Digimon Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery Science Theater 80 - Lemon Series ❯ Scoring on Your Own Team, part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mystery Science Theater 80 By Robster80

Scoring on Your Own Team, MST 80 - Part 1

Special thanks to Darkstar for letting me do this

Cell80: So, boss, what's on the agenda for today?

Veemon80: He's in the bathroom.

Cell80: oh.

*Sounds of someone puking come from the bathroom*

Vash: What's with him?

Veemon80: Darkstar made him read his newest fic… a Tai/Kari/Sora chapter of his "Chosen Destiny" series.

Cell80: Oh man! That's… just so wrong!

Vash: Tell me about it! First it was that Kari/Cody/Yolei chapter, and now this!

R80: *Emerges from the bathroom, shaky* I'm okay now… I think…

Vash: Hey, boss! Email from DS!

R80: If it's that Daikari lemon he wrote-!

Vash: He says you can MST his incest fic if you really want to since you were dead set on not reading it in the first place, but you need some people to help you MST it.

*Enter Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot*

Bots: At your service!

80 Crew: FORGET IT!

Tom: Oh come on!

Crow: We wanna bash this fic!

Veemon80: Actually, Mike has another lemon fic he wants you to help him bash…. I think it was a Tai/Kari/Davis one…



*Crow and Tom exit post haste*

Vash: Nice work, I think you got 'em. Say, why don't we make one of our enemies read this fic with us?

Cell80: And who would that be, wise guy? We have lots of enemies…

*Enter Davis*

Davis: Has anyone seen my beloved Kari?

R80, Cell80, Veemon80, Vash: *Look at each other, and grin deviously before facing Davis* C'mere! *Jump at and carry Davis into a balcony seat of a theater*

Davis: I asked to find Kari, NOT see a movie!

Veemon: It features Kari, Davis.

Cell80: And it's a lemon fic, too.

Davis: REALLY?! Who is she with?

R80: You'll find out! Just sit in your chair and relax. You get the balcony all to yourself!

Vash: *Heads for the projector room*

R80, Cell80, and Veemon80: *Sit in the main area of the theater*

R80: Are we ready?

Cell80: We have the bags for emergencies on stand-by, boss. And the sunglasses, too.

R80: Okay. VASH?

Vash: *Pokes his head out the projector window* All set here.

R80: Then roll film!

Vash: Film is rolling! *Starts up the projector as TK, Kari, Tai, and Sora enter and sit down*

Cell80: Oh, hi, guys… *Does a double take* @.@ WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!

Tai: Watching the fic, same as you.

R80: Trust me on this one, you 4… this is the one time you definitely do NOT wanna be here right now!

**WARNING!! This story contains incest

Davis: Incest?

Tai & Kari: Incest?!

(i.e. having sex with anyone directly related to you).

Tai: Dear…

Sora: …sweet…

TK: …kami…

Kari: …sama!

If you don't like it, bite me and don't read it.**

Veemon80: I'll do more than bite him… after this is over… if we survive.


Kari: *Looks up at the balcony* Davis?!

Davis: Y-you mean to tell me Kari and Tai…. Have… h-have…

Cell80: Yyyyyyyyyep!

TK: *Reaches for a barf bag and begins to vomit violently*

Sora: *Follows TK's lead*

R80: But it gets worse after that.

Tai & Kari: *Sits still in silent shock* O.O

Davis: I AM SOOOOO OUTTA HERE!!!!! *Runs away like mad*

Vash: *Stops the projector* Damn! Now we can't torture him!

Sora: *Stops puking* HIM?! You're torturing us!

Veemon80: We warned you, though.

Cell80: He'll be back. I tied a bungee cord around his ankle. Watch! *Points up at the balcony*

*There is a "twang" sound before a screaming Davis is seemingly dragged back to his seat. He is holding onto a door that has been ripped off its hinges.*

Davis: *Lets go of the door and waves a white flag* Okay, I'll read it! I'll read it!

Cell80: Thank you!

Tai: Where'd you get that idea?

Cell80: From an old Muppets special. "The Muppets Go to the Movies."

Scoring On Your Own Team

Kari: You ain't just whistling "Dixie!"

By: Darkstar

Cell80: This coming from a Davis and Daikari fan.


Kari: *Grabs the biggest barf bag nearby and begins to vomit violently*



Vash: Pretty… but I like red better.

Tai trudged home from one of his soccer games.

Tai: A bad game, no doubt.

Sora: Or that the Sora in this fic is occupied, considering it's a lemon series.

Tai: Touché.

Not twenty feet from them was a new kid on the team, and he hadn't shown his true potential in the game. He did the one thing that can ruin your reputation as a soccer player.

R80: He quit and went out for football instead.

Tai: No way!

R80: Yes way, Tai. One of my classmates/team members went out for soccer one year, but he came back later that season, saying he made a mistake.

Davis: And just what is wrong with soccer?

Cell80: Not violent enough, I guess.

He scored on his own net.

TK: Ouch! That's gotta hurt.

And it was that goal that caused them to lose.

Tai, Sora, Davis: *Start twitching*

Kari: So he gets mad and rapes his own sister?

R80: If you don't know, don't guess!

TK: Who is Kari dating in this series again?

Veemon80: You, buddy boy.

TK: Does he find out about this?

R80: He should, according to DS.

Sora: DS actually made you read this?

R80: He did… then I tricked him into promising he'd write a TK/Mimi/Sora chapter of this series.

Darkstar: *Via speakers* I'll get you for that!

80 Crew: *Grin deviously*

Tai didn't like to talk to people who others had already marked as a person to stay away from.

Davis: Luckily, I'm not one of them!

Kari: Says you!

He felt sorry for the kid,

Tai: Not that sorry.

but he wasn't going to jeopardize his position on the team. He walked home, slightly limping from a trip one of the other players had given him.

Sora: Who?! I'll cut him down to half Veemon80's size!

R80: It's just a fic.

Cell80: This coming from a guy who was puking after reading the fic.

R80: *Smacks Cell80* Whose side are you on, anyway?!

"Tai, hang on!"

TK: Help's on the way!

Tai turned around to see Sora running after him. She jumped into his arms and kissed him hard.

TK: See?

Tai: If you wanna still date/sleep with my little sister, buster, then lay off!

Davis: WHAT?!

Tai: O.o (I forgot, I promised not to tell!)

Kari: Thanks a bunch, bro! *Slaps Tai*

"Good game," she said.

Vash: How is that? His team lost.

"Yeah, thanks for the trip Sora," he said, rubbing his ankle.

"Sorry about that," she apologized. "I'll remind our coach never to set up a match between our teams ever again."

Vash: There I go, putting my foot in my mouth…

Sora: I… tripped my Taichi?

Tai: I'm just as stumped as you are.

"Yeah, you do that," Tai told her.

"I said I was sorry!" Sora protested.

Davis: *As Dr. Evil* Right. *Gets hit with a bottle tossed by Sora*

"It's not that," Tai sighed. "I thought we were gonna be alone tonight,

Veemon80: "Do a little dance! Make a little-!" *Sees a glaring Tai & Sora* Shutting up now.

but Yolei was busy, so I have to look after Kari.

Kari: Since when does Yolei baby-sit me?

Cell80: Uh, in this series, you're bi and you're also dating Yolei as well as TK.

TK & Tai: *Faint dead away*

Kari: TK!! Tai!! I was gonna do that! But first… *throws up again into another bag*

Besides," he added, "you've got Mimi."

Sora: And I'm bi as well and Mimi's my bitch as she is Matt's… joy…

Tai: *Gets back up, as does TK* At least I don't share you with Matt in here.

R80: But you had a threesome with Mimi and Sora in an earlier chapter. So did TK, Kari, and Yolei.

TK, Kari, Sora, Tai: *Eyes twitch again*

"Nope, Mimi's got Matt tonight," Sora sighed.

Sora: And, that's supposed to be a bad thing?

Veemon80: Not for Matt & Mimi.

"Oh well, maybe next time. You don't look like you're ready for action anyway, with that leg."

Kari: She would know, wouldn't she?

R80: I'd clam up about that if I were you, on account of what happens.

"I'll see you some other time then?" Tai asked hopefully.

"Of course," Sora told him.

All: Hell yeah, of course!

"Just don't get too worried. I have a feeling your night with Kari will be fun."

Kari, Davis, TK: *Glare hard at Sora*

Sora: What?

Tai didn't know what she meant exactly.

Cell80: He will.

Tai: *Whacks Cell80*

He roughly guessed it had something to do with the fact that it had been a long time since he and Kari had been together and talked. It also might of had something to do with Chaos's absentness. He didn't want to try and guess.

Davis: And WHAT do you talk of, I wonder?

Tai: About how much we wanna kill you, but Darkstar won't let us because he likes you.

TK: Who is Chaos?

R80: He's the main bad guy in this series.

"Hey, Tai, good game!" someone from the side of him yelled.


Tai turned to see Davis looking at him strangely.

Tai: *Throws an empty chair at Davis* Thanks a bunch, Dorkis!

Vash: Hey, those chairs don't come cheap, you know!

Tai walked over to him with a mock smile on.

"Come to congratulate me on a complete failure?" Tai chuckled.

Davis: If he means on failing to help me hook up with Kari, then yes.

Tai: You're welcome. ^_^

"If you mean scoring with Sora, then yes," Davis joked.

Tai: -_-

Sora: Grrrrrr…

"But if you mean the game, you did really well."

"Thanks Davis," Tai said. "But I've gotta be getting home. Kari and I have to share the apartment."

Kari: But not for long, as TK and I are planning to move into an apartment of our own soon.

Tai: At least then I won't have to worry about you two walking in on Sora and me anymore.

Davis's unsettled look deepened. "Just be careful," he said. He walked away, and Tai was left confused.


TK: For once, I agree with the loser.

"That's two weird things about tonight," Tai sighed. "Maybe I should look for Chaos instead. Sounds less dangerous."

R80: Try playing Final Fantasy IV for the PlayStation. The bosses in that will drive you nuts, especially near the end.

TK: You beat it?

R80: Not yet…

He sighed and walked on.

Veemon80: To a motel, where he spent the night after calling Kari so she wouldn't expect him home.

Tai: It was worth a shot anyway, Veemon80.

"Kari, I'm home," Tai groaned.

Tai: You can go over to TK's now.

Davis: NO!!!!!

"I was waiting," Kari said. "What took you so long?"

Sora: *Tai* I know what you plan to do to me, young lady, so forget about it, or I'll cut off TK's reason for living and burn it.

TK: Eep!

Kari: SORA!!!!

Tai: That was a bit too far, babe. I'd just tie her up and drop her off at TK's.

Cell80: Clothed or nude? *Gets whacked* I can tell I'm gonna end up hurting at the end of this fic.

R80: Maybe we should have let Crow and Tom stay…

All: Nah!

"Ran into several people who wanted to congratulate me on a total failure of a game," Tai sighed.

Tai: And I beat them up for it, too!

"Oh, it couldn't have been that bad," Kari giggled.

"The new kid scored on his own net," Tai told her.

TK: Plus he didn't score with Sora. That makes it worse.

Tai: Boy, does it ever.

"Ouch," Kari flinched. "That'll leave a mark."

"I know," Tai sighed. "Any word on when mom and dad will be back?"

"Sometime around one o'clock," Kari told him.

Kari: Please let it be in the afternoon!

Veemon80: Sorry, but it's evening in that scene, and she meant one in the morning.

"Okay, that leave's us plenty of time to partay!" Tai laughed.

Vash: Break out the Cokes!

Sora: And some dip for the snacks!

"You and Davis are exactly the same," Kari sighed.

Davis: So why'd you pick TJ over me?!


"I'm just glad neither Chaos nor Captain Star have shown up recently. They ruin everything."

R80: Like the private picnics, the birthday parties, the pool parties…

"So does Davis," Tai mocked.

Davis: O.O He dissed me…

Tai: HA!

"Come on," Kari growled. "He's changed. I'm sure you've noticed that."

Kari: no matter what he does, he'll still be Davis.

"Yeah, I have," Tai said. "He talked to me after the game. He sounded almost normal for a few seconds, then changed into the new Davis again."

Kari, Davis, TK, Tai, Sora: Huh?!

R80: You'll have to read "The True Motomiya" to understand.

"That is strange," Kari said. "I don't really have a thrill for the new Davis, but he's better than the old one."

R80: At least he knows that Kari loves TK and leaves them alone.

TK & Kari: YAY!!!!

Davis: BOO!!!!

"Yeah," Tai grumbled, "but what I wouldn't give to get the old one back."

Tai: Bite your tongue!

"So, you don't like the improvement?" Kari asked.

"That's just it," Tai said. "It's not an improvement. It's the way Davis has always been. He's just hidden it from us."

Vash: We still don't like him, anyway.

"You're right," Kari sighed. "And that just makes it worse."

Tai looked at Kari strangely. "You really had the hots for the kid, didn't you?" he asked.

All except R80: <GASP!>

"When I was younger," Kari stated.

Davis: YES!!!!!!!


"Yeah, that was until everyone started making fun of him, right?" Tai asked.

"No, it was until TK came to the Odaiba complex," Kari sighed.

Davis: T_T No…

TK: I'd say she wised up just in time. *Puts his arm around Kari*

"He'd grown up so much since I last saw him."

Kari: And got a lot sexier.

TK: :-D

Vash: TK, you're a definite stud!

Davis: *Mutters something inaudible*

"You sure you weren't just getting stuck in the charm and the swarming girls?" Tai asked.

"No, there's always been something special between me and TK," Kari said. "Ever since we first met on battling terms."

Cell80 & Tai: Tell us something we don't know!

"I see," Tai sighed. "Do you ever get the feeling you left him out of something? Like your life?"

Kari: What is he talking about?

R80: Davis.

Kari: Oh.

"That's a low blow!" Kari protested.

"Even though it's pretty much true," Tai said.

Kari bit her lip. "You're right," she admitted. "I left him out of a lot of things. I guess that's why he resorted to showing off."

R80: Nah! Showing off is just typical for guys like him when it comes to girls.

"I think it also has something to do with our mental maturity," Tai sighed.

"What do you mean?" Kari asked.

"Don't you remember how everyone else around us seemed juvenile when we came back from the Digital World?" Tai asked. "Physically, our bodies were still only twelve and eight, but since we spent so much time in the Digital World physically, our bodies sort of grew up without growing."

Tai: Is that me, or Izzy?

Veemon80: It's you. Why?

Tai: I'm a bit smart, but not that smart to figure something like that.

R80: You never know.

"I see," Kari said. "So you're saying that I left Davis out because he hadn't grown to my tastes of mental maturity?"

Sora: Give the lady a prize!

"And TK had," Tai said. "It might also have had something to do with the fact that you knew TK better than Davis."

Davis: This sucks!

TK & Kari: No way, this rules!

R80: But, wait! It gets worse…

"I suppose," Kari said. "Okay, this is getting depressing."

"Let's have some fun before I get tired," Tai said.

Sora: Good idea. If he tires himself out, he can't do the nasty.

Tai: That hasn't stopped me before, and you know it.

Sora: Oh yeah… shit!

Tai was tired. He'd just finished watching about two James Bond movies, and they were long ones.

Tai: Funny, the only one I liked was License to Kill.

R80: The World is Not Enough ruled, too.

He was getting a bit sleepy, so he told Kari not to stay up to long without him.

Kari: Hey, I'm old enough to stay up if I want!

Tai removed every last bit of his clothing, and fell into his bed. His clothing was drenched mostly in his own sweat, so he would prefer to sleep with nothing on. He sighed, and closed his eyes.

Davis: Why would he-?

Davis, Tai, Kari, Sora, TK: OH NO!

R80: It's coming up.

Davis: I'm not watching this! *Shuts his eyes*

Cell80: Oh, yes, you are! *Flies up to Davis and tapes his eyes open, also his hands to the arms of the chair*

Davis: Lemme go, you-!

Cell80: *Tapes Davis's mouth shut* Enjoy the scene. Heh heh! *Flies back to his seat*

He woke up less than half an hour later. He wasn't sure whether Kari had gone to bed or not, so he decided he would go check.


That was until he felt something rather pleasing from his lower areas.

Vash: Too late for that now, Tai. It's begun.

He didn't know what was causing it, but it felt rather nice. He sighed, and decided to go back to sleep.

TK: If he thinks that he's just dreaming, I'll kill him!


It was less than ten minutes later that Tai jumped out of his bed.

R80: More like he sat upright.

Kari: I'm not gonna like this, am I?

R80: You're gonna hate it so much, you'll be having nightmares for years.

Kari: Oh damn.

The feeling from his lower had increased dramatically, and was now tossing him into a blissful moment of joy.

Veemon80: You wouldn't be if you knew who was doing you right now!

Tai: Damn right!

Davis: *Struggles to free himself, especially his held-up eyelids*

He felt warmth from the same area, and groaned loudly. Suddenly, it all came crashing into one feeling. An orgasm.

All: DUH!

He felt his seed fly from his cock,


and he fell back onto his bed, gasping for air.

What the hell caused that? Tai wondered. I mean, no objections, but what made it happen?

Tai: No objections? NO OBJECTIONS?!

Sora: *Twitches uncontrollably*

Vash: I don't think they can take this any more.

R80: *Pulls out his keys and gives them to Kari* Here! Go to the Lemon Room with TK and don't come out until after a good long while!

Kari: Come on, lover! I need to be purified. *Dashes out of the theater, dragging TK along with her*

Veemon80: What about Tai & Sora?

Cell80: They're too stressed out to be moved.

Tai got his answer when his covers started to rise up. They flew back, and exposed a girl


Tai: Mimi?! Why her?

Sora: She's not your sister. Plus, I wouldn't flip out that much on her.

Tai: Point taken.

with brown hair, slender form with hazel eyes, and completely nude.

Vash: Unless Mimi's hair is back to its natural color, it ain't her.

Tai & Sora: Oh no…

Then it hit Tai.

Tai: *Hits himself, knocking him out*

Sora: Taichi! Wait for me! *Takes a mallet and knocks herself out cold onto Tai's lap*

Cell80: *puts a "Do Not Disturb" sign on Sora's head, against Tai's chest* Nighty-night.

"KARI!?!?!?!?" he screamed. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

Davis: *Starts crying and moaning in despair, though he has a sudden erection at the site of Kari's naked body*

"Oh geez," Kari said, "calm down."

R80: He's just been blown by his own sister, and you tell him to calm down?

Veemon80: Must be on drugs.

"Okay, you're right," Tai sighed. "There's no way you were responsible for………"

80 Crew: *cough*bullshit*cough* *cough*bullshit*cough*

Some of Tai's cum drizzled out of Kari mouth.

80 Crew: EEEEWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

Veemon80: Oh god! *Gets a barf bag and starts vomiting*

Tai's face became white, and he stuttered.

"My own sister just gave me a blowjob," Tai groaned.

Davis: *Is now sobbing*

Cell80: *Tai* How the hell am I gonna explain this to TK?

"And I'll give you more than that," Kari said, wiping the cum off her chin.

Vash: But he's your own brother! Not to mention he ain't your type!

"Um, Kari," Tai said. "This is wrong."

Veemon80: Get outta there, Tai!

Cell80: *Tai* Look, how about I go get TK and send him here while I bunk in his home for the night?

Kari ignored him, and kissed his abdomen.

Vash: Fuck!

R80: VASH!!!

Vash: Sorry!

Tai tried to get away, but a part of him was begging him to stay. It was his member, of course, but he couldn't ignore it so easily.

Davis: *Mumbles violently through his taped mouth*

Veemon80: He's mad.

Cell80: Odds are he'll never be hard again for the rest of his days.

Kari continued up his chest till she reached his neck, and kissed there too.

Vash: Hey, maybe that's not Kari, but a Succubus or a Vampire?

80 Crew: No such luck!

Tai was beginning to get the feeling that this was going to go pretty far.

R80: In lemon fics, they usually do.

"I helped you," Kari said. "Now you help me."

Davis: *Shakes his head furiously*

Veemon80: *Tai* Okay, then… get dressed and I'll drive you over to TK's!

Cell80: How would they get passed Ms. Takaishi, though?

R80: She could be on a trip or something.

Tai looked confused,

Vash: If you screw your own sister, then Sora will dump you and TK will dump Kari and screw Sora in retaliation!

Veemon80: Nah! Been done before.

until Kari got off of him

All: YAY!!!

and exposed her dripping cunt to him.

All: BOO!!!

His member begged for it, but Tai knew she wanted his mouth and tongue. And strangely, his tongue and mouth begged for it.

Veemon80: Good thing TK and Kari aren't here to see this.

"Kari, I don't know about this," Tai said.


"Tai, I was thinking the same thing," Kari told him.

Vash: Then why the hell are you doing this?!

"But now, I've lost it. My genitals are running the show now."

Cell80: Genitals? SHE'S A HE!!!!

Vash: I don't get it.

R80: Ever see The Crying Game?

Davis: *Struggles harder to free himself, his erection coming and going*

"Okay Kari, you win," Tai said.

All: Oh no!

Davis: *His erection fades*

"But only cause mine are too."

Vash: Loser!

Cell80: Pervert!

Veemon80: Degenerate!

Tai lowered his head to Kari's cunt, and let his tongue enter inside. He thought if nothing else, he should treat this womanhood like Sora's.

Veemon80: Screwing your sister by imagining she's your girlfriend?

Vash: maybe Kari's thinking tai is TK… or maybe Yolei… *Shudders*

He let his tongue probe the walls, causing his sister to groaned loudly.

Cell80: *Kari* TK does it better!

Tai: *Wakes up* He does WHAT better, Kari?! ..Oh, just you Cell.

Cell80: *Gives Tai the Vulcan Neck Pinch, sending him back to sleep* Back to bed, son. Back to bed.

Veemon80: He and Sora both have the right to remain unconscious for this fic.

He was actually beginning to enjoy this.

Cell80 & Vash: *Start barfing into separate bags*

R80: I'm amazed they held out for this long.

He licked further inside her, and she let out a moan. Tai didn't know what he was doing, but he let it continue. Her clitoris appeared above him, and his mouth clamped onto it like a hungry dog.

Veemon80: That must hurt.

Davis: *Gives up struggling, and watches helplessly, crying*

Piccolo: *Enters the theater* Okay, why the hell are TK and Kari locked in the lemon room and fucking like there's no-? *Looks at the screen*

He sucked on it hard, and Kari bucked at his face. One more suck, and Kari cummed on his face. Her cum drizzled down his cheeks, and Kari fell back onto his bed.

Piccolo: That explains it. *Does a double take* TAI AND KARI?!

Cell80: Darkstar's fic. We're MSTing it.

"That was great," Kari sighed. "You must think I'm Sora."

Tai sat up quickly. "How the hell do you know that!?"

R80: You'd be VERY reluctant to eat out of your own sister, buddy boy.

Piccolo: Why are you guys reading this?

Veemon80: Look who's up in the balcony and you'll see.

Piccolo: *Sees Davis* Ooooooooh!

Sora: *Wakes up* Is it over?

Piccolo: I doubt it. Tai just ate out of Kari.

Sora: *Faints*

Vash: Nice going, green genes.

Piccolo: I tell it like it is, babycakes. *Exits*

"Sora told me what it's like to be eaten by you," Kari giggled. "Though she was holding back a little."

"I'm so gonna get her for this," Tai growled.

Vash: Sora set this up?

Sora: *Jolts up* I WHAT?!

Tai: *Also jolts awake* Now what?

Cell80: The Sora in this fic set up the incest, that is what.


Tai: Did you just insult yourself?

Sora: Trust me, I deserve it.

"Shhh," Kari cooed. "Forget it for now."

Kari sat up, and started to finger herself around her slit. Tai bit his lip in anticipation, and felt himself get hard again.

Tai: No way would I ever get hard over my sister's skinny body!

Davis: *Shoots Tai an angry look*

Sora: But your naked body… that has a different effect on me.

R80: Sorry, but the lemon room is gonna be occupied for a while. Why not go into the back of the theater?

Tai: But… you'll hear us…

Veemon80: hey, it'll drown out the fucking in the fic.

Sora: Good point. C'mon, Taichi! *Drags Tai way back into the theater*

He tried very hard to resist making his hands relieve himself, but the urge was becoming too great.

"Do it, Tai," Kari begged him. "Do it."

Cell80: No, don't do it! She ain't worth it!

Veemon80: Jump into a cold shower! Or at least toss her into it instead.

Tai couldn't hold on any longer, and began to rub his member with all his speed.

Vash: Wimp.

Kari smiled, and fingered herself harder. Tai's member throbbed under his fingers, and he fell back with a loud moan. Kari giggled, and sighed. She began to massage her clit vigorously, but not beyond an extent as to cum too early. She watched eagerly as Tai's member throbbed under his rubbing. She watched in feverish glances as Tai humped the air, and started to rub her hips against the bed. Tai growled loudly, and fired several rounds of cum onto Kari's chest.


Cell80: What did he say?

Veemon80: I think he said "NNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

This invigorated Kari's senses, and she blasted her cum all over the bed sheets. The two fell back in exhaustion.

"That brings back memories," Kari groaned.

"I'll bet," Tai sighed. "So, now what?"

"Well," Kari said, playing with her brother's balls. This caused his manhood to go rigid again. "There is something else."

Cell80: The coup-de-grace.

Vash: Do we really wanna watch this?

Cell80: You guys put on your sunglasses. I'll watch Davis so he doesn't break free.

R80: Deal!

R80, Vash, Veemon80: *Put on sunglasses*

*There are sound of clothing being removed in the back*

Vash: Tai, Sora, you'd better hurry!

Tai: Can I help it of she likes me to eat her out first before we start?

Cell80: We did NOT need to know that!

Sora: Taichi… hurry…

Tai: Sorry, baby.

Tai looked at her strangely as she began to straddle him above his rigid friend. Tai looked at her.

"No, you wouldn't!" he protested.

Vash: Wanna bet?

Veemon80: he'd get cider in his ear for that one.

Cell80: Huh?

R80: It's something from Guys and Dolls.

"I would," Kari said. She positioned her dripping cunt above his member, and giggled.

Veemon80: I fail to see the humor here, bitch!

"You're nuts!" Tai yelped.

Cell80: No, they're yours.

R80: *Hits Cell80* That's gross!

Sora: *Moans* Put it in me, Taichi!

"Just horny," Kari corrected him.

Vash: She's not the only one. *Points to the back*

Kari slowly lowered herself onto the throbbing member, and let out a sigh of relief as she felt it inside her. Tai groaned in both anger and pleasure, and Kari giggled.

Cell80: Hey, Davis! You like it so far?

Davis: *Glares at Cell80 hard*

She licked his chest and began to slowly bob up and down on the cock.

"Kari, you're weird!" Tai sighed.

Veemon80: weird, nothing! She's insane!

Kari didn't answer. She only groaned in ecstasy. She bobbed up and down on her brother's hard rod, sighing with delight. Tai couldn't get her to answer any of his pleas, and soon he was caught in the emotion, and couldn't speak through his own moaning either. Tai began to instinctively hump his sister, while Kari helped with her periodical bounce.

Vash: is she a girl or a basketball?

R80: I think TK dribbles her when they do it.

Cell80: Lame joke!

R80: yeah, I know…

The two worked hard and fast, their climax soon approaching. Kari bobbed hard onto him once more, and came all over his crotch. Tai felt the muscles of her inner self sucking at him, and his load blasted itself into her womb. The two collapsed, separating.

"Can we try not to do this again?" Tai asked.

Cell80: Do, or do not. There is no try.

Veemon80: thank you, Yoda.

"Why do you think we were gonna?" Kari asked, breathing hard.

R80: Because there's the upcoming threesome in this fic.


"Because I know you," Tai joked.

Kari punched him hard on the leg. They both laughed, and Kari stood up. She climbed back into her bed, and Tai pulled the covers up again. It was already twelve thirty. He was tired, and fell asleep almost instantly.

Vash: Lucky break for them. If their parents came home while they did it…


Veemon80: Should we tell them the scene's over?

R80: Nah, let 'em go. They'll have to clean up anyway once they finish. Let's take a break for now.

Vash: *Shuts off the projector*

Cell80: *Flies up to Davis and releases him*

Davis: how… how could they…

Vash: *Rushes up* I think he needs a few drinks…