Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Big Brother 3 ❯ A New Twist ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: Pokémon is the property of Nintendo Entertainment Inc, and any other partner
companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended
nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.
DISCLAIMER: Digimon is the property of Disney Inc, Toei Animations, FOX, and any other
partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not
intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws
DISCLAIMER: Kingdom Hearts is the property of Square Enix Inc, Disney, and any other
partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not
intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws
DISCLAIMER: Final Fantasy is the property of Square Enix Inc, and any other partner
companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended
nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: BIG BROTHER is the property of CBS Inc, Fremantle Media, and any other partner
companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended
nor implied. I am simply borrowing the concept from them. All copyright law applies.
For reference, here are the ages of the Houseguests.
Ash: 26
Misty: 25
Gary: 26 (Evicted, Day 7)
Samuel Oak: 60
Dawn: 25
Davis: 29
Kari: 29
Yolei: 23
Rika: 22
Takato: 21
Roxas: 21
Kairi: 22
Sora: 22
Naminé: 22
Yuffie: 25
Leon: 31
Cloud: 30
Yuna: 26
Tiffa: 47
Riku: 26
(Cue Dramatic Music)
Announcer (VO): Previously, on Big Brother…
(Pastel purple video plays recapping the previous days, voiceover continues)
Announcer: The first eviction took place.
Nate (VO): Gary, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.
(Gary stands, shakes hands, hugs everyone, and leaves the house)
Announcer (VO): Who will win the Head of Household and who will they nominate for Eviction? Find out tonight on Big Brother!
(Shot of Gary opening the door on his face)
Gary: OW!
(Rockish theme plays, as the intro shows all 20 houseguests with their names, Gary's is his eviction, Theme ends, Title slide shows “Big Brother 3”, and the house drawing glows)
(Screen shows door closing, the houseguests talk amongst each other)
Dawn: It's so real…
Ash: Yes, every goodbye will be sad like that.
Yuffie: You'll never miss them until they leave like that.
(Remaining houseguests hug each other, and pats Dawn's back as screen shows Gary's picture going gray)
Kari: One less mouth to feed on the positive side.
Naminé: Plus, the white room will be a tad quieter, not to mention spacious.
Davis: But we just lost a friend and competitor.
Takato: Shall we eat dinner or wait for the HoH comp to eat?
Rika: Better eat... No telling how late Big Brother might put the competition.
(Show goes to break)
(Back from break, all Houseguests are outside for the HoH Comp)
Big Brother: It is time for the Second Head of Household competition. Yuffie, as the outgoing HoH, you are not eligible to compete. This week's competition is called “Surround Yourself”. You've been in the house a week now, and you should know your surroundings. I am going to ask a question about the House, and you'll turn your turnstile to “true” or “false”. If you get the question right, you'll stay in the competition. Get it wrong, you'll be eliminated. The last one left after seven questions will be the new Head of Household. Are we clear?
Houseguests (Unison): Yes!
Big Brother: Let us Begin.
(HoH competition music plays)
Big Brother: Question one. True or false…The storage room has a cooler.
(Screen shows a blue cooler next to the refrigerator)
(All houseguests turn their turnstiles to “True”)
Big Brother: The answer is true. Everyone got it right. Reset.
(All houseguests turn their turnstile to the blank side)
Big Brother: Question 2…True or false? All beds in the house are Twin sized.
(Misty, Yolei, Cloud, Riku and Leon turn to “True”, rest to “False”)
Big Brother: The answer is False. The HoH bed is King sized. Sorry Misty, Yolei, Cloud, Riku and Leon. You are eliminated. Please reset before you leave.
(All Reset; Misty, Yolei, Cloud, Riku and Leon join Yuffie on the sidelines)
Big Brother: Question three. The HoH room has a small aquarium.
(Screen shows a small aquarium in the Sunset room)
(Davis, Kari, Rika, Yuna, Sora, Roxas, and Samuel flip to true; rest to False)
Big Brother: The answer is FALSE. The Sunset room has the aquarium. Sorry Davis, Kari, Rika, Yuna, Sora, Roxas and Samuel. Please reset and join the others.
(All reset, the eliminated houseguests join the others on the sideline)
Big Brother: Question four. The bathroom has one shower door.
(Camera shows the bathroom with two hinges)
(Naminé, Kairi, Tifa and Takato turn to true, Dawn and Ash to false)
Big Brother: The answer is false. There are two doors. Sorry Naminé, Kairi, Tifa and Takato. Please reset and join the others.
(All reset, they join the others on the sideline)
Big Brother: Question five. There is a floral archway in front of the house.
(Camera outside shows a plain doorway, with nothing but flowerpots, shot changes to Ash and Dawn with their thinking faces)
Big Brother: I need an answer.
(Ash flips to True, Dawn to False)
Big Brother: The answer is false. There's no floral archway. Congratulations Dawn, you are the new Head of Household!
(Ash hugs Dawn; she walks over to the other houseguests)
Yolei: Congrats Dawn!
Yuffie: I present to you, the key to your own room.
(Yuffie places the HoH Key around Dawn's Neck, show goes to commercial)
(Back from break, Dawn is seen coming out of the Diary room)
Dawn: Who wants to see my HoH Room!?
(All 18 houseguests whoop, cheer, and applaud as they climb the spiral staircase)
Dawn: Ready?
(All Nod; Dawn opens the HoH Door to reveal the room decorated like a Beauty Salon, with small chairs, combs, hair clips, and bows)
Misty: Wow, so you're a Coordinator?
Dawn: Yep! I'll tell everyone what it is, so no one gets confused.
(On Dawn's HoH bed, is a stuffed Piplup toy to match her starting Pokémon)
Dawn: I'm going to cry…
Yuffie: Read your letter first!
Dawn: It's from my mom! (Sniffs)
(Houseguests get settled as Dawn gathers herself enough to read the letter)
Dawn: “I'm proud of you of making the cut to be on the show. Show them that you came to play and that you are not a quitter! I've contacted Rowan to take care of your partners while you are away on vacation, and they miss you as much as I miss you here. Make the town of Twinleaf proud!”
Cloud: What about your siblings?
Dawn: I'm an only child.
(Diary room)
Ash: I feel bad for Dawn. She has no one who can relate to her in her family, besides her mom. It must be rough being an only child. I have no idea how she dealt with it at a young age, but she's showing stride.
(Scene change back to HoH Room)
Roxas: So, you put make up, bows and flowers on Pokémon?
Dawn: Basically yes. I make them look pretty for contests and if the sad day comes for me to trade them to another trainer.
Kairi: Have you had one move while you were doing your work?
Dawn: Haven't had one, and I don't want that to happen!
(The girls giggle)
Riku: We'll leave you alone so you can relax finally.
(Everyone but the Pokémon team leaves, Dawn leans in cuddling her new plushie)
Dawn: So, weak ones out first.
Ash: How about 2 people that missed the second question, Misty excluded.
Samuel: How about Yolei and Cloud?
(Screen shows both Laughing on the cough, but with no audio)
Misty: What if veto is used?
Dawn: Riku or Leon's my target if it's used. Right now, Cloud is my target.
Ash: Plus, there's one good side to being HoH.
Dawn: What's that?
Ash: You eat for the week, no matter what.
Dawn: Yay! I heard that slop junk is disgusting.
Misty: The smell alone makes you want to breathe Technicolor.
Dawn: Goodness.
Misty: We'll leave you to think.
(Pokémon crew leaves, Dawn turns on the Surveillance TV)
(Scene change to Kitchen)
Kari: Another day in the house, but again another week from now, we'll lose another housemate.
Sora: That's how the game works.
Rika: Just think if half the house gets on slop!
Leon: Damn it, I don't want to hear it unless I taste it myself!
Riku: Fine, I won't tell you about my experience!
Roxas: Well, food competition is tomorrow.
Cloud: Wonder how'll it go?
-Kari shrugs-
Davis: Rest up, busy day tomorrow!
(All 18 houseguests go to bed, with moon shining over the House)
(Goes to break)
(Show returns)
(Dawn is shown coming out of the Diary room)
Dawn: It's time for this week's food competition!
(Houseguests cheer)
(Dawn reads from the notecard given to her by Big Brother)
Dawn: Its guys against girls in knowledge of food. Two teams of nine will compete against each other to figure out who knows their pyramid better. Who's ready to take a bite out of the competition?
(All 19 Cheer)
Dawn: The competition starts as soon as we go to the backyard!
(The backdoor swim rises, the door opens to reveal the food pyramid, with [Plastic] food around the backyard)
(Diary room)
Cloud: Fuck me. If this is a test about food and what goes where, I am screwed. I do not remember anything about the food pyramid.
(Back to the Backyard)
Dawn: As the HoH, I am hosting so we have even numbers. Would the girls all line up behind one buzzer; and the boys behind the other please?
(They do so as Dawn explains the rules)
Dawn: I will name a random culinary ingredient. You will tell me if it's a fruit or vegetable. If you are right, you stay in the game, and your opponent is out of the game. However, if you are wrong, you are eliminated. Last team remaining eats for the week, while the losing team is Have-Nots for the week. Are we ready to chow down?
(All 18 Cheer)
Dawn: Roxas and Yuna... Nori. Is that a Fruit or Veg?
(Roxas Buzzes in)
Dawn: Roxas?
Roxas: That's a Vegetable.
Dawn: Correct. Yuna, you have been eliminated.
(Yuna sits on the left bench, next two move forward)
Dawn: Leon and Tifa… Bolwarra…is that a Fruit or Vegetable?
(Leon Buzzes in)
Dawn: Leon?
Leon: Veg.
Dawn: Sorry! It's a fruit. Sit on the right bench please.
(Leon curses to himself as he sits on the right bench while Tifa goes to the back of the line)
Dawn: Next!
(Kairi and Takato step forward)
Dawn: Okay Kairi and Takato. Is Pignut a Fruit or Vegetable?
(Kairi rings in)
Dawn: Okay Kairi!
Kairi: That is…
(Turns to Takato, waving goodbye)
Kairi: a Veg!
Dawn: That is correct. Take a seat Takato and move to the back of the line Kairi.
(Takato hugs Kairi; she moves to back of line)
Dawn: Next two please.
(Riku and Yuffie step forward)
Dawn: Can you tell me if a Kabosu is a Fruit or a Vegetable?
(Riku rings in)
Dawn: Yes, Riku?
Riku: Vegetable.
Dawn: No, it's a fruit. Sorry.
(Riku goes to sit, Naminé and Ash step forward, cut to Diary room)
Davis: This is serious. It's Down to five guys and eight girls. Eating nothing but slop for a week will do things to you. I just hope it's not us.
(Pan back to the food competition)
Dawn: Ash and Naminé… Can you tell me if a Mooli is a fruit or Vegetable?
(Ash rings in)
Dawn: Ash?
Ash: Vegetable? I don't know.
Dawn: Correct! Sorry Naminé.
(Ash hugs her, she walks to the bench)
Dawn: Davis and Rika… Ulluco. Is It a Fruit or Vegetable?
(Davis Rings in)
Dawn: Davis?
Davis: Fruit!
Dawn: Nope; Vegetable.
(Rika goes to back of the line, Davis goes to sit down)
Dawn: Next pair.
(Samuel and Kari step forward)
Dawn: What is Kapok?
(Samuel rings in)
Dawn: Mr. Oak.
Samuel: Veg.
Dawn: No, it's a fruit.
(Samuel steps down; Kari goes to back of the line)
Dawn: Two guys have yet to have their turn, same with the girls. Next pair please.
(Cloud and Yolei step forward)
Dawn: Tell me… Is Skirret a fruit or a vegetable?
(Yolei rings in)
Yolei: That's a Veg.
Dawn: Correct. Sora and Misty, please step forward.
(They do so, as Cloud takes a seat)
Dawn: What is Guar?
(Sora buzzes in)
Dawn: Sora?
Sora: Fruit.
Dawn: Nope. Veg.
(Misty goes to back of the line, but not before Sora hugs her)
Dawn: Two guys left, six girls left.
(Roxas and Tifa step forward)
Dawn: Is a Morinda a fruit or a vegetable?
(Roxas rings in)
Dawn: Roxas?
Roxas: Veg.
Dawn: Sorry!
(Roxas sits down, Ash steps forward with Kairi)
Dawn: If Ash gets this wrong, the competition is over.
(Ash's hands tremble)
Dawn: Fruit or Veg…Muskmelon.
(Ash rings in quickly)
Dawn: Ash?
Ash: Fruit.
Dawn: Correct. Take a seat Kairi.
(The guys cheer on Ash, as Yuffie steps forward)
(Cut to Diary room)
Ash: Damn. Never would have thought to be up against my love. If I win, I lose, If I lose, I lose. What's a guy to do when he has to face his girlfriend in a competition where the loser has to eat slop for a week?
(Scene changes to the competition)
Dawn: Is Cress a fruit or a veg?
(Ash rings in)
Dawn: Ash again.
Ash: Vegetable.
Dawn: Correct. Rika step forward.
(Yuffie goes to the sides, rest of the guys lean in)
Dawn: Santol…Fruit or Veg?
(Rika rings in)
Dawn: Rika!
Rika: That is a FRUIT!
Dawn: Rika, You are…
(Shot shows guys on the edge of their seats [literally], then the girls biting their nails, then Ash standing there nervously)
Dawn: Correct. Sorry Guys.
(Rika hugs Ash, as the girls hug the guys, show goes to break)
(Return from break)
(Dawn walks into her HoH room with the security TV showing the text “Pandora's Box”)
Dawn: It's time for fun!
(Beside the door are two envelopes, labeled “1” and “2”, Dawn picks up the first one, opens it and reads the card inside)
Dawn: “Behold the doorway to Pandora's Box, a Secret room behind your HoH bedroom. Opening the door to Pandora's Box can release something good or bad upon the opener, or upon the rest of the house.”
(Camera shows the other 18 on the couch having a conversation, but no sound is heard, then back to Dawn reading)
Dawn: “Gaze at the screen for a hint of what's inside.”
(Dawn looks up to the security TV to show her Mom standing there looking up)
Dawn: Oh my goodness!
(She grabs envelope Two)
Dawn: “Being in the Big Brother house must be rough, so it's about time for a Mother/Daughter reunion. Keep in mind your decision is final when the door is opened.”
(Screen goes back and forth between what's in Pandora's Box and Dawn thinking while looking at the screen)
Dawn: Open the box and risk something good happen to me, and bad karma on the house, or bad stuff to me and good to the house? Big Brother please help me!
(Dawn looks at the note, back to the screen)
Dawn: I am opening Pandora's Box.
(Dawn opens the door to step in a room with walls that's [False] gold plated, with production windows, ala other rooms)
Dawn: Mom!
Johanna: Dawn!
(They share a hug)
Johanna: We have 15 minutes.
Dawn: Doesn't matter to me. Been a week already, and the house is going crazy!
(Plasma screen behind Johanna changes to the Living room, the shot is going full screen)
Cloud: Wonder what happened to Dawn.
Rika: Who cares, it's her week to have privacy.
(Giovanni exits the diary room and makes his way to the Living Area)
Sora: This competition has slowly gotten to me. I thought I just saw a man in a suit behind Yolei.
(The group turns around to see the Leader of Team Rocket)
Ash: Giovanni! What are you doing here?
Giovanni: Dawn opened Pandora's Box. You have to spend 15 minutes with me, the person you love to hate!
(Diary room)
Misty: Damn you Dawn. You bought Giovanni in from Team Rocket by opening Pandora's Box? You have better got something good up there!
(Screen changes to Pandora's Box)
Johanna: So, who's this guy I heard you hooked up with?
Dawn: Evicted due to him being an ass during the first HoH competition.
Johanna: Want me to send him a letter on your behalf?
Dawn: Please.
(Screen change to the houseguests giving Giovanni the house tour)
Misty: And behind this door is the Have-Not room.
Giovanni: What's wrong with that?
(Misty opens the door to reveal a steel-plated room with nine raised platforms, made out of cold steel, with nine bed sheets on each platform)
Misty: Lose a food competition like the guys have, and you sleep here, on top of eating Big Brother slop for the week.
Giovanni: It can't be worse than having to eat pokéchow until your food shipment comes in.
Riku: Want a bowl to see how bad it is?
Giovanni: I'll pass and take your word for it on how awful it tastes. What else is there to know about here in the house?
(Pan to Pandora's Box)
Johanna: So tomorrow is nominations day?
Dawn: Yes. I have to put two of my own up for eviction, but they have a chance to save themselves from “the chopping block”.
Johanna: Sounds fun, but our time is up.
Dawn: Love you mom.
Johanna: Show them you take no prisoners!
(They share a hug, screen changes once again to Giovanni at the Diary room door)
Giovanni: My 15 minutes here are up. Good luck to everyone.
Group: Thanks, goodbye!
(As he leaves the house, Dawn steps from her HoH room)
Dawn: So, who did we have for company?
Ash: Giovanni.
Dawn: Team Rocket?
Misty: Yep. Who did you have up there?
Dawn: My mom.
Roxas: Did you spend quality time together?
Dawn: Much needed. I'll tell you about it.
(Theme song plays as Announcer plugs the next episode)
“Live… `Cause we're living today, Fell the thrill of life, and don't be afraid…”
Announcer (VO): Who will Dawn nominate and put on the chopping block and will the veto be used to save one of the nominations? Find out next time on Big Brother!