Devil May Cry - Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Dog Demon ❯ My Little Dog Demon ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

On a new job Dante gets an interesting partner. Another half-demon named Inu-Yasha who quickly earns his fancy. Too bad for poor Inu-Yasha. Dante/Inu Xover.
Summary: On a new job Dante gets an interesting partner. Another half-demon named Inu-Yasha who quickly earns his fancy. Too bad for poor Inu-Yasha, because when Dante wants something, he gets it. No matter what. But then again, maybe a part Inu-Yasha wants what he never got. Something he has been denied all along. Dante/Inu-Yasha
Okay! I've been wanting to do something like this and so I finally did. I'm throwing up here and hoping it's liked. Alternate Universe on the Inu-Yasha characters' side.

And yes, it's Yaoi!
Dante smirked when he finished wiping out all the demons in the bowels of the office building. Glancing up at the roof Dante had to wonder how that kid was doing. Inu-Yasha didn't look all that grand, or even appear particularly powerful, but despite that sword of his, Dante had to wonder how he used it when not using its particular power.
It took only a few months for Dante to be hurting for money after the Fortuna case when he'd gotten a call with the password. Dante left with a wave to Trish as he grabbed his coat and threw it on. This particular client had asked he come alone. At the time Dante didn't know he'd be working with anyone. Usually Dante turned those types of jobs down simply because he liked to either work with familiar faces or alone, though he preferred the latter.
He had to drive to a small town that congregated around a tall manner. It wasn't hard to figure out that the manner was where he was to meet his new employer. The trip had been smooth sailing; the gates even opened the moment he pulled up the driveway. Driving toward the front door Dante passed a long stretch of green grass with a few trees here and there in no particular order.
Dante was escorted by a butler up a red-carpeted grand staircase and down a hall and into a room. Dante stood on the threshold when he saw an elder, overweight man in an expensive suite, seated at a big desk looking to the side of the room to Dante's right. Looking in Dante saw that there was someone else in the room. Dante was surprised by the shock of long silver hair trailing down passed the persons ass. There weren't many people in the world with the same unnatural hair color as Dante, so it was very worthy of note. A black ball cap rested on what he was guessing to be a woman's head.
“Ah! You must be Dante! Come in! Come in!” Dante looked over toward the balding brown haired senior and stepped inside.
“What can I do for you?” Dante asked casually in his arrogant as usual tone. A growl caught Dante's ear and he looked over as the woman walked over toward the desk and slammed a hand onto the polished oak.
“I don't need a fucking partner!” Dante was taken back when he heard a definite male voice snarl.
“Take it or leave it Inu-Yasha.” The man said with a sly smile, not showing even an ounce of fear despite the venom that laced Inu-Yasha's voice.
“Damn it.” Inu-Yasha stood back straight and crossed his arms as he turned and eyed Dante. The Hunter was dressed in red and black, a long red coat hanging off his shoulders. His short hair was just like Inu-Yasha's in color and his blue eyes were cocky. Dante felt a sudden blaze through his veins when Inu-Yasha's golden eyes burned into him. Dante was certain now; Inu-Yasha was a demon, most likely half judging from his features.
“What are you lookin' at?” Inu-Yasha growled and Dante shrugged as he walked over toward the desk.
“So, what's the job?” Even as their employer spoke Dante felt Inu-Yasha glaring heatedly at him. Maybe this would be a bit fun.
“So, how long you been fighting demons?” Dante asked casually, trying to start up some sort of conversation as the two headed on to the next town, which had become overrun with demons. The man had family there and desperately wished them to be saved before it was too late. Didn't sound like this job would be hard, but Inu-Yasha had caught Dante's interest.
“What's it to you?” Inu-Yasha looked out the window with his body still facing forward, arms still crossed. Dante shook his head, a smirk alighting his handsome features. Inu-Yasha was acting like a petulant child because he didn't get his way.
Inu-Yasha was supposed to be a Devil Hunter like Dante, and quite famous, though Dante had never heard of him. But then again, Dante didn't really keep up with info from the Orient and Inu-Yasha was from Japan. Dante eyed the sword Inu-Yasha had strewn over his lap, its shape reminding of his brother's Yamato that was now in Nero's hands.
Dante sighed, not really being able think of much else to try and get the kid talking. Inu-Yasha was pretty much clammed up and unwilling to make any kind of decent banter, making Dante bored. However, Dante's face lit up a little bit with an idea and sighed as he hit the cruise control and lifted his knees to hold the steering wheel. Leaning back in his seat Dante glanced at Inu-Yasha who noticed the car slide more in one direction before straightening out again.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Inu-Yasha cried as he came upon Dante's stunt.
“What's wrong? We're both demons? The road's empty.” Of course, Dante knew he wouldn't crash. He had perfect control of the situation, not that Inu-Yasha knew that. Inu-Yasha jumped in his seat when Dante purposely turned the wheel to make the car veer to the other side of the road. Inu-Yasha made a strangled cry of panic and Dante chuckled.
“Stop it! Are you nuts?!”
“Maybe.” Dante drawled cockily. Inu-Yasha made a lunge for the steering wheel and Dante veered to the left again, throwing Inu-Yasha back against the door.
“You shit head!” Inu-Yasha screamed and Dante jumped up in surprise when Inu-Yasha grabbed the door handle and threw the door open.
“I'm not fucking riding with you!” Inu-Yasha declared and Dante stepped on the breaks hard, throwing Inu-Yasha against the dashboard and slamming the door shut.
Loud laughter rumbled from Dante as he watched Inu-Yasha peel himself off the steering wheel.
“Fuck you!” Inu-Yasha screamed as he grabbed the door handle and tugged.
“What the--?!” Inu-Yasha gave the door handle a few more tugs and Dante chuckled as he held his finger over the lock for Inu-Yasha's window on his side. Inu-Yasha's blazing gold eyes locked on Dante and saw Dante's cocky finger pressed down on the button and hissed as he jumped on the other.
“You fucker!” Dante was completely taken by surprise as Inu-Yasha topped him and made a grab to pull his cut off gloved fingers away from his door.
“You really don't understand the value of personal space, do you?” Inu-Yasha hissed again, baring sharp canines at Dante as he crawled onto his hands and knees over Dante's lap to try and pry Dante's stubborn finger away. Dante was surprised by Inu-Yasha's strength, admitting (only to himself) that it was a little difficult to keep himself the way he wanted. But on a brighter note, who would have thought that this little brat would be so much fun to harass? In a lot of ways he was having more fun than he did when he pissed Nero off.
“I hate you!” Inu-Yasha snarled in Dante face and the elder only smirked wider.
“You know, this is a… Pretty compromising position.” Dante said with a leer on his face and Inu-Yasha froze. To Dante's utter delight, Inu-Yasha's cheeks tinted red and the young half-demon jumped away from Dante. Dante watched in intrigue as Inu-Yasha sat hunched against the other side of the car, glaring and growling. To Dante's amusement, Inu-Yasha looked like a cornered dog, getting ready to bare its fangs, which he was sure Inu-Yasha would do any moment now…
Oh! Oh! There it is!
Inu-Yasha bared his fangs and glared heatedly at the other.
“You better fucking let me out!” Inu-Yasha proclaimed in a warning tone.
Did Dante take the warning to heart?

Nah, why would he do that? Dante was confident that he could take the kid. Dante chuckled again as he sat up in his chair.
“How about this, we do the job and fight all we want after, hm?” Inu-Yasha snorted and crossed his arms.
“If you know how to fucking drive.” Dante grinned as he slowly removed his aching finger from the lock button and cautiously watched Inu-Yasha as he started the car, making sure the demon didn't make a break for it. Once the car roared to life and Inu-Yasha huffed as he plopped down back into his seat and grabbed his sword, Dante relaxed and pulled his seat back up to drive properly. Well, that had been fun.
About a half hour later of silence the pair drove into the city limits and the utter lack of life and the thick veil of demonic atmosphere struck both. Inu-Yasha clutched his Tetsaiga as Dante moved and parked the car in front of what appeared to be a vacant coffee shop.
“Wonder where the party is.” Dante jeered mildly as they both exited the car and into the hot, bright sun, the scent of smoke and burning rubber assaulting their senses.
“Looks like they've wiped out most of the town. Damn.” Dante glanced at Inu-Yasha, somehow feeling a wave of mild surprise at the pure hatred that filled Inu-Yasha's gaze. It surprised the man simply because Inu-Yasha was so calm, not at all what he had become accustomed to around the other in their short time of knowing one another.
“We look for his family, then we get rid of all the little shits hanging around.” Dante nodded. As if the bell toll for a battle royal to begin was the nod of Dante's head, black swirling vortexes appeared and demons almost appeared to materialize. Reaching into the backseat Dante retrieved Rebellion and strapped it fluidly to his back. Inu-Yasha situated his sword in through a belt loop on his jeans and crouched. The two watched as an army hundreds strong quickly formed to cut them down.
“Come on you dirt bags.” Inu-Yasha growled darkly as he withdrew his blade. A light caught Dante's eyes and the Hunter was intrigued as he watched the thin curved blade grow in thickness, width, and height, a strange main of hair surrounding the hilt. Dante whistled.
“Nice.” Inu-Yasha smirked, brimming with confidence.
“This is the power of my Tetsaiga.” Inu-Yasha braced himself when the demons charged upon him and Dante. Inu-Yasha lifted the heavy weight of his sword above his head as Dante quickly cut through a small pack of demons. Pausing, Dante watched as a small tornado began to swirl up the blade. Dante couldn't believe that Inu-Yasha had a demon sword too. The only ones he was familiar with were his own and Virgil's.
Dante watched as Inu-Yasha hurled his blade into the ground, a great flash of light and snarling gale winds tore down the center of town. Dante felt the horrendous power of the winds push against him but managed to keep his cool and stand strong as he watched the wind rip apart and pulverize every demon in the vicinity as it tore up the street and islands that lined the main road through town till there was nothing left but a long deep ditch of dirt.
“Damn.” Inu-Yasha smirked and laughed a cocky laugh as he sheathed Tetsaiga. Inu-Yasha could see that Dante had a new found respect for him that he didn't have before and relished it as the two raced off down the street, Dante pulling out a small card from his back pocket which had the address of the house that the family resided in, though that didn't mean that they were still there…
Well??? I'm really dying to know what you guys think! I get such serious cravings for crossover yaoi fics but all the crossovers I ever see are paired with Kagome, whom of which I am NOT all that crazy about. Anyways!
Please review and tell me whatcha think! I'd really love to know! I really hope you guys enjoy this; otherwise I'll end up sending it to my “fail” folder like I do everything else no one seems to like.