Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Big Brother 3 ❯ Days 3 and 4 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: Pokémon is the property of Nintendo Entertainment Inc, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, All rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.
DISCLAIMER: Digimon is the property of Disney Inc, Toei Animations, FOX, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, All rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.
DISCLAIMER: Kingdom Hearts is the property of Square Enix Inc, Disney, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, All rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: Final Fantasy is the property of Square Enix Inc, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, All rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: BIG BROTHER is the property of CBS Inc, Fremantle Media, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, All rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing the concept from them. All copyright law applies.
For reference, here are the ages of the Houseguests.
Ash: 26
Misty: 25
Gary: 26
Samuel Oak: 60
Dawn: 25
Davis: 29
Kari: 29
Yolei: 23
Rika: 22
Takato: 21
Roxas: 21
Kairi: 22
Sora: 22
Naminé: 22
Yuffie: 25
Leon: 31
Cloud: 30
Yuna: 26
Tiffa: 27
(Cue Dramatic Music)
Announcer (VO): Previously, on Big Brother 3.
(Pastel Purple video plays, as voice over continues)
Announcer: 20 houseguests moved into their new home for three months. They quickly got to know each other, but not without getting close to one another.
(New Scene: The Head of Household competition)
Announcer: The first Head of Household competition; which was both mental and Physical, tested the Houseguests to the breaking point, and beyond.
Samuel: I can't feel my legs!
(Fade effect of teams standing up)
Announcer: After three hours, Yuffie earned the privilege of a private bedroom, with the added task of nominating two of her own for eviction. Who will she nominate? Find out next on Big Brother!
(Rockish theme plays, as the intro shows all 20 houseguests with their names, Theme ends, Title slide shows “Big Brother 3”, and the house drawing glows)
(Flashback, same color as before)
Yuffie: Behold the box of Destiny. Tomorrow, I will place 17 keys in the device. If your name is on a key, you are safe for the week. Each one will go until all keys are pulled. The two without keys are the ones marked for Eviction. Are we clear?
All (Unison): Yes.
Yuffie: Meeting dismissed.
(Yuffie brings the box to the storage room, as the housemates disperse, and shot fades to color)
(Diary Room)
Gary (Fading into VO): The Nominations already? It feels like we just got here. I am hoping that I am safe for the week, or I can win veto to save my ass.
(White Room)
Rika: Big Brother must be playing a joke on us. It's Day two and Nominations already?
Dawn: Look on the bright side. More elbow room, and HOPEFULLY bigger beds.
Takato: Fat chance…
Rika: Can't hurt to wish… I do love cuddling, but not when I'm sleeping!
Takato: How else are two bodies going to fit in a twin bed?
Dawn: Good point.
Nominé: I am wondering what Ash and Yuffie are doing in the HoH Room…
Davis: Do we WANT to know?
Rika: True, but that bed looks comfy, seeing it's a King-sized bed.
Dawn: Well, if one of us wins HoH, we can experience space, and privacy.
(In the HoH room)
Yuffie (Eating Red Vines): So Gary is on the block no matter what.
Ash: Yes, maybe Leon… He has an attitude problem too.
Yuffie: Promise me something Ash-Kun.
Ash: Yes, Yuffie-Chan?
(Yuffie Blushes)
Yuffie: Nice pet name, but If you win HoH, you won't nominate me.
Ash: Wouldn't dream of it. You're one of a kind, and I won't even think of getting rid of you… Riku on the other hand…
Yuffie: Ugh! I can't stand him.
Ash: He'll get his… trust me.
(Ash slowly gives Yuffie a backrub; screen shows the production room with music playing in the background, the diary room is shown on screen, with the screen zooming in with each drumbeat, Kari fading into shot)
Kari: I am worried about this nomination ceremony. Granted, I am not in any danger, or at least I think I'm safe for this week. But I fear that one of my friends might get swept under the rug in votes, with no votes to stay. I really hope that isn't the case. I'm already growing to like everyone here, but the game requires us to evict one of our own each week.
(Kari starts to cry)
Kari: I really hope my crush stays in the game… I really like him.
(Screen changes to the bathroom with Yuna and Misty talking strategy)
Yuna: So, Any ideas on who will be nominated?
Misty: No clue, but I think my series is safe… Minus one person we all know who he is.
Yuna: G---
Misty: Yep. I think he will be nominated based on his outbursts from the HoH comp.
(Flashback, Pastel Purple video plays)
Dawn: Way to go, knucklehead!
Gary: I didn't do anything.
(Buzzer sounds again)
Gary: Go to Hell Big Brother!
(Buzzer sounds for 10 seconds)
Kari: You're going to do this all night? You better go inside before you get into more trouble.
Dawn: I'm out; you can argue with Production all you want.
(Dawn stands up, brings in the groceries, also dragging Gary by his Shirt neck)
(Return to Present day)
Misty: Think it'll be a clean sweep for the voting?
Yuna: Is your last name Waterflower?
Misty: Yawa, actually, but people seem to like calling me “Waterflower” based on my Pokémon lineup.
Yuna: I see.
Misty (turning to shower): Keep in mind the plan.
Yuna: Got it!
(As Yuna leaves, Misty starts to disrobe as the scene changes to Yuffie in the HoH Room thinking)
Yuffie: Nominate Gary… Who will be the pawn?
(Knock at the door)
Yuffie: It's open!
(Prof. Oak enters)
Samuel: Can I bug you for a moment?
Yuffie: For you, I have a lifetime of moments.
(Prof. Oak sits down in one of the chairs)
Samuel: I want you to nominate my grandson… Cruel I know, but he has a problem with authority.
Yuffie: With whom aside him?
Samuel: I'm thinking Davis.
Yuffie: I will think about it.
(Commercial break)
(Return from break)
(Scene changes yet again to the Kitchen)
Time: 8PM
Takato: Cooking for 20 people is crazy!
Sora: No kidding.
Leon: But it will get easier and easier down the road.
Tiffa (Setting table): Plus, with people being on PB and J, would make it easier even more.
Riku (Sitting at table): Don't say those three letters at dinner. It's a curse.
Ash (Getting the drinks): One of the last dinners we will have as a group.
Sora: Dinner's up!
(One hour later, Davis is washing the dishes)
Davis (Yawning): When did I wake up?
Rika: About 6 AM, why?
Davis: I'm just drained today. No idea why.
Dawn: Stress? Worried about something?
Davis: Besides the nominations, no.
Takato: Just go to sleep man, we'll finish the dishes.
Davis: Thanks, Takato. I owe you one.
(Davis heads to the Snow room while Takato finishes)
(Time: 2AM, Scene: Sunrise room)
Cloud: *Snoring*
Misty (thinking to herself): Great, I got the snorer. Get some nasal strips will you?
*Misty tosses and turns*
Cloud: *Snoring gets louder*
Misty (to herself): For Fuck's sake!
(She turns cloud over on his back)
Misty: Better.
(Time: 7AM)
Yuffie: Ash, time to get up…
(She pokes his back)
Ash: Five more minutes…
(Yuffie gets her Chilled Water, places it on Ash's neck)
Ash: COLD!
(He awakens to see Yuffie in her Lingerie)
Ash: GAH!
(Yuffie puts her robe on)
Yuffie: Silly! I sleep like this… It feels better.
Ash: Explain that when we're in twin beds again.
Yuffie: Well, how about only when alone?
Ash: Works for me. I'm going to make breakfast.
(Ash gets dressed, and heads down to the kitchen)
(Yuffie changes into one of her secret outfits before the house states their opinions)
(Scene: Kitchen. Ash is at the Stove)
Ash: Fried eggs, Sausage links…
(Aroma wafts around the house as Ash sets the table for 20)
(Sunrise Room)
Yuna: Mmmm….
Sora: Yes, Yuna?
Yuna: Something smells wonderful.
Sora: Thank you.
Yuna: *giggles* I meant breakfast, silly.
Sora: Don't mind if we do!
(Time lapse of all 20 houseguests sitting down, eating breakfast, and then standing up)
Time: 11AM
(Davis and Naminé are at the Kitchen sink washing the dishes)
Davis: Worried about the nominations?
Naminé: Nah.
(Davis cleans the bowls, plates, and glasses)
Naminé: Missed a spot.
Davis: Where?
(She kisses Davis on the lips)
Naminé: There.
(Scene: Poolside)
Misty: Another couple has been made.
Yuna: Who are the two this time?
Kiari: Davis and Naminé.
Misty: They're cute together.
Kiari: Indeed.
(Rika is washing the Chlorine off her under the outside showerhead; Yuna turns her head toward Rika)
Yuna: Is that shower water cold?
Rika: Nah, Room temperature.
Misty: Good, finally the mystery solved.
(Scene changes to Dining room, with some of the guys looking in)
Sora: Yowza, Misty is Hot.
Leon: Kairi is one good looking chick.
(The girls see the onlookers)
Yuna: We have a crowd!
(Girls wave, guys disperse)
(Rika Giggles)
Time: 2PM
(A Box suddenly appears on the kitchen table)
Takato: What is that?
Samuel: Open it man!
(Takato opens the box to find an Atomic Clock)
Cloud: Finally, we will know what time it is in this damn place.
(Cloud hangs the clock near the Backyard door; clock sets itself to 2PM)
Leon: Shall we skip lunch then?
Roxas: Might as well, with it being so close to dinner.
(Group scatters to do household chores)
Time: 4PM
(Leon is cleaning the bathroom)
Leon: 20 people in one house, no wonder this place gets fucking dirty.
(Leon scrubs the sink clean with his gloved hands and a Brillo Pad)
Leon: This won't last long.
(Scene: Kitchen)
(Davis is cleaning the stove, the sink, counters, and the mirror above the sink)
Davis: Think this will become a weekly chore until we get to say… 12 left?
Kari (lugging recycling and garbage to the storage room): And this won't become any lighter anytime soon.
Davis: Let me help you with that.
(Davis helps Kari lug the heavy, bulky bags to storage for the powers that be to take care of it)
Kari: About an hour for Dinner?
(Davis looks at the clock, which shows a time of 4:45PM)
Davis: Yeah, get cleaned up.
(Scene change to Snow room)
Rika (Making one of the four beds): Better get used to doing this…
Leon (Tucking corners of his bed): No shit. 20 people, eight of them in this room alone.
Naminé (Fluffing the pillows of her bed): Will be nice if the beds get removed when people get evicted.
Dawn: Fat chance.
(Time: 5PM, Poolside)
(Riku's cleaning the pool, and adding shock and the other chemicals to balance the pool)
Yolei: Good idea… It might be used come veto.
Riku: Plus, with 20 people, this pool gets dirty fast.
(Inside, Kari and Kiari are cooking dinner)
Kiari: Can you pass the salt please?
Kari: Sure.
(Kari passes Kiari the salt to season their dinner)
Kairi: Ever think about an alliance?
Kari: The K's? Or inviting our bedmates?
Kairi: Roxas and Leon? Sure.
Kari: What about leaks?
Kairi: Oooh, forgot about those… It's just us then.
(Time: 5:30)
(Time lapse of all 20 houseguests sitting down, having chicken stir fry, then standing up, putting silverware, plates, and glasses into the sink)
Sora: Thank you Kairi, Kari.
Kari, Kairi (Unison): Thanks.
Rika: Time to play the waiting game for the bathroom.
Cloud: Ladies first.
Davis: Tiffa's in there at the moment.
(Time lapse of all houseguests walking into the bathroom, showering and brushing teeth)
(Time: 11PM, all houseguests begin to sleep)
(Sun rises over the compound)
(Kari passes by Plasma Screen showing “Nominations today”)
(HOH room, time: 7 AM)
Davis: Gary and Leon are my suspicions for this week.
Yuffie: I see.
(Kari Enters)
Kari: Mind if I give my two cents?
Yuffie: Go ahead.
Davis: Good Luck Yuffie.
(Davis leaves)
Kari: Gary definitely. Your pawn is up to you.
Yuffie: How about Davis?
*Yuffie smirks*
Kari: Yeah, but what if he wins Veto?
Yuffie: No chance of it happening.
(Time lapse of all houseguests talking to Yuffie)
Time: 12PM
Yuffie: Tell the others to wait in the yard.
Misty: got it.
(Misty tells the other 18 to wait in the yard while Yuffie stands in front of the memory wall)
(Diary room)
Yuffie (Fading into a VO): One of my key duties as Head of Household is to nominate two houseguests for eviction. I will take into account what I have been told, although people could have been bullshitting me.
(Yuffie stands in silence while picking keys as VO continues)
Yuffie (VO): I do hope I made the right decisions this week.
(Shot now shows Yuffie on her HoH bed, with the Box of Destiny, putting keys in slowly, as yet again, the VO continues)
Yuffie (VO): I also hate to have my ass on the block next week as revenge for putting up people from an alliance, then them being swept under the rug.
(Yuffie ties two keys together, places them in a Red Velvet bag, and places bag in the HoH Dresser)
(Scene: Backyard)
Tiffa (VO): I have confidence I am safe for a while. I trust Yuffie with my heart.
Davis (VO): The plan to get Gary out seems to be working. Yuffie smiled like the Cheshire cat when I mentioned his name and the word “eviction” in the same sentence.
Ash (VO): I know my lover will listen to me; we were there when the shit went down.
(Yuffie sticks her head into the backyard)
Yuffie: Please report to the Kitchen table for the nomination ceremony!
(Fade to all 20 houseguests sitting at the table)
(Yuffie stands up)
Yuffie: This is the first nomination ceremony. Before you are 17 keys in the Box of Destiny; I will pull out the first key, read the name on it. That person is safe. We will continue to pull keys until none are left. The two without keys are nominated for the week. I will pull the first key.
(Suspenseful music plays as the first key is pulled)
Yuffie: Yuna, you are safe.
Yuna: Thank you, Yuffie.
(Yuna puts key around her neck, pulls the next key)
Yuna: Rika, you are safe.
Rika: Thanks.
(Rika bows toward Yuffie, then pulls next key)
Rika: Takato, you are safe.
Takato: Thanks Yuffie.
(Takato pulls the next key)
Takato: Dawn, you are safe.
Dawn: Thank you Yuffie.
(Dawn places key around her neck, pulls next)
Dawn: Davis, you are safe.
(Davis smile as he places key around his neck, pulls next Key)
Davis: Nominé, you are safe.
Nominé: Domo Arrigato.
(Nominé places key around her neck, pulls the next key)
Nominé: Kairi, you are safe.
Kairi: Thanks.
(She places her key around her neck, pulls the next key)
Kairi: Samuel, you are safe.
Samuel: Many thanks.
(Samuel places his key around his neck, pulls the next key from the device)
Samuel: Tiffa, you're safe.
Tiffa: Thank you.
(Tiffa bows, places key around her neck; pulls the next key)
Tiffa: Misty, you are safe.
Misty: Thank you Yuffie.
(Misty places key around her neck, pulls the next key)
Misty: Cloud, you are safe.
(Cloud grins, bows to Yuffie, pulls the next key)
Cloud: Keyblade bearer, you are safe.
Sora: Thanks.
(Sora places key around his neck, pulls the next key)
Sora: Roxas, you are safe.
Roxas: Thanks.
(Roxas pulls the next key as he puts his own around his neck)
Roxas: Riku, you are safe.
Riku: Thank you.
(Riku places key around his neck, pulls next key)
Riku: Yolei, you are safe.
Yolei: Thanks.
(Yolei mimics Riku's action)
Yolei: Ash, you are safe.
Ash: Thanks.
(Camera shows Kari, Gary, and Leon without keys)
(Ash places his key around his neck, and places his hand on the final key)
Ash: Ready?
Kari, Gary, Leon: Yes.
(Ash pulls the final key slowly, as the suspenseful music gets more involved)
Ash: Kari, you are safe.
Kari: Thanks Yuffie.
(Leon and Gary sit without keys)
(Yuffie stands up)
Yuffie: I nominated you Leon and Gary for eviction, solely based on your actions during the HoH competition, and basically pissing off Big Brother. Both of you can win the veto to save either of yourselves. This meeting is adjourned.
(Diary room)
Gary (Fading into VO): I knew my actions would come back and bite me in the ass. I guess I never really outgrew my rebellious self. The Veto is mine! I will save myself, and force Yuffie to make an on-the-spot nomination two days from now.
(Theme plays as the screen shows the houseguests standing up from the table, hugging each other)
“Live… `cause we're living Today, feel the thrill of life, and don't be afraid…”
(Theme fades when Announcer comes up as VO)
Announcer: Yuffie has nominated Gary and Leon for eviction. Who will win the Power of Veto and veto one of Yuffie's nominees and who will she nominate if the power is used? Find out tomorrow on Big Brother 3!