Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ MST3K “Fun”fiction ❯ First Times ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3: First Times by an unknown author

Disclaimer: Since this author did not name him/herself, and the fic itself was on a different site, fuck `em. Also, I

don't own Pokemon or Mystery Science Theater 3000.

In the not-too-distant future, way down in Deep 13,

TV's Frank and Dr.Forrester were hatching an evil scheme.

They hired a temp by the name of Mike,

Just a regular joe they didn't like.

Their experiment needed a good test case,

So they bonked him on the noggin and they shot him into space!

MICHEAL J. NELSON: Get! Me! Do-o-o-o-own!

TV'S FRANK: We'll send him cheesy movies,

DR. FORRESTER: The worst we can find.

FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!

He'll have to sit and watch them all, and we'll monitor his mind.


Now keep in mind Mike can't control where the movies begin or end,

FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!

He'll try to keep his sanity with the help of his robot friends.


CAMBOT: We're rolling.

GYPSY: Here!

TOM SERVO: Gumball?

CROW T. ROBOT: I can do the robot!

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts,

FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!

Then just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I really should relax

For Mystery Science Theater 3000!"

(Scene opens on the SOL and the entire place is done up like a Disco dance room. Mike is in a suit like Jewels' from Pulp Fiction. Tom and Crow are the same, except Tom has glued curly hair in the shape of an afro, rather shabbily, to his head and Crow has fashioned an Aquarius medallion out of paper, a string, and gold crayons.)

CROW: Whose idea was this to settle an argument with a dance contest.

MIKE and TOM: Yours.

CROW: Well, Mike, how come your costume doesn't suck?

MIKE: Because I took Home Ec. In High School and the Mads left us fabrics in our supplies.

CROW: Really? Well why does my costume suck?

MIKE: Because first, paper, a string, and crayons don't make for a good medallion, and second, an Aquarius' sign isn't a drop of water.


TOM: And mine?

MIKE: You glued doll hair to your head.

TOM: Oh…

(Gypsy enters and has spray-painted herself gold.)

ALL: Cool!

GYPSY: Now let me show you fools how to dance.

(She does the worm.)

MIKE: That was the best worm ever.

GYPSY: It helps to be shaped like one.

(The Mads appear onscreen.)

DR.FORRESTER: What are you idiots doing now?

TV'S FRANK: Funky happenins brutha.

DR.FORRESTER: Behave your self, Frank.

TV'S FRANK: Sorry.

MIKE: Hey, don't call me an idiot, this was Crow's idea.

CROW: Hey, who's the bigger idiot, the one who makes the suggestion, or the one who follows him.

TOM: He's got a point, Mike.

DR.FORRESTER: Anyway here's today's dosage of sheer stupidity. It's called First Times, and the author was so ashamed, he didn't leave his name.

(Lights flash and sirens blare.)

MIKE: We've got Fanfic Sign.

CROW: That don't jive, brutha.

(Mike, Tom, and Crow enter the theater.)

>Disclaimer- The characters used in this story are not mine the actual script is.

MIKE:I tried to get commas, but the owner's denied me.

CROW: And I wish I didn't own that.

>Disclaimer- This story is a lemon blah, blah, blah...

CROW: Look, he cares as much about the disclaimer as much as we do.

>More disclaiming- Don't read it if you're an under-aged pervert blah, blah, blah

TOM: After, saying this, he lost 99.9 percent of his viewers.

>Yet even more disclaiming- If you read this and get offended its' not my fault blah, blah, etc.

MIKE: Isn't etc. the same as blah.

>Rating System-

TOM: Sucks, really sucks, can't sleep-afraid I'll have nightmares.

MIKE: Third

CROW: Ditto.

>Who does it- Ash&Misty

ALL(Sarcastically): What a surprise!

>Status- Both Virgins

*All snicker*

>Extra- Both know nothing or very little about sex.

MIKE: This won't end well.

CROW: Nor will it begin or continue well.

>Takes Place- Viridian Forest, first time passing through (you know, when he got caterpie).

TOM: Y'know, I could've sworn Misty hated Ash then.

>On a Personal Note- I wrote this story and will write more pokemon because of the sheer lack of pokemon lemons,

CROW: And self respect.

>I also was bother by the lack of quality in the few I read so if you have any constructive ideas or comments e-mail me at Ecchi_san @hotmail.com

Thank You, Ecchi-san

CROW: Domo origato, Mr. Roboto.

MIKE: Dear Ecci-san, never write again.

TOM: Dear Ecci-san, cut your hands off.

>First Times

CROW: Second Times

TOM: Third Times

MIKE: Don't encourage him.

>Ash was lying in his sleeping bag thinking of the days events.

MIKE: I'm a genius, I can do anything, women want me...

>Misty had kept bugging him about her bike, but he had caught caterpie so the day wasn't a total loss.

CROW: Yeah, even being down 100+ dollars can't get him down.

>Even if Misty was annoying it was still nice to have her around,

CROW: He forgot his Hustlers.

MIKE: Crow...

it could get really lonely out here and it was nice to have a friend(more or less).

CROW: Ha! I was right.

MIKE: Weird...

>He also liked the feeling he got when she was around, it made him feel tingley and warm all over.

TOM(Ash): Whoops, guess I'm not a virgin anymore.

>He also remembered how this morning she'd accidentally bumped into him and his penis got rigid and hard.

MIKE: Easy, there trigger.

>It was annoying as hell and made him uncomfortable but it also felt kind of good.

TOM: Good in a "make everyone who hears it puke" sort of way.

>Misty looked over at Ash, she thought he was asleep.

MIKE: But really he was faking it to get her to leave him alone.

>Boy is he cute, she thought,

CROW: Until she came to her senses.

>even if he did wreck my bike I'm still glad to have someone to travel with.

CROW: Ironically, she had lost her Playgirls.

>She thought about how this morning she'd bumped into him and his pants stuck out. Maybe he had an erection,

MIKE: She prayed not.

>he sister told her that happens when a boy wants to have sex.

TOM: Wow, and here I was thinking he was a she.

>She decided she wouldn't mind having sex with Ash, but she didn't know how. Maybe Ash did.

MIKE: This doesn't bode well for the future.

>Suddenly Misty realized she had to pee, she got up out of her sleeping bag and walked off to find a spot.

CROW(Misty): Here a spot. Fweet fweet fweet fweet fweet. Here boy.

>Ash heard Misty get up and looked over just in time to see her disappear into the bushes, he unzipped his

ALL: Aaaaaaahhh!

bag and went to follow her,

ALL: Whew!

CROW: Let's not start this again.

>he didn't want to admit it to himself but he was worried about her.

MIKE: Yeah, it's not a good sign when someone leaves sight to urinate.

>Misty found a spot and pulled off her shorts and panties and squatted, letting herself got.

MIKE: Letting herself got what?

>Ash walked through the bushes and found Misty peeing. His eyes fixed on her hairless virgin pussy and he felt his dick get hard again.

ALL: Aaaaahhhhh! Sprinklers!

>"You pervert!" Misty yelled.

MIKE: Misty screamed.

TOM: Misty shouted.

CROW: Misty shrieked.

>Ash turned around quickly and began apologizing with his eyes closed "Gomen Misty!" he bowed.

CROW: Hai! Hai shozo-san!

>Misty finished and stood up, and pulled up her shorts. She walked to Ash, who was still staring the other way and put her hand on his shoulder. "It's okay Ash, I'm sorry for yelling at you, you just surprised me. Okay?"

MIKE(Ash): S'alright.

TOM(Misty): S'alright?

MIKE(Ash): S'okay.

>Ash turned around and Misty gave him a peck on the check.

CROW: New meaning for "Kiss my ass."

MIKE: The cheeks on his face.

>Ash couldn't tell what to do, he had so many feeling surging inside him.

MIKE: Yep, he had so many feeling surging inside him. Good one, fanfic.

>He hugged her and began kissing her on the mouth.

TOM: Count your blessings, it was on her mouth.

>Misty liked the feeling and remembered how her sister told her about french kissing so she pushed her tongue into his mouth, Ash followed her lead and kissed her back.

MIKE: Can we finish this up, I want to take a shower.

>Ash felt his dick get hard with anticipation. Not knowing what to do he

CROW: Ran away desperately. The end.

>began grinding against her.

"Ash lets go back to camp to do this."

"Do what?"

TOM(Misty): Go to sleep, this is nasty.

>"Don't you want to have sex."

ALL: No.

CROW: That was weird.

>"Is that what this is?"

"I think so, I don't think we're supposed to have any clothes on though so lets go back to camp." Ash and Misty went back to camp, stripped and hugged each other.

TOM: I'm not exactly an expert on human mating, but I don't think they're doing it right.

Misty looked down at his penis

"Can I hold it, Ash"

CROW: Well, I guess, seeing as how we're having sex, stupid.

MIKE: That's not sex Crow.

CROW: Oh...then what is?

MIKE: Okay, let me explain it. See, there's this bird...

>"Okay.." Misty took her hand and placed it on his cock.

CROW: Man with all these pussies and cocks it feels like Cockatrimon and Gatomon are doin' the nasty.

>She started playing with it and Ash told her what felt the best. Misty stopped holding him and started grinding against him.

MIKE: I feel like I'm watching two kindergarteners having sex.

>Ash followed suit, and they decided to go into Ash's sleeping bag. They started grinding again when Ash's penis slipped into Misty now-wet pussy.

TOM: Wait, did they start grinding again when it went in or did it go in when they started?

>She let out a soft moan.

MIKE(Soft moan): I'm free!

>This was heaven on earth.

TOM: Funny, we're in hell.

>Then it slipped out again and the feeling went away.

"Ash did you feel that."

"Yeah, it was great."

"It happened when your penis was in me." They didn't exactly know how to do it again so they got out and sat down on the sleeping bag.

CROW(Misty): Insert tab A into Slot B...

TOM: I thought they were getting down in the sleeping bag.

>Ash lied down and Misty straddled him trying to position her self on top of his manhood.

MIKE: Boyhood.

>She sat down with a little squishing sound and felt something break inside her

CROW: Now Ash can piss around a corner.

>"OWWW!!!" She cried, "Are you okay Misty?"


CROW: Then how's all this possible?

>"I'm fine, its' okay" She pushed hard onto him trying to get rid of the pain and he pushed back.

MIKE: Five minutes of couplehood and there's already a domestic dispute.

CROW(Misty): Ash shot me `cuz he loves me.

>She moaned out load and began pounding with all her might. Ash looked down at her dripping cunt then up at her little breasts. He decided

MIKE: He determined.

CROW: He elected.

TOM: He selected.

>he wanted to touch them. He reached up and put his hands over her petite breast.

TOM: She lost one to cancer.

>Misty moaned again, she was getting close to climax. Ash felt like he was about to explode he dropped his hands to her ass and pushed her onto to him even harder. Both of them came simultaneously.

MIKE: Where was Pikachu all this time?

CROW: Watching.

>Ash relaxed on top of the sleeping bag and Misty went asleep on top of him. It would be a night to remember for both of them

MIKE: A night to remember in therapy that is.

The End

(MIKE, TOM, and CROW exit the theater and it appears as though their in the woods, camping. Gypsy's sitting at a campfire with Cambot telling ghost stories.)

GYPSY: And on her house's door, was a bloody hook.

(Our view begins to shake.)

MIKE: Oh yeah, I got something ten times scarier than that. Once, on a night like this, in a forest like this, two ten-year-olds decided to have sex.

CROW, GYPSY, TOM, and CAMBOT: Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!

MIKE: Yeah, I know.

(The Mads appear onscreen.)

DR.FORRESTER: You'd better quit telling ghost stories Nelson, you're going to need your sleep to be able to stomache this next one.

MIKE: You think I'll really be able to sleep after that?

CROW: I can't believe I'm going to ask, but what's next?

TV'S FRANK: We're not sure, so much to choose from. But don't you worry, we'll find some thing truly horrible.

MIKE: Somehow, I don't doubt that.

DR.FORRESTER: Well, get some sleep.

(All crawl into a large tent. Tom picks up a flashlight and shines it on his "hand.")

TOM: Can you guess what it is?

(Mike and Crow look to each other and roll their eyes.)

(Hey, it's good to be back home again!)