looked at him… The sound of his voice as he'd said that… Raenef couldn't quite stifle the urge to giggle.

"Ah - Master Raenef?"

Raenef looked up and saw his servant staring at him like he'd grown an extra appendage. "If you want to, then why not?" he asked him simply.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you, my lord!" Eclipse's shoulders sagged in exasperation. "If I am to fulfill my role properly, I - "

"Well then, why not just let me touch you?"

Eclipse's voice abandoned him yet again at the bluntness of the question - and all of a sudden an inexplicable sense of danger washed over him. He backed away a step. "I… I don't…"

"If you're my servant, you're supposed to do what I say, right?" Raenef said, quite reasonably. "I don't really know what all this servant stuff is about, but… If I tell you to do something, you're only doing your job by obeying, right? And if… If you're not the one actually doing it, you can't be doing anything wrong, right? So… just let me…"

That delicate little hand lifted, so very slowly reaching out to him, grasping the collar of his robes. Eclipse's heart nearly leapt out of his chest. "Master… We can't…" But his thought processes weren't working properly and the boy was pulling him forward and Raenef's logic was suddenly making entirely too much sense to his blood-deprived mind and his own protests were paling feebly even as he tried to form them into words - "We mustn't…"

"You can show me how," Raenef whispered. Big, innocently jeweled eyes gazed up at him through dark lashes, shining. Eclipse felt like a rabbit staring into the eyes of a hungry wolf. "Please…?"

And then the child's arm was snaking around his shoulders, one trembling hand tracing over Eclipse's collarbone, face nuzzling into the crook of his neck. The child's shaky, shallow breaths trickled over his sensitized skin.

Raenef's lips laid trembling little kisses over his shoulder, trailing up the base of his neck. Eclipse shuttered his eyes tightly and clenched his teeth, straining to hold on to his sanity even while knowing it was futile. This uncertain seduction was more intoxicating by far than the skills of the most experienced courtesan.

Nervously, Raenef imitated Eclipse's previous actions, letting his lips meander upward to find the warm pulsing just beneath the man's jaw. Eclipse's scent was strong here; salty-sweet musk, heavy and yet clean, sharp in his nose. Tentatively Raenef flicked his tongue out against the tender throbbing point.

Eclipse inhaled sharply, and his head fell back to bare his throat. An electric thrill shot up through Raenef's spine - maybe, just maybe he was getting it right. He began to suckle gently at that warm hollow, tongue lapping.

Oh, oh wow. The flesh was succulent against his tongue, and Eclipse tasted… delicious. Like snow cream, fresh and rich and sweet -

"Unnh… Oh, gods…"

Raenef's eyes flew open wide at the soft, guttural sound of his tutor's groan, and drew back to look at him; Eclipse's eyes were hooded, darkened to black, hypnotic pools, his lips parted, and his chest rising and falling rapidly. Abruptly he grabbed Raenef by the waist, swaying slightly as if off balance; and then Raenef realized that it wasn't just his own heart pounding - a powerful thudding beat against his hands where they rested on Eclipse's chest. Oh, how powerful and heady Raenef felt…

"Was… Was that good?" he asked shyly.

Eclipse swallowed audibly and blinked. "Qu… Quite," he rasped weakly. "But, my lord…" He trailed off, enchanted by those hazy green eyes and parted, candy-reddened lips. A magnetic force was pulling him down against his better judgment, their lips meeting tentatively. The touch was like a spark in the dark, and time held it's breath, quivering.

Eclipse surrendered at last with a groan.

When had this ever-present ache formed in his chest? Eclipse couldn't remember anymore. It seemed it had been there all his life, clenching and bruising at his heart, destroying him ever so gently with longing. But that was, of course, impossible. It had been little over a year since he had found his master wandering in the streets. Though surely the thirst with which he now drank at Raenef's mouth couldn't have possibly grown so indomitable in such a short time span, could it?

Their hands grasped at each other, the world blurred by a feverish haze of lust and need. Such a relief to touch, and yet the fire only leapt higher as they fed it, unappeased, all-consuming. Eclipse felt a clumsy, distracted hand wandering down over his abdomen, and groaned loudly into the boy's mouth as he felt those innocent fingers tracing over his hardness, exploring him through his robes.

He reigned in the urge to thrust violently against his charge and pulled back, watching the emotions as they crossed Raenef's face. Wonder. Embarrassment. Uncertainty. Perhaps a hint of fear? And then all these gave way to overwhelming curiosity.

"Please, Eclipse," Raenef whispered, "Show me how… I want to make you feel like…" The little demon swallowed hard as that image behind his eyes, the memory of Eclipse shuddering in ecstasy as the water ran off his body. "Like in the bath," he finished, averting his eyes.

Something within Eclipse twisted and broke at those words. This couldn't continue… And yet it already had, and still would, and he knew he could not fight it. He'd never been able to refuse this child anything, had he?

So be it.

If this was his master's choice, so be it. Somehow Eclipse would handle the consequences. The gods only knew how, but he'd find a way.

He felt the boy fumbling with the ties on the side of his robes, and grabbed his hands to still them, stilling the protests that rose immediately to Raenef's lips by kissing them. "All right," he breathed in defeat. "All right, I will teach you, if that is your wish."

He moved them to the edge of Raenef's bed with a simply spoken "go," smiling in spite of himself when the little lord yelped, surprised to find himself plopping down onto the slightly lower surface. Pushing Raenef back, he crept after him until the boy was nearly lying down, Eclipse hovering over him like a cat over its prey. Those lush summer eyes were very wide as they stared back into his own.

"Are you frightened?" Eclipse asked gently.

Raenef could barely breathe to answer. "A… A little," he admitted.

"Do you still want this…?"

Raenef nodded quickly. "I trust you, Eclipse."

Eclipse's breath caught at that. Cradling the young lord's head, he pushed the silk duster off the boy's shoulders, fluttering kisses over lips, neck, shoulders, and every other bit of skin that he could reach. "Simply do what I do," he breathed into the boy's ear.

Raenef nodded, breathing hard through his nose. Lifting his hands, he mirrored the paths that Eclipse's took on his own body, questing inside that damnable robe to get at the man's smooth white flesh. Quickly Raenef lost himself in this game, intoxicated by the heady touch of skin on skin, by the flavor of his servant's flesh, by the feel of his servant's mouth on his. And when Eclipse's hand crept down between his legs to tease and rub against Raenef's sex, Raenef let out a throaty groan and did the same to Eclipse without hesitation, earning a sound of not-quite-surprise from his servant.

"Unnh… That is… perfect, Raenef…"

Raenef's head went spinning straight through the clouds. Eclipse hadn't even called him "lord" or "master."

They stroked each other through their clothing, panting, Raenef writhing as heat spider-webbed through his loins, growing ever more enflamed until finally he arched up and whimpered with need. "More…?" Eclipse whispered gruffly, eyes darkened to a lusty midnight. Raenef nodded, unable to form words.

In a flash, Eclipse had unbuttoned his pants, fingers slipping in and ghosting over Raenef's arousal. Raenef whined urgently, head tossing and fists clenching in the sheets. "More?" Eclipse whispered again, eyes glittering.

"Please!" Raenef cried, "Just… Please!"

Eclipse made short work of removing Raenef's boots, and as Raenef automatically lifted his hips he pulled off the boy's pants and discarded them with an annoyed flick of his wrist. Moving back over Raenef, he pulled open the ties of his own robe with startling efficiency.

A soft rush of fabric; and then they were more alone than before, the man's robes a curtain of intimacy around their bodies and his hair black streamers around their faces. Eclipse combed his eyes over his master's pale golden skin, taut limbs and delicate musculature - so tender and flushed, a fruit just ripened. A smirk tugged at his lips as he watched those green eyes trailing over the older demon's body in turn, widening as they reached his sex.

Finally Eclipse ran a hand teasingly up and down Raenef's sides, just before giving the boy's arousal the friction he so craved. As he began to stroke him Raenef jerked up into the touch and threw his head back, calling out incoherent curses and pleas. Eclipse sucked in a breath and held it, closing his eyes on the enflaming sight as he guided Raenef's hand to his own sex.

Raenef complied, following his tutor's whispered instructions and guiding fingers to the best of his ability - though by now it was a miracle he even knew where he was. He must have been managing well enough, however, because Eclipse's arousal was pressing hard against his abdomen as he stroked him, and every so often the man would let out a groan that seemed to liquefy every muscle in Raenef's body. Hazily, Raenef vowed to himself that he would learn how to inspire that sound out of Eclipse on demand, and use the skill at every opportunity.

All of a sudden Eclipse clutched Raenef's wrists and pinned them to either side of his head, capturing his mouth in a searing kiss as he thrust downward with his hips.

"G-Gods -!" Raenef shouted hoarsely, the sound muffled by his tutor's mouth, "Eclipse!" Crushing pressure, Eclipse's sex thrusting against his own, every snap of the man's hips plucking something deep inside, the piercing vibrations sending Raenef careening into madness. He moaned and bucked against the hard body above him, his vision a blurred haze of wiry muscles straining beneath alabaster skin and streaks of raven-feather hair.

And then he felt it building, tingling, shimmering up from the tips of his fingers and toes and traveling up through his spine, into the bones around his eyes and nose. He tossed his head from side to side, trying to fight it, but it wouldn't be held off for long and he knew it -

"Eclipse, please, I need… I'm gonna…!"

Eclipse's weight lifted off of him and he nearly screamed in frustration. Through a fevered haze, he saw that lovely dark head moving downward, hair trailing over Raenef's stomach as he knelt between his legs. It took a moment to make sense of the sight.

Oh. Oh, shit. Eclipse wasn't going to… Black fire-eyes stared back at him as Eclipse lowered his head. Oooh, shit. He was.

Eclipse swallowed him whole.

Raenef screamed. His back bowed, hips arching up off the bead, toes curling as the world fell apart around him. Those lips moved up, tongue circling the head, teasing the slit; then Eclipse swallowed him again and sucked on him powerfully.

Raenef came shouting his servant's name, streamers of blinding sunlight burning into his eyes as he sobbed with the force of it, his fingers taking a death grip to Eclipse's hair. Eclipse pinned his hips to the bed as he drank him in, watching the beautiful creature thrashing against him through slitted eyes.

Oh… Oh, keep breathing, he had to keep breathing. Eclipse inhaled sharply through his nose, fearing his own climax would overtake him at any moment. With a sight like that who needed physical stimulation?

As Raenef began to float back down he crawled up beside him and cradled his shuddering charge as he rode through his aftershocks, whispering soothing nonsense in his ear. His chest tightened as he saw the tears streaming over the boy's face, but Raenef latched onto him like a barnacle and nuzzled into his neck, mumbling something like "so good, oh, gods, so…" before dissolving into completely incoherent babbling.

Finally he calmed and stilled in Eclipse's arms. "Master Raenef… Are you all right?" he asked quietly.

Raenef nodded quickly, sensing his tutor's apprehension even through the haze of bliss that lay over him. "Yeah, it… it was good," he blurted lamely. (His mind, which was not precisely crystalline clear at the best of times, had now taken on a consistency much like that of chocolate pudding.) "Reallyreallygood," he amended, just as lamely.

Hiding a smile in that mop of golden hair, Eclipse breathed in the youth's scent of fresh fruit and spring air, now tinged with the tang of sweat and lust. "I am pleased that you approve, my lord."



"You're, um… still…" Raenef shifted his leg slightly against Eclipse's erection. Eclipse grimaced.

"Don't concern yourself, Lord Raenef."

"But I asked you to show me how to do that in the first place!" Raenef protested indignantly. "I want to… I want… Um, Eclipse?"


"What was it you were thinking about? In the bath? Were you thinking of me… doing what you just did?"

Eclipse's breath caught. "No, my lord," he answered quietly. "I had been thinking of… something more… intimate."

Raenef realized what that probably meant and his heart skipped a beat. Sex, then. His tutor had been fantasizing about… having sex with him. His stomach tightened with apprehension even as his thighs tingled with the knowledge, and he wasn't quite sure he was glad for this realization or not.

He wanted to hear Eclipse call out his name with abandon the way he'd heard it back in his chambers. He wanted to see just that look of agonized bliss on Eclipse's face, and know that he, Raenef, was responsible for it. But he'd heard the guys in the guild talk, and with two men, together like that… Didn't that mean… Wouldn't it hurt to do that? But this was Eclipse he was thinking of; Raenef knew his servant would never do anything that would truly hurt him. And just a little pain was no big deal, right?

Right. Swallowing hard, the young demon took a deep, steadying breath. "I… I want you to do that, then. Teach me how to do that."

Raenef felt Eclipse go very still against him. It seemed even his breathing had ceased. Then, after a long, excruciating moment, Eclipse whispered in Raenef's ear. "Are you certain… that you know what that means, my lord?"

Raenef nodded mutely against the man's shoulder, forcing himself to look up at him as he spread his legs a bit to punctuate his wordless assent. A long silence followed, and they stared into each other's eyes. Then, so slowly, like a mask crumbling away to reveal the true face beneath, the polite indifference that defined Eclipse's expressions collapsed in on itself, and a look so raw and full of need flowed over his features that Raenef felt all the air in his lungs stolen away.

For him. That look was for him. For Raenef.

Finally Raenef looked away, unable to bear the intensity or the responsibility. "Do… Do you want to?" he mumbled uncertainly.

Eclipse lowered his head to press his face against Raenef's shoulder. "Yes… Oh, gods, yes," he rasped, the sound wavering slightly and setting Raenef's hair on end. Despite having just climaxed the boy could feel a familiar heat building between his legs. "But do you understand? You have not done this before, have you?"

Raenef shook his head.

"It will hurt you at first."

"I know…" Raenef whispered tightly. "It's okay. I… I trust you."

Hands convulsed on Raenef's shoulders as Eclipse made a small, strained sound. "Wait one moment, my lord," he told him, and quite suddenly he was gone.

Leaving barely enough time for Raenef to blink and utter a confused sound, he was back, shedding his robe and sliding over top of the youth with a small bottle in one hand. "What's tha - "

Eclipse's lips swallowed Raenef's question before he could finish it. The man's hands slid up between his legs in a silken rush and pushed them wide, earning a gasp of mingled anticipation and fear. Then those long, claw-like nails were trailing ticklishly up and down his inner thighs, the pure sensual danger of it sending a shudder straight through to Raenef's groin.

"Just relax," Eclipse whispered against his cheek, lifting a hand to trace the boy's lips with his fingertip. And then Raenef found that finger gently forcing its way into his mouth. "Suck," Eclipse told him simply.

Raenef was confused, but the sound of his servant whispering that word like that sent his heart racing and caught his breath in his throat, made little things like what was going on utterly irrelevant. Obediently he opened his mouth to the invasion and suckled at him greedily.

Startled and inflamed by the little lord's eagerness, Eclipse couldn't stifle the groan that rose to his lips. The feel of those soft lips and tongue, the sight of those hooded, trusting eyes, it spiraled down into the depths of his soul and raked at something there, something raw and primal and painful. Eclipse found himself struggling not to hyperventilate.

He pulled his hand away and slipped it between Raenef's legs, wriggling beneath him to tease at his opening. Raenef gasped. That felt… so strange… and it tickled… He squirmed a little, prompting Eclipse to murmur soothingly in his ear. The fingertip pressed harder, slipping inside.

"Haah -!" Raenef exclaimed wordlessly, fingernails clawing at Eclipse's shoulders in discomfort. Eclipse stroked his hair as he slowly pushed deeper, running soft lips over his neck and ear, the tip of his tongue sneaking beneath his earlobe as another finger pushed inside.

Even as Raenef grunted in pain he felt an odd shiver radiating outward, at once hot and cold, stretching within and compelling him to rock his hips slightly against the invasion; and then Eclipse was moving those fingers inside him. Raenef groaned and hid his face against his pillow.

"Unnh… Eclipse…"

Eclipse swallowed over the lump that had permanently lodged itself in his throat. The boy was already hard again, his face turned shyly away as his pelvis thrusted with jerky, subtle movements, rubbing his arousal against Eclipse's abdomen.

Something was rising out of the rawness inside him, something wild and dark and animal, something that was demanding he lose himself immediately in that soft young body. Eclipse knew it wouldn't be appeased until he set it free - and he refused. Let it tear him apart. He'd die before he'd let such hunger loose on his young master.

Raenef whimpered beneath him, squirming and thrusting harder. Then, as Eclipse finally found the sweet spot that would break him, the boy shot up off the bed and shouted a startled curse.

"Ah, SHIT! Eclipse!" Clawing at his servant's chest, Raenef gasped raggedly, wondering what on earth had just happened - and then it happened again. He wailed and flung his head back, shoving himself violently up against Eclipse, causing Eclipse to moan in turn as their erections brushed against each other. "Im… possible…" Raenef mumbled insensibly.

"Impossible…?" Eclipse wondered; but he didn't get an answer. Raenef was beyond hearing him, now. And as he watched the boy's rose-tinted, pale golden chest heaving, lips parted wantonly, Eclipse was almost beyond hope.

The raw thing in him reared its head and snarled, furious at Eclipse's oppression. Let me free, it commanded. Let me taste. Eclipse growled in response. No. I refuse.

Raenef bit down on his own finger, needing something, anything to ground him in reality before he just flew into pieces and blew away. Oh, it felt so good, too good, he couldn't stand it anymore and yet all he wanted was more, and he had to have it now. Eclipse's hips rolled against him smoothly as his fingers teased that spot within, and it sent a ghostly throbbing straight through to his core - almost as if the man were already inside him for one tantalizing moment. But he wasn't, and suddenly Raenef wanted it so bad it was killing him. His eyes stung with frustrated tears.

"Please, oh please… Eclipse! Just…" he moaned, tearing at the sheets beneath him. "Just… Do it, please!"

Oh, by the gods… Surely Eclipse's heart could not continue to beat like this for much longer. Surely it would burst at any moment. His master writhed beneath him, looking so wanton and ripe and - "Are you sure?" he asked uncertainly.

"Gods, Eclipse, please! I'll die if you don't!"

And yes, there it went. My heart has burst. Eclipse gritted his teeth, fearing he'd lose consciousness if he didn't reign in his pulse soon. And wouldn't that be an embarrassment, he thought wryly. A demon simply does not faint, especially not when he is about to ravage a beautiful young boy - who just so happens to be his master. And who he just so happens to harbor an inappropriate and desperate love for.

Capturing his lord's mouth, he delved deeply with his tongue as he covered his palm in sweet oil, slicking his sex and pushing the child's legs open farther. Raenef clung to him, wondering how it was possible to feel this much at once without exploding. He was trembling with fear, fear of the pain, fear of relinquishing control, even as absolute joy at being here with his servant like this warred with carnal, animal lust. There was even a strange, deep well of sadness inside as he looked into Eclipse's eyes, saw a deep, wide gulf that he had the sensation of being flowing into and filling up. Then, as he felt Eclipse pressing against his entrance, the tension within him stretched into a taut gossamer sheen that quivered in anticipation, waiting for the flood of emotion to burst through -

"Oh, oh, ECLIPSE!"

Eclipse gasped in alarm at the tremulous wail, but then his master was shifting his hips and wrapping his legs around Eclipse's waist, and he had to hold him still before things went much too far much too quickly. He leaned down and feathered kisses over the boy's face, shushing him.

"Shh… You must relax, my lord. Relax, or this will hurt you…"

Raenef gulped at the air and tried to calm the fire raging within. "I know… But please, hurry!"

Oh, by the gods… This child was going to drive him to utter madness. Eclipse sucked at the boy's tongue to distract him as he pushed inside, more quickly than he would have liked but as slowly as he could manage.

"Ah…AH!" Raenef's cries were muffled by Eclipse's mouth as he felt himself filling, stretching. It went from pleasure to pain and back again in rapid succession, confusing his senses. And then, all of a sudden he was splitting in two, he was sure of it, so much, too much, he couldn't stand it, and oh, he was burning to death from the inside -

Eclipse was drowning. Infinitely sweeter than his every fantasy, that blushing, trembling creature, those legs gripping him tightly; and as he pulled back and looked down on him that sweet rosebud mouth opened, panting, head thrown back and eyes shut tight. Eclipse clenched his teeth in concentration, determined to go slowly, but it was so exquisite and so luscious, and great gods so hot and tight…

He gasped as he slid in to the hilt, straining to hold himself still. Small hands fisted against his chest, tears collecting at the corners of his charge's eyes. Eclipse lapped them up with the tip of his tongue, needing the touch and the salty taste to remind himself that his master was in pain, that he had to hold on a little longer.

"Relax," he urged softly.

Green eyes slit open, gleaming like polished emeralds, and gazed up at Eclipse in unmistakable adoration and trust. A barely perceptible nod, and Raenef lifted his knees a bit higher. Eclipse's breath hitched.

Don't look at me like that. I can't bear that. I can't stand it!

Eclipse buried his face in the curve of his lord's neck, breathing in the sunshine and fruit scent of him, and he bit down on his lip so hard he tasted blood. A small sound, not quite a whimper in his ear; and Raenef's hands uncurled, slid upward to grasp Eclipse's shoulders. The boy's hips jerked slightly in an experimental little movement.


Crackling, burning electricity, dancing through his nerves. Head swimming. Gasping for air, air that had abandoned him with that small movement, with the sound of his name whispered so hoarsely, brokenly. Vaguely Eclipse realized that he was trembling.

This is madness. I am going mad.

Raenef pushed against him again, this time a little more sure of himself, hips rolling slow and smooth. Such curious things, pain and pleasure. And how blurred the boundaries between the two. The pain-pleasure flowed over Eclipse now, surging through his spine and bowing his back, wrenching away his control. He cried out, fighting against it desperately, but it was no use -

"ngh…AAH!" Eclipse bucked sharply, thrusting deep within the young body beneath him.

Raenef let out a startled yell, green eyes flashing wide. His body arched, nails raking over Eclipse's chest. "Oh…" came the little gasp that followed.

Eclipse clutched at the sheets, his grip threatening to rend through them. Cracking. The cage he'd built around that shadow beast was cracking, ready to snap into pieces, and it was all he could do to hold it together.

"I'm sorry…" he struggled brokenly. "Did I hurt you?"

"Hnn… M-more," came the breathless reply.

Eclipse's head shot up. "What…?" he blurted.

Raenef was gazing back up at him with lust-darkened eyes, his whole body flushed pink. The perfect picture of Eclipse's every private dream. Eclipse swallowed thickly.

"More!" the boy insisted, his voice breathy and unmistakably hungry. "Please!"

When Eclipse still just hovered there staring in disbelief, Raenef arched up beneath him with a desperate moan. The movement forced a choked sound out of Eclipse's chest, and he thrust into his master again with involuntary force, shoving himself deep, so deep and tight and hot and oh, he couldn't hold it together much longer, that cage was falling apart…

Raenef keened low in his throat. He'd never felt anything like this, never. Oh, it had hurt, surely, but each thrust had brushed up against something inside him, that same something that Eclipse had been teasing with his fingers. Whatever it was - maybe it was his soul, that seemed reasonable - it sent devastating waves of pleasure through him every time.

Eclipse was rocking cautiously now, teeth clenched and head bowed. Raenef watched the delicious emotions crossing his servant's face through hooded eyes, the movement sending ripples throughout his frame. A faint buzz was singing over his nerves, filling up his senses and reverberating through his skull, driving out everything but the need for more.

"Oh, Eclipse… Please, I need… I need…" he moaned incoherently. "Please!"

That sweet soprano took on a deep, husky edge, slithering down Eclipse's spine and piercing through that breaking prison inside of him; then, only then did he realize what that it was his sanity that was breaking. Only as it shattered. As a million, gleaming pieces flew behind his eyes.

Throwing back his head, he growled and all but rammed into his little lord. He heard Raenef's cry, a sound close to a scream, and it was somehow enough to give him a moment's pause - but the boy's legs only tightened around his waist, and those green eyes were rolling back in ecstasy. Thank the gods. Eclipse really didn't know if he could stop himself anymore.

Raenef bucked against his servant as he set a pounding rhythm. Each thrust jerked a mewl from his lips and sent sparks and spangles dancing behind his eyes. Hazily he saw Eclipse bare his teeth, felt the man's growl in his bones along with the heady rush of knowing that it was he, Raenef that had provoked this impossibly animalistic display from his stoic tutor. It nearly drove him over the edge, but he squelched the urge with a whine, gritting his teeth. He wanted it to be with Eclipse, this time.

Eclipse's mouth was on his chest, velvet tongue laving at a pink nub just before teeth latched on. The sharp blend of pain and pleasure shot through Raenef like a lance. "Ngh… ple… ease!" he moaned; and the sound spurred Eclipse on. The man licked a long, hot line up to dip in the hollow of Raenef's collarbone, and then up further to suckle at the juncture of his jaw and neck. Then Raenef felt the unmistakable sensation of fangs biting down, Eclipse's jaws closing gently but firmly onto his throat.

Raenef gasped and groaned, remembering his earlier desire to know what it would feel like to have these teeth latched onto his neck, just like this. And oh… it felt electrifying and dangerous and so very, very delicious.


Raenef's eyes flew open wide, the sound - no, the feel of Eclipse's voice emanating from deep within. The touch of his tutor's mind to his was usually so light, so reserved, emulating the same quiet manner with which the man carried himself.

This was utterly different. This was something heavy and dark and primal.


-My Lord-

-My Raenef-


Raenef flung his head back and sobbed out his need, lost to his servant's claim on him. To be claimed, to be wanted… Nothing in the world could be more perfect than this…

Eclipse was losing it. After all, he couldn't keep this thing inside of him restrained. After all, he was a demon through and through. He shifted the slender body beneath him, clutching the boy's hips to slide deeper inside him, and that beast within him demanded to hear that sweet voice cry out more, louder, scream.

Raenef mewled, pulling fiercely on the hair his fingers were tangled in. Guiding the little lord's hips to roll upward with every thrust, Eclipse's chest heaved, the rawness eating him up inside. And oh but it hurt, his heart was hurting so badly, he was bleeding inside and all he wanted to do was slip into his master's soul and hide there forever…

"Raenef," he growled, voice unrecognizable. Raenef keened loudly as he heard it, his sex grinding against Eclipse's abdomen. Suddenly the man clutched Raenef's wrists, pulled his hands out of the ebony tresses, long white fingers interlocking with his as Eclipse pinned his arms to the bed. White lips hovered just above his own, a piercing black gaze pinning him there as Eclipse ordered him, in that transformed, bestial voice: "Come to me."

Raenef gasped. "Please, Eclipse," he whined, wanting, needing, "Please!"

"Come to me!" A string. "Now!" A string of gossamer, resonating with a cry bittersweet as any violin; stretching thinner, piercing higher, so sharp, so brittle, so painfully beautiful. And so very, very close to snapping. "Raenef!" The music swelled, pulsing, too much for one slender thread to hold, so close to bursting forth from it's shining, vibrating prison.



Raenef flew apart with a delirious scream. Bucking wildly up against his servant, he drew him deep inside, milking him, forcing him farther than he could bear - and with a ragged, desperate cry, Eclipse followed behind his master into silvery oblivion. Falling, useless bodies abandoned, nothing but the two of them, ecstasy twined together.

And as they so-very-slowly returned to themselves they found their bodies had tried to mirror their souls. It seemed their lips and tongues were ravenously struggling to merge, limbs entangled, hands clutching tightly as if the other might disappear at any moment. There was no sound but for the rushing of the blood in their ears and the dull roar of their fevered breathing.

Raenef was sobbing, but he wouldn't have released his hold on his servant right then if his life depended on it. Forever. I'll never let go, not ever.

Eclipse drank in the salty taste of his little master's tears, his own eyes stinging more than they had a right to. A shudder crawled up his spine, possessing vertebrae after vertebrae until it wrenched a moan from deep in his chest. Oh… Oh, I am undone. This child has unraveled me.

"E-Eclipse…" the boy whispered brokenly against his lips before hiding his face against the man's neck. So much more than he'd ever even dared to want, and now… Now he had everything. Now he had so much it hurt in his chest to hold it all. "Eclipse, I - "

"Hush," Eclipse soothed, holding the boy tightly as he rolled them onto their sides and pulled the sheets around Raenef's shoulders. He rocked subtly, but as to whether he was rocking Raenef or himself was anyone's guess. "I am yours, Raenef. Hush now."

This prompted a little cry, thick with emotion; but as Eclipse stroked his hair and rubbed his back, he calmed, quieted. After a while luminous eyes gazed up through damp eyelashes, drawing Eclipse in like a moth to a flame. He couldn't look away.

How in seven hells had this happened? How had this disaster come about? Eclipse wasn't sure he even wanted to know. After all, if he comprehended how it had happened he might understand how he could have avoided it, and as to that, he was content to remain blissfully ignorant.

"Eclipse…?" That lovely voice was rough with all the strain as it called his name.

"Yes, sire?"

"Could you say that again?"

Eclipse blinked at him blankly. "What…? That I am yours?"

Raenef shook his head. "Un uh. 'Raenef.'"

Eclipse spent a long moment wondering in confusion before a smirk tugged at his lips and a chuckle rumbled through him uncontrollably. "All right… Raenef."

The little lord sighed happily and snuggled against him, asleep within seconds. Eclipse held him and drank in his bright scent, basking in the feel of the boy's bare skin against his. That child had just wanted to hear Eclipse say his name without a title. Eclipse smiled into that mussed mop of sunlit hair. Such a strange master he had. Such a strange and perfect little master.

His smile turned a little sad as Raenef's breathing slowed, grew deep and even. Asleep almost instantly, his lord at peace in utter trust, knowing that so long as he was here in Eclipse's arms, he was safe. If only Eclipse could trust himself so much.

But never mind that now. What was done was done and Eclipse could no more regret it than he could regret meeting the child. He let out a long breath that he hadn't known he'd been holding, and cradled Raenef close, eyelids drifting closed.

Eclipse soon fell into the deepest, most peaceful slumber he'd ever known.
