Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mediaminer.org Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ Introduction! ( Prologue )
Special thanks to all the judges and all those who submitted their fics.
Special thanks to all those who assisted in the creation of this contest.
No thanks to those who didn't submit. You are bad people. Shame on you!
Special thanks to NBC for letting us use one of their many thousands of theaters for this award ceremony.
Special thanks to Microsoft for providing technical support. REMEMBER: I am Bill Gates of Borg. Resistance is Futile.
And now, let it begin!
Colorful lights ran all over the stage as the top Mediaminer Elite and characters from dozens of animés took their seats at various tables. Asuka slapped Touji after she caught him looking up her red dress at the Evangelion table. Serena happily scarfed down as much food at the Sailor Moon table as humanly possible. At the Gundam Wing table, Wufei sat and growled at the various women who he was stuck between at his chair position (put there for poetic irony, of course).
"Ladies and Gentlemen-" the announcer began.
"Shut up and start the show already!" Lina Inverse shouted from the Slayers table.
"Erm... Ladies and Gentlemen, may I now present to you, the starters of this Award, PsyWeedle and Digi-Chan!"
Heavy applaud came from the Mediaminer.org Forum table (which just happened to be the longest table of the entire Theater), and most everywhere else there was a great deal of less-heated applause and cheering. The lights dimmed, and two single spotlights shined down on the stage on a brown-haired catboy in a tuxedo, and a beautiful red-haired woman in a purple dress. A loud group of trumpets from the Orchestra played briefly, and a bass began to play in the background, to the tune of Frank Sinatra...
"Out of the tree of life, I just picked me a plum." PsyWeedle sang.
"You came along and everything started to haaahhhummm." Digi-Chan sang in response.
"Still, it's a real good bet the best is yet to come."
"The best is yet to come, and babe, won't it be fiiiiiine?"
"You think you've seen the sun, but you ain't seen it shine!"
"Wait `till the warm up's underway. Wait `till our lips have met!"
"Wait `till you see that sunshine babe, you ain't seen nothin' yet!"
"The best is yet come, and babe, won't it be fiiiiiiine?"
"The best is yet to come, coooome the day you're mine!"
"Wait `till your charms are ripe for these arms to surround!"
"You think you've flown before but you ain't left the grooouuund!"
"Now wait `till you're locked in my embrace."
"Wait `till I draw you near!"
"Wait `till you see that sunshine place."
"Ain't nothin' like it here!"
"The best is yet to come, and babe, won't it be fine!"
"The best is yet to come!"
"The best is yet to come!"
"The best is yet to come, come the day you're mine!" The two finished together.
The entire room burst into applause! Unfortunately, a group of litigation people then came in and slapped a lawsuit on PsyWeedle's face for using the song without their permission.
PsyWeedle responded by attaching the lawsuit to an animé hammer and hitting it repeatedly on the evil lawyers.
Erm, anyway...
PsyWeedle walked over to the main podium with Digi-Chan, and once again there was heavy applause and cheering.
"Thank you! And welcome to the First Annual Mediaminer.org Big-Ass Fanfiction Contest Thing! You know, this started a couple of months ago in August. Although it didn't turn out with as many responses as I would've wanted, especially with the wide range of categories I first thought up, but it still did a damn good job. And I've just gotten a lot of support from everyone on this, and I just have to thank you all so much!" he spoke into the microphone.
Once again, huge amounts of clapping and cheering. Digi-Chan now leaned into the mic.
"There's going to be two breaks in this before the closing ceremony as we progress through tonight's festivities. The Judges who were responsible for each category will go up and announce the nominations, show a clip from each nomination, and then announce the winner! The winner will come up on stage, make a short speech, and I emphasize SHORT, because we're being booked on the hour here. And now, my dear friends, let this happy time now begin!"
However, although there was happiness and celebration occurring far above in the main theatre, deep below, there was a secret meeting of evil beings.
"Now is our time to strike!"
"No, no. We must wait further. We shall slowly sabotage them throughout the evening. Do not worry, our plan will come to fruition soon enough!"