Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Big Brother 3 ❯ Second Veto Competition ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
DISCLAIMER: Pokémon is the property of Nintendo Entertainment Inc, and any other partner
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nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.
DISCLAIMER: Digimon is the property of Disney Inc, Toei Animations, FOX, and any other
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intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws
DISCLAIMER: Kingdom Hearts is the property of Square Enix Inc, Disney, and any other
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intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws
DISCLAIMER: Final Fantasy is the property of Square Enix Inc, and any other partner
companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended
nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: BIG BROTHER is the property of CBS Inc, Fremantle Media, and any other partner
companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended
nor implied. I am simply borrowing the concept from them. All copyright law applies.
For reference, here are the ages of the Houseguests.
Ash: 26
Misty: 25
Gary: 26 (Evicted, Day 7)
Samuel Oak: 60
Dawn: 25
Davis: 29
Kari: 29
Yolei: 23
Rika: 22
Takato: 21
Roxas: 21
Kairi: 22
Sora: 22
Naminé: 22
Yuffie: 25
Leon: 31
Cloud: 30
Yuna: 26
Tiffa: 47
Riku: 26
(Cue Dramatic Music)
Announcer (VO): Previously, on Big Brother…
(Pastel purple video plays recapping the previous day, voiceover continues)
Announcer: Dawn opened Pandora's Box.
Dawn: I am opening Pandora's Box.
(Dawn opens the door to step in a room with walls that's [False] gold plated, with production windows, ala other rooms)
Dawn: Mom!
Johanna: Dawn!
(They share a hug)
Announcer: But opening the box had bad consequences on the house.
(Giovanni exits the diary room and makes his way to the Living Area)
Sora: This competition has slowly gotten to me. I thought I just saw a man in a suit behind Yolei.
(The group turns around to see the Leader of Team Rocket)
Ash: Giovanni! What are you doing here?
Giovanni: Dawn opened Pandora's Box. You have to spend 15 minutes with me, the person you love to hate!
(Pastel purple video ends, dramatic music continues, as the screen shuffles through all the houseguests)
Announcer: Who will be nominated and will they use the veto? Find out next on Big Brother!
Giovanni: It can't be worse than having to eat pokéchow until your food shipment comes in.
(Rockish theme plays, as the intro shows all 20 houseguests with their names, Gary's is his eviction, Theme ends, Title slide shows “Big Brother 3”, and the house drawing glows)
Kari: So, what did you and your mom talk about?
Dawn: Mother/Daughter stuff to catch up what happened and what I missed in the week I've been here.
Davis: How's Twinleaf supporting you?
Dawn: They're behind me 110%.
Yuna: Nice to hear it girl!
(They share a hug)
Cloud: I'm just… going to eat that horrid slop.
Takato: Have fun.
Cloud: *Snarls*
Rika (whispering to Dawn): What's with him?
Dawn (whispering back): I have no idea.
Ash (Sitting at the table): I don't think I can stand a week of this junk. Least we can add a little spice to it.
Yuffie: What can you add to it?
Roxas: We can add either balsamic vinegar, olive oil, red wine vinegar, rice vinegar, vegetable oil, hot sauce, ketchup, BBQ sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, relish, salsa, soy sauce, steak sauce, Worcestershire sauce, honey, black pepper, garlic salt, crushed red pepper, salt, vanilla, basil, bay leaves, cinnamon, leaf oregano, paprika, parsley, rosemary, brown sugar, artificial sweetener, powdered creamer, white sugar, tea or protein powder to this junk. Not making it taste better, but it adds flavor to it.
Kairi: Sounds vomit-inducing.
Riku: Plus, we can only drink plain water with that.
Yuna: Damn.
Davis: Got to suffer if you want to win.
(Davis continues to eat the slop as the other guys nod in agreement)
Yuffie: How's the bedroom in there?
Leon: We'll let you know after tonight.
Naminé: Thanks. It helps to be informed if we'll be have-nots in the future.
Yolei: Looks like Sam is taking this well. He hasn't complained.
Takato: Methinks he had worse meals.
(Sam finishes his slop, stands up and does his dishes, puts them in the pantry, and heads to the have-not room for the night)
Dawn: Night time already?
Ash: Nah, he just goes to bed early to wake up early. Way his body clock works.
(Ash puts his dishes in the sink and does them)
Tifa: Rare sight that, Ash.
Ash: What…A guy doing dishes?
Tifa: Yeah.
Ash: My mother raised me right, and not a slob.
Misty: I find that hard to believe.
Ash: Give me a break Mist; I was a child back then!
Misty: You win this round.
Ash: I'm too tired to argue. Have a nice night girls.
Girls (Unison): Good Night, Ash.
(Ash heads to the Have-not room for the night)
Rika: Why would one go to bed this early?
Dawn: Nomination eve. This game does stuff to your sleep schedule. I'm following suit. Good Night.
Rika: Good night Dawn.
(As the moon shines over the compound, the houseguests rest for Nomination Day tomorrow)
Day 9
Time: 11AM
(Sora walks by the Plasma Screen which shows the text “Nominations Today”, scene change to the HoH bedroom)
Dawn: So Yolei and Cloud go up this week, right?
Yuffie: Right.
(Sora rings the doorbell)
Dawn: It's open.
(Sora walks in and closes the door in same motion)
Sora: Talking about nomination strategies?
Dawn: Yes. Want in?
Sora: Sure.
(Sora sits on a free chair while Dawn strategizes)
Dawn: Everyone here is safe.
Ash: Excellent.
Roxas: Good to hear.
Dawn: However, I need a pawn.
Sora: How about Yolei?
Rika: What about her?
Takato: She's the pawn! You heard Cloud snarl, growl… whatever at me when I commented on him eating that slop. He needs to go.
(Everyone nods, Show goes to break)
(Return from break)
(Dawn is seen coming out of the Diary room and walking to the Memory Wall as her voiceover fades in)
Dawn (VO): One of my key duties as Head of Household is to nominate two houseguests for eviction.
(Dawn stares at the Memory wall, pulls keys from their holes, screen changes to the other 18 in the backyard sitting around the fire pit, some on the L shaped couch)
Riku (VO): Only Dawn knows what Dawn is doing. I trust her instincts and she'll keep me safe.
Yuna (VO): Hopefully, she will trust Takato in saying Cloud has an attitude problem and needs to go home. He won't get far with that snarl of his.
(Scene change to Dawn carrying 18 keys upstairs to the HoH room, then her on the HoH bed with the keys around the Box of Destiny, her holding her chin in hand, Dramatic music plays as she puts keys in one by one and places two keys with name side down into a red velvet bag, tying it and placing it in her dresser)
(Scene change to the backyard, the dramatic music ends when Dawn steps onto the porch)
Dawn: It's time for the nomination ceremony.
(Dawn returns into the house, fade effect of all 18 houseguests sitting down at the table, Dawn brings the Box of Destiny on the Lazy Suzan)
Dawn: This is the Nomination Ceremony. One by one a key will be pulled until all of them have been removed from the Box of Destiny, those people are safe. The two without a key are nomination for eviction this week. I will pull the first key.
(Nomination Ceremony music plays as Dawn places her palm on the first key)
Dawn: Davis, you are safe.
Davis: Thanks Dawn.
(Davis places key around his neck, he pulls next key)
Davis: Kari, you are safe.
Kari: Thanks.
(Kari places key around her neck, she pulls the next key)
Kari: Sora, you're safe.
Sora: Thanks Dawn.
(He puts his key around his neck as he pulls the next key)
Sora: Takato, you are Safe.
Takato: Thanks.
(He places key around his neck, pulls next key)
Takato: Roxas, you are safe.
Roxas: Thank you Dawn.
(He places key around neck, pulls the next key)
Roxas: Ash, you are safe.
Ash: Thanks Dawn.
(Ash pulls next key as he places his around his neck)
Ash: Samuel, you're safe.
Samuel: Thanks.
(He places key around neck, pulls next key)
Samuel: Yuna, you're safe.
Yuna: Thank you.
(She places her key around her neck, pulls key)
Yuna: Rika, you're safe.
Rika: Thanks.
(She places key around her neck, pulls the next key)
Rika: Misty, You're safe.
Misty: Thanks.
(She places her key around her neck, and pulls the next key)
Misty: Leon, You're safe.
Leon: Thanks Dawn.
(Leon pulls next key, puts his around neck)
Leon: Warrior Yuffie, you're safe.
Yuffie: Thank you Dawn.
(She places her key around her neck, then pulls next key)
Yuffie: Tifa, you're safe.
Tifa: Thanks.
(Places key around her neck; pulls next key)
Tifa: Naminé, you're safe.
Naminé: Thanks.
(She places key around her neck, pulls the next key)
Naminé: Kairi, you're safe.
Kairi: Thanks.
(She puts her key around her neck; the nomination music gets more intense as she places her hand on the key. The shot switches between Riku, Yolei, and Cloud before finally stopping on Kairi's hand. She pulls the final key slowly)
Kairi: Riku, you are safe.
Riku: Thanks Dawn.
(Riku puts his key around his neck, sits down, and Dawn stands up)
Dawn: I have nominated Cloud and Yolei for eviction. Cloud, I nominated you because your attitude toward losing the food challenge has everyone down. Losing is part of the game. Yolei, I nominated you because it's just game. Someone had to go up, and you got the short straw. Both of you have a shot of winning the veto and saving yourself. This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
(All houseguests stand and hug each other, Mainly Cloud and Yuffie)
(Diary room)
Cloud: This sucks. Being on slop for the week, and now marked for eviction. What more can go wrong?
(Shot change to him being hugged, Yolei is now in the Diary room)
Yolei: So I'm the pawn this week. No worries. I heard Cloud's growl, scowl, whatever that was when he heard “Have Fun” while on the slop diet. Cloud is good as gone.
(All houseguests place their keys back on the memory wall as they prepare for dinner)
Kari: Alright girls, it's my turn to cook.
Takato: Make a good meal for the ladies Kari.
Kari: Thanks, Takato.
(The guys make their bowls of slop and add their own spices to it and sit down)
Davis: Just think guys, we're almost done eating this vile stuff.
Cloud: It can't come damn soon enough.
(While the guys are eating the slop and drinking water, the girls are cooking a dinner for nine)
Dawn: I feel sorry for the guys…Five more days of that garbage.
Misty: Makes me wish we could do something for them.
Rika: Maybe we can. Come Day 14 that is.
Kairi: I like the way you think.
(The guys finish eating their dinner, washes their bowls and glasses)
Sora: Good night ladies.
Ladies (Unison): Good night Sora.
(Guys walk in line formation to the have not room)
Yolei: Least we're not eating in front of them.
Naminé: We're not that evil.
(The girls set the table for their dinner, Chicken Panini and Rice, scene change to the Have-not room)
Ash, lying down: Least the girls didn't eat in front of us.
Cloud: Bonus points for them.
Takato: Class. Other people I know would have eaten while another group suffered.
Davis: Tomorrow will be better. Good night.
(Nighttime falls across the house in time-lapse, sun rises over the compound)
DAY 10
(All 19 Houseguests are around the table, the guys eating their slop, the girls their breakfast)
Yuna: So, how's the have-not bedroom?
Riku: Cold steel on your back isn't comfortable. Least it's easy to wake up in the shower, due to us only being allowed to take cold showers.
Kari: Damn!
Ash: I miss food.
Yuffie: So nothing but slop and bread?
Ash: Nothing but.
Yolei: Yikes. I feel so bad for you guys.
Takato: Don't be. I am willing to bet everyone in the house will be on slop at least once during their time here, aside from Gary.
Misty: Do you have to say that name? I still can't think of a reason why he blurted out on night one.
Ash: He never grew out of his Rebel side.
Rika: Eat up; Big Brother could pull the veto comp on us today.
(All Houseguests nod and eat their respective Breakfast, Show goes to break)
(Return from break, Dawn is seen coming out of the Diary room with satchel in her hands)
Dawn: It's time to pick players for the Veto!
Davis: Here we go!
(Fade effect of all 18 houseguests sitting down in their respective places, Dawn stands before them reading a notecard given to her by Big Brother)
Dawn: The veto competition is upon us. Six players will compete this week...The HoH, the two nominees and three houseguests determined by random draw. Would the two Nominees please join me?
(Cloud and Yolei stand aside Dawn)
Dawn: Since I am HoH, I pick first.
(Dawn places the bag above her head and draws a chip)
Dawn: Kari.
(Kari stands, hugs Dawn, stands by her, Dawn hands the bag to Cloud; he picks one)
Cloud: Ash.
(Ash stands up, gives Cloud a handshake, stands by him)
Dawn: Yolei?
(Yolei closes her eyes as Dawn holds bag open for her)
Yolei: Houseguest's choice.
(Shot shows the other 14 looking attentively at Yolei)
Yolei: Davis.
(Davis stands, Yolei hugs him; he stands by Yolei)
Dawn: I also need a host for this competition and I choose….
(Shot changes yet again to the other 13)
Dawn: Takato!
(Rika pats his back as a way of saying “Way to go”)
Dawn: The competition will start as soon as we head into the backyard!
(The chosen 7 lead the way as the rest follows)
(Screen changes to the backyard, where six medium sized boxed wind tunnels, black in color stand)
Yolei: Fun times.
(Scene change to the Diary room)
Dawn: When we stepped into the backyard, we saw small wind tunnels like what you see in some stores for cash prizes. I do not know what Big Brother is planning, but this might be the most fun I had in years!
(Scene changes back to the Veto competition)
Takato: Would the houseguests step into their respective boxes and put on the gear provided please?
(All six put blacked-out goggles on)
Takato (Reading from notecard): It's time for the “Winds of Change” in the Big Brother house. In the box with you are small veto symbols. The object is to fill your box with the most GOLDEN veto symbols. It might sound easy; however, there are silver veto symbols in the mix as well. One Silver veto takes away one golden veto. The person with the most gold symbols after deduction wins. Are you ready to be blown away?
(Houseguests cheer)
Takato: The competition will begin when the machines turn on. You have two minutes.
(All six wait as they stand in the middle of their respective wind tunnels)
(All of a sudden all six wind machines turn on)
Ash: Cold!
(Scene change to Diary room)
Ash: It's cold, it's dark, and it's windy… reminds me of my past adventures as a Pokémon trainer.
(Ash scoots closer to the camera)
Ash: That's a bad thing folks.
(Scene change to the competition, all six are flailing wildly grabbing anything that touches their hands or brushes against them and stuffing it in their respective boxes)
(All six competitors continue to flail wildly while muttering obscenities under their breaths)
(All six stuff anything that brushes against their arm or hands into their boxes as the booths shut down)
Takato: Time's up!
(Takato unlocks each booth, scene change to him standing next to a board with the amounts covered up)
Takato: Now that you caught your breath, let's see who the winner is!
(Takato places his hand next to Cloud's name)
Takato: Cloud, after deductions, your total is…
(He pulls out the cover)
Takato: 53 Golden Vetoes.
(Houseguests Applauds)
Takato: Dawn… You have...
(Takato removes the slip covering her total)
Takato: 80 Golden Vetoes. You now have the lead.
(More Applause)
Takato: Ash. Your total, after reductions is…
(The cover is removed)
Takato: 74 Golden Vetoes.
(Houseguests mouth “Wow”)
Takato: Yolei, your grand total is…
(Cover from her total is removed)
Takato: 34.
(Houseguests pat her back)
Takato: Davis. After deductions of silver, your total is…
(Cover is removed)
Takato: 70. Not quite enough.
(Camera shows Kari and Dawn holding hands in nervousness)
Takato: Kari, you must beat 80 if you want the power of Veto. Your total is…
(Dramatic music plays as Takato places his hand on the cover, and removing it slowly Revealing a “7”, then a “5”)
Takato: 75. Congratulations Dawn, you have won the power of Veto!
(Applause as Dawn claims her prize, screen change to the Diary room)
Dawn: I hold all the power. Shame I won't use this though.
(Shows the veto to the Camera)
Dawn: But it'll be fun to hear Cloud try to bargain with me.
(Dawn grins)
(Scene change, Ash is seen going upstairs to the HoH room rings the doorbell)
Dawn: It's open!
(Ash enters and closes the room in same motion)
Ash: Congratulations.
(Ash hugs her, she hugs back)
Dawn: Thanks.
(Ash pulls up a chair close the HoH bed)
Ash: Thinking of using that to backdoor anyone?
Dawn: Thinking about it, but won't. I want Cloud out of here.
Ash: Same, he kept me up all night with his Snoring.
Dawn: Misty told me about that.
Ash: Don't know what's worse… the slop or being snored to death.
(Dawn Giggles)
Ash: I wish you luck in your decisions.
Dawn: Thanks.
(Ash goes down the stairs and into the backyard)
Sora: Hey, what's with that locked box?
Samuel: What locked box?
Sora: The one making a noise.
Misty: How should I know?
Yuna: Might be used soon, or not at all.
Cloud: Better be used for something, waste of space if it's just sitting there.
Riku: Only Big Brother knows, and he isn't talking!
Tifa: Hope it's something useful!
(Houseguests nod)
(Show goes to break)
(Return from break)
(Dawn is seen coming out of the Diary room, her voiceover starts)
Dawn: As the veto holder, I can veto one of my own nominees. With great power like this, comes great responsibility, and might bite me in the ass later.
(Dawn grabs her Veto medallion and puts it on, and looks at the Memory Wall and ponders. The scene changes to the backyard)
Yuna (VO): I trust Dawn to not use the veto and stick to the plan of getting Cloud out.
Yuffie (VO): Cloud needs to go. I can't stand his complaining. Hopefully, the nominations stay the same.
(Dawn moves from the Memory Wall to the backyard door, it opens and she steps onto the patio)
Dawn: It's time for the Veto Ceremony.
(Dawn steps back inside; fade effect of all 18 houseguests taking their respective seats. Dawn stands before them)
Dawn: This is the Veto Ceremony. As the veto holder, I can veto one of the two nominees. I will give you a moment to tell me why I should use the veto on you; Ladies first.
(Yuffie stands)
Yuffie: I trust your judgment Dawn. Use that veto however you see fit. If you use it on me, that's fine. If you don't use it and it's time for me to go, well, we'll see each other on the outside with no hard feelings.
(She sits)
Dawn: Cloud?
(Cloud stands)
Cloud: Thank for giving a chance for you to save me from the block. But use that veto however you see fit on whomever you wish to use it on.
(He sits)
Dawn: I have taken your speeches in mind. I have decided to…
(Dramatic music plays as both Yolei and Cloud are holding hands in the nomination chairs)
Dawn: NOT use the power of veto.
(She takes the veto medallion off, and places it back in its box)
Dawn: This veto meeting is adjourned.
(She closes the box, as the music continues. The houseguests hug each other, mainly Yolei and Cloud)
Cloud (VO): Well, crap. I thought for sure the veto would be used. I guess all that's left is to do some ass-kissing.
(Screen shows Yolei as her voice over fades in)
Yolei: Looks like the plan worked. Cloud is definitely going home this week, and the house will be even quieter, and more spacious.
(Screen shows the houseguests still hugging as the announcer plugs the next episode of Big Brother as the theme song plays)
“Live, `cause we're living today…feel the thrill of life and don't be afraid…”
Announcer: Cloud and Yuffie has been nominated for eviction, but what is with the locked box in the backyard, and is it part of the game? Find out next time on Big Brother!