Digimon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Blindness & Anarchy ❯ Blindness & Anarchy 01 ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
SERIOUS NOTES - Number one: I don't own Digimon. I just love the series, especially the characters!
Number two: This is a crazy AU that was inspired by some RGUtena crossover ficcie that I read a while back, but I can't remember the title nor author. So sorrie. And I emphasis AU because some character relationships will be different (and weird) and there will be OOC-ness. They're ADULTS with JOBS, so freakin' GUESS their ages.
Number three: The title of the story is actually from the title of a RKenshin doujinshi that centers on Enishi Yukishiro! *drool*
Number four: And if you know me, I write about MIMI TACHIKAWA!! So if you don't like her, then GO... AWAY... *grin* And I say that with MUCH love. But don't worry, there will be other characters too, like Yamato (my favorite guy), Taichi, Sora... and so forth.
And finally, number five: I don't know what kind of mood I was in when I wrote this... SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
Oh wait, number six: Please don't email me, asking what couples yet because I do not know. I rarely have time to write much less respond to emails right now so I'm doing what I feel like at the moment... Just know that I'm STILL alive, unfortunately.
*sigh* Here's number seven: And I'd like to thank my sadistic Chibi-Enishi muse for spurring me on through endless nights of torment... and whining.
written by K-chan
She stood to the far right of the room by the window, staring at something that he couldn't quite figure out, but from where he was sitting, on the other side of the room, he wouldn't be able to see. She had been standing for quite some time, just staring at whatever caught her attention, while he was watching her in silence. He slightly slouched against the wooden chair, captivated by her diminutive movements from adjusting the sleeve of her blouse to brushing a strand of hair from her face.
The room suddenly felt heavy with the oppressive silence yet he couldn't find any words to say to her. How long had he been there? When was the last time they had spoken to each other? What had she last said to him? It was like an eternity trapped in bliss, but his bliss was standing by the window, focusing her attention on something else. He would've found it strange if he didn't know it was a habit of her whenever something was on her mind... or an awkward situation came up, like his appearance at her doorstep.
He readjusted his seated position and leaned against the table, resting his fingers on the table surface, but his deep-blue eyes were still on her slender form. After a few seconds, he knew something was not right and took his eyes off her, glancing at the old man in the first row of the empty seats with the exception of another man in the fifth row.
As if on cue before the man threw his arms in frustration, Mimi turned around and apologized with a sigh, "I'm sorry... I'm just not feeling well tonight." Yamato looked at her from across the stage with an apprehensive expression that quickly washed away when she turned her eyes to him.
Mimi Tachikawa, a renown theater actress. He'd seen her a few times, but this was the first production that he had the opportunity to work with her as the leading couple, but it had only been a month, and they didn't seem to be getting anywhere on a personal level. He had hoped they would be friends since he had admired her previous works.
She was usually a careful woman when it came to acting. The world faded away before her, and only the stage of theatrical beauty existed in her eyes as she carved out her characters with depth and precision, whether she was portraying a mother on her death bed or a hooker with no regrets. And it was because of her legendary talents at such a young age that earned her the star role in their current production, 'Blindness and Anarchy'.
"Mimi," Gennai shook his head, "you've said that for the last three nights already. I understand you have personal problems, but don't bring it to the stage."
Gennai was the director of the production that he had been convinced would be the last one he would work on, but he had said that same, old line with his last two he directed. He was an understanding and kind man, but when it came down to work, he expected only the best. He was once known to be a cruel and ruthless critic, but perhaps the aging he changed that... or the rumors of his wife diagnosed of throat cancer, which he had continuously reassured the crew that it was nothing that deadly. Still, sympathies were expressed.
Mimi suddenly snapped, "You're lucky to even have me at rehearsals! I don't NEED to show up, you know!" She huffed and walked off the stage, barely brushing by a silent Yamato. He stared after her, lingering on the lavender fragrance she wore.
One could say he was a fresh fish to the world of theatrics, but he was on his way up in making a name for himself, and starring with Mimi Tachikawa would just to his bright career. In a way, he idolized her, but as the days went on, he slowly found himself enraptured in her whole persona, on and off the stage. She was like an addiction, a deadly yet sweet obsession. Even the way her name rolls off one's tongue, sweet... with an attitude.
"MIMI!" the old man called, but it was no use. With her anger added to her own problems, she wouldn't return that night. He sat back down in his seat and waved Yamato off, which meant that rehearsal was finished for the night. The blonde nodded and walked off, quietly noting the blue-haired man in the back row making his way over to the director. He paced himself so he could catch the quiet exchange between the two.
That mysterious man was Jyou Kido, the writer of the drama that was in the rehearsal stage. He was a quiet man, usually kept to himself unless it dealt with the performance. Even his life was hidden from the public eye, and it was surprising he still lived a normal life with two successful dramas and a novel that was recently published that received great reviews. He seemed to shy away from the spotlight and allowed the actors and production team to receive the credit. One would admit he was an interesting man to get to know.
Before Yamato disappeared from the theater, he caught Jyou's words to the director, "That scene, with her apology... that will work perfectly." There went another change in the script, which didn't surprise Yamato nor would anyone. That was probably the tenth change this week on 'Blindness and Anarchy'. Speaking of the title, it was a strange one, but the meaning was deep within the drama -- so deep that it was about to reach into reality itself.
She stood in front of the water fountain, staring at the arc of water that was shooting out of the tiny hole as if mesmerized by such mechanical fascination. She then sighed, closing her eyes, and released the button that held the spouting water so it would disappear and not be wasteful if she didn't plan to sip it. After the exit from the stage, she knew she was out of line snapping at Gennai like that and she didn't even acknowledge Yamato's existence. But right now, she wasn't going to walk back in there and apologize -- it would just ruin her grand exit -- so she would have to apologize tomorrow, and maybe add apologetic fruit basket too.
Fruit baskets always cheered her up, especially oranges. Just call her weird, but she found that peeling an orange could be rather peaceful and enjoyable, and that was why her refrigerator would always have oranges in them no matter what. She would always find a way in any situation to peel an orange, like when her little brother won a certain place in an art contest or her mother cooked a homely dinner during one of her visits. It was as much fun as staring out the window, which the latter was acquired ever since she began on the new production.
Within the first week after accepting the new job, she saw the reason why she was cast as the leading female, and it was not only because of her talents. It was strange, but she could completely relate to her character, as if the character creation had been based on her.
Mimi shook the thought out of her mind and walked to the dressing room to get her things. She wasn't surprised to see the clothing designer, Sora Takenouchi, kneeling at the hem of a dress, overworking herself again on the minor details. Sora briefly looked up at the woman and gave a quick smile with pins pressed between her lips, and Mimi nodded curtly without exchanging any words.
This was the third time the two women were working together on a production, and one would think that after a few, a friendship could blossom. Maybe it was Sora's shyness in the presence of a mighty actress that prevented it, or maybe Mimi found the woman rather plain. They just didn't seem to click, so only a professional relationship was kept, not that either minded. It was cruel, but what was there for Mimi to do? She almost tried once to strike up a conversation, but a huge lump of uncertainty stuck in her throat at that time, and she had left it at that.
She took one glance at Sora, who was still on her knees working away, and left the room with her black jacket and purse. She didn't get too far when a body collided with hers, but instead of falling backwards, a strong arm wrapped around her body and held her up. She peered at her savior and walking disaster and caught the cheery, brown eyes. "Yagami," she growled, trying to pry herself from his hold, and that only gave her a toothy grin.
Taichi Yagami, another actor thrown into the production, acting more of a goofball during rehearsals than anything, and she was just glad she didn't have to do any scenes with him tonight. In the drama, he was a rival for Yamato, but the brunette apparently took it personal and had it extend to off stage too. It didn't take a genuis that between the two men, Yamato was more mature and desirable but... Taichi, in his funny, strange way, had his charms too.
"Good thing I caught ya on time," he hinted on the fact that if he had gotten to the dressing room later, then he would've missed her leave, although he decided not to delve on that when the frown on her face meant that she was not to be dealt with, so he kindly released her. He watched her neatly pressed the wrinkle of her blouse out and grinned wider, "I'll take ya home."
She would've out rightly refused, but what was the point when it was Taichi who was offering. The man was stubborn as she was, and besides that, they live in the same building. She nodded, and he extended his arm out for her to hook with his. And she did, knowing it was going to be a long night, and all she wanted right then was a warm bath, or a massage.
The pair of footsteps echoed down the hallway, and when they were no more, Sora relaxed her shoulders, sighing through the pins still between her lips. She slumped to the floor in a heap, not understanding why she always tensed up around Mimi, even after working together for so long. Sure, the young actress was intimidating, but still... she was around other actors before and was used to their airiness. She wasn't sure what it was, but the moment she heard Taichi out there, she tensed up immediately.
She had worked with Taichi before, and they had even dated, but that was a big mistake on her part: never mix business and pleasure. After swearing never to date actors anymore, she thought about the relationship she had with the man and realized that they were of two different worlds, not to mention their personalities were almost opposites. She was quiet and shy while he was loud and social. How in the world did they even get together?
She frowned, suddenly recalling the party after a successful production, and muttered something disdainfully about Taichi being drunk. She took the leftover pins from her lips and stuck them into the pin cushion, deciding to go home too since everyone seemed to be leaving. She stood up and stretched her arms and was soon interrupted by another visitor, but a more pleasant one to greet.
"Sora!" the short-haired cried. Panick was written all over her face. "Where's Tai?! Where's my brother?!"
It was because of that question that Sora knew what had happened, and this wasn't the first time it occurred either. And from the look on Sora's face, the girl knew and hung her head low. "Sorry, Hikari," she said, patting the depressed girl on the back. She felt sorry for Taichi's little sister, who was an assistant to the stage designer and was constantly left behind after work hours. "But look, I'll give you a ride home."
"Thanks, Sora," she smiled, but there was still sadness and disappointment behind her eyes. After gathering their things, the two women found themselves single on a Friday night with only the comfort of each other.
She was staring off into space again, but this time, the wind was blowing through her locks of brown hair as she sat in the passenger seat of Taichi's convertible. He had insisted to put the top down since there was a clear view of the sky that night, but he had regretted doing it because she was staring at the starry sky instead of talking to him.
He had practically known her forever -- okay, maybe ever since acting school, but it had been quite a while. He had always had a crush on her, and that was the main reason he would act so silly and stupid, just to get her to notice him, but she never did. She always saw him as a childish boy, who was only good for laughs, but wasn't that a start? To cheer her up when she was feeling down? It was one of the things that he could do for her, but this time was different. Something in her life was bothering her.
"How 'bout we go out tonight?" he suggested, "The night's still young."
"Just take me home," she sighed, still with her eyes glued to the sky. As mysterious as Jyou the writer's life was, Mimi was even more secretive. Everyone knew the basics about her: popular and talented actress, wonderful parents and an aspiring artist of a brother. It was possible that she had a boyfriend or something, but she had kept that part of her personal life... completely personal. And as much as the media and the people around her pried, she would not reveal a thing, not even if her future was on the line. It was because of the threat of her future that the media posed that created the great respect everyone, especially her fans, had for her.
She had refused to say anything about her personal life even if it depended on her career -- and even her death. Why should a bunch of petty matters, as in her life, be crucial in her performance? If they love her and praise her for her talents, then why did they need to know of her life? It wasn't like she was doing anything horrible, like any drugs or murder, and didn't she -- and all other actors too -- have a right to a normal life where the media wasn't shoving through the doorway to get news, or gossip?
Her courage to stand up against bombardment of the media earned her the respect and admiration from her fans, but even if she closed her life to them, there were people who did worry about her and wanted only to help her.
"You know," she began softly, "it's strange... You're awfully quiet."
He smirked, "Yeah, well I CAN be a good listener too."
"Really," she stated in a calm tone, "News to me."
"Just one drink." He was quite the persistent fellow but not devious because he was not trying to get her drunk. He thought it might help to loosen her up and make it easier for her to talk. She hesitated a bit and eventually declined the offer again. "It was worth a shot," he murmured.
A little tired, Yamato walked up to his apartment with key in hand, but he was suddenly hesitant about opening it and going into his home for some rest. His intuition was trying to tell him something, but what it could be... he had no idea. He scanned the length of the hallway, finding no one there. He tried to shrug the feeling away as he inserted the key and unlocked the door. He stepped into his apartment and closed the door, turning on the lights. It was at that moment he was glomped by someone, and he managed to squirm out of the tight grasped, grabbing hold of the person's wrists, and stared wide-eyed at the intruder, "JUN?! WHAT THE HELL?!"
The woman attempted to give him a seductive smile, but it came across as goofy instead. Everything about her, he began to realize month ago, was goofy, and they had only dated for two weeks. It had been all right at first... until she became rather obsessive and controlling, easily getting jealous over Mimi, his co-star for no reason at all.
"What are you doing here?!" he demanded, pushing her away from him.
"I thought you'd be happy to see me!" she continued to smile, trying drape all over him.
"Look. It's over between us -- it's been over for a month already!" He opened the door and started pushing her out, "We can be friends, but if you keep doing this, that possibility won't even exist! I'll put a restraining order on you if I have to!" And with that, he closed the door on her and sighed, leaning his back against it. He just hoped it was some sort of phase she was going through from the breakup, but if she started stalking him, then... Well, she had been warned.
Jun Motomiya was a nice young woman when he met her a car convention, and they became friends on the spot. Soon after that, they decided to try being a couple (with her insistence), but her presence seemed to overwhelm completely. His personal space was being invade, including his home where she did not move in but added something that blared out 'Jun was here' like the possessive girlfriend she was. Just in two weeks, he saw the freaky side of her that he would rather not go through again, for his and everyone's safety and sanity.
He sat in front of the television, which was off, with legs crossed and eyes closed as if in meditation, but the determined expression on his face gave way to something like deep thought. He had been sitting there for who knew how long, indulging himself in a half-gallon of fudge-swirl vanilla ice cream, in an apartment lit with only candles. It was a little bizarre but only natural to him. It was his habit to meditate with a tub of ice cream when a problem came up, or he was bored.
He seemed deep into it that he didn't notice the rattling of keys against the front door, and a startled person stumbled into the room, cursing the dimness. "DAISUKE! Haven't I told you not to turn off ALL the lights?!"
He snapped out of his trance at the sound of the woman's voice and got up, accidently knocking the half-empty ice cream container over on the wooden floor and sending the spoon airborne onto the couch. The lights of the apartment turned on, and an unhappy Mimi was staring at him. Daisuke knelt on the floor and bowed at her, "Really sorry, sis! I just forgot! I didn't know you'd be home this early!"
Being the forgetful, doofus, little brother that he was, she couldn't stay angry at him for long. She settle with a sigh and threw her things on the couch. He just knelt on the floor and blinked at her as she walked off into the kitchen. There was something about her that was different, but he wasn't sure what it was and he was worried. He would usually see a smile on her face that would make him smile too.
"Hey, sis!" he called suddenly, listening to some water being filled into a container.
"Umm, some guy named Takeru called."
And the sound of glass shattered on the ground.
Number two: This is a crazy AU that was inspired by some RGUtena crossover ficcie that I read a while back, but I can't remember the title nor author. So sorrie. And I emphasis AU because some character relationships will be different (and weird) and there will be OOC-ness. They're ADULTS with JOBS, so freakin' GUESS their ages.
Number three: The title of the story is actually from the title of a RKenshin doujinshi that centers on Enishi Yukishiro! *drool*
Number four: And if you know me, I write about MIMI TACHIKAWA!! So if you don't like her, then GO... AWAY... *grin* And I say that with MUCH love. But don't worry, there will be other characters too, like Yamato (my favorite guy), Taichi, Sora... and so forth.
And finally, number five: I don't know what kind of mood I was in when I wrote this... SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
Oh wait, number six: Please don't email me, asking what couples yet because I do not know. I rarely have time to write much less respond to emails right now so I'm doing what I feel like at the moment... Just know that I'm STILL alive, unfortunately.
*sigh* Here's number seven: And I'd like to thank my sadistic Chibi-Enishi muse for spurring me on through endless nights of torment... and whining.
written by K-chan
She stood to the far right of the room by the window, staring at something that he couldn't quite figure out, but from where he was sitting, on the other side of the room, he wouldn't be able to see. She had been standing for quite some time, just staring at whatever caught her attention, while he was watching her in silence. He slightly slouched against the wooden chair, captivated by her diminutive movements from adjusting the sleeve of her blouse to brushing a strand of hair from her face.
The room suddenly felt heavy with the oppressive silence yet he couldn't find any words to say to her. How long had he been there? When was the last time they had spoken to each other? What had she last said to him? It was like an eternity trapped in bliss, but his bliss was standing by the window, focusing her attention on something else. He would've found it strange if he didn't know it was a habit of her whenever something was on her mind... or an awkward situation came up, like his appearance at her doorstep.
He readjusted his seated position and leaned against the table, resting his fingers on the table surface, but his deep-blue eyes were still on her slender form. After a few seconds, he knew something was not right and took his eyes off her, glancing at the old man in the first row of the empty seats with the exception of another man in the fifth row.
As if on cue before the man threw his arms in frustration, Mimi turned around and apologized with a sigh, "I'm sorry... I'm just not feeling well tonight." Yamato looked at her from across the stage with an apprehensive expression that quickly washed away when she turned her eyes to him.
Mimi Tachikawa, a renown theater actress. He'd seen her a few times, but this was the first production that he had the opportunity to work with her as the leading couple, but it had only been a month, and they didn't seem to be getting anywhere on a personal level. He had hoped they would be friends since he had admired her previous works.
She was usually a careful woman when it came to acting. The world faded away before her, and only the stage of theatrical beauty existed in her eyes as she carved out her characters with depth and precision, whether she was portraying a mother on her death bed or a hooker with no regrets. And it was because of her legendary talents at such a young age that earned her the star role in their current production, 'Blindness and Anarchy'.
"Mimi," Gennai shook his head, "you've said that for the last three nights already. I understand you have personal problems, but don't bring it to the stage."
Gennai was the director of the production that he had been convinced would be the last one he would work on, but he had said that same, old line with his last two he directed. He was an understanding and kind man, but when it came down to work, he expected only the best. He was once known to be a cruel and ruthless critic, but perhaps the aging he changed that... or the rumors of his wife diagnosed of throat cancer, which he had continuously reassured the crew that it was nothing that deadly. Still, sympathies were expressed.
Mimi suddenly snapped, "You're lucky to even have me at rehearsals! I don't NEED to show up, you know!" She huffed and walked off the stage, barely brushing by a silent Yamato. He stared after her, lingering on the lavender fragrance she wore.
One could say he was a fresh fish to the world of theatrics, but he was on his way up in making a name for himself, and starring with Mimi Tachikawa would just to his bright career. In a way, he idolized her, but as the days went on, he slowly found himself enraptured in her whole persona, on and off the stage. She was like an addiction, a deadly yet sweet obsession. Even the way her name rolls off one's tongue, sweet... with an attitude.
"MIMI!" the old man called, but it was no use. With her anger added to her own problems, she wouldn't return that night. He sat back down in his seat and waved Yamato off, which meant that rehearsal was finished for the night. The blonde nodded and walked off, quietly noting the blue-haired man in the back row making his way over to the director. He paced himself so he could catch the quiet exchange between the two.
That mysterious man was Jyou Kido, the writer of the drama that was in the rehearsal stage. He was a quiet man, usually kept to himself unless it dealt with the performance. Even his life was hidden from the public eye, and it was surprising he still lived a normal life with two successful dramas and a novel that was recently published that received great reviews. He seemed to shy away from the spotlight and allowed the actors and production team to receive the credit. One would admit he was an interesting man to get to know.
Before Yamato disappeared from the theater, he caught Jyou's words to the director, "That scene, with her apology... that will work perfectly." There went another change in the script, which didn't surprise Yamato nor would anyone. That was probably the tenth change this week on 'Blindness and Anarchy'. Speaking of the title, it was a strange one, but the meaning was deep within the drama -- so deep that it was about to reach into reality itself.
She stood in front of the water fountain, staring at the arc of water that was shooting out of the tiny hole as if mesmerized by such mechanical fascination. She then sighed, closing her eyes, and released the button that held the spouting water so it would disappear and not be wasteful if she didn't plan to sip it. After the exit from the stage, she knew she was out of line snapping at Gennai like that and she didn't even acknowledge Yamato's existence. But right now, she wasn't going to walk back in there and apologize -- it would just ruin her grand exit -- so she would have to apologize tomorrow, and maybe add apologetic fruit basket too.
Fruit baskets always cheered her up, especially oranges. Just call her weird, but she found that peeling an orange could be rather peaceful and enjoyable, and that was why her refrigerator would always have oranges in them no matter what. She would always find a way in any situation to peel an orange, like when her little brother won a certain place in an art contest or her mother cooked a homely dinner during one of her visits. It was as much fun as staring out the window, which the latter was acquired ever since she began on the new production.
Within the first week after accepting the new job, she saw the reason why she was cast as the leading female, and it was not only because of her talents. It was strange, but she could completely relate to her character, as if the character creation had been based on her.
Mimi shook the thought out of her mind and walked to the dressing room to get her things. She wasn't surprised to see the clothing designer, Sora Takenouchi, kneeling at the hem of a dress, overworking herself again on the minor details. Sora briefly looked up at the woman and gave a quick smile with pins pressed between her lips, and Mimi nodded curtly without exchanging any words.
This was the third time the two women were working together on a production, and one would think that after a few, a friendship could blossom. Maybe it was Sora's shyness in the presence of a mighty actress that prevented it, or maybe Mimi found the woman rather plain. They just didn't seem to click, so only a professional relationship was kept, not that either minded. It was cruel, but what was there for Mimi to do? She almost tried once to strike up a conversation, but a huge lump of uncertainty stuck in her throat at that time, and she had left it at that.
She took one glance at Sora, who was still on her knees working away, and left the room with her black jacket and purse. She didn't get too far when a body collided with hers, but instead of falling backwards, a strong arm wrapped around her body and held her up. She peered at her savior and walking disaster and caught the cheery, brown eyes. "Yagami," she growled, trying to pry herself from his hold, and that only gave her a toothy grin.
Taichi Yagami, another actor thrown into the production, acting more of a goofball during rehearsals than anything, and she was just glad she didn't have to do any scenes with him tonight. In the drama, he was a rival for Yamato, but the brunette apparently took it personal and had it extend to off stage too. It didn't take a genuis that between the two men, Yamato was more mature and desirable but... Taichi, in his funny, strange way, had his charms too.
"Good thing I caught ya on time," he hinted on the fact that if he had gotten to the dressing room later, then he would've missed her leave, although he decided not to delve on that when the frown on her face meant that she was not to be dealt with, so he kindly released her. He watched her neatly pressed the wrinkle of her blouse out and grinned wider, "I'll take ya home."
She would've out rightly refused, but what was the point when it was Taichi who was offering. The man was stubborn as she was, and besides that, they live in the same building. She nodded, and he extended his arm out for her to hook with his. And she did, knowing it was going to be a long night, and all she wanted right then was a warm bath, or a massage.
The pair of footsteps echoed down the hallway, and when they were no more, Sora relaxed her shoulders, sighing through the pins still between her lips. She slumped to the floor in a heap, not understanding why she always tensed up around Mimi, even after working together for so long. Sure, the young actress was intimidating, but still... she was around other actors before and was used to their airiness. She wasn't sure what it was, but the moment she heard Taichi out there, she tensed up immediately.
She had worked with Taichi before, and they had even dated, but that was a big mistake on her part: never mix business and pleasure. After swearing never to date actors anymore, she thought about the relationship she had with the man and realized that they were of two different worlds, not to mention their personalities were almost opposites. She was quiet and shy while he was loud and social. How in the world did they even get together?
She frowned, suddenly recalling the party after a successful production, and muttered something disdainfully about Taichi being drunk. She took the leftover pins from her lips and stuck them into the pin cushion, deciding to go home too since everyone seemed to be leaving. She stood up and stretched her arms and was soon interrupted by another visitor, but a more pleasant one to greet.
"Sora!" the short-haired cried. Panick was written all over her face. "Where's Tai?! Where's my brother?!"
It was because of that question that Sora knew what had happened, and this wasn't the first time it occurred either. And from the look on Sora's face, the girl knew and hung her head low. "Sorry, Hikari," she said, patting the depressed girl on the back. She felt sorry for Taichi's little sister, who was an assistant to the stage designer and was constantly left behind after work hours. "But look, I'll give you a ride home."
"Thanks, Sora," she smiled, but there was still sadness and disappointment behind her eyes. After gathering their things, the two women found themselves single on a Friday night with only the comfort of each other.
She was staring off into space again, but this time, the wind was blowing through her locks of brown hair as she sat in the passenger seat of Taichi's convertible. He had insisted to put the top down since there was a clear view of the sky that night, but he had regretted doing it because she was staring at the starry sky instead of talking to him.
He had practically known her forever -- okay, maybe ever since acting school, but it had been quite a while. He had always had a crush on her, and that was the main reason he would act so silly and stupid, just to get her to notice him, but she never did. She always saw him as a childish boy, who was only good for laughs, but wasn't that a start? To cheer her up when she was feeling down? It was one of the things that he could do for her, but this time was different. Something in her life was bothering her.
"How 'bout we go out tonight?" he suggested, "The night's still young."
"Just take me home," she sighed, still with her eyes glued to the sky. As mysterious as Jyou the writer's life was, Mimi was even more secretive. Everyone knew the basics about her: popular and talented actress, wonderful parents and an aspiring artist of a brother. It was possible that she had a boyfriend or something, but she had kept that part of her personal life... completely personal. And as much as the media and the people around her pried, she would not reveal a thing, not even if her future was on the line. It was because of the threat of her future that the media posed that created the great respect everyone, especially her fans, had for her.
She had refused to say anything about her personal life even if it depended on her career -- and even her death. Why should a bunch of petty matters, as in her life, be crucial in her performance? If they love her and praise her for her talents, then why did they need to know of her life? It wasn't like she was doing anything horrible, like any drugs or murder, and didn't she -- and all other actors too -- have a right to a normal life where the media wasn't shoving through the doorway to get news, or gossip?
Her courage to stand up against bombardment of the media earned her the respect and admiration from her fans, but even if she closed her life to them, there were people who did worry about her and wanted only to help her.
"You know," she began softly, "it's strange... You're awfully quiet."
He smirked, "Yeah, well I CAN be a good listener too."
"Really," she stated in a calm tone, "News to me."
"Just one drink." He was quite the persistent fellow but not devious because he was not trying to get her drunk. He thought it might help to loosen her up and make it easier for her to talk. She hesitated a bit and eventually declined the offer again. "It was worth a shot," he murmured.
A little tired, Yamato walked up to his apartment with key in hand, but he was suddenly hesitant about opening it and going into his home for some rest. His intuition was trying to tell him something, but what it could be... he had no idea. He scanned the length of the hallway, finding no one there. He tried to shrug the feeling away as he inserted the key and unlocked the door. He stepped into his apartment and closed the door, turning on the lights. It was at that moment he was glomped by someone, and he managed to squirm out of the tight grasped, grabbing hold of the person's wrists, and stared wide-eyed at the intruder, "JUN?! WHAT THE HELL?!"
The woman attempted to give him a seductive smile, but it came across as goofy instead. Everything about her, he began to realize month ago, was goofy, and they had only dated for two weeks. It had been all right at first... until she became rather obsessive and controlling, easily getting jealous over Mimi, his co-star for no reason at all.
"What are you doing here?!" he demanded, pushing her away from him.
"I thought you'd be happy to see me!" she continued to smile, trying drape all over him.
"Look. It's over between us -- it's been over for a month already!" He opened the door and started pushing her out, "We can be friends, but if you keep doing this, that possibility won't even exist! I'll put a restraining order on you if I have to!" And with that, he closed the door on her and sighed, leaning his back against it. He just hoped it was some sort of phase she was going through from the breakup, but if she started stalking him, then... Well, she had been warned.
Jun Motomiya was a nice young woman when he met her a car convention, and they became friends on the spot. Soon after that, they decided to try being a couple (with her insistence), but her presence seemed to overwhelm completely. His personal space was being invade, including his home where she did not move in but added something that blared out 'Jun was here' like the possessive girlfriend she was. Just in two weeks, he saw the freaky side of her that he would rather not go through again, for his and everyone's safety and sanity.
He sat in front of the television, which was off, with legs crossed and eyes closed as if in meditation, but the determined expression on his face gave way to something like deep thought. He had been sitting there for who knew how long, indulging himself in a half-gallon of fudge-swirl vanilla ice cream, in an apartment lit with only candles. It was a little bizarre but only natural to him. It was his habit to meditate with a tub of ice cream when a problem came up, or he was bored.
He seemed deep into it that he didn't notice the rattling of keys against the front door, and a startled person stumbled into the room, cursing the dimness. "DAISUKE! Haven't I told you not to turn off ALL the lights?!"
He snapped out of his trance at the sound of the woman's voice and got up, accidently knocking the half-empty ice cream container over on the wooden floor and sending the spoon airborne onto the couch. The lights of the apartment turned on, and an unhappy Mimi was staring at him. Daisuke knelt on the floor and bowed at her, "Really sorry, sis! I just forgot! I didn't know you'd be home this early!"
Being the forgetful, doofus, little brother that he was, she couldn't stay angry at him for long. She settle with a sigh and threw her things on the couch. He just knelt on the floor and blinked at her as she walked off into the kitchen. There was something about her that was different, but he wasn't sure what it was and he was worried. He would usually see a smile on her face that would make him smile too.
"Hey, sis!" he called suddenly, listening to some water being filled into a container.
"Umm, some guy named Takeru called."
And the sound of glass shattered on the ground.