Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Big Brother 3 ❯ Veto Competition 1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: Pokémon is the property of Nintendo Entertainment Inc, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.
DISCLAIMER: Digimon is the property of Disney Inc, Toei Animations, FOX, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.
DISCLAIMER: Kingdom Hearts is the property of Square Enix Inc, Disney, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: Final Fantasy is the property of Square Enix Inc, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: BIG BROTHER is the property of CBS Inc, Fremantle Media, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing the concept from them. All copyright law applies.
For reference, here are the ages of the Houseguests.
Ash: 26
Misty: 25
Gary: 26
Samuel Oak: 60
Dawn: 25
Davis: 29
Kari: 29
Yolei: 23
Rika: 22
Takato: 21
Roxas: 21
Kairi: 22
Sora: 22
Naminé: 22
Yuffie: 25
Leon: 31
Cloud: 30
Yuna: 26
Tiffa: 47
Riku: 26
(Cue Dramatic Music)
Announcer (VO): Previously, on Big Brother 3.
(Pastel Purple video plays, as voice over continues)
Announcer: The first nomination ceremony took place.
Ash: Kari, you are safe.
Kari: Thanks Yuffie.
(Leon and Gary sit without keys)
(Yuffie stands up)
Yuffie: I nominated you Leon and Gary for eviction, solely based on your actions during the HoH competition, and basically pissing off Big Brother. Both of you can win the veto to save either of yourselves. This meeting is adjourned.
Announcer (VO): Yuffie has nominated Gary and Leon for eviction. Will the veto be won, and will either Leon or Gary be saved, and who will Yuffie nominate in their place? Find out next on Big Brother!
(Rockish theme plays, as the intro shows all 20 houseguests with their names, Theme ends, Title slide shows “Big Brother 3”, and the house drawing glows)
(All houseguests hug each other, mainly Gary and Leon)
(Diary room)
Gary (fading into a VO): Figures. I want to be wrong about this kind of shit.
(Shot of Gary walking outside to the backyard, as his VO continues)
Gary: Luckily, the veto is tomorrow, and hopefully I can win the thing and sweep Yuffie's plan to get rid of me under the rug. Fingers crossed.
(Scene change to HoH Room with Ash and Yuffie dancing)
Yuffie: We did it! We did it!
Ash: Now, we have to win the veto to make sure he goes home.
Yuffie: Or make sure the pawn wins.
Ash: That too.
(Ash twirls Yuffie around)
Yuffie: You dance divinely.
Ash: You too my loves.
(Ash dips Yuffie, scene change to Gary sulking in the Hammock, with Dawn cuddling him)
Dawn: Feeling defeated?
Gary: Very.
Dawn: You have the veto tomorrow though.
Gary: True, but who would save my ass?
Dawn: I would sugs.
Gary: Thanks, but someone other than my bedmate.
Dawn: Not even other people from your series will save you?
Gary: Ash definitely not. Misty is a question mark, but Gramps should.
Dawn: Even after the HoH scene?
Gary: People are still talking about that?
Dawn: First impressions last a lifetime.
Gary: I think it's time for me to do something worthless. Beg for votes.
Dawn: Best of luck.
(Shot now shows production room, with Nate behind the Scenes adjusting soundboards and mixers, then shot changes yet again to the Sunset room)
Roxas: Whom are you voting for this week?
Kari: Gary, dumb question.
Rika: Deffo, Gary.
(Gary knocks on the Sunset Bedroom door)
Sora: It's open!
(Gary enters)
Rika: Ah, Gary. We were just talking about you.
Gary: My ass is safe this week, right?
Kari: Yes. Leon is going home.
Gary: Cool beans. See you soon.
(Gary leaves, Sora chuckles lightly)
Sora: Poor, poor, soul.
Kari: I know. He's a rank five moron.
Rika: I bet you it will be a landslide to evict his ass.
Sora: No doubt.
(Pan effect to Kitchen, with Ash and Yolei cooking at the oven)
Yolei: Ash, can you pass the Pepper please?
Ash: With pleasure.
(Ash hands Yolei the Pepper)
Yolei: Voting with the crowd?
Ash: Yes. Gary is getting the boot.
Yolei: Aren't you worried that you might be backdoored?
Ash: A bit, but I trust Yuffie.
Yolei: Wonder what the veto will be?
Ash: Who knows? Let's worry about it when it gets here. Now, we eat.
(No sooner than Ash says that, the rest of the house sits down at the dinner table)
Leon: Who fixed the dinner tonight?
Yolei: It was me this time.
Nominé: It was scrumptious. Thanks.
(Nominé smiles at Yolei, she nods in return)
Riku: Isn't the veto tomorrow?
Tiffa: Yes, shall get rested up, in case it's a physical?
Leon: Sounds like a plan.
(Fade effect of the Houseguests eating and putting the dirty dishes in the sink)
Rika: I'll get the dishes this time.
Samuel: Thanks.
Ash: Have fun Rika. Don't forget gloves to prevent dishpan hands.
Rika: Dishpan hands?
Ash: Dry, pruny hands when you've washed dishes too long.
Rika: YIPE! Not fun at all.
Dawn: Gloves are in the drawer.
(Housemates disband to change into Pajamas or to go to the bathroom, Rika walks to the sink, grimacing in disgust, puts gloves on)
Time: 9:45PM
Rika: When people get on slop, this will be a bit easier to take care of, minus the caked-on mess.
(She growls, Takato overhears)
Takato: Frustrated?
Rika: Yeah. Some of this stuff's hard to get off the plate!
Takato: Let me help you. Doing dishes for 20 people isn't quite time-productive.
(Takato also puts on some dishwashing gloves, but snaps the glove on his wrist)
Takato: OUCH!
Rika *giggling*: Thanks for the help.
Takato: Don't mention it.
(In the bathroom, Dawn is fixing her hair)
Dawn: That's nice of him.
Davis *in the shower*: Nice of whom?
Dawn: Takato.
Davis: Doing what?
Dawn: Helping Rika with the dishes.
(Davis backs into the hot water faucet, making him flinch)
Davis: *flinches* I thought you just said Takato is helping Rika with the dishes.
Dawn: I did!
Davis: Wait until that slop junk gets into play. Just imagine the smell of it, let alone the taste.
Dawn: Think it'll be bad?
Davis: We'll just have to wait and see.
(Davis turns off the Shower, dries off)
Davis: Can you hand me the bathrobe please?
(Dawn does so, Scene change to Sunrise room)
Riku: Think the Veto tomorrow will be Mental?
Cloud: ALL competitions are mental man!
Misty: Wrong kind of Mental. Riku means the type that needs you to think, not the crazy type.
Cloud: Smartass.
Tiffa: Can it. Not her fault that world has a double meaning.
(Prof. Oak is sound asleep ignoring the bickering)
Cloud: Samuel has the right idea.
Tiffa: Night everyone!
(Tiffa turns the room lights off and the Night vision clicks on)
Time: 7AM
(Takato is seen making Breakfast prior to players being picked for the Veto)
Takato: Hey Tiffa, pass the pepper.
Tiffa: Sure thing. I bet six people are going to need the energy if they want to win the competition later today.
Takato: Hopefully you know who doesn't win the Veto.
Tiffa: You want him gone, right?
(Takato seasons the Hash browns and eggs)
Takato: Yes. Don't know how he made it past interviews.
(Tiffa is seen making fried eggs)
Tiffa: Let's get this on the table while it's still hot.
Takato: Yes, Let's.
(Takato and Tiffa place Breakfast on the table, fade effect of all 20 houseguests sitting down, eating Breakfast; and then walking to their respective bedrooms to change)
Time: 11AM
(Scene: HoH Room)
Davis: Good luck in the competition, Yuffie.
Yuffie: Thanks.
Kari: Think Big Brother will be nice and have an easy competition to open the season?
Yuffie: We can only see, Kari, we can only See.
(Commercial Break)
(Back from Commercial)
(Yuffie comes out of the DR with a bag in her hand)
Yuffie: It's time to pick players for the Veto!
(Houseguests gather in the Living Area, with Leon and Gary in the Red Nomination chairs)
Yuffie: This week, we play our first Veto Competition!
(Houseguests cheer and clap)
Yuffie: The Head of Household, the two nominees and three other houseguests via random draw will compete this week. Would the nominees please join me?
(Leon and Gary join Yuffie in front of the plasma screen, showing a globe spinning around on a Red backdrop)
Yuffie: Since I am HoH, I pick first.
(Yuffie reaches into the bag, and pulls out a pea marker)
Yuffie: Sora.
Rika: Go Keyblade bearer!
(Sora stands next to Yuffie, Leon pulls from the satchel)
Leon: Dawn.
Misty: You go Twinleaf!
(Dawn smiles as she stands up and stands next to Leon)
Yuffie: Gary?
(Gary looks away as he reaches into the satchel picking out a name)
Gary: Riku.
(Housemates applauds as Riku gives Gary a playful noogie)
Yuffie: I need a host for this competition, and I choose…
(Yuffie looks at the houseguests on the couches)
Yuffie: Nominé!
(Houseguests cheer and hug Nomine)
Yuffie: Big Brother will let us know when it is time for the competition.
(Houseguests disperse to do chores)
Time: 2PM
(Scene: Kitchen)
Davis: For 20 people, we're a messy bunch.
Ash: No kidding.
(Davis is cleaning the sink with a sponge and soap water, Ash is cleaning the countertops)
Davis: How can one room get so dirty if we only use it for eating?
Ash: Be glad you're not on bed sheet duty, or worse, Bathroom duty.
Davis: Good point.
(Scene: Bathroom)
Cloud: Soap Scum…
Riku: Try hot water?
Cloud: I am!
Riku: Scrub harder or use a cleaner.
Cloud: Noted. I will be glad when tomorrow gets here…Eviction day.
Riku: One less person to clean after. That will be nice.
Cloud: let's continue cleaning, and stop chatting.
(Scene: Sunrise room)
Yuna: Tuck and fold…
(Sora is cleaning the one-way glass)
Tiffa: Anyone else hate chore day?
Samuel: Who else will clean this house?
Tiffa: Good point.
Sora: Any ETA on the veto comp?
Samuel: Any time now.
Tiffa: I'm getting bored, I want that veto comp to get here, and we need entertainment. It's boring here just chatting and playing basketball.
(Commercial Break)
(Return from Break, Yuffie is coming out of the Diary Room)
Yuffie: It's time to play the Veto Competition!
(Yuffie walks to the Living Room, with all houseguests taking their respective seats)
Yuffie: Would the players of the Veto competition please join me?
(Riku, Gary, Sora, Dawn, and Leon stand at their respective places; Yuffie begins to read from the card)
Yuffie: Big Brother has provided you with outfits to compete in this week's veto competition. Nominé will give you further instructions when the houseguests are in the backyard.
(Scene change to the Backyard, which is decorated with Baskets, tall Bunnies, Eggs, and Marshmallow candies)
Nominé: Welcome to the first veto competition, “Scrambled Eggs”!
(Houseguests are dressed up like Oompa Loompa rejects, with Green Wigs, Green shorts and suspenders, with Orange shirts on, claps, whoops and hollers as Nominé continues to read from the card)
Nominé: Each team of two has just One minute to find an egg, and place it on the podium. Be careful, some eggs are rotten, and will contain nothing. Some will contain a slip with a number on it. When all players have an egg, the contents will be revealed and the competition will be over. Are you ready to be “Egg-cited”?
(Houseguests cheer)
Nominé: When Big Brother sounds the whistle, the completion will start. Oh, by the way… the pattern on the egg does not reflect on what is inside. Good luck houseguests!
(Whistle sound, houseguests scramble)
Sora: Of course, eggs will be in the bushes…
(Diary room)
Dawn (Fading into a VO): I need this veto to keep the nominations the same. If Leon or Gary wins, they'll take their selves off the block.
(Screen shows the Houseguests scrambling for the eggs, Gary surfaces with one and cracks it on the podium)
Gary: Number!
Nominé: You cannot get another egg. Please stand by.
(Time left: 1:30)
Yuffie: Found one!
(She runs to her podium to find a slip of paper in her egg)
Nominé: Please stand by to see what you have won.
Sora: Got one!
(Sora strolls to his podium, only to find the egg empty)
Nominé: Rotten egg! Pick another!
(Leon carries his egg on his shoulders, and cracks it)
Leon: Got it!
Nominé: Congrats Leon.
(Time left: One minute)
Sora: Got another one!
(Sora cracks egg to find a slip of paper)
Sora: Finally.
Dawn: I got one too!
(She cracks her egg open to find a piece of paper)
Nominé: Just Riku needs to find an egg with paper in it.
Riku (searching frantically): How much time left?
Nominé: 30 seconds!
Riku: SHIT!
(Riku digs one out from the bushes, finds a slip of paper on his, Big Brother blows the whistle)
Nominé: It's time to trade in for the prizes!
(She makes her way to a board with numbers one through twelve showing)
Nominé: There were 20 eggs in the contest; some were rotten, as some of you found out. Gary, since you find your egg first, what is your number?
Gary: 6.
(Nominé removes the cover for 6, it shows “Games”)
Nominé: Congratulations houseguests, you now have board games to play, and a poker set. Games will be on a weekly rotation.
(Diary room)
Gary: Not what I wanted, but hopefully these games will put me in the good side of the other houseguests.
(Shot pans back to the Competition)
Nominé: Yuffie?
Yuffie: 11.
(Nominé removes the cover, revealing “Suit”)
Nominé: Congratulations Yuffie, you won a custom fit, Bunny Suit to wear for an entire week!
(Other houseguests Chuckle)
Nominé: Leon?
Leon: 2.
Nominé: Congratulations Leon, you have won the Power of Veto!
Leon: Alright.
Nominé: Sora, Dawn, and Riku, please reveal your numbers.
Sora: 5.
Dawn: 9.
Riku: 4.
Nominé: Sora, you have won a Slop pass! It will allow you to eat food for the entire week if you're a have-not for the week. Dawn, you have won $5,000! Congratulations! Finally, Riku... Sorry, you're on slop for the rest of the week.
Riku: Darn it!
(Nominé places the veto around Leon's neck)
Leon: Thank you.
(Pan Effect to the houseguests entering from the backyard, with the shot showing a pan of Slop and with bowls, filled to the brim with Slop and spoon)
Dawn: Hey guys, get over here!
(The other housemates from the Living room join Dawn and the rest to look at the atrocity that is on the table)
Ash: So that's the slop I heard so much about…
Riku: I'm on it for Two days, plus with only water to drink.
Kari: Ouch!
Davis: Tough luck. Enjoy that.
(Riku walks away eating his bowl of slop with a grimace on his face)
Cloud: It can't be that bad, could it?
Yolei: Hope we never find out.
(Commercial break)
(Back from Break)
Time: 12PM
(All the houseguests are outside, Leon is shown coming out of the Diary room, he walks to the Memory wall, placing the medallion around his neck, and looking at the wall, shot changes to Yuffie sitting in her Pink Bunny suit, with her voiceover)
Yuffie (VO): If he uses the veto on himself, I'm putting Davis up as the pawn. Everyone still remembers Gary mouthing off.
(Shot changes to Samuel)
Samuel (VO): I really hate to vote out my own grandson, but if it's what the house wants, they'll get some quiet.
(Again, shot changes to Cloud)
Cloud (VO) : I know Leon will use the Veto on him, but the wildcard is truly Yuffie.
(Leon walks to the backyard door; screen comes up, peeks outside)
Leon: It's time for the Veto Ceremony.
(Fade effect of all Houseguests sitting in their respective seats, Leon standing in front of the TV monitor)
Leon: This is the Veto Ceremony. I have the power to Veto one of the nominees. To make this short, I will use the Veto on myself. Yuffie, as I have vetoed one of your nominations, you must name a replacement nominee.
(Leon moves to a sofa, Yuffie still in her rabbit suit stands up)
Yuffie: You placed me in a rough spot Leon… Davis, I'm sorry.
Davis: It's okay.
(He moves to the chair Leon was on, Leon moves to where he was before)
Leon: This veto ceremony is adjourned.
(Leon closes the Veto medallion container, shot goes to half speed with Davis in the Diary room fading into the shot)
Davis: Knew it would happen. I get nominated, but I'm assuming I'm the pawn and will be safe this week. I trust my alliance and this house, not that I have a choice.
(Shot changes to Gary still smiling and being hugged by his housemates, Fades into Diary room)
Gary: Damn it Leon! I'm gone for sure!
(Shot once again changes to Davis and Gary being hugged, as the Announcer promotes the next Episode, as the theme song plays)
“Live, `cause we're living today… Be part of the chain…”
Announcer: Who will be evicted from the Big Brother House…Davis or Gary? And who will win the coveted Head of Household? Find out on the Next Episode of Big Brother!