Devil May Cry - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Demons spell disaster ❯ Chapter Three: Whitney ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Wait, who are you two anyways?” Asked Whitney as she stopped rubbing her arm,
“Well, I'm Dante, and the one who scared the hell out of you is Nero.” I said as I pointed to myself and then Nero. Whitney nodded her head,
“So I guess both of you are demons right?” She asked as she glanced at Nero's Devil Bringer,
“Yeah, I guess you can say that.” Nero said,
“What do you mean?”
“Well, both Dante if half-demon, but I have no idea if I'm a half-demon like Dante, or if I'm a quarter-demon or something like that, we're not full demons.” Nero answered,
“Sweet, I know two new people and both of them are part demon.” Whitney said as she nodded her head slowly, Nero and I looked at each other, and then back at her,
“I guess you aren't the girly type then, girls your age would be freaked out.” I told her,
“Well, yeah. I was freaked out at first because I thought you were going to kill me, but then again, I held out longer than I thought against those demons. Plus, my clothes aren't really the girly type either are they?” She said as she looked down to her black jeans and dragon t-shirt that she was wearing.
“True, and your language doesn't sound very girly either.” Nero joked, Whitney rolled her eyes,
“Trust me; all this time that I've been running, I've said worse things.” She laughed,
“Just a question, but are we going to stand around here talking about how not girly Whitney is?” I asked as I folded my arms against my chest.
“Dante is right, if you guys are here on a mission, you need to finish it. Don't let me drag you down.” Whitney said, we all started walking deeper into the castle. “Just to say you guys, shouldn't I have something to protect myself with?” Nero and I stopped and stared at her; she looked at both of us and questioned, “What?”
“Already in the few minutes that you've been with us, you're already asking to have a weapon!” Nero exclaimed,
“Yeah, because it's better to leave me armed than defenseless!” Whitney said as she approached Nero,
“Guys calm down, Whitney, when we find a weapon to give you; we'll give it to you.” I told her sternly, Whitney shook her head and added,
“Sure, but at least let it be a sword. Or a cool looking gun, I'll go with whatever, just don't give me some magical potion or magic armor that can mend itself or something like that.” Whitney told me,
“Sure thing, just don't fall over when you're trying to pick up the sword, or when you shoot the gun.” laughed Nero. Whitney sent him a cold glare and he gulped loudly. “I'm just gonna stop talking right now…” Nero said as he started to walk again, Whitney looked at me and asked,
“Is it something I said?”
“Gee, I really don't know. Let's just keep moving; we can't afford losing time stopping like this.” I told her, Whitney shrugged her shoulders and started walking after Nero; I shook my head and followed both of them.
“Don't stop walking but I just wanna ask, have any of you brought any food, I'm starving.” Whitney commented,
“Not that I know of, doesn't this place have a storage room or something?” I answered,
“I don't know! I haven't eaten for the whole day. I don't even know the last time I even ate.” Whitney laughed and stopped and I crashed into her,
“Whoa!” I said as I caught myself before I fell to the ground,
“Did you see that?” Whitney asked as she pointed into the shadows,
“What are you talking about?” Nero asked as he looked into the inky blackness,
“I just saw something move, something, that seemed…evil.” She shuddered and looked back at me, “Come on, don't tell me that none of you saw it, I'm in the middle of this group, and Nero is in front! He should have seen it!” She looked at Nero, he shook his head,
“Whitney, you might be imagining things. If something was there, we would have sensed it.” Nero told her,
“NERO, LOOK OUT!” Whitney screamed, black tentacles sprung out of the darkness and stabbed Nero in the middle of his chest; he looked down and looked back up,
“Looks as though the party is beginning.” He said as he was yanked into the darkness.
“Damn, what is up with these demons? Are they having a nice little tea party?” I said as I pulled out Ebony and Ivory. Two more tentacles lashed out and grabbed me and Whitney, and we flew into the air, I saw a good look at the demon. Blood red eyes covered the face with a giant mouth with millions of gnashing teeth; black liquid was spewing out of the mouth like blood. I saw Nero near the face slashing at the black tentacles; I aimed my guns and started shooting at the demon. The rain of bullets seemed to sink into the skin and the creature didn't even flinch. A loud rumble filled the room and I figured that the demon was laughing,
“So much for plan A. I guess I'll go for plan B!” I said as I put Ebony and Ivory back into their holsters. I reached back and grabbed Rebellion and brought it out, I twisted and cut at the tentacle that was wrapped around my waist, it seemed to disintegrate and I fell, I did a front flip in mid-air and landed on my feet, tendrils of black crawled up my legs but I slashed at them. I looked up to see Whitney still in the demons clutches and was being jerked up and down,
“I'm gonna have a headache after this!” I heard her say, I grinned and looked at the demon, I leapt up next to Nero, helping him slash away at the tentacles.
“Got any bright ideas?” He called over to me,
“Nope! Do you?”
“Not a clue, it seems as though it's just all smoky like material, but it's solid enough to grab and injure us. Look at example A,” he said as he pointed to Whitney, “And here is example B.” He pointed to his chest that was already starting to heal. I nodded slightly and looked back at Whitney, she was upside down and saw me and waved slightly before the tentacle threw her in the air,
“WHOA!” she screamed as she fell, I jumped and caught her in my arms and fell to the ground,
“You ok?” I asked her, she looked at me and said,
“Well, I guess I am. I'm so happy that I don't have a weak stomach.” She put her hand to her head and groaned, “My head hurts like there was a train wreck though. I knew I was gonna have a headache!” I stood up and set her down and looked at the demon,
“Well, this one is a little more difficult to get rid of than other demons.” I said,
“Dante, give me your gun.” Whitney said to me, I looked at her and asked,
“What are you planning to do kid?”
“I don't plan, I just do stuff! Give me your gun!” She held out her hand and added, “The best plan is when you don't have one, you just react.” I stared at her suspiciously and nodded my head,
“Sure, just be careful.” I reached back and pulled out Ebony and handed it to her, she closed her hand around the handle and ran up to the monster,
“Hey ugly! Look over here!” She yelled as she waved her arms, “I'm the one you want, come after me!” I slapped my forehead and shook my head. I took it off and cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled at her,
“Hey, what are you doing?! I told you to be careful!”
“Don't worry; I think I know what I'm doing!” She called back to me,
“That's great, she thinks she knows what she's doing, but she probably doesn't know what she's doing.” I muttered under my breath. The demon looked at her with its eyes and a tentacle shot out and stabbed her and jerked her up into the air,
“WHITNEY!” Nero and I yelled, Whitney looked up and lifted up Ebony with shaky hands and shot once and dropped the gun and hung limply from the tentacle. Something shattered and glass like items fell to the ground, I noticed that she had shot at the largest eye that was on the face. The demon roared and screeched and slowly started to evaporate. Whitney started falling but was caught by Nero before she hit the ground. He landed and knelt down,
“Whitney, are you ok?” He whispered, Whitney opened her eyes and looked at both of us,
“Do you think I'm ok?” She asked, “I was stabbed in the chest by a demon and I have a massive headache. Try saying you're ok when you're human.”
“You idiot, you shouldn't have done that.” I said as I picked up my gun from the ground, Whitney looked at me, “We would've killed the demon sooner or later.” Whitney just smiled and said,
“Yeah, that's true but I'm not the type to just sit around now am I? I've noticed that demons have been chasing me like no tomorrow. At least I died fighting.”
“Don't say that, you'll be fine. Just hang in there.” Nero told her sternly, Whitney just smiled, her brown hair shining in the dim light of the castle with flashes of gold,
“Don't kid yourself. I won't survive a stab to the chest.” She coughed and winced, “It was nice meeting you two. And whatever you do, don't be stupid like me.” She fell limp in Nero's arm and he set her down on the ground,
“Poor kid, sad…she was starting to grow on me.” I said as I looked at the lifeless body,
“We only knew her for a few minutes.” Nero said softly, I laid a hand on his shoulder and looked at him; his white bangs were overshadowing his eyes,
“Hey kid, no worries, you have to get over it. We can't just stand here mourning.” I said in a flat voice, I felt numb. I had no feeling, just kinda…emptiness that was too quiet,
“You're right Dante.” Nero said as he looked up,
“Come on kid, let's go.” I started to walk away and something caught my eye, I looked at where the demons used to be and saw something glimmering. I walked over and picked it up. It was a sword, the blade was golden and the surface seemed to twist and move like it was alive. The sword gave of a soft glow and I realized that it reminded me of fire. The hilt was made of gold and had metallic blue swirls that were like water. The doubled sided sword seemed to hum softly. “Well, I guess this is her sword.” I whispered softly.
“What?” Asked Nero, I held up to sword to show him and he stared at it,
“I was saying that this sword belongs to Whitney.” I told him, he nodded and looked at Whitney,
“Well, she got what she wanted, a cool looking weapon.” Nero said. I walked over to Whitney's body and lifted the sword over my head and brought it straight down, there was a loud noise of metal against rock as I wedged the sword into the ground so that it was standing straight up at Whitney's head.
“Rest in peace kid.” I said as I walked away, Nero followed behind as I walked down the hall.
Now this is just sad! Whitney died so that she wouldn't slow Dante and Nero down. Read the next chapter to find out what happens next! Please review!