Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Big Brother 3 ❯ First Eviction ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: Pokémon is the property of Nintendo Entertainment Inc, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.
DISCLAIMER: Digimon is the property of Disney Inc, Toei Animations, FOX, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.
DISCLAIMER: Kingdom Hearts is the property of Square Enix Inc, Disney, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: Final Fantasy is the property of Square Enix Inc, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: BIG BROTHER is the property of CBS Inc, Fremantle Media, and any other partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing the concept from them. All copyright law applies.
For reference, here are the ages of the Houseguests.
Ash: 26
Misty: 25
Gary: 26
Samuel Oak: 60
Dawn: 25
Davis: 29
Kari: 29
Yolei: 23
Rika: 22
Takato: 21
Roxas: 21
Kairi: 22
Sora: 22
Naminé: 22
Yuffie: 25
Leon: 31
Cloud: 30
Yuna: 26
Tiffa: 47
Riku: 26
(Cue Dramatic Music)
Announcer (VO): Previously, on Big Brother…
(Pastel purple video plays recapping the previous days, voiceover continues)
Announcer: The first power of veto was played and claimed.
Nominé: Congratulations, Leon! You have won the power of veto!
Announcer: Leon used the veto to save himself from the chopping block.
Leon: I have decided to use the veto on myself.
Announcer: Yuffie was forced to make a replacement nominee.
Yuffie: Davis, I'm sorry.
Announcer: Who will be the first one evicted and who will win the next HoH? Find out NOW on Big Brother!
(Shot of Yuffie Hopping toward the camera in her bunny suit)
(Rockish theme plays, as the intro shows all 20 houseguests with their names, Theme ends, Title slide shows “Big Brother 3”, and the house drawing glows, with the audience clapping behind Nate)
Nate: Welcome to a special live Edition of Big Brother. I'm Nate, and the first eviction is upon us.
(Nate turns to another camera)
Nate: First, we have business to attend to. We have Tai Kamiya and family. Doing okay Tai?
Tai: Indeed; cheering on my sister and my crest buddy, Davis.
Nate: Davis was a replacement nominee made on the spot due to Leon using the veto. How will you feel if Davis is the first one to go tonight?
Tai: Disappointed. How can he be the child of Miracles if he goes out first?
Nate: Good point. Are you worried about your sister or your buddy getting on slop?
Tai: A Bit. I hate to see both of their reactions to that junk.
Nate: Keep cheering Davis and Kari on. We also have May, Gary's sister with us tonight. May, your brother is on the block due to his actions on the first night. What is your reaction to that?
May: I'm disappointed. Gary needs to act his age, not his shoe size!
(Audience laughs)
Nate: Are you aware he might be the first one to leave the house tonight, empty-handed?
May: Very. He's going to get a massive nagging from the entire family if he does accomplish that “feat”.
Nate: Cheer him on; we'll be with you soon.
May: Alright!
(Nate makes his way to the bench beside a plasma screen with the show's logo)
Nate: What went on in the house the past few days? Watch this.
(Flash, pastel purple video plays, the veto ceremony is shown)
Leon: This is the Veto Ceremony. I have the power to Veto one of the nominees. To make this short, I will use the Veto on myself. Yuffie, as I have vetoed one of your nominations, you must name a replacement nominee.
(Leon moves to a sofa, Yuffie still in her rabbit suit stands up)
Yuffie: You placed me in a rough spot Leon… Davis, I'm sorry.
Davis: It's okay.
(He moves to the chair Leon was on, Leon moves to where he was before)
Leon: This veto ceremony is adjourned.
(Flash back to color and the Studio)
Nate: Will the first Houseguest evicted be Davis, the Season 2 Leader from Digimon? Or Gary; Ash's rival from Pallet town? Find out after the break.
(Audience claps, show goes to commercial)
(Back from Break)
Time: 2PM
(Davis is in the Diary room, fading into a VO)
Davis: I'm not worried about being nominated this round. The house is still drawn on getting Gary out, and making the house a quieter and better place.
(Davis is seen in the shot getting hugs as the VO continues)
Davis: Plus, no more complaining from Girth Boy.
(Shot changes to the White room showing Leon unpacking, but Davis packing his bags)
Kari: Dodged that bullet, didn't you Leon?
Leon: Yeah, but what comes around goes around. I might be up again in the future.
Nominé: True, but that's the future. We'll worry about this week.
Davis (stuffing a duffel bag with his belongings): Yep. Either way you slice this, the house will be a bit emptier and quieter after tonight.
Nominé: Indeed.
(Nominé hugs Davis)
Nominé: Best of luck.
Davis: Thanks.
(In the Kitchen, Riku is still eating his slop)
Kari: One more day of that.
Riku: Least Big Brother allows me to spice it up a bit with cinnamon and hot sauce.
Kari: Nice to know we can attempt to add flavor to it.
Riku: But water, has to be just water. No flavor added to it.
Kari: Like Jail food?
Riku: Never been, don't want to go. Just hope you don't get on this junk. It drains you.
Kari: Thanks for the notice.
(Scene change to outside, Leon and Cloud are lifting weights)
Leon: What a wild first week, eh Cloud?
Cloud: No kidding. Riku being on slop, Yuffie being forced to wear that bunny suit… Something tells me this season won't be EASY.
Leon: With one mil on the line, did you expect it to be a fucking CAKEWALK?
Cloud: Not at all, but the game has just started. Who knows what else we have to do or what we will eat.
Leon: Still voting out Girth Boy?
Cloud: You know it. He's a royal ass.
Leon: No alliance needed for this round. I heard the house is gunning for him, and want him GONE. He seems like a weak player.
Cloud: So it's a plan? Get the weak players out, so we have the REAL contenders left?
Leon: Let's make it happen!
(Commercial break)
(Return from Commercial, Audience claps, Nate is standing in front of a bench with a monitor on a stand beside him, showing the houseguests on the sofas dressed in Casual/Semi Casual clothes, Davis and Gary on the nomination chairs)
Nate: Welcome Back to Big Brother 3. The first live eviction is about to take place. But first, let's talk to the reigning HoH, Yuffie.
(Turns to the Monitor, Nate appears in the HoH Room on the plasma screen)
Nate: How are you doing Yuffie?
Yuffie: I'm fine, but scared.
Nate: Keep in mind, the other houseguests cannot hear you; feel free to speak your mind.
(Screen shows the houseguests in the living room laughing, smiling, and having a great time)
Nate: Why Davis as a replacement nominee?
Yuffie: First name that popped in my head.
Nate: What was your reaction to having to wear that bunny suit for a week, and this is your last day of wearing that.
Yuffie: State of Shock. But, it adds humor to the game, and we have to laugh sometime!
Nate: One final question. Who do you want to see leave tonight?
Yuffie: Gary. He messed up totally during night one.
Nate: Thank you, you may now return with the other houseguests.
Yuffie: Thanks!
(Shot shows Yuffie leaving the HoH room, and her sitting down on the sofa with the other Houseguests)
Nate: It's time to vote in the First eviction of the summer. Let's talk to the houseguests.
(Nate turns to the monitor; he appears on the plasma screen in the Living Room)
Nate: Good Evening Houseguests!
Houseguests: Good Evening Nate!
Nate: How's everyone doing tonight?
Naminé: We're alright.
Nate: Nice to hear Naminé. Davis!
Davis: Yes?
Nate: First week in, and you're on the block as a replacement. Are you nervous at all?
Davis: Not at all! I'm calm as can be.
Nate: Good luck to you tonight. Oh Yuffie?
Yuffie: Yes?
Nate: That Bunny suit looks good on you. Like the bows in the ears.
Yuffie: You like it?
Nate: Marvelous. Why did Ash pick you to be the first HoH and not him?
Yuffie: He had a feeling that I could stay up all night, due to my past adventures and due to him being a child at the time couldn't spend so many nights up until 3AM.
Nate: Is she correct, Ash?
Ash: Indeed. Plus, she looks like the type that could kick my ass easily!
(Audience chuckles)
Nate: It is time for tonight's live vote. Keep in mind the two Nominees, Gary and Davis are not permitted to vote, neither is the HoH, Yuffie. One at a time, you will walk into the Diary room and cast your vote to EVICT. Yolei, you are first.
(Yolei makes her way to the Diary room)
Nate: Yolei has kept to herself the entire week. How will she vote?
(Yolei sits down)
Nate: Hello Yolei.
Yolei: Hello Nate.
Nate: Please cast your vote to evict now.
Yolei: I vote to Evict Gary.
Nate: Thank you. You may now join the rest of your housemates.
(Yolei stands; Kari makes her way to the diary room)
Nate: Kari has sided with Kiari from Kingdom Hearts. Will she vote along her?
(Kari sits down)
Nate: Hello Kari.
Kari: Hello.
Nate: Please cast your vote now.
Kari: I gladly vote to evict Girth Boy.
Nate: Thanks. You can join your housemates.
(Kari stands; Rika is making her way to the diary room)
Nate: Rika has so far not been aligned to anyone in the house. How will she vote?
(Rika sits in the chair)
Nate: Greetings Rika. Please cast your vote now.
Rika: I vote to evict Gary.
Nate: Thanks.
(Rika Stands, Takato makes his way through the soundproof hallway)
Nate: Takato has a showmance with Rika. Will he vote alongside his girlfriend?
(Takato sits)
Nate: Hello Takato; please cast your vote to evict now.
Takato: I Vote to evict Gary Oak.
Nate: Thanks, you can join the rest.
(Shot now shows Prof. Oak walking in the hallway passing Takato)
Nate: Prof. Oak has remained quiet about his voting. Will he vote out his own flesh and blood?
(Samuel sits on the chair)
Nate: Good Evening Sam.
Samuel: Evening Nate.
Nate: Please cast your vote to evict now.
Samuel: I vote to evict Gary.
Nate: Thank you.
(Samuel leaves; Ash passes him the soundproof hall)
Nate: Ash has been Gary's rival since the age of 12. Will he seek this opportunity to evict Gary?
(Ash sits down in the chair)
Nate: Good Evening Ash.
Ash: Evening.
Nate: Please cast your vote to evict now.
Ash: It is with great pleasure I vote to evict Gary “Girth Boy” Oak.
Nate: Thanks, you may join the others.
(Ash stands up, enters the soundproof hallway, High-fives Misty as she makes her way to the Diary room)
Nate: Like other houseguests, Misty has kept her vote to herself. Will she vote with Ash?
(Misty sits down)
Nate: Hello, Misty.
Misty: Greetings.
Nate: Please cast your vote to evict now.
Misty: I vote to evict Girth Boy.
Nate: Thanks. You can join the others.
(Misty stands up, enters that hallway, and Cloud enters the Diary room)
Nate: Evening Cloud.
Cloud: Salutations!
Nate: What is your vote this Evening?
Cloud: I vote to evict Gary.
Nate: Thanks. You can join your fellow houseguests.
(Cloud stands, High-fives Tifa, she enters the Diary room)
Tifa: Evening.
Nate: Evening. Please cast your vote to evict.
Tifa: I vote to evict Gary.
Nate: Thanks. You can join the others.
(Screen behind Nate shows Tifa walking past Leon as he enters the Diary room)
Nate: Its official, with 9 votes to evict, Gary will be the first one to leave the house tonight. Let's see how the rest of the house votes.
(Leon sits down and crosses his legs in the chair)
Nate: Evening Leon.
Leon: How do you do?
Nate: I am fine. Please cast your vote to evict.
Leon: I vote to evict Gary.
Nate: Thank you.
(Leon stands up, enters that soundproof hall, Yuna takes his place in the chair)
Yuna: I vote to evict Gary.
Nate: Didn't need me to ask. You can join your fellow housemates.
(Yuna leaves, Dawn enters)
Nate: Dawn is Gary's partner. Will she do the unthinkable?
(Dawn sits down)
Nate: Good Evening.
Dawn: Good Evening.
Nate: Please vote now.
Dawn: With a heavy heart, I vote to evict Gary.
Nate: Thanks.
(Dawn stands; Sora is seen on the screen behind Nate, he sits down in the chair)
Sora: Evening.
Nate: Please vote now.
Sora: I vote to evict Girth Boy.
Nate: Thanks, you can join the others.
(Sora stands, Riku takes his place)
Riku: Good Evening.
Nate: Evening. Please cast your vote to evict now.
Riku: I vote to Evict Gary.
Nate: Thanks, you can join your other housemates.
(Riku passes Naminé in the hall)
Nate: Naminé's boyfriend is on the block. Will she save him from the threat of eviction?
(Naminé sits, brushes hair out of her eyes)
Nate: Good Evening.
Naminé: Evening.
Nate: Please cast your vote.
Naminé: I vote to evict Gary.
Nate: Thanks.
(Naminé passes Kairi in the hallway)
Nate: Kairi has a secret alliance with Kari from Digimon. Will she make it full circle?
(Kairi sits down)
Nate: Good Evening.
Kairi: Good Evening.
Nate: Please vote now.
Kairi: I vote to evict Gary.
Nate: Thanks. You may now join the others.
(Shot goes full screen, Kairi walks to the sofa to sit down, shot now shows Nate, the Audience, and the monitor)
Nate: Let's reveal the results to the houseguests.
(Full screen shot of the Living room from behind the Nomination chairs, Nate appears on the plasma screen)
Nate: Houseguests! I have the results of the voting. The person who has been evicted has only a few moments to say their goodbyes, gather their things, and walk out the front door.
(Full screen shot of Nate looking into the Monitor)
Nate: By a vote of 17 to zero...
(Houseguests gasp and whisper, shot goes full Screen to show Gary and Davis)
Nate: …Gary, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.
(Gary stands up, hugs everyone)
Samuel: See you on the outside.
Gary: Thanks Gramps.
(Gary walks to the Kitchen, camera follows him to the entry way, shot now shows Gary picking up his bags)
Gary: Bye everyone!
Houseguests: Bye!
(Gary walks out the front door, through the Breezeway, and opens the door in his face)
Gary: OW!
(Gary walks outside the house, holding his nose, and waving to the Audience, as he makes his way to Nate, shaking his hand; Shot now shows the houseguests gathering around the Memory Wall)
Dawn: Damn, 17 to Zero…
Riku: Can't get more unanimous than that!
(Gary's picture goes black and white, shot now changes to Gary and Nate about to begin the interview)
Nate: How are you doing, Gary?
Gary: Not too well.
Nate: Do you have an idea why you are out here tonight?
Gary: My anger issue from night one.
Nate: Do you think if you had not yelled out, you'd still be in the house?
Gary: Absolutely.
Nate: Who do you think has the best shot of winning the Million?
Gary: I know it's too soon to tell, but Yuffie has a good shot.
Nate: We had some of the houseguests tape some goodbye messages in case you were the one evicted tonight.
(Screens behind Gary and Nate now show the Goodbye messages that were taped yesterday)
Davis: Gary, Gary, Gary… A fine competitor leaves too soon. You did pretty well at the competition. See you on the outside.
Samuel: Grandson, I raised you better than that! Never raise your voice in front of ladies! You're grounded when we get back home!
(Audience laughs)
Kari: It's a shame to see you go. You did bring laughter to the house. See you soon Gary.
Yolei: Thanks for the fun we had together, even though you were only here for a week. See you on the outside.
Rika: What can I say? You brought character to the house. I'll miss ya Girth Boy.
Ash: Well, well…My rival has finally been beaten. Shame it wasn't at Pokémon, but at a game of backstabbing, planning, and double dealing. Pallet will be talking about this for a long while. Enjoy your time on the outside.
Dawn: It was a fun adventure while it lasted. I'll miss the nights where you kept me warm. Let's keep in touch on the outside?
(Screen fads into the big brother logo)
Nate: Thoughts?
Gary: Just wish I could have stayed a bit longer.
Nate: You'll be back on Finale night, where we will hand out the $1,000,000 check. Enjoy your time on the outside.
(Nate turns to the Camera)
Nate: From outside the Big Brother house, I'm Nate; we'll leave you as we eavesdrop on the houseguests. Goodnight!
(Nate shakes Gary's Hand, Audience claps, and the theme song plays as the screen now shows the Houseguests hugging each other around the Memory Wall looking at the now-grey picture of Gary)
“Live, `cause we're living today, feel the thrill of life… and don't be afraid…”
Announcer (VO): Who will win the next Head of Household and who will they nominate for eviction? Then, a twist enters the game and will turn the house upside down! Find out what will happen next time on Big Brother!