Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Big Brother 3 ❯ Moving Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: Pokémon is the property of Nintendo Entertainment Inc, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.
DISCLAIMER: Digimon is the property of Disney Inc, Toei Animations, FOX, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.
DISCLAIMER: Kingdom Hearts is the property of Square Enix Inc, Disney, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: Final Fantasy is the property of Square Enix Inc, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: BIG BROTHER is the property of CBS Inc, Fremantle Media, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing the concept from them. All copyright law applies.
For reference, here are the ages of the Houseguests.
Ash: 26
Misty: 25
Gary: 26
Samuel Oak: 60
Dawn: 25
Davis: 29
Kari: 29
Yolei: 23
Rika: 22
Takato: 21
Roxas: 21
Kairi: 22
Sora: 22
Naminé: 22
Yuffie: 25
Leon: 31
Cloud: 30
Yuna: 26
Tiffa: 27
Riku: 24
(Cue Dramatic Music)
Nate(VO): It's a house like no other.
(Camera zooms into the entry way, colored Bright Orange and Red)
(Voice over continues)
Nate: Where cameras watch every move you make, and microphones record your every sound.
(Camera pans to the Living Area/Dining/Kitchen, which is colored Green and Navy Blue)
Nate: Where houseguests compete for Food, Luxuries, and even Power.
(Camera shows the memory wall, with 20 Familiar faces)
Nate: Each week, the houseguests will mark two of their own for Eviction, until one remains and claims the one million dollar top prize. Welcome to Big Brother 3.
(Logo shines, then fades)
(Camera zooms out in a studio in front of the BB3 house, with Nate standing)
Nate: Welcome to Big Brother 3. We had a huge casting call this season; Characters residing from Pallet Town, Japan, Destiny islands, and beyond. 20 strangers will get the chance of a lifetime.
(Camera pan effect to Pallet town)
Ash: I've got a key!
Delia: Don't do anything stupid in that house.
Ash: I won't. It's my housemates I'm worried about!
(Same effect, but to next door)
Gary: I'm going into the house!
May: Congrats Brother!
(May hugs him)
Gary: I've got to pack!
(Across the field, rather next door…)
Samuel Oak: Get that key out of your mouth! It's not a chew toy!
Pikachu: Pi Pika pi.
Samuel: Oh, you're just a stubborn as Gary! I need that!
(In Cerulean City)
Violet: Hey runt! You got Mail!
Misty: It's been 15 years and you STILL call me that?
Daisy: Its fun picking on you sis!
(Daisy does the Anime Peace Sign)
Lily: Take care in that house! Slap any guy who makes passes on you.
Misty: Shall I take my lovely suits or not? Have something for the guys to look at.
(Misty Smirks, All three of her sisters fall over)
(Finally, in Twinleaf)
Johanna: What's this key for?
Dawn: I'm a houseguest on Big Brother!
Johanna: Isn't that the show where you have no privacy?
Dawn: Yep! 1 Million Goes out to the winner. I've got 2 minutes to pack!
(In Odiba, five apartments receive the same mail)
Davis: A key! Crap! 2 minutes to pack. Where's my Damn goggles!
Kari: Finally! Redemption!
Yolei: Time to show that other 19 how to play a game!
Rika: Game on, bitches.
Takato: One hell of a summer, please Waiter.
(On Destiny isles, a carrier drops off a coconut with five keys sticking out of it)
Roxas: Mail!
(Roxas Pulls out a slip)
Paper: “Congratulations Roxas, Naminé, Kairi, Sora and Riku. You've made the cut. Welcome to Big Brother 3.”
Roxas: We should get packing.
Kairi: How long do we have?
Riku: 2 minutes.
Sora: Damn it!
Naminé: Just clothes... weapons are forbidden.
Roxas, Riku (Unison): Awe man…
*They impale their keyblades into the sand*
(Meanwhile, in Spira, the Final Fantasy characters are at a bar celebrating)
Ansem: I have Mail for the Chosen Five.
(Ansem hands over Mail for Yuffie, Leon, Cloud, Yuna, and Tiffa)
Yuna: Oh wow! We're sharing a house with 15 other strangers.
Leon: This is going to be one hell of an adventure.
(All 5 impale their weapons into the soil, Flash effect to the studios)
Nate: Only people from the same series know each other, no one is allowed to talk to another series until they arrive in the house.
(Houseguests enter, standing in front of the House)
Nate: Housemates, before you is the Big Brother House. Behind those doors is the basics needed to live. No Phone, no Television, no Music, no Internet. No contact with the outside world. You will leave the house when one of three things happens. Either you get evicted, expelled, or have won the one million dollar prize. Are we clear?
Group: Yes!
Nate: Before I forget, look around you, this is your new family. Get to know each other, as you're stuck with them for three long months. You will enter the house in groups of 4, but be quick, as in one minute after you enter, the next group enters, so on, so forth until all 20 of you are inside. The first four to enter the house are: Ash, Yuffie, Roxas, and Kari.
(All four pick up their luggage, and enter the house)
Yuffie: Big brother baby!
(They turn right)
Roxas: FUCK! Bathroom!
(They run past the Kitchen and Living Room into a room that is White in color, with 4 twin beds)
Ash: Hell no!
(Group runs to the Sunrise room, but with the same bed layout)
Kari: SHIT!
(They check the Sunset room, but only 2 beds)
Yuffie: Stay here?
Ash: I Guess.
(All four plop down their luggage, cut to outside of the House)
Nate: The next four to enter the house: Yuna, Sora, Yolei and Riku.
(They make the same mistake the team ahead of them did)
Riku: SHIT! Bathroom!
Yuna: To the other side?
(They pass the Sunset Room)
Ash: FULL!
Yolei: DAMN IT!
(They bolt to Sunrise room, putting bags on beds)
Nate: The next four to enter: Samuel, Tiffa, Misty, Cloud.
(Yet again, same mistake)
Cloud: Fuck me!
Tiffa: We have to hurry… next room?
(They run to Sunrise room to see two beds empty)
Tiffa: Are we missing something?
Riku: Nope, two to a bed.
(Outside of the house)
Nate: Takato, Dawn, Naminé, Leon… you may now enter the house.
(They run to the left)
Leon: HURRY!
(They peer in Sunset Room)
Yuffie: FULL!
Dawn: Other room?
(They run to Sunrise Room)
Riku: FULL!
Leon: SHIT!
(They walk shame filled to the Snow room, with a locked door, placing bags onto beds)
Dawn: Try to open the door.
Takato (Jigging handle): Locked.
(Outside the house)
Nate: The rest of you may now enter the house.
(Gary, Rika, Davis, and Kairi enter, and head right)
Rika: That's the Bathroom!
Kairi: Around the Kitchen we go!
Davis: Nice looking Kitchen!
(Gary sees the Snow Room, with 2 open beds)
Gary: Only one room open.
Rika: Shit. We're bedmates.
Davis: I'm bunking with the brunette!
Kairi: I get the gruff looking dude!
(Leon gives her a scowl)
Gary: I get the Black-haired chick.
Takato: I guess I get the Orange-hair girl.
(Rika Smiles, camera cuts to Sunset Room)
Kari: Damn, we have to share TWIN sized beds?
Ash: Yep. Hope everyone likes cuddling!
Yuffie: I'm so cuddling you Ash!
(Ash turns Beet Red)
Ash: Let's just put our clothes in the dressers. Least Big Brother is nice enough to give us separates. You never know when you'll need to put on a pair of pants in the middle of the night, and grab your partner's instead.
Roxas: Speaking from experience?
Ash: No, but YOU trying fitting into a pair of petites.
Roxas: Good point.
(Outside the studio, Nate is sitting on the couch)
Nate: We'll give our houseguests time to know each other, but I'm letting you in on some information. The locked door in the Snow room is to a room you DON'T want to be. It's the have -not room. With a Steel floor as a bed, with just a blanket keeping you warm, and a pillow to sleep on, these are the worst beds in the house, with the addition of eating either PB and J, or Big Brother Slop for a week. The houseguests can swap back and forth, but must be on one for 48 hours. There is a locked room upstairs, but more on that later.
(TV behind Nate shows the houseguests opening up champagne, and celebrating making the cut, as scene goes full screen)
Yuna: Woo!
Ash: Thank goodness there's Mistic here for the non-drinkers.
Roxas: Shall we get to know Each other?
(All 20 walk to the living area, with 3 couches seating 6 each, and 2 people sitting in the Nomination chairs)
Yuffie: Who first?
Davis: Why not your group, Yuffie?
Yuffie: I'm Yuffie, with Leon, Yuna, Cloud, and Tiffa. All 5 of us are from Final Fantasy, and fought many different evils and succeeded in saving our own Galaxies. We need a vacation, so we all signed up.
Ash: Sounds like world saving is hard on your free time.
Yuna, Tiffa, Cloud, Yuffie, Leon (Unison): WHAT free time?
Ash: Point taken.
Roxas: We too, follow the FF group, but it was to our galaxy. Sora, Naminé, Riku, Kairi, and myself are from the Destiny isles, and faced several heartless and nobodies, almost a countless number really.
Ash: No world saving here, Just Pokémon training.
(Kairi giggles)
Misty: Boring, we know. It passes the time. But Samuel is the oddball, he's the researcher.
Davis: We also are world savers. Yolei, Kari, Takato, Rika and I saved our world and the digital world from countless evils, and Digimon who missed a nap.
(Yuna giggles)
Yuna: To Big Brother?
ALL: To Big Brother!
(All toasts)
(Commercial Break)
(Return from Break)
Nate: Welcome back to Big Brother. The houseguests had some time to know each other; maybe it's time they got up close and personal?
(Camera breaks to Living room, with Nate appearing on the plasma screen behind the middle couch)
Nate: Hello Houseguests.
Houseguests: Hello Nate!
Nate: Getting comfortable?
Yuffie: Yep.
Nate: I wouldn't get TOO comfortable, your first Head of Household competition starts. Please make your way to the backyard now.
(Kari peeks outside the Kitchen Patio door)
Kari: Oooh…
(As the Houseguests enter the backyard, they see 10 big, empty nests made out of straw, twigs, and leaves)
Cloud: You have got to be kidding me.
Nate(VO) : This is no joke Cloud, this is a combination Head of Household and Food competition, one of few group efforts. Before you are 10 nests, in which two of you MUST fit into, but be careful, if either one of you stand up or touch the outside of the nest, both of you are disqualified. When it is down to two people, the last one in the nest is the new Head of Household. Beside you is a table filled with various groceries and bags. When I give the signal, you will have only one minute to bag the groceries, find your nest mate, and get in the nest, otherwise the food you have gathered, plus you and your partner will be out of play. There will be no smoking, no drinking, no eating, and no napping. Good luck houseguests. You may now begin!
(Big Brother blows the whistle)
Kairi: Get some Vegetables!
Ash: Some Fruit!
Cloud: Don't forget some booze!
Rika: Just bag people!
(Everyone hectically bags food, and heads to the nests with their bedmates, some teams sit with their legs crossed, some are basically straddling each other)
(Big Brother blows the whistle again)
Nate (VO): The HoH contest begins; you do have your food. You are still forbidden to eat or drink anything. Good luck houseguests.
Sora: Wait!
(Big Brother doesn't respond)
Ash (Basically hugging Yuffie): Guys, this is as comfortable as you're going to get in these small nests.
Samuel: Easy for you to say, young blood.
Cloud: Let me get this straight, if I stand, Misty and I have no chance of becoming HoH?
Leon: You got it. It's an endurance test.
Riku: Fuck that. It's mental.
Yuna: You're both wrong. It's both.
(30 minutes later…)
Yolei: How's everyone holding up?
Leon: I can't feel my legs!
Kairi: Suck it up.
Davis (also basically hugging Naminé): Ash is right, this is as comfortable as you're going to get without getting jell-o legs.
(Time passed: 45 Minutes)
Samuel: My body can't take this!
(He stands up, Helps Tiffa up, Buzzer sounds)
Tiffa: Good luck.
Gary: Thanks.
(They bring in their grocery bags as one Hour passes)
Cloud: I'm done. I can't feel my legs.
(Cloud stands up, helps Misty up, Buzzer goes off, and they bring in groceries)
Leon: Damn, my legs hurt.
(Leon puts a leg on the nest to scratch it, buzzer sounds, Leon puts leg back)
Leon: Better.
(Buzzer sounds again, with Camera showing Leon and Kairi)
Kairi: That buzzer is for us. You left the nest.
(Kairi stands up, brings in the groceries, with Leon following behind, puzzled)
Sora: Another one bites the dust.
(However, all is not okay in the nest next to Sora and Yuna)
Dawn: You're holding up okay Gary?
Gary: Yeah, I'm fine.
(Gary puts a hand on the nest; Big Brother sounds off the Buzzer)
Dawn: Way to go, knucklehead!
Gary: I didn't do anything.
(Buzzer sounds again)
Gary: Go to Hell Big Brother!
(Buzzer sounds for 10 seconds)
Kari: You're going to do this all night? You better go inside before you get into more trouble.
Dawn: I'm out; you can argue with Production all you want.
(Dawn stands up, brings in the groceries, also dragging Gary by his Shirt neck)
(Yolei can't help but giggle)
Riku: Cute couple, aren't they?
Yolei: Dry humor, I love it.
(Two hours pass)
Takato: I'm done, my legs are stiff.
Rika: That's not the only thing… My bones are stiff too!
(As they stand up, Big Brother plays “Old Gray Mare” along with a buzzer)
Roxas: Halfway there.
Yolei: Anyone feeling Jell-o Legs?
Sora: Getting there.
(Total time: 3 hours, 15 minutes)
Yuna: I'm done. Come on Sora.
(Both stand up, brings groceries in, with a buzzer soon to follow)
Yuffie: Three teams left.
Riku: Two. I'm done. I can't feel my legs!
(Riku stands up, but falls over the nest; Yolei helps him up and shoves grocery bags in his arms)
Kari: I'm following suit, have fun Naminé and Yuffie.
Yuffie and Naminé: Thanks.
(Kari and Roxas stand up, Buzzer sounds, and they bring in groceries)
Ash: Hey Naminé?
Naminé: Yeah Ash?
Ash: How about we give you a free week if you both stand up in favor of keeping us the following week?
Davis: So you won't nominate us this week, and next week we won't nominate you?
Yuffie: Bingo.
Naminé: Deal.
(Davis and Naminé stand up, bringing groceries in as a buzzer sounds for the last time)
Nate (VO): Welcome to the final two Ash and Yuffie. The last one to stay in the nest is the HoH for the week. Good luck.
Ash: I'm giving the HoH to you… You're more of a warrior than I.
(Ash stands up, helping Yuffie up)
Yuffie: Thanks.
(They hug)
Nate (VO): Congratulations Yuffie, you are the First Head of Household!
(Ash and Yuffie enter the Kitchen, placing groceries on the table)
Yuffie: Wonder I can look at the HoH room?
Roxas: Door's locked. I tried prior.
Yuffie: Oh Damn. I guess I need to wait for the key.
(Camera pans from the Kitchen, as houseguests put away their week's worth of groceries, as well as beverages, to the Living area)
Sora: Willing to bet there's going to be a long line for the shower?
Kiari: No kidding. Thank goodness there are two showerheads.
Yuna: Not what you think. One has ice-cold water coming out of it.
Yolei: Hell no!
Rika: Apparently, the plumbing is split. There is the outside shower though, but it's also not a shower.
Kari: Like hell I am going naked in the backyard!
Misty: I don't think anyone is that stupid to stand outside naked outside of a dare!
(Diary room)
Davis: Not even one day has passed, and people are already bitching about the house. It's not meant to be easy with One Million on the line. You will have to suffer for one week to even have a CHANCE to winning the prize. Sure, people will accuse you of playing too hard or giving up food for PB and J and cold showers, but If you don't take the fall, someone else will, and not get thanked for it. We do have food for the week, we don't need to worry about that locked room or the dreaded Big Brother Slop I've heard being talked about. I am curious on that Locked room upstairs… Big Brother did mention the Head of Household room, maybe that's it.
(Sunset Room)
Yuffie: It does feel good to lie down for a second.
Ash: Don't get too comfortable. You might get called for your key soon.
Yuffie: Also maybe some Private time…
(As Ash and Yuffie Cuddle, show goes to a commercial)
(Show comes back from commercial; theme plays, and then fades into Yuffie coming out of the Diary room)
Yuffie: Who wants to see my HoH Room?
(Everyone cheers; they walk up that ever-so-famous spiral staircase)
Yuffie: Ready?
(She opens the door to a room decorated like a Dojo)
Leon: Wow!
(Camera shows pictures of Cid, Aeries, Red XIII, and Barret)
Ash: Friends of yours?
Yuffie: Teammates, actually. We had plenty of adventures together.
Dawn: Did you get mail?
Yuffie: I did.
(A/N: The Letter is in Japanese, but Yuffie will translate in English for reader's sake)
Yuffie: “Dear Yuffie, Things have changed since we've last met and talked. Our World is now safe and we cannot thank you enough for what you've done and the evils that you banished. You deserve this break like any warrior does. Give them hell and show them how a Ninja plays Big Brother. We will await you in the Outside World. Signed, Vicent, Cid, Cait, Aeries, Barret, and Red XIII”
Cloud: What did you get in the basket?
Yuffie: Various things, snack food, bath soaps and salts….
Kari: Any special drink?
Yuffie: Yeah, my Sake. Not easy being a warrior.
(Diary room)
Yuffie: I cannot tell them I'm a thief; they'd evict me in a majority vote! I rather have them keep thinking I am a mighty warrior that protected my realm from evils and who-knows-what. I will tell in due time, but now is too soon.
(Back to HoH Room)
Yuna: I'm going to leave you alone, you deserve some thinking time.
Kari: Same.
(Everyone but Ash leaves)
Ash: Can I give some suggestions on people to look out for?
Yuffie: Shoot.
Ash: Leon, Gary, and Davis.
Yuffie: Gary I can understand, but why Davis and Leon?
Ash: Leon's coming on as a strong player, and Davis was eyeballing you… and not in a good way.
Yuffie: Noted. Hey, are you still sore from the HoH comp?
(Said as she reaches for the Bath Salts)
Ash: I like the way you think.
(Yuffie locks the door; screen now shows a Shadowy figure pointing to screens, and Familiar paws and claws adjusting Soundboards and Cameras)
(Scene: Living room)
Sora: Ugh, wish we knew what time it was.
Takato: would be nice to get a clock here.
Leon: No need to tell them, they got microphones around this fucking house!
Roxas: its nighttime anyway, we need to get to sleep. Who knows what Big Brother has planned for tomorrow?
(As they go to sleep, Yuffie and Ash in the HoH room get comfortable)
Ash: This is much better than that twin bed we had.
Yuffie: Indeed. We can finally snuggle without having to worry about either of us falling off the bed!
(Yuffie giggles)
Ash: Big day ahead of us tomorrow…
(As the sun rises on the Big Brother House, Prof. Oak is up with the sun making breakfast for 19 others)
Samuel: Eggs, Bacon, Sausage…
(Camera pans down to the skillet to see Eggs frying and Samuel looking up)
Samuel: Want some?
(Camera pans Diagonal right)
Samuel: Yes, no… Not sure?
(Camera pans left to right)
Samuel: Can't? You're on the Job? Sucks to be you!
(Camera pans up and down)
Samuel: Peppers… Salt and Pepper… Ketchup…
(The Aroma wafts around the house)
Kari: Do I smell Breakfast?
Roxas (sniffing the air): You do.
(10 minutes later, all 20 houseguests are sitting at the HUGE round table)
Cloud: Is it just me or is this table taking up a good half of the room?
Leon: No, it's me too.
Davis: Shut up. 20 people under one roof is not space-conscious you know.
Yuna: Oh, quit fighting you three. We're here for three months, TRY to get along.
Samuel: I don't want to play referee, so CAN IT!
Cloud, Leon, Davis (Unison): Yes, Sir!
(Afterwards, a loud static noise is heard on the Plasma screen in the living area)
Kari: What the shit?
(Houseguests run to the Plasma Screen; it shows a Rotating key, with the caption “Got Key?” before fading to black)
Yuffie: Oh, fuck.
Yuna: What does that mean?
Yuffie: Nominations tomorrow.
Ash: How'd you manage that?
Yuffie: Our keys are “us”. We lose the key; we're out of the house.
Cloud: No one wants to be the first one out.
All (Unison): Agreed.
Big Brother (VO): Yuffie, please go to the Diary Room.
(She does, everyone wonders what the call was for, and not even one minute later, Yuffie comes out with a box in her hands)
Yuffie: Meeting in the Living Room please!
(Time lapse of all 20 Houseguests walking to the Living Area, then Yuffie puts the box down on the table in between the three couches)
Yuffie: Ready?
All (Unison): Ready.
(As Yuffie opens the box, another box appears, with 20 keyholes in it)
Yuffie: Behold the Box of Destiny. Tomorrow, I will place 17 keys in the device. If your name is on a key, you are safe for the week. Each one will go until all keys are pulled. The two without keys are the ones marked for Eviction. Are we clear?
All (Unison): Yes.
Yuffie: Meeting dismissed.
(Yuffie brings the box to the storage room, as the housemates disperse, Camera shows Ash in the Diary room, fading into a VO)
Ash (VO): This game has turned serious. The Box of Destiny has come into play. I do NOT want to be the first one out and have to leave someone I cherish behind. No one wants to be the first one out, no matter how bad they deserve it.
(Camera now shows Cloud and Riku playing Basketball as the theme plays)
“Live... Cause we're living today, Feel the thrill of life, and don't be afraid…”
(Theme fades as announcer plugs Big Brother 3)
Announcer: What will happen when the first Nomination ceremony takes place? Who will Yuffie Nominate and will the veto be used? Find out next time on Big Brother 3!