Devil May Cry - Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Dog Demon ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Summary: On a new job Dante gets an interesting partner. Another half-demon named Inu-Yasha who quickly earns his fancy. Too bad for poor Inu-Yasha, because when Dante wants something, he gets it. No matter what. But then again, maybe a part Inu-Yasha wants what he never got. Dante/Inu-Yasha
Okay! I've been wanting to do something like this and so I finally did. There will be Dante/Inu-Yasha action VERY soon, but this starts out with a bit of (battle) action.
Okay, this chapter finishes off their intro and next will get into the hot action we all love and enjoy.
Also, thank you to so much to those who reviewed! This chapter is up thanks to you guys! It makes me want to write this, and makes it so much more fun.
Dante and Inu-Yasha cut down demon after demon as they ran through town, not at all hindered in the slightest. Inu-Yasha; also had developed a good respect for Dante, though his only demonstration was to cut down any at the other's back. When the man threw himself into a congregation of demons his sword sliced through them in moments, taking down everything around him, even a tree that just happened to be near toppled over. A quick draw and the few tottering demons a few feet away also fell to ash.
“You're not half bad.” Dante quirked a brow and laughed.
“Not bad? What are you fucking watchin'?” Inu-Yasha shrugged as the two once again pressed forward.
Not long into the trek, however, Inu-Yasha cursed and came to a sudden stop to kick off the boots that he'd worn for the sake of his meeting with their employer. Try as Inu-Yasha might to fit in with the human genome, these shoes fucking hurt his toes because of his fucking claws.
“Stripping in the middle of a demon infested town. Gonna distract'm for me?” Dante asked as more demons appeared around them. Truthfully, Dante had to admit, he would be the one distracted.
“Fuck you man. These shoes fucking hurt.” Dante glanced over his shoulder down at Inu-Yasha's feet as the last boot was finally dislodged.
“You uh… Ever use those?” Dante asked as he eyed the sharp curled claws on Inu-Yasha's toes.
“No, but I'd be happy to sharpen them on your face.” Dante whistled at the hostility as Inu-Yasha jumped up.
“So, ready to play now?” Inu-Yasha laughed once and withdrew Tetsaiga. Dante absolutely loved how the thing fucking grew.
Inu-Yasha froze when he picked up the scent of fresh human blood.
“Wait!” Inu-Yasha cried and Dante paused and looked at him.
“This way!” Inu-Yasha declared, suddenly turning tail and running through a thinning line of demons, cutting down the few in his way.
“Hey! What about our family? House is the other way!” Dante shouted up ahead.
“I smell human blood! It's fresh!” Surprisingly, Dante clammed up when Inu-Yasha darted faster through town, the two now pushing onward at a speed only those possessing of demonic blood could. Dante bulldozed down the demons ahead of them with his guns until Inu-Yasha came to a sudden stop in front of a tall business building.
“Here?” Inu-Yasha nodded.
“Smells like she might be related to our boss.” Dante quirked a brow.
“You can fucking tell that from her smell?”
“The smell of her blood.” Inu-Yasha corrected and the two broke down the front door. Dante chuckled as they stepped into the horde.
“Looks like they've been waiting.” Inu-Yasha shrugged.
“She's upstairs.” Dante nodded.
“How `bout I entertain our hosts while you get the girl.” Inu-Yasha looked up at Dante and nodded.
“Alright. Fine.” Inu-Yasha loved to kill demons, to completely annihilate them, but he did have his priorities straight. The injured human girl needing saving, IF she was even still alive. And the sooner the better, on her part.
Dante drew his guns and threw himself into the pack while Inu-Yasha cut his way through to a staircase ahead; killing demons that appeared on his way up.
Things didn't settle down until Inu-Yasha found himself in a new room filled with cubicles. Sensing no demonic energy hidden in this room Inu-Yasha sheathed his sword to appear less threatening should he find her alive.
“Damn…” Inu-Yasha mumbled. He could smell her, but she was all over the place. And the room was thick with the stale smell of the demons that were once in here. Everything was everywhere and Inu-Yasha couldn't detect any specific smell out to find a trail. Either she managed to find a good spot to escape and hide, or they killed her already.
“Hey, anybody in here? My name's Inu-Yasha, I'm a Devil Hunter. I've been hired to save the humans in this town.” Inu-Yasha waited a moment. Inu-Yasha sighed when he was greeted with nothing but the snarling demons from below and Dane's over enthusiastic shooting. Inu-Yasha paused stopped when his ears picked up the faintest rattling, and a shift. His ears twitched under the cap in strain as he slowly, cautiously on his feet, moved toward the sound. Inu-Yasha stopped before a closet door where a bookcase and a computer monitor had fallen, or been thrown, in front of.
“Help me please…” A weak, dry voice begged from within and Inu-Yasha immediately started chucking stuff out of the way. Pulling the bookcase from the doorway and leaning against its apparent original location, Inu-Yasha pulled the door open to reveal a pale, trembling girl no older than six. Kneeling down Inu-Yasha held out his hand but the girl recoiled back and her frenzied eyes filled with fear. Inu-Yasha knew why, he was half demon after all, and unlike Dante, it was painfully obvious.
“It's okay… I'm here to help you. I was hired by a family relative in the next town.” Of course, Inu-Yasha had forgotten his name. All he had wanted was the job. The pale blonde girl stared up at him for the longest moment. Inu-Yasha could see the two-braided pigtails in the girl's hair were matted and coming undone, her eyes were dark underneath and large. And he could see the large cut down her forearm where she'd been injured. Slowly, she finally reached out a thin trembling hand and Inu-Yasha gently clasped his fingers over the delicate limb. Inu-Yasha could see that she may have been stuck in here for a while, half the day at least.

Standing up Inu-Yasha saw the light blue patterned dress she wore, the fresh injuries that had yet to scab on her knees, and how dirty her once pure white socks had become. It was the injuries on her hands that Inu-Yasha discovered; that had probably led him there. It looked like she had tried to do something, but instead tore her palms open. They were bleeding badly. Holding both palms up, Inu-Yasha reached into his jeans pocket where he had stashed small bits of supplies for the job. Unrolling a small roll of gauze, Inu-Yasha wrapped and taped both hands.
“Okay. You ready to go?” The little girl nodded mutely when he was finished.
“What about your Mom?” Her big blue eyes watered and her bottom lip trembled.
“M-Mommy she….” Inu-Yasha didn't press anymore on it. He could tell from the sound of her voice and how much the fear radiating off of her grew intensely stronger. Her mother was dead.
It had been their mission to rescue the mother and daughter. Looks like they were a little too late. Looking up at the little girl Inu-Yasha offered a sad smile and stood from his kneeling position. Crouching down with his back to her, Inu-Yasha lifted his hands behind him in a gesture to get on his back.
“Come on, I'll piggy back you.” The girl quietly clambered onto his back and just as Inu-Yasha stood, vortexes twisting in darkness appeared. The girl gave a terrified wail and Inu-Yasha cursed. Just what he needed. He couldn't just drop her. Seeing a large window that overlooked the lower floor where Inu-Yasha and Dante had entered, Inu-Yasha made a dash.
“Close your eyes and hang on tight!” Inu-Yasha commanded and her little hands wrapped tightly around his neck. Inu-Yasha jumped just when a demon appeared in his way and managed to slide through it before it fully materialized and broke through the glass.
Dante pulled Rebellion out of the last demon as it dissolved into ash when the sound of glass shattering drew his eyes up above. It was like a scene from a B rated action movie. Inu-Yasha sailed trough the air, feet first with a small child glued to his back. Dante watched with amusement as Inu-Yasha's silvery locks flew out behind him, and inevitably, the baseball cap as well.
When Inu-Yasha made his hard landing on the ground, the little girl yelped in surprise and opened up her big blue eyes. She looked around, and then stopped when her gaze landed on Inu-Yasha's head. Hell, Dante had stopped and stared two.
“What's with the silence?” Inu-Yasha asked and tensed in surprise when the little girl reached up and grabbed his right ear and rubber her fingers on it. Inu-Yasha's shivered and craned his head to his right.
“Stop that.” Inu-Yasha shook his head but it still kept trying to go in that direction. Inu-Yasha's ears were extremely sensitive and he hated when they were touched. He was always afraid they might get pulled.
“Ow!” Inu-Yasha hollered and the little girl was dropped just in time to be snatched up by Dante. Inu-Yasha spun around and rubbed his ears.
“Don't pull my ears!” The little girl smiled lightly, as if nothing at all had happened to her.
“Kitty.” Inu-Yasha's face became absolutely horrified.
“Wh-wha-“ Monstrous roars once again brought reality crashing in and both devil hunters looked to see the demons coming down to the bottom floor with them.
“We've gotta move.” Dante nodded.
“What about the other one?”
“She's dead.” Inu-Yasha said quickly and Dante nodded as the two moved back toward where they knew the car was. First thing's first, stash the kid away, then get rid of all the demons…
“I'm not a kitty!” Inu-Yasha growled and Dante grinned.
“I hate cats!” Inu-Yasha hissed from the front seat. Needless to say, the job was done. And though the girl lost her mother, she was currently coping by bugging Inu-Yasha.
“I can see why you wear a hat now.” Inu-Yasha crossed his arms and grumbled.
“Shut-up.” Inu-Yasha cried out again when the little girl, Molly, unbuckled herself and moved forward to play with Inu-Yasha's ears again.
“I left my cap back there!” Dante chuckled.
“Too bad for you, kitty.” Inu-Yasha growled and glared at Dante.
“Shut-up or I swear I'll…”
“Kitty!” Molly yanked Inu-Yasha's ears again and Inu-Yasha cried out once again.
Inu-Yasha wasn't safe from Molly until she was returned to their boss, who was apparently her father. It was a very sad, and a very happy reunion. As soon as she was back with her family, she seemed to completely forget Inu-Yasha, like he'd expected. It was an odd way to cope, but at least now she was crying and missing her Mom and all that like a normal child would.
After being paid Inu-Yasha disappeared from the manner. Outside Dante found Inu-Yasha striking out on foot (shoeless now), to go somewhere. Pulling up by Inu-Yasha as he walked on the sidewalk, Dante drove slow enough to keep pace and rolled down his window.
“Hey, Inu-Yasha. You wanna go for a drink?” Inu-Yasha scowled.
“I don't think anyone'll let me in with no shoes.” Dante looked down at his feet and then shrugged.
“Come on, don't you ever unwind? Tight ass.” Inu-Yasha growled and stopped to face Dante in his car. Dante stepped on the brake as well.
“Go to hell asshole!” Dante smirked.
“I know…. I bet you just can't hold you liquor.” Dante jeered and Inu-Yasha's face went red with anger.
“I can too!” Inu-Yasha defended and Dante grinned cockily.
“Then prove it.”
“I don't have to prove anything to you!” And Inu-Yasha stopped off angrily.
“Pussy!” And to finish it off, Dante made a meow sound at Inu-Yasha.
That did it. Inu-Yasha stopped, turned around, his face red but frighteningly calm, aside from a twitching eyebrow that amused Dante to no end, as he jerked open the car door and slid into the seat. Slamming the door, Inu-Yasha crossed his arms and closed his eyes, that eyebrow still twitching.
“Well…?” Dante asked with a victorious grin.
“Just drive.” Dante grinned wider.
“Okay kitty.” Inu-Yasha muttered something with anger but Dante ignored it as he drove off back to his town to go to the usual place and try to waste Inu-Yasha.
All done. Yaoi action starts next chapter. `Cause admit it, wasted Inu-Yasha going home with a very… Capable Dante always equals fun.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chap and would love to know whatcha think.