Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Big Brother 3 ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
DISCLAIMER: Pokémon is the property of Nintendo Entertainment Inc, and any other partner
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nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws apply.

DISCLAIMER: Digimon is the property of Disney Inc, Toei Animations, FOX, and any other
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intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws

DISCLAIMER: Kingdom Hearts is the property of Square Enix Inc, Disney, and any other
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intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright laws

DISCLAIMER: Final Fantasy is the property of Square Enix Inc, and any other partner
companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not intended
nor implied. I am simply borrowing characters from the series, all copyright law applies.
DISCLAIMER: BIG BROTHER is the property of CBS Inc, Fremantle Media, and any other
Partner companies and/or subsidiaries, all rights reserved. Any challenge to copyright is not
Intended nor implied. I am simply borrowing the concept from them. All copyright law applies.

For reference, here are the ages of the Houseguests.
Ash: 26
Misty: 25
Gary: 26 (Evicted, Day 7)
Samuel Oak: 60
Dawn: 25
Davis: 29
Kari: 29
Yolei: 23
Rika: 22
Takato: 21
Roxas: 21
Kairi: 22
Sora: 22
Naminé: 22
Yuffie: 25
Leon: 31
Cloud: 30
Yuna: 26
Tifa: 47
Riku: 26
(Cue Dramatic Music)
Announcer (VO):  Previously, on Big Brother…
(Pastel purple video plays recapping the previous day, voiceover continues)
Announcer:  The power of Veto competition and Ceremony took place.
Takato:  Congratulations, Dawn! You won the power of veto!
(Takato places the medallion around her neck)
Announcer:  However, it did not go the way Cloud wanted.
(Scene change to the Veto Ceremony)
Dawn:  I have decided… to NOT use the power of veto.
Announcer:  What is with that mysterious box? Find out now on BIG BROTHER!
Ash (feeling the air rush up his pants):  COLD!
(Rockish theme plays, as the intro shows all 20 houseguests with their names, Gary's is his eviction, Theme ends, Title slide shows “Big Brother 3”, and the house drawing glows)
DAY 10
(Scene:  Living room.  The houseguests are hugging each other, mainly Cloud and Yuffie.  Screen changes to Cloud in the Diary room as his Voiceover fades in)
Cloud:  Being nominated sucks; I have a huge target on my back.  I just hope I can do enough ass-kissing to save myself.
(Scene change to the kitchen)
Sora:  I feel sorry for Riku.
Kairi:  Slop twice in two weeks?
Sora:  Yeah.  I am considering giving him my Slop pass.
Kairi:  You can do that?
Sora:  Yeah! It’s transferrable, but one use only.  He’ll still be confined to the have-not room though.
Kairi:  Why don’t you gift it to him?
Sora:  Good idea.  I think he’s still in the Have-Not room.
(Camera shows Sora entering the Have-Not room, and sits next to Riku)
Riku:  Hey Sora.
Sora:  I bet you that you’re sick of that slop junk.
Riku:  I’d do anything to taste real food.
(Sora hands over his slop pass)
Riku:  You’d give up food?
Sora:  You got the short end twice in two weeks.  It’s time you had some real food and not slop.  Enjoy your 24 hours of real food.
Riku:  I love you like a brother man, love you like a brother.
(They hug)
Sora:  Hate to see you suffer.
(Sora leaves the Have-Not room, scene change to the Kitchen)
Davis:  This is going to be one long summer.
Kairi:  Just think, we got over 2 months left.  It will NOT be easy at the final part.
Davis:  No shit.
Cloud:  Hey, what did Gary win before he got evicted?
Kairi:  Games for the house, why?
Cloud:  He could be watching, let’s not waste his gift. It’ll help waste time until Dinner.
Ash:  Someone check storage please?
(Leon comes out of the Storage room)
Leon:  We got a poker set!
Yolei:  Bitchin. That’s one creative way to waste a day. We’re not doing anything; big days are tomorrow and the following three.
Roxas:  Let’s open it up and play.
(Leon does, and a small key falls out)
Kari:  What’s that for?
Kairi:  Bet you five and 10 that goes somewhere.
Takato:  Why not that box outside?
Yuffie:  Bet it goes there too.
Ash:  Let’s try it!
(The shade covering the sliding glass door rises, all houseguests go outside)
Dawn:  Let’s see if our assumptions are right.
Rika:  Open that lock Cloud!
Cloud:  Here goes…
(Cloud places the key into the lock, it turns and a loud Click is heard)
Cloud:  I think we got a hot tub!
(Everyone celebrates, Cloud removes the lock from its place; show goes to break)
(Back from break, everyone returns to the kitchen to see a card on the table)
Tifa:  Knew there was a catch.
Leon:  Yuna, would you do the honors?
Yuna:  “Congratulations houseguests, you now have a hot tub for the house.  But be warned, this might be taken from you at any point from now until the end of the game.  Enjoy it while it’s here.”
Misty:  You kidding me? Would they do that?
Ash:  They can do whatever.  We’re living by their rules.
Samuel:  Better do what that card says… They could lock it up and pack up next week.
Dawn:  Let’s hope they provided some drinks as well.
Yuffie:  Of course they would.
(Time warp to 9PM, Ice buckets surrounds the Hot tub with various drinks)
Davis:  Finally.
Sora:  I got the feeling this will be used after many competitions.
(Some houseguests go fully in; others put just their toes in)
Kari:  To Big Brother?
Rika:  To Big Brother!
(All toast and cheer)
Dawn:  Thanks Gary!
Ash:  Yeah, he’s good for something finally!
(Everyone chuckles)
(Time Lapse of everyone getting out, as it’s getting later and later into the night)
DAY 11
Time: 9AM
(Scene: Have-Not Room)
Ash:  Ugh, Think I slept wrong.
Riku:  How so?
Ash:  My Back is in a knot.
Cloud:  Mine too.
Sora:  Same here.
Ash:  Alright, so it’s these beds, or lack of term thereof causing this.
Samuel:  Pretty much.
Ash:  Can’t wait until next week.  Soft beds again.
Roxas:  Not to mention food.  I am tired of that slop junk.
Ash:  Makes nine of us.
Davis:  Agreed.
Leon:  Not to mention this room is a big Dutch oven.
Davis:  Nine dudes sharing a room…not as fragrant as one thinks.
Sora:  Stop scaring the viewers!
Ash:  Did you just…?
Davis:  Yeah.
(Diary Room)
Ash:  Davis breaking the forth wall in the Big Brother house…On week two? Is that Legal?
(Scene change to the Kitchen, Tifa is cooking Lunch)
Yolei:  Smells excellent.
Tifa:  Thanks, just wish I could give some to the guys without penalty.
Yuffie:  Three days for that.
Tifa:  Time must stand still if you’re on slop.
Rika:  Only time will tell.
Yuffie, Tifa (unison):  Indeed.
(Time lapse, All 19 Houseguests eats their lunch, do the dishes, and walk away)
Kari:  Thanks for the Lunch, Tifa.
Tifa:  You’re welcome Kari.
(Scene change to the bathroom, Davis is taking his Cold shower, Misty her Warm)
Misty:  How’s that shower working out for you?
Davis:  I miss your side.
(Misty performs a little dance, Davis silently snarls)
Davis:  Rub it in, why don’t you?
Misty:  Isn’t that what I do best?
(Misty Smirks)
Davis:  Karma’s a Bitch, remember that.
Misty:  You’ll protect me, won’t you?
Davis:  Won’t Cloud get mad?
Misty:  Who? He’s as good as gone from what I gather.
Davis:  Phew.  Least you’ll have a bed all to yourself…
(Davis winks)
Misty:  Yeah, but I am sharing a room with five other people.
Davis:  Good point.  We have seven in the White Room.
Misty:  SEVEN?
Davis:  Four twin-sized beds.  I got the feeling they’ll be moved up a size soon.
Misty:  Or you win HoH, get a room to yourself.
Davis:  That would be lovely, but that’s a far off dream for me.
(Show goes to break)
(Return from break)
Time: 5PM
(Scene: HoH Room.  Dawn is cuddling her plushie when the Kingdom Hearts crew knocks on the door)
Dawn:  Come in!
(Sora, Riku, Naminé, Roxas and Kairi enter the room)
Dawn:  Getting away from the Drama?
Roxas:  Yeah.
Sora:  I might ask Big Brother for some earplugs.
Dawn:  Cloud’s snoring is THAT bad?
Riku:  He could raise the DEAD.
Dawn:  I’m sorry.
Sora:  I have no idea how Yuna and Yolei tuned it out.  Misty is complaining as much as we are.
Naminé:  Least the girls in the White Room aren’t snoring, least what I can figure out.
Kairi:  Sunset is too quiet.  It’s Just Yuffie and I in there.
Sora:  Enjoy the reflecting time, or do you actually need commotion to not go crazy?
Kairi:  I can manage, but living on Destiny Isles, you get used to noise.
Dawn:  You’ve got to tell me stories of Destiny.
Roxas:  What about Twilight Town?
Dawn:  There too.
(Dawn kisses Roxas on the Cheek, Kairi and Naminé giggle)
Roxas:  Next week then?
Dawn:  Sure.  Following week can be Sora’s turn.
Roxas, Sora (Unison): It’s a date.
Dawn:  Now, what’s the reason you came up here?
Naminé:  We’re voting in your plan.
Dawn:  To Evict Cloud, right?
Kairi:  Yep. We need Silence in the house.  I thought Girth Boy was the worst.
Dawn:  Least his is vocal and not anything related to sleep.
Sora:  I’m lucky to get my six hours with that bullhorn in this house.
Dawn:  That’s five votes I have.
Riku:  How many do you need?
Dawn:  I need nine.  I can’t vote unless there’s a tie, and I highly doubt there will be a tie this round.
Kairi:  We’ll rally the votes for you.
Dawn:  Thanks! Oh, Kairi and Naminé, I am cooking tonight.
Kairi:  Yay!
(She hugs Dawn)
Dawn:  Least I can do... All the guys can eat is THAT junk.
Riku:  That’s what you’re calling it now?
Dawn:  Yeah.
Riku:  Thanks.  I’m getting tired of hearing it being called by its real name.
Sora:  I won’t do that to you.
Riku:  Thanks, like I’ve said before, being on that for two weeks in a row is draining.  I am almost down to my birth weight!
Kairi:  Part of the game.  The big question is can we survive three months eating that junk off and on?
Riku:  Vomit-inducing…Almost.
Dawn:  Tell the others to be ready.  Dinner will be served.
(Scene pan to the Kitchen, Dawn is at the Stove, some Houseguests have gathered around the table)
Ash:  Smells good.
(Ash dives into his slop bowl)
Dawn:  Aromatherapy.  
Ash:  Yeah, sucks for those on slop, makes others hungry.
Naminé:  Takes your mind off the game for a while doesn’t it?
Dawn:  Yeah.
Rika:  Wish we could get that kind of a pause every day.
Dawn:  Fat chance.  Breaks rarely happen in this game.
Davis:  Would be nice!
Dawn:  Amen, Brother.
(Dawn removes the food from the stove, turns it off)
Dawn:  Dinner’s ready!
(Show goes to break)
(Return to Break)
DAY 12
(Sora walks into the Storage Room to find the cleaning supplies)
Sora:  That time of the week again?
(He calls everyone to Storage)
Leon:  Weekly chores time!
Yuna:  Fun fun…
Yuffie:  Come on, these build character!
(Diary room)
Takato:  Scrubbing grout off surfaces builds character? What Sake has Yuffie been drinking? I do see her point, as she is a ninja, and you DON’T question ninjas.
(Scene Change to the Living Room)
Riku:  Split up like we did last time?
Davis:  Since we have quite a few rooms to clean, it’ll take us all day to clean this house.
Yuna:  Got to make this place look good for eviction night!
Takato:  Want the viewers to think we live like slobs?
Sora:  We don’t know that.  We’re stuck in here for three months.
(Scene change to diary room)
Leon:  Again? How many times will the fourth wall be broken this season?
(Leon facepalms)
Roxas:  So, who wants what room?
Sora:  I’ll clean the bathroom with whomever.
Yuna:  Why not? I’m up for character building.
(Sora Smiles)
Misty:  I’ll clean, or Help clean Sunrise.
Riku:  Need help?
Misty:  Sure, will go by faster.
Davis:  I’ll clean the Have-not room with Ash.
Naminé:  I’ll clean Sunset with Roxas.
Samuel:  Which leaves the Living room, Kitchen, Backyard, and the White room for later?
Cloud:  Sure, they’re relatively close together anyway, that can be all of us at once.
Kari:  Let’s get started then?
Time: 10AM
(Yuna and Sora are seen cleaning the showers)
Yuna:  How are you not gagging?
Sora:  Destiny isles.  Dead fish usually wash up on the shore.  You get used to the smell of salt air and rotting meat.
Yuna:  How the hell?
Sora:  Years and years of building up smell immunity.
Yuna:  I can see your point.
(Sora exits the Have-Not shower, and gets to washing the glass outside)
Sora:  I am willing to bet Davis is right.  It will take us all day to clean up the house.
Yuna:  Big House, 19 people, one roof.  Davis is onto something.
(Sora cleans the frame of the have-not side; Yuna starts to clean the outside glass)
Sora:  Don’t want to rush a good job?
Yuna:  That, and wanted to make sure I cleaned every crease in that shower.  We’re a messy bunch.
Sora:  That, and shampoo is hard to get out of the walls and glass.
Yuna:  Now someone has to clean that dreaded toilet.
Sora:  Can’t be that bad could it?
(Screen now shows the Toilet with horror music playing in the background)
(Show goes to break)
(Return from break)
Time: 2PM, Scene: Sunrise Room
Riku:  Tuck and fold, Military Style.
Misty (Dusting off the furniture):  A man making the bed? Pinch me, I am Dreaming.
Riku:  I won’t, but I can prove that the sheets are tucked in so tight, a coin can bounce.
Misty:  Will a hairclip do?
Riku:  Go ahead.
(Misty tosses one of her hairclips onto Yuna and Sora’s bed, it bounces up; Misty catches it in her hand)
Misty:  Well done Riku.
(Riku smiles)
Misty:  You can make the beds; I’ll clean the one-way mirrors.  
Riku:  Okay.  Good luck Mist.
(Scene change to Have-Not room)
Davis:   Damn, who knew body soil would be so hard to get out?
Ash:  Scrub harder! This “bed” needs to be hygienic.  We don’t want the next unlucky souls to sleep in here to get sick off of the previous person.
Davis:  Soap and water isn’t enough.
Ash:  We got some Ammonia.  Just don’t let this get on your skin!
Davis:  Powerful stuff then?
Ash:  To say the least.  We need this place to smell nice, but not Rose field nice.
Davis:  How about just Normal before it was used?
Ash:  That’ll work.
(Davis gathers the Laundry)
Davis:  Now to tackle THIS monster.
Ash:   Good luck!
(Scene change to Sunset, Naminé and Roxas are making the beds)
Roxas:  Tuck in your side?
Naminé:  In.  
(They smooth out wrinkles in the sheets, their hands meet)
Naminé:  Being cute?
(Roxas pulls hand away, blushes)
Roxas:  We can do that later.
(He fluffs the pillows, and gently lays it back on the bed)
Naminé:  Two things left here to clean…Furniture and the one-way mirrors.
Roxas:  There’s one thing I love more than chore day.
Naminé:  What’s that?
Roxas:  I am looking at her.
(Naminé smiles and blushes)
(Scene change to the Kitchen; where the Houseguests gather for Dinner)
Time: 5PM
Dawn:  Smart move to wait.  What good is it to clean the Kitchen only to have to clean it again afterwards?
Davis:  Would be pointless.  Seeing you know what sticks to bowls.
Dawn:  I do NOT want to eat that junk.
Takato:  So you eat beef in front of us guys?
Misty:  She doesn’t have a choice.  Either wait until you guys leave, or eat dinner as a dysfunctional family; your call.
Ash:  I’ll take having the ladies eat in front of us.  What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Samuel:  Got that right young blood.
(Ash puts his slop bowl away, and heads to have-not room to change into his chore clothes)
Kairi: Wonder where he’s going?
(Ash emerges from the Have-Not room wearing a muscle shirt and sunglasses)
Rika:  Ah, going to do some chores outside?
Ash:  Yeparoo Rika.  I’m getting a start on that before the sun goes down.
Rika:  Smart Idea.  You might get bit by who knows what out there.
(As time passes by in the compound, the chores get done, the lawn mowed, rooms cleaned, beds made and one-way mirrors sparkling)
Takato:  Finally done!
Yuffie: What time is it?
Leon:  9PM.
Tifa:  Guess it’s time for everyone to clean up and ready for tomorrow.
Sora:  Day before eviction is always a hectic day.
(Show goes to break)
(Return from break)

DAY 13
Time:  8AM
(Yolei is climbing up the spiral staircase to HoH)
Dawn:  It’s open!
(Yolei enters, closes door in same motion)
Dawn:  You’re not my target.  Just lay low, you’ll survive this round.
Yolei:  Keep my lips shut then?
Dawn:  Basically.
Yolei:  Bingo!  
(Yolei does her trademark peace sign)
(Scene change to backyard, guys are sitting around the patio table, Cloud is lifting weights)
Roxas (whispering):  We got 5 to evict cloud.  We need 4 more at the least.
Ash (Ditto):  Consider the Pokémon four in.  There’s your 9.  I am sure the Digimon folk want him gone too.
Takato (Same):  Yes, we want him gone.    That’s 11.
Roxas (Again, whispering):  He’s as good as gone.  I am sure Misty and Yuna want him gone as well.
(Cloud walks to the guys)
Cloud:  I have your votes to stay, right?
Sora:  Yep.
Samuel:  You’re safe.
Cloud:  Good, that purple-headed yutz is driving me bonkers.
Leon:  She is done for.  You should have nothing to worry about.
Cloud:  You’re great friends.  Wish this could last outside these walls.
Riku:  It might.
(Scene Change to Diary room)
Cloud:  I have the feeling I am safe for the week, but I’m going to rally votes to be sure.
(Scene pan to the Living room where all 19 are chatting, Theme song plays)
“Live, ‘cause we’re living today, feel the thrill of life, and don’t be afraid…”
Announcer(VO):  Who will be evicted from the Big Brother House…Yolei or Cloud?  And who will win the coveted Head of Household? Find out next time on Big Brother!