Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ MST3K “Fun”fiction ❯ Ash & Sabrina First Times ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

MST3K "Fun"fiction

By NawtyDawg69

Disclaimer: I used the fanfic without Ashx's permission. I couldn't find him/her. If he/she would like leave a review

saying that I should take it down and I will. Also I don't own Mystery Science Theater 3000 or Pokemon.

In the not-too-distant future, way down in Deep 13,

TV's Frank and Dr.Forrester were hatching an evil scheme.

They hired a temp by the name of Mike,

Just a regular joe they didn't like.

Their experiment needed a good test case,

So they bonked him on the noggin and they shot him into space!

MICHEAL J. NELSON: Get! Me! Do-o-o-o-own!

TV'S FRANK: We'll send him cheesy movies,

DR. FORRESTER: The worst we can find.

FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!

He'll have to sit and watch them all, and we'll monitor his mind.


Now keep in mind Mike can't control where the movies begin or end,

FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!

He'll try to keep his sanity with the help of his robot friends.


CAMBOT: We're rolling.

GYPSY: I'm a star!

TOM SERVO: Check me out.

CROW T. ROBOT: I'm different.

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts,

FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!

Then just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I really should relax

For Mystery Science Theater 3000!"

(Scene opens on the SOL, Tom is kissing a mop with a bucket on it with a face painted on. Crow is in a corner muttering to himself and rocking back and forth. Mike enters.)

MIKE: Uh, you guys feeling okay? You're acting stranger than usual.

TOM: I'd like you to meet Regina. We're engaged.

MIKE: You're engaged to a mop?

TOM: I know she's a super-model, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings.

MIKE: Right. Where's Crow.

TOM: Over there.

MIKE: Thanks.

(Mike walks over to Crow.)

CROW: Gerfiltamergen fliben noochin. Hibble pibble fibble gooble gibble, boodle rackey-sacky want some seafood mama.

MIKE: `kay. GYPSY!

(Gypsy enters.)

MIKE: I think something's wrong with Tom and Crow.

GYPSY: Well Crow has a severe case of space madness, and Tom… is actually in love.


GYPSY: Okay, he probably has a touch of it. He might be hearing voices.

MIKE: Ooooh, so he thinks "she" is talking to him.


MIKE: So, is there anything we can do?

GYPSY: Yeah, all we have to do is reboot them.

(Gypsy reboots Tom and Crow.)

CROW: Whoa, that was weird.

(The mads appear onscreen.)

DR.FORRESTER: Well, now that that's over with, I am sending you your next fanfic. It's a sad little, and I do mean little, piece of Pokemon filth. It's called Ash & Sabrina First Night by Ashx.

MIKE: But Crow just recovered from a serious bout whith space madness.

DR.FORRESTER: Well, that's too bad. I might consider letting him stay out if I gave a rat's ass.

(Lights flash and sirens blare.)

MIKE: We've got Fanfic Sign!

Crow(Nearly inaudible): Dick.

>Don't own pokemon

ALL(Monotonous voice): We won't.

>My First Lemon takes it easy on me

MIKE: Let's all applaud My First Lemon for showing mercy.

*All applaud*

>Ash & Sabrina first night

TOM: Then they day.

>Ash Did Not Met Misty or


CROW: He only Yankeed them.

>Ash Was In Bed When Sabrina

MIKE: Rolled over and said I love you. The end.

>Was in his Dream she want

>Him to come her gym at Midnight

CROW(Austin Powers): Well I want a toilet made out of gold, but it's just not in the cards, baby.

>When he comes to her gym the door was open

TOM: You notice there aren't any periods?

>She was she was nude four Him


CROW: Great, now they're bringing in The Powerpuff Girls.

>The next thing that she was on his lap

TOM: That was quick!

>And His dick was hard then she put her hand

MIKE: Man, what is up with this guy and capitalization?

CROW: Really, it's like his pinkies go into involuntary spasms.

>Down his pants she was rubbing his dick

>Her nipples hard and wet Sabrina please

TOM(Ash): Please quit this, I'm like twelve.

>Be my milk baby Ash Ok as he sucked on her

MIKE: I'm confused, who was talking there?

CROW: Great, just when you think it can't get worse, they played the hermaphrodite card.

>Nipples he was happy as Fuck milk come out

TOM: Just beacause it's a new line, doesn't mean you capitalize.

>Of her nipples Sabrina was horny she gave

MIKE: We have a ten sentence pile up on the intersection of I-40 and West Reno.

>Ash His first blow job As She Went Up & down

CROW: And left to right, and lower-left to upper-right, and lower-right to upper-left, and-

MIKE: Okay Crow, that's enough.

>When Ash Hade First orgasm Four night

TOM: It took him that long? Tantricy.

>They have in to each other eyes Sabrina

MIKE: What?

>I love You Ash I Love you to Part 2

CROW(Ash): But when we get to Part 2, it's over.

>In next

MIKE: In next what?

(Mike, Tom, and Crow exit the theater and go to their room. A few hours later they emerge in tuxedos to the main room, which is done up for a wedding. TV's Frank is at the alter waiting for the bride and groom.)

TOM: Where is she? What if she stood me up?

MIKE: Tom, she's an inanimate object. She can't even stand on her own.

GYPSY: Guys, I just found this note! It's from Regina!

MIKE: What, that's impossible. Give me that.

(Mike scans the letter.)

TOM: What's it say Mike?

MIKE: It says that she's gone to Arizona to find herself.

CROW: You guys do realize we're talking about a mop, right?


(Tom starts sobbing.)

MIKE: Cheer up. There are other fish in the sea.

CROW: We live on a satellite, Mike.

(Tom sobs harder.)

MIKE: Go to your room, Crow.

CROW: Okay…

MIKE: Well, let's all just go to sleep. I'm sure it will all be better in the morning.

DR.FORRESTER: Not likely, Nelson. Take your predicament into mind.

MIKE: Oh yeah…

(Tom sobs even harder.)

(Hey, it's good to be back home again!)